Tese e Dissertação

Tese: Simulations and Experimental Results for a High-Power Laser Tool to Dissociate Hydrate on Oil and Gas Production Equipment in Deep Water

Aluno(a) : Bruno Greco de Sousa
Orientador(a): Arthur Braga e Dario Parra
Área de Concentração: Petróleo e Energia
Data: 28/05/2024

Resumo: The Oil and Gas industry faces challenges, particularly the formation of hydrates on subsea equipment, which can block control valves and risk safety and productivity. Current hydrate removal methods are often suboptimal due to high costs, time consumption, and potential environmental damage. This project is developing a high-power laser tool as an alternative solution for hydrate removal, leveraging the recent commercial availability of such lasers. The tool, designed to be operated by an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) at depths of 600 m - 3500 m, is based on a high-power blue diode laser. It works by transferring heat to the hydrate either by direct absorption of the laser radiation or by heat conduction from adjacent parts absorbing the radiation. Two prototypes have been designed and constructed, equipped with 700 W and 1800 W lasers respectively. These prototypes consist of five modules: cooling, power, main, optical, and skid. Simulations and experimental tests are being conducted in a laboratory setting to facilitate the tool's advancement and ensure a compact and efficient design before field trials.