Foram recebidos os seguintes prêmios ao longo dos anos:
Equipe do GReo: Eliana Paola Marin Castaño, Lorena Rodrigues da Costa Moraes, Priscilla Ribeiro Varges, Mônica Feijó Naccache e Paulo Roberto de Souza Mendes
Society of Rheology Meeting, EUA
Prêmio Gallery of Rheology Content com o post: "Hydrate Tree"
Prêmio Gallery of Rheology Content com o post: "Hydrate Tree"
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Rio Innovation Week, Rio deJaneiro
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Rio Innovation Week, Rio de Janeiro
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Rio Innovation Week, Rio deJaneiro
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Fairweight
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Fairweight
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Rio Innovation Week, Rio de Janeiro
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Rio Innovation Week, Rio de Janeiro
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Rio Innovation Week, Rio deJaneiro
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Fairweight
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RIW Robotics Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Fairweight
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Max Arena, São Paulo
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Bots Fight Club", categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Bots Fight Club", categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
BattleBots Inc, EUA
Most Destructive Robot Award na competição internacional "BattleBots All-Star Week", categoria: combate de robôs 250lbs
Most Destructive Robot Award na competição internacional "BattleBots All-Star Week", categoria: combate de robôs 250lbs
Vivian Mendes de Sousa, orientador: Prof. Márcio da Silveira Carvalho
PUC-Rio - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Primeiro lugar pelo trabalho de mestrado apresentado no II Seminário de Pós-Graduação do CTC. "Analysis and visualization of multiphase flow in fractured porous media"
Primeiro lugar pelo trabalho de mestrado apresentado no II Seminário de Pós-Graduação do CTC. "Analysis and visualization of multiphase flow in fractured porous media"
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Minas Gerais
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional “Iron Cup 2024”, categoria: Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional “Iron Cup 2024”, categoria: Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Minas Gerais
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional “Iron Cup 2024”, categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional “Iron Cup 2024”, categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Techfest IIT, Índia
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional “International Robowars”, categoria: combate de robôs 60kg
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional “International Robowars”, categoria: combate de robôs 60kg
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Techfest IIT, Índia
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional “International Robowars”, categoria: combate de robôs 8kg
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional “International Robowars”, categoria: combate de robôs 8kg
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Techfest IIT, Índia
Segundo lugar na competição internacional “International Robowars”, categoria: combate de robôs 15kg
Segundo lugar na competição internacional “International Robowars”, categoria: combate de robôs 15kg
Gabriel Fischer Abati, orientador: Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
Segundo Lugar no Prêmio de Melhor Dissertação de Mestrado no Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica (CTDR) 2023 - "SLAM Visual Em Ambientes Dinâmicos Usando Segmentação Panóptica"
Segundo Lugar no Prêmio de Melhor Dissertação de Mestrado no Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica (CTDR) 2023 - "SLAM Visual Em Ambientes Dinâmicos Usando Segmentação Panóptica"
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Terceiro lugar na competição internacional “Norwalk Havoc Robot League", categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight (30lb)
Terceiro lugar na competição internacional “Norwalk Havoc Robot League", categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight (30lb)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Terceiro lugar na competição internacional “Norwalk Havoc Robot League", categoria: combate de robôs Hobbyweight (12lb)
Terceiro lugar na competição internacional “Norwalk Havoc Robot League", categoria: combate de robôs Hobbyweight (12lb)
Emily Alves da Silva de Oliveira, orientador: Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
PUC-Rio - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Prêmio Destaque de Iniciação Científica da PUC-Rio, Categoria PIBITI/CNPq: "Desenvolvimento de um dispositivo para avaliação de aceleração e frenagem de veículos com rodas"
Prêmio Destaque de Iniciação Científica da PUC-Rio, Categoria PIBITI/CNPq: "Desenvolvimento de um dispositivo para avaliação de aceleração e frenagem de veículos com rodas"
Rogério Nascimento de Carvalho, Guilherme Bastos Machado, Katia Moniz da Silva, Tadeu Cavalcante Cordeiro Melo, Pedro Caffaro Vicenti, Leonardo Pedreira Pereira e Sergio Leal Braga
AEA, São Paulo
Menção Honrosa pelo trabalho apresentado no Simpósio Internacional de Engenharia Automotiva 2023: "Influência do Teor de Enxofre da Gasolina Brasileira nas Emissões Veiculares de Poluentes Legislados"
Menção Honrosa pelo trabalho apresentado no Simpósio Internacional de Engenharia Automotiva 2023: "Influência do Teor de Enxofre da Gasolina Brasileira nas Emissões Veiculares de Poluentes Legislados"
Angela Orivio Nieckele, Luis Fernando Alzuguir Azevedo e Ivan Ibanez
IHTC, Africa do Sul
Prêmio Best Paper Award no 17thInternational Heat Transfer Conference "Numerical evaluation of the transport phenomena and thermodynamic state relations that govern wax deposition phenomenon”
Prêmio Best Paper Award no 17thInternational Heat Transfer Conference "Numerical evaluation of the transport phenomena and thermodynamic state relations that govern wax deposition phenomenon”
Equipe Reptiles PUC-Rio, coord. Márcio d Silveira Carvalho
Baja Rio
Primeiro lugar geral na competição estadual "Baja Rio"
Primeiro lugar geral na competição estadual "Baja Rio"
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, São Paulo
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "RCX2023", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (454g)
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "RCX2023", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (454g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Minas Gerais
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2023", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2023", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Minas Gerais
Segundo lugar na competição nacional " Iron Cup 2023", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Segundo lugar na competição nacional " Iron Cup 2023", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Minas Gerais
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2023", categoria: Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2023", categoria: Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Minas Gerais
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2023", categoria: combate de robôs Fairweight (150g)
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2023", categoria: combate de robôs Fairweight (150g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Minas Gerais
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2023", categoria: Somô Autônomo 3kg
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2023", categoria: Somô Autônomo 3kg
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Minas Gerais
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2023", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2023", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Professora Angela Ourivio Nieckele , Rodrigo Castello Branco, Cláudio Barreto, Pedro Serrano, .Adriana Teixeira e Leandro Valim.
SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers
Prêmio Melhor Trabalho, categoria de Flow Assurance Management no SPE Flow Assurance Technology Congress: "Hydrate plug removal through one-sided depressurization in gas-condensate pipeline"
Prêmio Melhor Trabalho, categoria de Flow Assurance Management no SPE Flow Assurance Technology Congress: "Hydrate plug removal through one-sided depressurization in gas-condensate pipeline"
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Brasil
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RCX 2022", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (454g)
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RCX 2022", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (454g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Brasil
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RCX 2022", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (1,36kg)
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RCX 2022", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (1,36kg)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Brasil
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RCX 2022", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RCX 2022", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore, Brasil
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RCX 2022", categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight (13,6kg)
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RCX 2022", categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight (13,6kg)
João Carlos Virgolino Soares, orientador: Prof. Marco Antônio Meggiolaro
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
Segundo Lugar no Prêmio de Melhor Tese de Doutorado no Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica (CTDR) 2022 – “Real-Time Metric-Semantic Visual SLAM for Dynamic and Changing Environments”
Segundo Lugar no Prêmio de Melhor Tese de Doutorado no Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica (CTDR) 2022 – “Real-Time Metric-Semantic Visual SLAM for Dynamic and Changing Environments”
Emilly Alves da Silva de Oliveira, orientador: Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
PUC-Rio - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Prêmio Destaque de Iniciação Científica, categoria PIBITI/CNPq: "Desenvolvimento de um Dispositivo para Avaliação de Aceleração e Frenagem de Veículos com Rodas"
Prêmio Destaque de Iniciação Científica, categoria PIBITI/CNPq: "Desenvolvimento de um Dispositivo para Avaliação de Aceleração e Frenagem de Veículos com Rodas"
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional "Norwalk Havoc Robot League", categoria: combate de robôs Hobbyweight (12lb)
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional "Norwalk Havoc Robot League", categoria: combate de robôs Hobbyweight (12lb)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "Norwalk Havoc Robot League", categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight (30lb)
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "Norwalk Havoc Robot League", categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight (30lb)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
IIT Bombay, Índia
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional "International Robowars", categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight (15kg)
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional "International Robowars", categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight (15kg)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
IIT Bombay, Índia
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional "International Robowars", categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (60kg)
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional "International Robowars", categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (60kg)
Prof. Rubens Sampaio Filho
ABCM - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas
Prêmio Prof. Leonardo Goldstein Jr. 2021, concedido pela contribuição para o desenvolvimento da engenharia e ciências mecânicas no Brasil em termos de conquistas científicas e/ou tecnológicas, formação de recursos humanos, gestão científica, tecnológica e acadêmica, divulgação e popularização da ciência e internalização da ciência brasileira.
Prêmio Prof. Leonardo Goldstein Jr. 2021, concedido pela contribuição para o desenvolvimento da engenharia e ciências mecânicas no Brasil em termos de conquistas científicas e/ou tecnológicas, formação de recursos humanos, gestão científica, tecnológica e acadêmica, divulgação e popularização da ciência e internalização da ciência brasileira.
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord: Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição "HackTudo 2021, categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Primeiro lugar na competição "HackTudo 2021, categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord: Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "HackTudo 2021", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "HackTudo 2021", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord: Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "HackTudo 2021", categoria:combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "HackTudo 2021", categoria:combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Wallace Matias Felix de Paiva, orientador: Prof Marco Antonio Meggiolaro e Coorientador: Diego Gabriel Gomes Rosa
PUC-Rio - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Menção Honrosa no XXIX Seminário de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica da PUC-Rio - Destaque PIBITI
Menção Honrosa no XXIX Seminário de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica da PUC-Rio - Destaque PIBITI
Prof. Arthur Martins Barbosa Braga, Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro e João Carlos Virgolino Soares
ANP - Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis
Prêmio Inovação Tecnológica pelo projeto intitulado "Plataforma robótica autônoma a operações rigless de perfilagem e intervenção em poços P&A"
Prêmio Inovação Tecnológica pelo projeto intitulado "Plataforma robótica autônoma a operações rigless de perfilagem e intervenção em poços P&A"
Prof. Luís Fernando Alzuguir Azevedo
ANP - Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis
Prêmio Personalidade Inovação 2021, por suas atividades de pesquisa nas áreas de garantia de escoamento e escoamento em dutos de petróleo e gás.
Prêmio Personalidade Inovação 2021, por suas atividades de pesquisa nas áreas de garantia de escoamento e escoamento em dutos de petróleo e gás.
Talita Coffler Botti
ICR- The Internacional Committee on Rheology
Drop Coalenscence of Gallery of Rheology Photo Contest of 18th International Congress on Rheology, 2020
Drop Coalenscence of Gallery of Rheology Photo Contest of 18th International Congress on Rheology, 2020
Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro, Julio Quadrio Guedes, Daniel Zacarias Freitas, Alexandre Ormiga Barbosa
Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo e Gás (IBP)
Prêmio Plínio Cantanhede 2020, categoria Tecnologia e Inovação
Prêmio Plínio Cantanhede 2020, categoria Tecnologia e Inovação
Vivian Suzano Medeiros, orientador: Prof. Marco Antônio Meggiolaro
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
Primeiro lugar no Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica (CTDR 2020), com a tese: "Trajectory Optimization for Hybrid Wheeled-Legged Robots in Challenging Terrain"
Primeiro lugar no Concurso de Teses e Dissertações em Robótica (CTDR 2020), com a tese: "Trajectory Optimization for Hybrid Wheeled-Legged Robots in Challenging Terrain"
Raphael Chalhub Oliveira Spinelli Ribeiro, orientador: Prof. Márcio da Silveira Carvalho
SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers
SPE Latian América and Caribbean Student Paper Contest - Master Degree level 2020 pelo trabalho "Experimental study on enhanced oil recovery in porous media using confocal microscopy""
SPE Latian América and Caribbean Student Paper Contest - Master Degree level 2020 pelo trabalho "Experimental study on enhanced oil recovery in porous media using confocal microscopy""
Paulo Roberto de Souza Mendes
Stanford University
Indicado no ranking da Universidade de Stanford como um dos pesquisadores mais citados no mundo
Indicado no ranking da Universidade de Stanford como um dos pesquisadores mais citados no mundo
Equipe Reptiles, coord. Prof. José Alberto dos Reis Parise
SAE Brasil
Segundo Lugar em Plano de Gestão e Planejamento Estratégico na competição Regional 2020
Segundo Lugar em Plano de Gestão e Planejamento Estratégico na competição Regional 2020
Equipe Reptiles, coord. Prof. José Alberto dos Reis Parise
SAE Brasil
Segundo lugar em Vendas & Marketing na competição Regional 2020
Segundo lugar em Vendas & Marketing na competição Regional 2020
Equipe Reptiles, coord. Prof. José Alberto dos Reis Parise
SAE Brasil
Terceiro lugar em Cálculo Estrutural na competição Regional 2020
Terceiro lugar em Cálculo Estrutural na competição Regional 2020
Equipe Reptiles, coord. Prof. José Alberto dos Reis Parise
SAE Brasil
Terceiro lugar em Eletrônica na competição Regional 2020
Terceiro lugar em Eletrônica na competição Regional 2020
Márcio da Silveira Carvalho
International Society of Coating Science and Technology
John A. Tallmadge Award, prêmio dado a cada dois anos a pesquisadores com significantes contribuições para o conhecimento e melhorias da tecnologia de "coating".
John A. Tallmadge Award, prêmio dado a cada dois anos a pesquisadores com significantes contribuições para o conhecimento e melhorias da tecnologia de "coating".
Vivian Mendes de Sousa, orientada Prof. Márcio Carvalho
Primeiro lugar na apresentação de sua pesquisa de mestrado, intitulada "Analysis anda visualization of multiphase flow in fractured porous media" no Seminário da Pós do CTC
Primeiro lugar na apresentação de sua pesquisa de mestrado, intitulada "Analysis anda visualization of multiphase flow in fractured porous media" no Seminário da Pós do CTC
Vivian Mendes de Sousa, orientada Prof. Márcio Carvalho
Primeiro lugar na apresentação de sua pesquisa de mestrado, intitulada "Analysis anda visualization of multiphase flow in fractured porous media" no Seminário da Pós do CTC
Primeiro lugar na apresentação de sua pesquisa de mestrado, intitulada "Analysis anda visualization of multiphase flow in fractured porous media" no Seminário da Pós do CTC
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro e Segundo lugares na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2020", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Primeiro e Segundo lugares na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2020", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2020", categoria: Robo Trekking, RoboCore
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2020", categoria: Robo Trekking, RoboCore
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2020", categoria: Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2020", categoria: Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2020", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2020", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2020", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2020", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Equipe Reptiles, coord. Prof. José Alberto dos Reis Parise
Baja Rio
Primeiro lugar geral da competição Baja Rio 2020.1
Primeiro lugar geral da competição Baja Rio 2020.1
Equipe Reptiles, coord. Prof. José Alberto dos Reis Parise
Baja Rio
Primeiro lugar nas Apresentações de Projeto na competição Baja Rio 2020.1
Primeiro lugar nas Apresentações de Projeto na competição Baja Rio 2020.1
Equipe Reptiles, coord. Prof. José Alberto dos Reis Parise
Baja Rio
Segundo lugar no Enduro na competição Baja Rio 2020.1
Segundo lugar no Enduro na competição Baja Rio 2020.1
Determination of the CO2 dilution influence on flame flashback transition in combustible mixtures
Combustion Institute
Segundo melhor poster apresentado na 1st Asia-Pacific Combustion Institute Summer School - Valparaíso, Chile
Segundo melhor poster apresentado na 1st Asia-Pacific Combustion Institute Summer School - Valparaíso, Chile
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro e segundo lugares na competição nacional "HackTudo 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Primeiro e segundo lugares na competição nacional "HackTudo 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro e terceiro lugares na competição nacional "HackTudo 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Primeiro e terceiro lugares na competição nacional "HackTudo 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "HackTudo 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "HackTudo 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robocore Tecnologia
Primeiro e terceiros lugares na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (3lbs)
Primeiro e terceiros lugares na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
BoboCore Tecnologia
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: Mini Sumô autônomo (500g)
Primeiro lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: Mini Sumô autônomo (500g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robocore Tecnologia
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robocore Tecnologia
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Feartherweight (30lbs)
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Feartherweight (30lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robocore Tecnologia
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Lightweight (60lbs)
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Lightweight (60lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
BoboCore Tecnologia
Terceiro lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Hobbyweight (12lbs)
Terceiro lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Hobbyweight (12lbs)
Giancarlo Gonzáles, Vitor Paiva, Ronaldo Vieira, José Luiz Freire
IBP - Instituo Brasileiro de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis
Menção Honrosa pelo trabalho IBP1285_19 - Strain Measurements in Dented Pipelines under Cyclic Internal Pressure Using Digital Image Correlation, na Rio Pipeline Conference and Exhibition 2019, RJ
Menção Honrosa pelo trabalho IBP1285_19 - Strain Measurements in Dented Pipelines under Cyclic Internal Pressure Using Digital Image Correlation, na Rio Pipeline Conference and Exhibition 2019, RJ
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Salão de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2019", categoria: Mini Sumô autônomo (500g)
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2019", categoria: Mini Sumô autônomo (500g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Salão de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Salão de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Salão de Robótica
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Salão de Robótica
Terceiro lugar na na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Terceiro lugar na na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Roberta de Queiroz Lima
Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering - ABCM
Hofer Young Researcher Award 2019
Hofer Young Researcher Award 2019
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboGames - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2019" , categoria: combate de robôs Beetweight (3lbs)
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2019" , categoria: combate de robôs Beetweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboGames - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2019", categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1lb)
Coordenador do Projeto de Pesquisa Prof. Márcio da Silveira Carvalho (PUC-Rio)
ANP - Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustível
Prêmio ANP de Inovação Tecnológia 2018 na Categoria - Resultado de projeto desenvolvido por Instituição Credenciada e/ ou Empresa Brasileira, em colaboração com empresa petrolífera, na área temática específica "Aumento do Fator de Recuperação de Petróleo e Gás", pelo desenvolvimento do projeto - Desenvolvimento de microcápsulas com rigidez controlável e o seu uso no controle de mobilidade e aumento do fator de recuperação de petróleo.
Prêmio ANP de Inovação Tecnológia 2018 na Categoria - Resultado de projeto desenvolvido por Instituição Credenciada e/ ou Empresa Brasileira, em colaboração com empresa petrolífera, na área temática específica "Aumento do Fator de Recuperação de Petróleo e Gás", pelo desenvolvimento do projeto - Desenvolvimento de microcápsulas com rigidez controlável e o seu uso no controle de mobilidade e aumento do fator de recuperação de petróleo.
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro e terceiro lugares na competição nacional "HackTudo 2018", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Primeiro e terceiro lugares na competição nacional "HackTudo 2018", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Marisa Schmidt Bazzi, orientador: Prof. Márcio da Silveira Carvalho
ABCM - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas
Prêmio ABCM/EMBRAER 2018 - categoria Dissertação de Mestrado." Breakup Dynamics of non-Newtonian Thin Liquid Sheets", Menção Honrosa
Prêmio ABCM/EMBRAER 2018 - categoria Dissertação de Mestrado." Breakup Dynamics of non-Newtonian Thin Liquid Sheets", Menção Honrosa
William Schroeder Cardozo, orientador: Prof. Hans Ingo Weber
ABCM - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas
Prêmio ABCM/EMBRAER 2018 - categoria Melhor Tese de Doutorado "Numerical and Experimental Study of a Two Degrees of Freedom Electrohydraulic Manipulator"
Prêmio ABCM/EMBRAER 2018 - categoria Melhor Tese de Doutorado "Numerical and Experimental Study of a Two Degrees of Freedom Electrohydraulic Manipulator"
Florian Alain Yannick Pradelle, orientador: Prof. Sergio Leal Braga.
CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Prêmio CAPES de Tese - Edição 2018 na área de Engenharias III, com a tese "Use of biofuels in compression ignition engines - Potential of diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blends"
Prêmio CAPES de Tese - Edição 2018 na área de Engenharias III, com a tese "Use of biofuels in compression ignition engines - Potential of diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blends"
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
BattleBots Inc.
Vice-Campeão da competição internacional "BattleBots 2018", categoria: combate de robôs (250lbs)
Vice-Campeão da competição internacional "BattleBots 2018", categoria: combate de robôs (250lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Salão de Robótica
Primeiro e terceiro lugares na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2018", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Primeiro e terceiro lugares na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2018", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Salão de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2018", categoria: Mini Sumô autônomo (500g)
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Salão de Robótica 2018", categoria: Mini Sumô autônomo (500g)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro e segundo lugares na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Primeiro e segundo lugares na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: Humanoide Free Style
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: Humanoide Free Style
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: Sumô de Humanoides
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: Sumô de Humanoides
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Photovore
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Photovore
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: combate de robôs Heavyweight (220lbs)
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: combate de robôs Heavyweight (220lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: combate de robôs autônomos Beetleweight (3lbs)
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2018), categoria: combate de robôs autônomos Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2018", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2018", categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2018", Categoria: Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2018", Categoria: Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2018", categoria: Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Segundo lugar na competição nacional "Iron Cup 2018", categoria: Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
FMB Fighting My Bots Organizing Committee
Terceiro lugar na competição internacional "FMB World Cup 2017-2018", Categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (60kg)
Terceiro lugar na competição internacional "FMB World Cup 2017-2018", Categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (60kg)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro lugar no "Ultimate Robot Combat 2017", categoria: combate de robôs Lightweight (60lbs)
Primeiro lugar no "Ultimate Robot Combat 2017", categoria: combate de robôs Lightweight (60lbs)
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro e segundo lugares na competição nacional "Roadsec 2017", Categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1 lb), RoboCore
Primeiro e segundo lugares na competição nacional "Roadsec 2017", Categoria: combate de robôs Antweight (1 lb), RoboCore
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Roadsec 2017", Categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs), RoboCore
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional "Roadsec 2017", Categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs), RoboCore
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/ Puc-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/ Puc-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Corrida de Humanoides
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Corrida de Humanoides
Equipe RioBotz/ Puc-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Photovore
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Photovore
Equipe RioBotz/ Puc-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Speeder
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Speeder
Equipe RioBotz/ Puc-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Sumô de Humanoides
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Sumô de Humanoides
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: combate de robôs autônomos Beetleweight (3lbs)
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: combate de robôs autônomos Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/ Puc-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Humanoide Free Style
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Humanoide Free Style
Equipe RioBotz/ Puc-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Humanoide Stair Climbing
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Humanoide Stair Climbing
Equipe RioBotz/ Puc-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Kung Fu de Humanoides
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2017), categoria: Kung Fu de Humanoides
Equipe RioBotz PUC-Rio, coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Terceiro lugar na competição internacional "FMB - Fighting My Bots", Categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight (30lbs)
Terceiro lugar na competição internacional "FMB - Fighting My Bots", Categoria: combate de robôs Featherweight (30lbs)
Ivan Rosa de Siqueira, Prof. Márcio da Silveira Carvalho
ABCM - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas
Prêmio ABCM-Embraer 2016 de Melhor Dissertação de Mestrado com o trabalho "Slot coating flows of elongated particle suspensions.
Prêmio ABCM-Embraer 2016 de Melhor Dissertação de Mestrado com o trabalho "Slot coating flows of elongated particle suspensions.
Roberta de Queiroz Lima
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Menção Honrosa do Prêmio Capes de Tese 2016 da área de ENGENHARIAS III pela tese "Modeling and simulation in nonlinear stochastic dynamics of coupled systems and impacts", defendida no ano de 2015.
Menção Honrosa do Prêmio Capes de Tese 2016 da área de ENGENHARIAS III pela tese "Modeling and simulation in nonlinear stochastic dynamics of coupled systems and impacts", defendida no ano de 2015.
Equipe RioBotz/Puc-Rio coord Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Self Balancing Race
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Self Balancing Race
Equipe RioBotz/Puc-Rio coord Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: combate de robôs Heavyweight (220lbs)
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: combate de robôs Heavyweight (220lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/Puc-Rio coord Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Humanoid Freestyle
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Humanoid Freestyle
Equipe RioBotz/Puc-Rio coord Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Humanoid Race
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Humanoid Race
Equipe RioBotz/Puc-Rio coord Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Humanoid Sumo
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Humanoid Sumo
Equipe RioBotz/Puc-Rio coord Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Photovore
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Photovore
Equipe RioBotz/Puc-Rio coord Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Humanoid Stair Climbing
Medalha de Prata na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: Humanoid Stair Climbing
Equipe RioBotz/Puc-Rio coord Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalhas de Prata e Bronze na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Medalhas de Prata e Bronze na Olimpiada Internacional de Robotica (RoboGames 2016), categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Jésus Betancourt Mena e Prof. José Alberto R. Parise
Academia de Ciências de Cuba
Prêmio Nacional da Academia de Ciências de Cuba
Prêmio Nacional da Academia de Ciências de Cuba
Roberta de Queiroz Lima
ABCM - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas
Menção honrosa no Prêmio ABCM-EMBRAER 2015, categoria Melhor Tese de Doutorado: "Modeling and Simulation in Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics of Coupled Systems and Impacts"
Menção honrosa no Prêmio ABCM-EMBRAER 2015, categoria Melhor Tese de Doutorado: "Modeling and Simulation in Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics of Coupled Systems and Impacts"
Bruna C. Leopércio, Paulo R. de Souza Mendes, Gerald G. Full
The Society of Rheology
2015 Student Poster Award, 2nd Place, The Society of Rheology 87th Annual Meeting
2015 Student Poster Award, 2nd Place, The Society of Rheology 87th Annual Meeting
Florian Alain Yannick Pradelle, Renata Nohra Chaar de Souza,
SAE Brasil
Menção Honrosa no Congresso SAE Brasil 2015 no tema: Combustíveis e Recursos Energéticos/Fuels and Energy Sources
Menção Honrosa no Congresso SAE Brasil 2015 no tema: Combustíveis e Recursos Energéticos/Fuels and Energy Sources
Hebert A. Sá, A.M. Ferreira, M. Speranza, M.A. Meggiolaro
SAE Brasil
Menção Honrosa no Congresso SAE Brasil 2015 no tema: Segurança/Safety
Menção Honrosa no Congresso SAE Brasil 2015 no tema: Segurança/Safety
Equipe Mini-Baja, coordenação Prof. J.A. Parise
SAE Brasil
Primeiro lugar na prova de Tração na Etapa Nacional do Baja SAE
Primeiro lugar na prova de Tração na Etapa Nacional do Baja SAE
Equipe Mini-Baja, coordenação Prof. J.A. Parise
SAE Brasil
Segundo lugar na apresentação de projeto de gestão na Etapa Nacional do Baja SAE
Segundo lugar na apresentação de projeto de gestão na Etapa Nacional do Baja SAE
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: Corrida de Humanoides
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: Corrida de Humanoides
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: Sumô de Humanoides
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: Sumô de Humanoides
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Photovore
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Photovore
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: combate de robôs Heavyweight (220lbs)
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: combate de robôs Heavyweight (220lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Speeder
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2015), categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Speeder
Prof. Arthur Braga
Prêmio ANP de Inovação Tecnológica (Inovação Tecnológica Desenvolvida no Brasil)
Prêmio ANP de Inovação Tecnológica (Inovação Tecnológica Desenvolvida no Brasil)
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Beetleweight (120lbs)
Campeão da competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Beetleweight (120lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão e Terceiro Lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Campeão e Terceiro Lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge, Categoria Autônomo 1kg
Segundo lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge, Categoria Autônomo 1kg
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Terceiro Lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Terceiro Lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Terceiro Lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Hobbyweight (120lbs)
Terceiro Lugar na competição internacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Hobbyweight (120lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Terceiro e Quarto lugar no "Ultimate Robot Combat 2014"
Terceiro e Quarto lugar no "Ultimate Robot Combat 2014"
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
USA Alliance for Technological Literacy
Medalha de Bronze na Stem Tech Olympiad, categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Medalha de Bronze na Stem Tech Olympiad, categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
USA Alliance for Technological Literacy
Medalha de Ouro na Stem Techa Olympiad, categoria: combate de robôs Heavyweight (220lbs)
Medalha de Ouro na Stem Techa Olympiad, categoria: combate de robôs Heavyweight (220lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
USA Alliance for Technological Literacy
Medalha de Prata na Stem Tech Olympiad, categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Medalha de Prata na Stem Tech Olympiad, categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
USA Alliance for Technological Literacy
Troféu "Best In Show" para o Touro Maximus (100kg), eleito pelos próprios adversários como o melhor robô da competição
Troféu "Best In Show" para o Touro Maximus (100kg), eleito pelos próprios adversários como o melhor robô da competição
Hugo F. L. Santos, Orientador Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Caixa Econômica Federal
Primeiro Lugar no VI Prêmio Caixa de Inovação
Primeiro Lugar no VI Prêmio Caixa de Inovação
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotic Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica, categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Photovore
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica, categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Photovore
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotic Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica, categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Speeder
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica, categoria: Robô Solar BEAM Speeder
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotic Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica, categoria: Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica, categoria: Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotic Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica, categoria: Sumô de Humanoides
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica, categoria: Sumô de Humanoides
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotic Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica, categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight(3lbs)
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica, categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight(3lbs)
Prof. Arthur Braga
Prêmio ANP de Inovação Tecnológica 2014 (1? Lugar na Categoria I- Inovação Tecnológica desenvolvida no Brasil por ICT) pelo projeto "Sistema MODA"
Prêmio ANP de Inovação Tecnológica 2014 (1? Lugar na Categoria I- Inovação Tecnológica desenvolvida no Brasil por ICT) pelo projeto "Sistema MODA"
Prof. Arthur Braga
Prêmio Inventor Petrobras 2014 pela patente "Sistema de Monitoramento de Arames da Armadura de Tração de Dutos Flexíveis e Método de Aplicação
Prêmio Inventor Petrobras 2014 pela patente "Sistema de Monitoramento de Arames da Armadura de Tração de Dutos Flexíveis e Método de Aplicação
Coelho, V. M. E.; J. A. R. Parise
Prêmio ANPRAV - menção honrosa entre melhores artigos do MERCOFRIO, "Estudo de Diferentes Arquiteturas para Sistemas de Trigeração com Aplicação em um Caso de Centro Comercial"
Prêmio ANPRAV - menção honrosa entre melhores artigos do MERCOFRIO, "Estudo de Diferentes Arquiteturas para Sistemas de Trigeração com Aplicação em um Caso de Centro Comercial"
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Segundo lugar da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Segundo lugar da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Prof. Rubens Sampaio Filho
Conservatoire nacional des arts et métiers (CNAM)
Prof. Rubens Sampaio Filho foi agraciado com a Ordem Nacional das Palmas Acadêmicas (Palmes Académiques), da França
Prof. Rubens Sampaio Filho foi agraciado com a Ordem Nacional das Palmas Acadêmicas (Palmes Académiques), da França
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotic Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robótica, categoria Humanoide Free Style/ Kit
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robótica, categoria Humanoide Free Style/ Kit
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotic Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robótica, categoria de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpiada Internacional de Robótica, categoria de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Ramos, J. L. A. S., orientador: Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiola
Segundo Lugar no Prêmio Mostra PUC de Inovações, categoria Dissertações e Teses, "Projeto e Controle de um Exoesqueleto Atuado por Músculos Artificiais Utilizando Sinais Eletromiográficos para Amplificação e Reabilitação"
Segundo Lugar no Prêmio Mostra PUC de Inovações, categoria Dissertações e Teses, "Projeto e Controle de um Exoesqueleto Atuado por Músculos Artificiais Utilizando Sinais Eletromiográficos para Amplificação e Reabilitação"
Guilherme Bastos Machado, orientadores: Prof. Carlos Valois
III Prêmio Oscar Niemeyer - Trabalhos Científicos e Tecnológicos, na categoria Doutorado "Metodologias para desenvolvimento de combustíveis e determinação da velocidade de propagação de chama em motores de ignição por centelha"
III Prêmio Oscar Niemeyer - Trabalhos Científicos e Tecnológicos, na categoria Doutorado "Metodologias para desenvolvimento de combustíveis e determinação da velocidade de propagação de chama em motores de ignição por centelha"
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Segundo lugar da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Lighweight (60lbs)
Segundo lugar da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria combate de robôs Lighweight (60lbs)
Equipe RioBotz/PUC-Rio coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Segundo e Terceiro lugar na XXV All Japan Robot Sumo Tournament, categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Segundo e Terceiro lugar na XXV All Japan Robot Sumo Tournament, categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Fernando O. de Andrade; Orient: Luis F. F. Silva/Arnaud Mur
Menção Honrosa, no Âmbito do Prêmio Capes de Tese Edição 2010
Menção Honrosa, no Âmbito do Prêmio Capes de Tese Edição 2010
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Campeão da "Combots Cup 2011" na categoria peso leve (27Kg)
Campeão da "Combots Cup 2011" na categoria peso leve (27Kg)
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Campeão da "Combots Cup VI" na categoria combate de robôs Featherweight (30lbs)
Campeão da "Combots Cup VI" na categoria combate de robôs Featherweight (30lbs)
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Campeão da "Combots Cup VI" na categoria combate de robôs Lightweight (60lbs)
Campeão da "Combots Cup VI" na categoria combate de robôs Lightweight (60lbs)
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Campeão e Vice-Campeão da
Campeão e Vice-Campeão da
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica 2011
Campeão da competição nacional
Campeão da competição nacional
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica 2011
Campeão e terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Middleweight
Campeão e terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Middleweight
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica 2011
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional
Paula Stofer C. de Farias e Prof. Luis Fernando A. Azevedo
ABCM - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas
Prêmio ABCM/Embraer de Melhor Dissertação de Mestrado
Prêmio ABCM/Embraer de Melhor Dissertação de Mestrado
Paula Mey, orientador: Prof. Paulo Roberto de Souza Mendes
Premio Oscar Niemeyer de Trabalhos Científicos e Tecnológicos - Melhor Projeto de Graduação da Engenharia Mecânica
Premio Oscar Niemeyer de Trabalhos Científicos e Tecnológicos - Melhor Projeto de Graduação da Engenharia Mecânica
Luis Fernando Figueira da Silva e Andrea de Lennhoff
Rede de popularização da ciência e da tecnologia na América Latina e no Caribe
Premiado, na categoria Adulta, Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas, o vídeo "The Naked Flame", no "Concurso latinoamericano e caribenho de vídeo Minuto Científico"(
Premiado, na categoria Adulta, Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas, o vídeo "The Naked Flame", no "Concurso latinoamericano e caribenho de vídeo Minuto Científico"(
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de bronze na categoria de combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g) - RoboGames 2011
Medalha de bronze na categoria de combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g) - RoboGames 2011
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de bronze na categoria de combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g) - RoboGames 2011
Medalha de bronze na categoria de combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g) - RoboGames 2011
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de ouro na categoria de combate autônomo de robôs Beetleweight (1,3kg) - RoboGames 2011
Medalha de ouro na categoria de combate autônomo de robôs Beetleweight (1,3kg) - RoboGames 2011
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de ouro na categoria de combate de robôs Featherweight (13,6kg) - RoboGames 2011
Medalha de ouro na categoria de combate de robôs Featherweight (13,6kg) - RoboGames 2011
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de prata na categoria de combate de robôs Beetleweight (1,3kg) - RoboGames 2011
Medalha de prata na categoria de combate de robôs Beetleweight (1,3kg) - RoboGames 2011
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de prata na categoria de sumô robótico autônomo (3kg) - RoboGames 2011
Medalha de prata na categoria de sumô robótico autônomo (3kg) - RoboGames 2011
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalhas de prata e bronze na categoria de combate de robôs Middleweight (54kg) - RoboGames 2011
Medalhas de prata e bronze na categoria de combate de robôs Middleweight (54kg) - RoboGames 2011
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalhas de prata e bronze na categoria de sumô robótico rádio-controlado (3kg) - RoboGames 2011
Medalhas de prata e bronze na categoria de sumô robótico rádio-controlado (3kg) - RoboGames 2011
Thiago Gamboa Ritto, orientador: Prof. Rubens Sampaio
Associação Francesa de Mecânica
Prêmio CSMA - Comitê Calcul des Structures et Modélisation de melhor tese de doutorado
Prêmio CSMA - Comitê Calcul des Structures et Modélisation de melhor tese de doutorado
L. P. Basilio e J. L. Freire
ABENDI - Associação Brasileira de Ensaios Não Destrutivos e Inspeção
Prêmio Korco pelo trabalhado apresentado no CONAEND/IEV, Avaliação de Aplicativos para Cálculo da Probabilidade de Falha de Dutos de Aço com Defeitos de Corrosão
Prêmio Korco pelo trabalhado apresentado no CONAEND/IEV, Avaliação de Aplicativos para Cálculo da Probabilidade de Falha de Dutos de Aço com Defeitos de Corrosão
L. P. Basilio e J. L. Freire
ABENDI - Associação Brasileira de Ensaios Não Destrutivos e Inspeção
Prêmio Paula Leite pelo trabalhado apresentado no CONAEND/IEV, Avaliação de Aplicativos para Cálculo da Probabilidade de Falha de Dutos de Aço com Defeitos de Corrosão
Prêmio Paula Leite pelo trabalhado apresentado no CONAEND/IEV, Avaliação de Aplicativos para Cálculo da Probabilidade de Falha de Dutos de Aço com Defeitos de Corrosão
Thiago Ritto, orientador: Prof. Rubens Sampaio
ABCM - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas
Prêmio ABCM-Embraer de Melhor Tese de Doutorado
Prêmio ABCM-Embraer de Melhor Tese de Doutorado
Prof. José Luiz de França Freire
Society for Experimental Mechanics
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Featherweight
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Featherweight
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", CategoriaMiddleweight
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", CategoriaMiddleweight
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão e Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Campeão e Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão e Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Campeão e Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Hobbyweight
Terceiro lugar na competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Hobbyweight
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Hockey Pro de Robôs
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Hockey Pro de Robôs
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Olimpiada Internacional de Robótica
Medalha de ouro na categoria Hockey de Robôs - RoboGames 2010.
Medalha de ouro na categoria Hockey de Robôs - RoboGames 2010.
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Olimpiada Internacional de Robótica
Medalha de ouro na categoria de combate Featherweight (13,6kg) - RoboGames 2010
Medalha de ouro na categoria de combate Featherweight (13,6kg) - RoboGames 2010
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Olimpiada Internacional de Robótica
Medalha de prata na categoria combate Heavyweight (100kg) - RoboGames 2010
Medalha de prata na categoria combate Heavyweight (100kg) - RoboGames 2010
José Luiz de França Freire
Prêmio Paula Leite 2010
Prêmio Paula Leite 2010
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Associação Brasileira de Estudantes e Engenheiros de Controle e Automação
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - ENECA 2009", Categoria Hobbyweight
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - ENECA 2009", Categoria Hobbyweight
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Associação Brasileira de Estudantes e Engenheiros de Controle e Automação
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - ENECA 2009", Categoria Hockey Pro de Robôs
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - ENECA 2009", Categoria Hockey Pro de Robôs
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Associação Brasileira de Estudantes e Engenheiros de Controle e Automação
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - ENECA 2009", Categoria Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - ENECA 2009", Categoria Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Associação Brasileira de Estudantes e Engenheiros de Controle e Automação
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - ENECA 2009", Categoria Featherweight
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - ENECA 2009", Categoria Featherweight
Equipe RioBotz - coord. Prof. Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Associação Brasileira de Estudantes e Engenheiros de Controle e Automação
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - ENECA 2009", Categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - ENECA 2009", Categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Rafael Alberto Valpaços de Lemos Leal
Vice-Reitoria Acadêmica - PUC-Rio
Destaque de Iniciação Científica - Categoria IC
Destaque de Iniciação Científica - Categoria IC
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Featherweight, RoboCore
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Featherweight, RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Hobbyweight, RoboCore
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Hobbyweight, RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Hockey Pro de Robôs, RoboCore
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Hockey Pro de Robôs, RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Middleweight, RoboCore
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Middleweight, RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Sumô Autônomo 3kg, RoboCore
Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Sumô Autônomo 3kg, RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg, RoboCore
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", Categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg, RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2009), categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Medalha de Bronze na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2009), categoria: combate de robôs Fairyweight (150g)
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2009), categoria: combate de robôs autônomos Beetleweight (3lbs)
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2009), categoria: combate de robôs autônomos Beetleweight (3lbs)
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalhas de Ouro e Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2009), categoria: Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Medalhas de Ouro e Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2009), categoria: Sumô Autônomo 3kg
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalhas de Ouro e Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2009), categoria: Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
Medalhas de Ouro e Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (RoboGames 2009), categoria: Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg
José Luiz Freire
Plenário do CREA-RJ
Diploma do Mérito Profissional
Diploma do Mérito Profissional
Julio Cesar C. Egusquiza/Sergio Braga/Carlos Valois Braga
Prêmio Petrobras de Tecnologia na Área de Tecnologia de Gás - categoria Doutorado. Orientadores: Professores Sergio Leal Braga e Carlos Valois Braga
Prêmio Petrobras de Tecnologia na Área de Tecnologia de Gás - categoria Doutorado. Orientadores: Professores Sergio Leal Braga e Carlos Valois Braga
Helena Maria Borja Veiga / Paulo Roberto de Souza Mendes
Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas
Prêmio ABCM2008 - Melhor Projeto de Formatura intitulado "Deslocamento em Fluidos Gelificados no Problema de Reinício de Escoamento em Oleodutos", concedida a aluna Helena Maria Borja Veiga , orientada pelo Prof. Paulo Roberto de Souza Mendes
Prêmio ABCM2008 - Melhor Projeto de Formatura intitulado "Deslocamento em Fluidos Gelificados no Problema de Reinício de Escoamento em Oleodutos", concedida a aluna Helena Maria Borja Veiga , orientada pelo Prof. Paulo Roberto de Souza Mendes
José Alberto dos Reis Parise
ASBRAV - Associação Sul Brasileira de Refrigeração, Ar Condicionado, Aquecimento e Ventilação.
Prêmio ANPRAC-MERCOFRIO de Incentivo à Tecnologia e Pesquisa, pelo artigo "Análise Numérica do Escoamento no Interior da Carcaça de um Compressor Hermético", escrito em co-autoria com Elizabet Vera Becerra, considerado o melhor artigo em Refrige
Prêmio ANPRAC-MERCOFRIO de Incentivo à Tecnologia e Pesquisa, pelo artigo "Análise Numérica do Escoamento no Interior da Carcaça de um Compressor Hermético", escrito em co-autoria com Elizabet Vera Becerra, considerado o melhor artigo em Refrige
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia Petrópolis
Prêmio Dom Pedro II para Destaque Nacional de Inovação Tecnológica
Prêmio Dom Pedro II para Destaque Nacional de Inovação Tecnológica
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalhas de Ouro e Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2008), categorias: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs) e Middleweight (120lbs)
Medalhas de Ouro e Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2008), categorias: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs) e Middleweight (120lbs)
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional de robótica "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categorias combate middleweight, featherweight, hobbyweight, sumô 3Kg, sumô 1Kg
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional de robótica "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categorias combate middleweight, featherweight, hobbyweight, sumô 3Kg, sumô 1Kg
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia
Prêmio Dom Pedro II para Destaque Nacional de Inovação Tecnológica
Prêmio Dom Pedro II para Destaque Nacional de Inovação Tecnológica
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Featherweight RoboCore
Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Featherweight RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Hobbyweight RoboCore
Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Hobbyweight RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Middleweight RoboCore
Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Middleweight RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Sumô Autônomo 1kg RoboCore
Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Sumô Autônomo 1kg RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Sumô Autônomo 3kg RoboCore
Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Sumô Autônomo 3kg RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Hockey de Robôs RoboCore
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Hockey de Robôs RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg RoboCore
Vice-Campeão da competição nacional RoboCore Winter Challenge, Categoria Sumô Rádio-Controlado 3kg RoboCore
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2008), categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2008), categoria: combate de robôs Beetleweight (3lbs)
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2008), categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Medalha de Prata na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2008), categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Julio Cesar C. Egusquiza, Sergio Braga, Carlos Valois Braga
Companhia de Gás da Bahia em parceria com a Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia
Prêmio Bahiagás de Inovação: terceiro lugar concedido ao aluno Julio Cesar Cuisano Egusquiza, orientado pelos Profs. Sergio Braga e Carlos Valois Braga, com o trabalho Redução das Emissões em Motores Diesel Operando no Modo Diesel-Gás.
Prêmio Bahiagás de Inovação: terceiro lugar concedido ao aluno Julio Cesar Cuisano Egusquiza, orientado pelos Profs. Sergio Braga e Carlos Valois Braga, com o trabalho Redução das Emissões em Motores Diesel Operando no Modo Diesel-Gás.
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Prêmio Inventor 2007
Prêmio Inventor 2007
Hans Ingo Weber
Engenharia Mecânica Brasileira
Engenharia Mecânica Brasileira
Marcos Sebastião de Paula Gomes (membro do IPCC)
The Nobel Foundation
Prêmio Nobel da Paz de 2007 concedido ao Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) e Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr.
Prêmio Nobel da Paz de 2007 concedido ao Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) e Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr.
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
VII ENECA - Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Controle e Automação
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional de combate de robôs do VII ENECA, categorias middleweight e hobbyweight
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional de combate de robôs do VII ENECA, categorias middleweight e hobbyweight
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
RoboCore - Liga Brasileira de Robótica
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional de robótica "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categorias middleweight e hobbyweight
Primeiro lugar na competição nacional de robótica "RoboCore - Winter Challenge", categorias middleweight e hobbyweight
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2007), categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2007), categoria: combate de robôs Middleweight (120lbs)
Marco Antonio Meggiolaro
Robotics Society of America
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2007), categoria: combate de robôs Lightweight (60lbs)
Medalha de Ouro na Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2007), categoria: combate de robôs Lightweight (60lbs)
Equipe Riobotz
Liga Brasileira de Guerra de Robôs
Campeão da competição nacional de robótica "Winter Challenge"
Campeão da competição nacional de robótica "Winter Challenge"
Leonardo G. Monjellos de Souza e Luis Fernando A. Azevedo
Prêmio Petrobras de Tecnologia na Área de Tecnologia de Logística e de Transporte de Petróleo, Gás e Derivados - categoria: Graduação
Prêmio Petrobras de Tecnologia na Área de Tecnologia de Logística e de Transporte de Petróleo, Gás e Derivados - categoria: Graduação
Ricardo Hernandez Pereira e Carlos Valois M. Braga
Prêmio Petrobras de Tecnologia na Área Tecnologia de Gás - categoria: Doutorado
Prêmio Petrobras de Tecnologia na Área Tecnologia de Gás - categoria: Doutorado
Depto. de Engenharia Mecânica
Guia do Estudante da Editora Abril S.A.
Melhores Universidades de 2006
Melhores Universidades de 2006
Equipe Riobotz - PUC-Rio
Robotics Society of America
Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2006) - Medalha de Bronze no combate classe middleweight
Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2006) - Medalha de Bronze no combate classe middleweight
Equipe Riobotz - PUC-Rio
Robotics Society of America
Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2006) - Medalha de Ouro no combate classe beetleweight
Olimpíada Internacional de Robótica (Robogames 2006) - Medalha de Ouro no combate classe beetleweight
Programa de Engenharia de Dutos
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME Global Pipeline Award
ASME Global Pipeline Award
Prof. José Luiz de França Freire
Society for Experimental Mechanics
Past President Award
Past President Award
Eduarda Philadelpho Fernandes
Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas
Melhor trabalho apresentado no CREEM
Melhor trabalho apresentado no CREEM
Ilana Nigri
Melhor projeto PIBIC do Depto. de Engenharia Mecânica, "Projeto e Controle de um Manipulador Robótico de Dois Graus de Liberdade"
Melhor projeto PIBIC do Depto. de Engenharia Mecânica, "Projeto e Controle de um Manipulador Robótico de Dois Graus de Liberdade"
1. DÍAZ-RODRÍGUEZ, JORGE GUILLERMO; PERTÚZ-COMAS, ALBERTO DAVID; BOHÓRQUEZ-BECERRA, OSCAR RODOLFO; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA ; PRADA-PARRA, DARÍO. Plastic Zone Radius Criteria for Crack Propagation Angle Evaluated with Experimentally Obtained Displacement Fields. Buildings, v. 14, p. 495, 2024. doi: 10.3390/buildings14020495. A1. (3.8)
2. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; GILDIN, E.; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B.; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Asymptotic-Poroelastic Model for Reservoir Compaction Damage Management in Fractured Oil Wells with Stress-Dependent Permeability. Transpor in Porous Media, v. 152, p. 1, 2024. doi:10.1007/s11242-024-02068-x. A2. (2.7)
3. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B.; GILDIN, E.; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Asymptotic-Convolution Model for Compaction Damage Evaluation in Depletion-Dependent Oil Reservoirs During Alternating Drawdown/Buildup Cycles. Transport in Porous Media, v. 152, p. 1, 2024. doi: 10.107/s11242-024-02083-y. A2. (2.7)
4. AZEVEDO, F. S.; ALMEIDA, G. C.; AZEVEDO, B.A.; IBANEZ, I.; AZEVEDO, B. N.; TEIXEIRA, P.S.; CAMARGO, G.C.; CORREIA, M. G.; ANGELA O. NIECKELE; OLIVEIRA, G. M. M. Stress Load and Ascending Aortic Aneurysms: An Observational, Longitudinal, Single-Center Study Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Bioengineering-Basel, v. 11, p. 204, 2024. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering11030204. A3.(4.6)
5. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; WU, HAO. Static axial tension or compression stress effects on shear cracks initiating under cyclic tor-sion loads in multiaxial fatigue tests. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 179, p. 108021, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2023.108021. A1. (6)
6. BEDI, BEHBOOD; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; BERGHE, LARA S.; de Souza Mendes, Paulo R. Capillary waves and dendritic instability on radial Hele-Shaw displacements. Physics of Fluids, v. 36, p. 011707, 2024. doi: 10.1063/5.0188493. A1.(4.6)
7. SIQUEIRA, I.R.; THOMPSON, R.L.; CARVALHO, M.S.; de Souza Mendes, P.R. Slot coating of viscoplastic materials: A computational study of the effects of viscoplasticity on the flow dynamics and low-flow limit. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 327, p. 105222, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2024.105222. A1. (3.1)
8. DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R. A note on the Moody diagram. Fluids, v. 9, p. 1-6, 2024. doi: 10.3390/fluids9040098. C. (1.9)
9. MORAES, LORENA R. DA C.; RIBEIRO, HÉLIO; ANDRADE, RICARDO J. E.; NACCACHE, MONICA F. Rheology of amino-functionalized graphene oxide suspensions in hydrogels. Physics of Fluids, v. 36, p. 1, 2024.doi:10.1063/5.0185524.A1.(4.6)
10. WAGNER, GUSTAVO; LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Dynamics of vertical axis washing machines with uncertain unbalance. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 211, p. 111231, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2024.111231. A1.(8.4)
11. DA SILVA, GEOVANE DE ALMEIDA SANTOS; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES ; CARDOSO, DANIEL CARLOS TAISSUM. Investigation on moisture absorption behavior on GFRP and neat epoxy systems in hygrothermal salt fog aging. Composites Part B-Engineering, v. 272, p. 111214, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111214. A1. (13.1)
2. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; GILDIN, E.; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B.; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Asymptotic-Poroelastic Model for Reservoir Compaction Damage Management in Fractured Oil Wells with Stress-Dependent Permeability. Transpor in Porous Media, v. 152, p. 1, 2024. doi:10.1007/s11242-024-02068-x. A2. (2.7)
3. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B.; GILDIN, E.; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Asymptotic-Convolution Model for Compaction Damage Evaluation in Depletion-Dependent Oil Reservoirs During Alternating Drawdown/Buildup Cycles. Transport in Porous Media, v. 152, p. 1, 2024. doi: 10.107/s11242-024-02083-y. A2. (2.7)
4. AZEVEDO, F. S.; ALMEIDA, G. C.; AZEVEDO, B.A.; IBANEZ, I.; AZEVEDO, B. N.; TEIXEIRA, P.S.; CAMARGO, G.C.; CORREIA, M. G.; ANGELA O. NIECKELE; OLIVEIRA, G. M. M. Stress Load and Ascending Aortic Aneurysms: An Observational, Longitudinal, Single-Center Study Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. Bioengineering-Basel, v. 11, p. 204, 2024. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering11030204. A3.(4.6)
5. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; WU, HAO. Static axial tension or compression stress effects on shear cracks initiating under cyclic tor-sion loads in multiaxial fatigue tests. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 179, p. 108021, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2023.108021. A1. (6)
6. BEDI, BEHBOOD; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; BERGHE, LARA S.; de Souza Mendes, Paulo R. Capillary waves and dendritic instability on radial Hele-Shaw displacements. Physics of Fluids, v. 36, p. 011707, 2024. doi: 10.1063/5.0188493. A1.(4.6)
7. SIQUEIRA, I.R.; THOMPSON, R.L.; CARVALHO, M.S.; de Souza Mendes, P.R. Slot coating of viscoplastic materials: A computational study of the effects of viscoplasticity on the flow dynamics and low-flow limit. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 327, p. 105222, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2024.105222. A1. (3.1)
8. DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R. A note on the Moody diagram. Fluids, v. 9, p. 1-6, 2024. doi: 10.3390/fluids9040098. C. (1.9)
9. MORAES, LORENA R. DA C.; RIBEIRO, HÉLIO; ANDRADE, RICARDO J. E.; NACCACHE, MONICA F. Rheology of amino-functionalized graphene oxide suspensions in hydrogels. Physics of Fluids, v. 36, p. 1, 2024.doi:10.1063/5.0185524.A1.(4.6)
10. WAGNER, GUSTAVO; LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Dynamics of vertical axis washing machines with uncertain unbalance. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 211, p. 111231, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2024.111231. A1.(8.4)
11. DA SILVA, GEOVANE DE ALMEIDA SANTOS; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES ; CARDOSO, DANIEL CARLOS TAISSUM. Investigation on moisture absorption behavior on GFRP and neat epoxy systems in hygrothermal salt fog aging. Composites Part B-Engineering, v. 272, p. 111214, 2024. doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111214. A1. (13.1)
1. ROCHA, K. M.; BURGOS, RODRIGO BIRD; SILVA, A. T.; PEREIRA, ANDERSON.Numerical investigation of steel beams with web openings obtained from topology optimisation. Structures, v. 52, p. 105595, 2023.doi: 10.1016/j.istruc.2023.105595. B4. (4.1)
2. DIAS, RODRIGO. A. C.; BARBOSA JR, ROBSON. P.; MORAES, ANTONIO.O.S.; FERNANDES, PAULO. D.; THOMPSON, R. L.; A. O. NIECKELE . A Numerical Formulatiom for the Simulation of Highly Heterogeneous. Journal of Porous Media. v. 26, p. 13-30, 2023. doi: 10.1615/JPorMedia.2022041623. A4. (1.782)
3. CASTELLLO BRANCO, R. L. F.; CARNEIRO, J. N. E.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O. A model for the momentum flux parameters of the 1D Two-Fluid Model in vertical annular flows: linear stability and numerical analysis. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 168, p. 1-23, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2023.104563. A1. (3.8)
4. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA ; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ S.; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Mechanical formation damage control in permeability Biot?s effective stress-sensitive oil reservoirs with source/sink term. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. v. 220, p. 111180, 2023. doi: 10.1016/ j.petrol.2022.111180. A1 (5.168)
5. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ SERRA; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Analytical model to effective permeability loss monitoring in hydraulically fractured oil wells in pressure-sensitive reservoirs. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 221, p. 111248, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2022111248. A1. (5.168)
6. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ SERRA; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Mechanical formation damage management and sealed boundaries identification in pressure-sensitive oil reservoirs with source effects. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 222, p. 211332, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.geoen.2022.211332. A1. (5.168)
7. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ SERRA; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Mechanical formation damage management in oil wells with finite extent hydraulic fractures and source effects using an asymptotic-perturbation method. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 224, p. 211586, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.geoen.2023.211586. A1 (5.168)
8. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ S.; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Analytical Solution of the Nonlinear Hydraulic Diffusivity Equation with Depletion-Dependent Permeability in Oil Wells Near Sealing Faults. Transport in Porous Media, v. 148, p. 215-244, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s11242-023-01933-5. A2. (3.61)
9. PEREIRA, R. B; BRAGA, A. M. B.; KUBRUSLY, A.C. Ultrasonic Energy and Data Transfer through a Metal?Liquid Multi-Layer Channel Enhanced by Automatic Gain and Carrier Control. Sensors, v. 23, p. 4697, 2023. doi: 10.3390/s23104697. A2. (3.847)
10. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B. Poroelastic-Flow Model for Permeability Loss Management in Biot?s Stress-Sensitive Oil Reservoirs with Finite Extent Hydraulic Fractures During Well-Reservoir Drawdown. SPE Production & Operations, v. 39, p. 1-24, 2023. doi:10.2118/215809-PA. A3. (1.400)
12. DE CASTRO RIBEIRO, MATEUS GHEORGHE; FERREIRA, GUILHERME REZENDE BESSA; PARENTE, LOUISE ERTHAL RABELO; BATISTA, JOÃO HUMBERTO GUANDALINI; KUBRUSLY, ALAN CONCI; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA. Machine learning-based evaluation of eccentricity and acoustic impedance in oil well using VDL data. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 231, Parte A, p. 212288, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.geoen.2023.212288. A1. (5.168)
13. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, A. M. B. Pores collapse hysteresis damage evaluation in depletion-dependent oil reservoirs using an asymptotic-perturbation method. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 232, p. 212353, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.geoen.2023.212353. A1 (5.168)
14. SOUZA, LUIS PAULO BRASIL DE; PARRA, DARIO PRADA; RAIOL, JOSÉ ALAN FOICINHA; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; RODRIGUES, LEONARDO DANTAS. Control of a mechanism for the application of variable axial loads in a multiaxial fatigue testing machine. Materia-Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, p. e20230180, 2023. doi: 10.1590/1517-7076-RMAT-2023-0180.
15. PEREIRA, JOÃO M. B.; GOUVEA, PAULA M. P.; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B.; CARVALHO, ISABEL C. S.; BRUNO, ANTÔNIO C. Fabry-Perot Cavity Optimization for Absolute Strain Sensing Using Finite Element Analysis. Sensors, v. 23, p. 8785, 2023. doi: 10.3390/s23218785. A2. (3.847)
16. CASTIÑEIRAS-FILHO, SERGIO LUIZ PINTO; PRADELLE, FLORIAN. Modeling of microalgal biodiesel production integrated to a sugarcane ethanol plant: Energy and exergy efficiencies and environmental impacts due to trade-offs in the usage of bagasse in the Brazilian context. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 395, p. 136461, 2023. doi: 10.1016/ j.jclepro.2023.136461. A1. (11.1)
17. S. P. CARVALHO, JOSÉ EDUARDO; F. SANTOS, BRUNNO; F. A. MARTINS, ANA ROSA; L. BRAGA, SERGIO; N. C. PRADELLE, RENATA TURKOVICS, FRANCK; PERRIER, BÉATRICE; MAIRE, FRANÇOIS; PRADELLE, FLORIAN. Polynomial and ANN models applied to the formation of gums in Brazilian ethanol-gasoline blends-impact of gasoline composition, ethanol concentration, storage temperature, and aging duration. Neural Computing & Applications, v. 35 (22), p. 16267-16284, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s00521-023-08396-1. A2.(6.0)
18. FURTADO, LEANDRO ANDRADE; GUERREIRO RIBEIRO, SERGIO; PRADELLE, FLORIAN; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS . Modeling and techno-economic analysis of a hybrid sugarcane plant fed by vinasse biogas and bagasse surplus for electricity generation. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 413, p. 137511, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137511. A1. (11.1)
19. PIRES, INGRID; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; WEBER, HANS INGO Nonlinear ensemble gray and black-box system identification of friction induced vibrations in slender rotating structures. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 186, p. 109815, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.109815. A1. (8.4)
20. SOUSA, DANIEL H. BRAZ.; LOPES, FELIPE. R.; LAGO, ANTONIO W. C.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; HULTMANN AYALA, H. V. Hybrid Grey and Black-box Nonlinear System Identification of an Elastomer Joint Flexible Robotic Manipulator. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 200, p. 110405, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2023.110405. A1. (8.4)
21. LOPES, ELIAS DIAS ROSSI.; SOUDRE, MARLON MARQUES.; LLANOS, CARLOS H.; HULTMANN AYLA, H. V. Nonlinear receding-horizon filter approximation with neural networks for fast state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Energy Storage, v. 68, p. 107677, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.est.2023.107677. A2 (9.4)
22. FARIAS, P.S.C; AZEVEDO, L.F.A.; DE PAULA, I.B. Characterization of interfacial waves in stratified turbulent gas-liquid pipe flow using Particle Image Velocimetry and controlled disturbances. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 161, p. 104381, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2023.104381. A1. (3.8)
23. FARIAS, PAULA STOFFER CORDEIRO; ALZUGUIR AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO; DE PAULA, IGOR BRAGA. Phase-locked measurements of linear and weakly interfacial waves in a stratified turbulent gas-liquid pipe flow. Physics of Fluids, v. 35, p. 043319, 2023. doi:10.1063/5.0143911. A1. (4.98)
24. FARIAS, P.S.C; AZEVEDO, L.F.A.; DE PAULA, I.B. Experimental investigation of slug initiation by controlled disturbances in gas-liquid horizontal pipe flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 148, p. 110982, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2023.110982. A1. (3.2)
25. SENHORA, FERNANDO V.; MENEZES, IVAN F. M.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Topology optimization with local stress constraints and continuously varying load direction and magnitude: towards practical applications. Proceedings Royal Society, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, v. 479, p. 1-27, 2023.doi:10.1098/rspa.2022.0436. A1.(3.5)
26. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. Probabilistic stress and strain-life fatigue crack initiation models with mean stress effects and life-dependent scatter considering runouts. Internacional Journal of Fatigue, v. 167, p. 107315, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.107315. A1. (5.489)
27. LIU, M.; MIRANDA, A. C. O.; ANTUNES, M. A.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. Plastic stress concentration effects in fatigue strength. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 168, p. 107394, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.107394. A1. (5.489)
28. LANDIM, RODRIGO VIEIRA ; CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE ; ALTOÉ, GIULIO; MEGGIOLARO, MARCO ANTONIO ; VELASCO, JAVIER ALEJANDRO CARREÑO. Notch sensitivity and short cracks tolerance in a super 13Cr stainless steel under sulfide stress corrosion cracking conditions. Corrosion Reviews, v. 41, p. 57-71, 2023. doi: 10.1515/corrrev-2022-0010. B1. (3.69)
29. NOBRE, G. M.; SICA, LUIZ U.R.; CONTRERAS, E. M. C.; BANDARRA FILHO, ENIO PEDONE; ORTEGA SOTOMAYOR, PAUL; PARISE, J.A.R. Experimental data of heat transfer nanofluids for trigeneration systems: viscosity at below-ambient temperatures. Data in Brief, v. 88, p. 1-8, 2023. doi: 10.1016/s.dib.2022.108854. B3. (1.2)
30. PICO, DAVID FERNANDO MARCUCCI; PARISE, J. A. R.; BANDARRA FILHO, E. P. Nanolubricants in refrigeration systems: a state-of-the-art review and latest developments. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 45, p. 1, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s40430-02-03987-w. A4.(2.2)
31. VARGAS, J. V. C.; DIAS, F. G.; MARTINS, L. S.; ROSA, M.; BALMANT, W.; MARIANO, A. B.; PARISE, J. A. R. ; J. C. ORDONEZ; KAVA, V. M. Modeling, simulation, and optimization of hydrogen production from microalgae in compact photobioreactors. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts, v. 71, p. 103065, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.algal.2023.103065. (5.1)
32. FERNANDES, LEONARDO S.; DE MESQUITA, RODRIGO S.N.; MARTINS, FABIO J.W.A.; AZEVEDO, LUIS F.A. Three-component turbulent velocity fields in the liquid phase of air-water horizontal intermittent pipe flows. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 162, p. 104378, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2023.104378. A1.(3.8)
33. HUTIN, ANTHONY; LIMA, NICOLLE; LOPEZ, FELICLE; CARVALHO, MÁRCIO. Stability of Silica Nanofluids at High Salinity and High Temperature. Powders, v. 2, p. 1-20, 2023.doi: 10.3390/powders2010001 (6.4)
34. SANCHEZ-PEREZ, C.; MAZA, D. ; DE SOUZA MENDES, P.R ; CARVALHO, M.S. Is thixotropy important in small-scale, steady-state flow modeling? Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 313, p. 104991, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2023.104991. A1. (3.112)
35. VELÁSQUEZ, JUAN PABLO; RAMÍREZ, EDWIN ALEXANDER; FLÓREZ, ALEJANDRA; MONTOYA, JUAN FELIPE; BETANCUR, RAFAEL; RAMÍREZ, DANIEL; CARVALHO, MARCIO DA SILVEIRA; JARAMILLO, FRANKLIN. Reaching Highly Uniform Perovskite Ink Flow from a Slot-Die Head Toward Printed Solar Cells. Advanced Engineering Materials, v. 25, p. 2201561, 2023. doi:10.1002/adem.202201561. A2. (4.122)
36. SILVA, F. O.; SIQUEIRA, I. R.; CARVALHO, M. S.; THOMPSON, R. L. Slot coating flows with a Boussinesq-Scriven viscous interface. Physics of Fluids, v. 35, p. 042106, 2023. doi: 10.1063/5.0147030. A1. (4.6)
37. CUNHA, VITOR HEITOR C.; RIBEIRO, SERGIO S.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Breakup of thin liquid films with viscous interfaces. Physics of Fluids, v. 35, p. 072101, 2023. doi: 10.1063/5.0153873. A1. (4.6)
38. DE AMORIM, CLARICE; DE ALMEIDA, RAFAEL V.; PONCE, RANENA V.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Visualization and Quantification of Mobility Reduction in Porous Media Flow Associated with Pore Blocking by Emulsion Drops. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v. 62, p. 22093-22102, 2023. doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c03340. A1.(4.2)
39. LIMA, NICOLLE; PARSA, SHIMA; PACIORNIK, SIDNEI; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Foam formation during drainage of a surfactant solution in a microfluidic porous medium model. Scientific Reports, v. 13, p. 21802, 2023. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-48442-5. A1.(4.2)
40. ROSA, DIEGO GABRIEL GOMES; PACHECO, MARCO AURÉLIO; MEGGIOLARO, MARCO ANTONIO; MARTHA, LUIZ FERNANDO. MOGA 4WD: multi-objective genetic algorithm for four-wheel drive electrical vehicle torque distribution in challenging conditions. Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 9, p. 2821-2835, 2023. doi: 10.34117/bjdv9n1-196 C.(3.9)
41. VIRGOLINO SOARES, JOÃO CARLOS; MEDEIROS, VIVIAN SUZANO; ABATI, GABRIEL FISCHER; BECKER, MARCELO; CAURIN, GLAUCO; GATTASS, MARCELO; MEGGIOLARO, MARCO ANTONIO. Visual Localization and Mapping in Dynamic and Changing Environments. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, v. 109, p. 109:95, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s10846-023-02019-6. A2.(3.3)
42. ROCHA, PEDRO ROBERTO BARBOSA; DE SOUSA ALMEIDA, JOÃO LUCAS; DE PAULA GOMES, MARCOS SEBASTIÃO; NOGUEIRA JUNIOR, ALBERTO COSTA. Reduced-order modeling of the two-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection flow through a non-intrusive operator inference. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, v. 126, Parte B, p. 106923, 2023.doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2023.106923. A1. (7.802)
43. SOARES, YAGO CHAMOUN F.; YOKOYAMA, DANTE DAIKI; COSTA, LIDIANE CRISTINA; DE OLIVEIRA CREMONEZZI, JOSUÉ MARCIANO; RIBEIRO, HÉLIO; NACCACHE, MÔNICA FEIJÓ ; ANDRADE, RICARDO JORGE E. Multifunctional hexagonal boron nitride dispersions based in xanthan gum for use in drilling fluids. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 221, p. 111311, 2023. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2022.111311. A1 (5.168)
44. COSTA, CAMILA M; VARGES, PRISCILLÇA R.; NACCACHE, MONICA F. Improvements in Drilling Fluid Rheology Predictions Using Rotational Viscometer. SPE Drilling & Completion, v. 38, p. 696-712, 2023. Doi: 10.2118/215836-PA. A3. (1.721)
45. KHALILI, P.; KHALIFEH, M.; SAASEN, A.; NACCACHE, M. Rheological Compatibility of a Hardening Spacer Fluid and Oil-Based Drilling Fluid. SPE Journal, v. 1, p. 1-16, 2023.doi: 10.2118/217446-PA. A1. (3.602)
46. REBELLO, A. C. G. A.; SANDOVAL, G. A. B.; NACCACHE, M.F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO; SUM, A. K.; TEIXEIRA, A.; VALIM, L. S. Challenges and progress on ethane hydrates rheology under high pressure. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 227, p. 211766, 2023. doi:10.1016/j.geonen.2023.211766. A1 (5.168)
47. THOMPSON, RONEY L.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Recent developments on yield stress materials. Science Talks, v. 2, p. 100021, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.sctalk.2022.100021
48. OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; ABEDI, BEHBOOD; SANTOS, LARISSA F.; CÂMARA, PEDRO S; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Similarity characteristics in the morphology of radial viscous fingers. Physics of Fluids, v. 35, p. 042114, 2023. doi: 10.1063/5.0147571. A1. (4.98)
49. DAZA-BARRANCO, LINA M.; DUNCKE, ANGELA C. P.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R; ALVARADO, JOSÉ G.; PÉREZ-GRAMATGES, AURORA. Effect of kerosene aromaticity as a solvent on bulk and interfacial properties of Brazilian heavy crude oil with high asphaltene content. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. 101, p. 4400, 2023. doi:10.1002/cjce.25026 (2.5)
50. DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO. A note on the Moody diagram. ArXiv, v. 1, p. 2308.10360, 2023. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2308.10360
51. ABEDI, BEHBOOD; MARÍN CASTAÑO, ELIANA P.; C. RODRIGUES, ELIAS; THOMPSON, RONEY LEON; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Obtaining test-independent values of the dynamic and static yield stresses for time-dependent materials. Rheologica Acta, v. 62, p. 1, 2023.doi:10.1007/s00397-023-01414-y. A1. (2.824)
52. CUNHA, JOÃO P.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; THOMPSON, RONEY L.; RODRIGUES, ELIAS C.; QUINTELLA, ERICK F. Flow classification from the perspective of microelements dispersed in a continuous phase. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 321, p. 105094, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2023.105094. A1. (3.112)
53. GOICOECHEA, H.E. ; LIMA, R. ; BUEZAS, F.S. ; SAMPAIO, R. . Drill-string with cutting dynamics: A mathematical assessment of two models. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 544, p. 117364, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117364. A1. (4.761)
54. WAGNER, GUSTAVO; LIMA, ROBERTA ; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. A versatile strategy to compute nonlinear normal modes of flexible beams. Nonlinear Dynamics, v. 111, p. 9815-9837, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s11071-023-08418-6. A1. (5.751)
55. GOICOECHEA, H.E.; LIMA, R. ; BUEZAS, F.S.; SAMPAIO, R. A comprehensive Cosserat rod drill-string model for arbitrary well geometry that includes the dynamics of the cutting and lateral contact. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 571, p. 118035, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2023.118035. A1. (4.761)
56. VIEIRA, PRISCILLA S.C.; DA SILVA, GEOVANE A.S.; LOPES, BRUNO J.; D'ALMEIDA, JOSÉ R.M.; DA SILVA, ANTONIO HENRIQUE; CARDOSO, DANIEL C.T. Hygrothermal aging of steel/FRP pipe repair systems: A literature review. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, v. 201, p. 104881, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpvp.2022.104881. A3. (3)
57. SANTOS, LUCAS F. L.; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ R. M.; HOWELL, LARRY L. Changes in the mechanical performance of an ortho-planar spring after aging tests. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 45, p. 118, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s40430-023-04049-5. A4 (2.2)
58. DE LA HOZ ALFORD, LORENLEYN; DE SOUZA, CAMILA GOMES PEÇANHA; PACIORNIK, SIDNEI; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO M.; LEITE, BRENNO SANTOS; AVILA, HAROLD C.; LÉONARD, FABIEN; BRUNO, GIOVANNI. Three-Dimensional Characterization of Polyurethane Foams Based on Biopolyols. Materials, v. 16, p. 2118, 2023. doi: 10.3390/ma16052118 (3.4)
59. JIMÉNEZ PACHECO, HUGO GUILLERMO; MILON GUZMÁN, JUAN JOSÉ; MIRANDA RAMOS, LILIA MARY; DELGADO SARMIENTO, PAVEL KEWIN; LINARES FLORES CASTRO, ANTONIO ERICK; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO. Influence of hydrodynamic parameters in plate heat exchangers in ice slurry transport. International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, v. 31, p. 1-12, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s44189-023-00030-y. A3. (1.0)
2. DIAS, RODRIGO. A. C.; BARBOSA JR, ROBSON. P.; MORAES, ANTONIO.O.S.; FERNANDES, PAULO. D.; THOMPSON, R. L.; A. O. NIECKELE . A Numerical Formulatiom for the Simulation of Highly Heterogeneous. Journal of Porous Media. v. 26, p. 13-30, 2023. doi: 10.1615/JPorMedia.2022041623. A4. (1.782)
3. CASTELLLO BRANCO, R. L. F.; CARNEIRO, J. N. E.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O. A model for the momentum flux parameters of the 1D Two-Fluid Model in vertical annular flows: linear stability and numerical analysis. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 168, p. 1-23, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2023.104563. A1. (3.8)
4. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA ; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ S.; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Mechanical formation damage control in permeability Biot?s effective stress-sensitive oil reservoirs with source/sink term. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. v. 220, p. 111180, 2023. doi: 10.1016/ j.petrol.2022.111180. A1 (5.168)
5. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ SERRA; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Analytical model to effective permeability loss monitoring in hydraulically fractured oil wells in pressure-sensitive reservoirs. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 221, p. 111248, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2022111248. A1. (5.168)
6. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ SERRA; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Mechanical formation damage management and sealed boundaries identification in pressure-sensitive oil reservoirs with source effects. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 222, p. 211332, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.geoen.2022.211332. A1. (5.168)
7. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ SERRA; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Mechanical formation damage management in oil wells with finite extent hydraulic fractures and source effects using an asymptotic-perturbation method. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 224, p. 211586, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.geoen.2023.211586. A1 (5.168)
8. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ S.; SOARES, ANTÔNIO CLÁUDIO. Analytical Solution of the Nonlinear Hydraulic Diffusivity Equation with Depletion-Dependent Permeability in Oil Wells Near Sealing Faults. Transport in Porous Media, v. 148, p. 215-244, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s11242-023-01933-5. A2. (3.61)
9. PEREIRA, R. B; BRAGA, A. M. B.; KUBRUSLY, A.C. Ultrasonic Energy and Data Transfer through a Metal?Liquid Multi-Layer Channel Enhanced by Automatic Gain and Carrier Control. Sensors, v. 23, p. 4697, 2023. doi: 10.3390/s23104697. A2. (3.847)
10. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B. Poroelastic-Flow Model for Permeability Loss Management in Biot?s Stress-Sensitive Oil Reservoirs with Finite Extent Hydraulic Fractures During Well-Reservoir Drawdown. SPE Production & Operations, v. 39, p. 1-24, 2023. doi:10.2118/215809-PA. A3. (1.400)
12. DE CASTRO RIBEIRO, MATEUS GHEORGHE; FERREIRA, GUILHERME REZENDE BESSA; PARENTE, LOUISE ERTHAL RABELO; BATISTA, JOÃO HUMBERTO GUANDALINI; KUBRUSLY, ALAN CONCI; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA. Machine learning-based evaluation of eccentricity and acoustic impedance in oil well using VDL data. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 231, Parte A, p. 212288, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.geoen.2023.212288. A1. (5.168)
13. FERNANDES, FERNANDO BASTOS; BRAGA, A. M. B. Pores collapse hysteresis damage evaluation in depletion-dependent oil reservoirs using an asymptotic-perturbation method. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 232, p. 212353, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.geoen.2023.212353. A1 (5.168)
14. SOUZA, LUIS PAULO BRASIL DE; PARRA, DARIO PRADA; RAIOL, JOSÉ ALAN FOICINHA; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; RODRIGUES, LEONARDO DANTAS. Control of a mechanism for the application of variable axial loads in a multiaxial fatigue testing machine. Materia-Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, p. e20230180, 2023. doi: 10.1590/1517-7076-RMAT-2023-0180.
15. PEREIRA, JOÃO M. B.; GOUVEA, PAULA M. P.; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B.; CARVALHO, ISABEL C. S.; BRUNO, ANTÔNIO C. Fabry-Perot Cavity Optimization for Absolute Strain Sensing Using Finite Element Analysis. Sensors, v. 23, p. 8785, 2023. doi: 10.3390/s23218785. A2. (3.847)
16. CASTIÑEIRAS-FILHO, SERGIO LUIZ PINTO; PRADELLE, FLORIAN. Modeling of microalgal biodiesel production integrated to a sugarcane ethanol plant: Energy and exergy efficiencies and environmental impacts due to trade-offs in the usage of bagasse in the Brazilian context. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 395, p. 136461, 2023. doi: 10.1016/ j.jclepro.2023.136461. A1. (11.1)
17. S. P. CARVALHO, JOSÉ EDUARDO; F. SANTOS, BRUNNO; F. A. MARTINS, ANA ROSA; L. BRAGA, SERGIO; N. C. PRADELLE, RENATA TURKOVICS, FRANCK; PERRIER, BÉATRICE; MAIRE, FRANÇOIS; PRADELLE, FLORIAN. Polynomial and ANN models applied to the formation of gums in Brazilian ethanol-gasoline blends-impact of gasoline composition, ethanol concentration, storage temperature, and aging duration. Neural Computing & Applications, v. 35 (22), p. 16267-16284, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s00521-023-08396-1. A2.(6.0)
18. FURTADO, LEANDRO ANDRADE; GUERREIRO RIBEIRO, SERGIO; PRADELLE, FLORIAN; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS . Modeling and techno-economic analysis of a hybrid sugarcane plant fed by vinasse biogas and bagasse surplus for electricity generation. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 413, p. 137511, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.137511. A1. (11.1)
19. PIRES, INGRID; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; WEBER, HANS INGO Nonlinear ensemble gray and black-box system identification of friction induced vibrations in slender rotating structures. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 186, p. 109815, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.109815. A1. (8.4)
20. SOUSA, DANIEL H. BRAZ.; LOPES, FELIPE. R.; LAGO, ANTONIO W. C.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; HULTMANN AYALA, H. V. Hybrid Grey and Black-box Nonlinear System Identification of an Elastomer Joint Flexible Robotic Manipulator. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 200, p. 110405, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2023.110405. A1. (8.4)
21. LOPES, ELIAS DIAS ROSSI.; SOUDRE, MARLON MARQUES.; LLANOS, CARLOS H.; HULTMANN AYLA, H. V. Nonlinear receding-horizon filter approximation with neural networks for fast state of charge estimation of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Energy Storage, v. 68, p. 107677, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.est.2023.107677. A2 (9.4)
22. FARIAS, P.S.C; AZEVEDO, L.F.A.; DE PAULA, I.B. Characterization of interfacial waves in stratified turbulent gas-liquid pipe flow using Particle Image Velocimetry and controlled disturbances. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 161, p. 104381, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2023.104381. A1. (3.8)
23. FARIAS, PAULA STOFFER CORDEIRO; ALZUGUIR AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO; DE PAULA, IGOR BRAGA. Phase-locked measurements of linear and weakly interfacial waves in a stratified turbulent gas-liquid pipe flow. Physics of Fluids, v. 35, p. 043319, 2023. doi:10.1063/5.0143911. A1. (4.98)
24. FARIAS, P.S.C; AZEVEDO, L.F.A.; DE PAULA, I.B. Experimental investigation of slug initiation by controlled disturbances in gas-liquid horizontal pipe flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 148, p. 110982, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2023.110982. A1. (3.2)
25. SENHORA, FERNANDO V.; MENEZES, IVAN F. M.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Topology optimization with local stress constraints and continuously varying load direction and magnitude: towards practical applications. Proceedings Royal Society, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, v. 479, p. 1-27, 2023.doi:10.1098/rspa.2022.0436. A1.(3.5)
26. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. Probabilistic stress and strain-life fatigue crack initiation models with mean stress effects and life-dependent scatter considering runouts. Internacional Journal of Fatigue, v. 167, p. 107315, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.107315. A1. (5.489)
27. LIU, M.; MIRANDA, A. C. O.; ANTUNES, M. A.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. Plastic stress concentration effects in fatigue strength. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 168, p. 107394, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.107394. A1. (5.489)
28. LANDIM, RODRIGO VIEIRA ; CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE ; ALTOÉ, GIULIO; MEGGIOLARO, MARCO ANTONIO ; VELASCO, JAVIER ALEJANDRO CARREÑO. Notch sensitivity and short cracks tolerance in a super 13Cr stainless steel under sulfide stress corrosion cracking conditions. Corrosion Reviews, v. 41, p. 57-71, 2023. doi: 10.1515/corrrev-2022-0010. B1. (3.69)
29. NOBRE, G. M.; SICA, LUIZ U.R.; CONTRERAS, E. M. C.; BANDARRA FILHO, ENIO PEDONE; ORTEGA SOTOMAYOR, PAUL; PARISE, J.A.R. Experimental data of heat transfer nanofluids for trigeneration systems: viscosity at below-ambient temperatures. Data in Brief, v. 88, p. 1-8, 2023. doi: 10.1016/s.dib.2022.108854. B3. (1.2)
30. PICO, DAVID FERNANDO MARCUCCI; PARISE, J. A. R.; BANDARRA FILHO, E. P. Nanolubricants in refrigeration systems: a state-of-the-art review and latest developments. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 45, p. 1, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s40430-02-03987-w. A4.(2.2)
31. VARGAS, J. V. C.; DIAS, F. G.; MARTINS, L. S.; ROSA, M.; BALMANT, W.; MARIANO, A. B.; PARISE, J. A. R. ; J. C. ORDONEZ; KAVA, V. M. Modeling, simulation, and optimization of hydrogen production from microalgae in compact photobioreactors. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts, v. 71, p. 103065, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.algal.2023.103065. (5.1)
32. FERNANDES, LEONARDO S.; DE MESQUITA, RODRIGO S.N.; MARTINS, FABIO J.W.A.; AZEVEDO, LUIS F.A. Three-component turbulent velocity fields in the liquid phase of air-water horizontal intermittent pipe flows. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 162, p. 104378, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2023.104378. A1.(3.8)
33. HUTIN, ANTHONY; LIMA, NICOLLE; LOPEZ, FELICLE; CARVALHO, MÁRCIO. Stability of Silica Nanofluids at High Salinity and High Temperature. Powders, v. 2, p. 1-20, 2023.doi: 10.3390/powders2010001 (6.4)
34. SANCHEZ-PEREZ, C.; MAZA, D. ; DE SOUZA MENDES, P.R ; CARVALHO, M.S. Is thixotropy important in small-scale, steady-state flow modeling? Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 313, p. 104991, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2023.104991. A1. (3.112)
35. VELÁSQUEZ, JUAN PABLO; RAMÍREZ, EDWIN ALEXANDER; FLÓREZ, ALEJANDRA; MONTOYA, JUAN FELIPE; BETANCUR, RAFAEL; RAMÍREZ, DANIEL; CARVALHO, MARCIO DA SILVEIRA; JARAMILLO, FRANKLIN. Reaching Highly Uniform Perovskite Ink Flow from a Slot-Die Head Toward Printed Solar Cells. Advanced Engineering Materials, v. 25, p. 2201561, 2023. doi:10.1002/adem.202201561. A2. (4.122)
36. SILVA, F. O.; SIQUEIRA, I. R.; CARVALHO, M. S.; THOMPSON, R. L. Slot coating flows with a Boussinesq-Scriven viscous interface. Physics of Fluids, v. 35, p. 042106, 2023. doi: 10.1063/5.0147030. A1. (4.6)
37. CUNHA, VITOR HEITOR C.; RIBEIRO, SERGIO S.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Breakup of thin liquid films with viscous interfaces. Physics of Fluids, v. 35, p. 072101, 2023. doi: 10.1063/5.0153873. A1. (4.6)
38. DE AMORIM, CLARICE; DE ALMEIDA, RAFAEL V.; PONCE, RANENA V.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Visualization and Quantification of Mobility Reduction in Porous Media Flow Associated with Pore Blocking by Emulsion Drops. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v. 62, p. 22093-22102, 2023. doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c03340. A1.(4.2)
39. LIMA, NICOLLE; PARSA, SHIMA; PACIORNIK, SIDNEI; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Foam formation during drainage of a surfactant solution in a microfluidic porous medium model. Scientific Reports, v. 13, p. 21802, 2023. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-48442-5. A1.(4.2)
40. ROSA, DIEGO GABRIEL GOMES; PACHECO, MARCO AURÉLIO; MEGGIOLARO, MARCO ANTONIO; MARTHA, LUIZ FERNANDO. MOGA 4WD: multi-objective genetic algorithm for four-wheel drive electrical vehicle torque distribution in challenging conditions. Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 9, p. 2821-2835, 2023. doi: 10.34117/bjdv9n1-196 C.(3.9)
41. VIRGOLINO SOARES, JOÃO CARLOS; MEDEIROS, VIVIAN SUZANO; ABATI, GABRIEL FISCHER; BECKER, MARCELO; CAURIN, GLAUCO; GATTASS, MARCELO; MEGGIOLARO, MARCO ANTONIO. Visual Localization and Mapping in Dynamic and Changing Environments. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, v. 109, p. 109:95, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s10846-023-02019-6. A2.(3.3)
42. ROCHA, PEDRO ROBERTO BARBOSA; DE SOUSA ALMEIDA, JOÃO LUCAS; DE PAULA GOMES, MARCOS SEBASTIÃO; NOGUEIRA JUNIOR, ALBERTO COSTA. Reduced-order modeling of the two-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection flow through a non-intrusive operator inference. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, v. 126, Parte B, p. 106923, 2023.doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2023.106923. A1. (7.802)
43. SOARES, YAGO CHAMOUN F.; YOKOYAMA, DANTE DAIKI; COSTA, LIDIANE CRISTINA; DE OLIVEIRA CREMONEZZI, JOSUÉ MARCIANO; RIBEIRO, HÉLIO; NACCACHE, MÔNICA FEIJÓ ; ANDRADE, RICARDO JORGE E. Multifunctional hexagonal boron nitride dispersions based in xanthan gum for use in drilling fluids. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 221, p. 111311, 2023. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2022.111311. A1 (5.168)
44. COSTA, CAMILA M; VARGES, PRISCILLÇA R.; NACCACHE, MONICA F. Improvements in Drilling Fluid Rheology Predictions Using Rotational Viscometer. SPE Drilling & Completion, v. 38, p. 696-712, 2023. Doi: 10.2118/215836-PA. A3. (1.721)
45. KHALILI, P.; KHALIFEH, M.; SAASEN, A.; NACCACHE, M. Rheological Compatibility of a Hardening Spacer Fluid and Oil-Based Drilling Fluid. SPE Journal, v. 1, p. 1-16, 2023.doi: 10.2118/217446-PA. A1. (3.602)
46. REBELLO, A. C. G. A.; SANDOVAL, G. A. B.; NACCACHE, M.F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO; SUM, A. K.; TEIXEIRA, A.; VALIM, L. S. Challenges and progress on ethane hydrates rheology under high pressure. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 227, p. 211766, 2023. doi:10.1016/j.geonen.2023.211766. A1 (5.168)
47. THOMPSON, RONEY L.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Recent developments on yield stress materials. Science Talks, v. 2, p. 100021, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.sctalk.2022.100021
48. OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; ABEDI, BEHBOOD; SANTOS, LARISSA F.; CÂMARA, PEDRO S; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Similarity characteristics in the morphology of radial viscous fingers. Physics of Fluids, v. 35, p. 042114, 2023. doi: 10.1063/5.0147571. A1. (4.98)
49. DAZA-BARRANCO, LINA M.; DUNCKE, ANGELA C. P.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R; ALVARADO, JOSÉ G.; PÉREZ-GRAMATGES, AURORA. Effect of kerosene aromaticity as a solvent on bulk and interfacial properties of Brazilian heavy crude oil with high asphaltene content. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. 101, p. 4400, 2023. doi:10.1002/cjce.25026 (2.5)
50. DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO. A note on the Moody diagram. ArXiv, v. 1, p. 2308.10360, 2023. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2308.10360
51. ABEDI, BEHBOOD; MARÍN CASTAÑO, ELIANA P.; C. RODRIGUES, ELIAS; THOMPSON, RONEY LEON; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Obtaining test-independent values of the dynamic and static yield stresses for time-dependent materials. Rheologica Acta, v. 62, p. 1, 2023.doi:10.1007/s00397-023-01414-y. A1. (2.824)
52. CUNHA, JOÃO P.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; THOMPSON, RONEY L.; RODRIGUES, ELIAS C.; QUINTELLA, ERICK F. Flow classification from the perspective of microelements dispersed in a continuous phase. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 321, p. 105094, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2023.105094. A1. (3.112)
53. GOICOECHEA, H.E. ; LIMA, R. ; BUEZAS, F.S. ; SAMPAIO, R. . Drill-string with cutting dynamics: A mathematical assessment of two models. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 544, p. 117364, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2022.117364. A1. (4.761)
54. WAGNER, GUSTAVO; LIMA, ROBERTA ; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. A versatile strategy to compute nonlinear normal modes of flexible beams. Nonlinear Dynamics, v. 111, p. 9815-9837, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s11071-023-08418-6. A1. (5.751)
55. GOICOECHEA, H.E.; LIMA, R. ; BUEZAS, F.S.; SAMPAIO, R. A comprehensive Cosserat rod drill-string model for arbitrary well geometry that includes the dynamics of the cutting and lateral contact. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 571, p. 118035, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2023.118035. A1. (4.761)
56. VIEIRA, PRISCILLA S.C.; DA SILVA, GEOVANE A.S.; LOPES, BRUNO J.; D'ALMEIDA, JOSÉ R.M.; DA SILVA, ANTONIO HENRIQUE; CARDOSO, DANIEL C.T. Hygrothermal aging of steel/FRP pipe repair systems: A literature review. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, v. 201, p. 104881, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpvp.2022.104881. A3. (3)
57. SANTOS, LUCAS F. L.; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ R. M.; HOWELL, LARRY L. Changes in the mechanical performance of an ortho-planar spring after aging tests. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 45, p. 118, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s40430-023-04049-5. A4 (2.2)
58. DE LA HOZ ALFORD, LORENLEYN; DE SOUZA, CAMILA GOMES PEÇANHA; PACIORNIK, SIDNEI; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO M.; LEITE, BRENNO SANTOS; AVILA, HAROLD C.; LÉONARD, FABIEN; BRUNO, GIOVANNI. Three-Dimensional Characterization of Polyurethane Foams Based on Biopolyols. Materials, v. 16, p. 2118, 2023. doi: 10.3390/ma16052118 (3.4)
59. JIMÉNEZ PACHECO, HUGO GUILLERMO; MILON GUZMÁN, JUAN JOSÉ; MIRANDA RAMOS, LILIA MARY; DELGADO SARMIENTO, PAVEL KEWIN; LINARES FLORES CASTRO, ANTONIO ERICK; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO. Influence of hydrodynamic parameters in plate heat exchangers in ice slurry transport. International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration, v. 31, p. 1-12, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s44189-023-00030-y. A3. (1.0)
1. SUÁREZ, MIGUEL A. A.; ROMERO, JUAN S.; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; MENEZES, IVAN F. M. On the virtual element method for topology optimization of non-Newtonian fluid-flow problems. Engineering with Computers, v. 38, p.5445-5466, 2022. doi:10.1007/s00366-022-01637-2. A1. (8.083)
2. ALMEIDA, G. C.; AZEVEDO, B.A.; AZEVEDO, F. S.; KALAOUN, K.; IBANEZ, I.; TEIXEIRA, P.S.; GOTTLIEB, I.; MELO, M. M.; OLIVEIRA, G. M. M.; NIECKELE, A. O. Fluidodinâmica Computacional na Avaliação do Risco Futuro de Aneurismas de Aorta Ascendente. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, v. 118, p. 448-460, 2022. doi: 10.36660/abc.20200926. B2. (1.679)
3. SANTOS, B.J.M.; MURAD, F.W.; SAMPAIO, L. E. B.; THOMPSON, R. L.; A. O. NIECKELE. Development of nonlinear Reynolds average turbulent¿ models. Mechanics Research Communicattions, v. 1, p. 103853-8, 2022.doi: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2022.103853 (2.254)
4. ROCHA, P. R. B; NIECKELE, A. O. Numerical study of statistically developed gas-liquid intermittent flows by the lens of three-dimensional simulations. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 217, p. 110866, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110866. A1. (5.168)
5. BRANCO, R. L. F. C.; KASSAR, B.; CARNEIRO, J. N. E.; NIECKELE, A. O. Assessment of a Point-Cloud Volume-of-Fluid method with sharp interface advection. Computers & Fluids, v. 248, p. 105664-105687, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2022.105664. A1. (3.077)
6. DIAS, RODRIGO. A. C.; BARBOSA JR, ROBSON. P.; MORAES, ANTONIO.O.S.; FERNANDES, PAULO. D.; THOMPSON, R. L.; A. O. NIECKELE. A Numerical Formulatiom for the Simulation of Highly Heterogeneous. Journal of Porous Media. v. 26, p. 13-30, 2022. doi: 10.1615/JPorMedia.2022041623. A4. (1.782)
7. CASTELLO BRANCO, RODRIGO L.; FONTALVO, ERIC M.G.; DE PAULA, IGOR BRAGA; CARNEIRO, JOÃO N.E.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O. Stability analysis of vertical annular flows with the 1D Two-Fluid Model: effect of closure relations on wave characteristics. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 152, p. 103947, 2022. A1. (4.044)
8. FRANÇA, THAYNÃ; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN. Feature engineering to cope with noisy data in sparse identification. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 188, p. 115995, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115995. A1 (8.665)
9. DE OLIVEIRA GABRIEL, RENATO; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO ; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ; TORRES SERRA, EDUARDO; COUTINHO SOBRAL VIEIRA, CESAR LUIZ. Numerical Simulation of an on-Grid Natural Gas PEMFC - Solar Photovoltaic Micro CHP Unit: Analysis of the Energy, Economic and Environmental Impacts for Residential and Industrial Applications. Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, v. 7, p. 5, 2022.doi:10.1007/s40866-022-00124-3. A3
11. LEITE, M. A. H. ; BASTIAN-PINTO, C. L. ; DIAS, A. O.; CASTINEIRAS FILHO, S. L. P. ; PRADELLE, F. ; FRUTUOSO, L. F. M. ; FERNANDEZ, E. F. Y. Investment decision of photovoltaic projects based on stochastic modellingofsolar irradiation and shortfall penalties foreseen in centralized-generation auction?s contracts. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 44, p. 608, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s40430-022-03917-w. A4. (2.361)
12. DE OLIVEIRA GABRIEL, RENATO; DE SOUZA LAYA JUNIOR, EDSON; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO; PRADELLE, FLORIAN; TORRES SERRA, EDUARDO; COUTINHO SOBRAL VIEIRA, CESAR LUIZ. Technical, economic and environmental analysis of a hybrid CHP system with a 5 kW PEMFC, photovoltaic panels and batteries in the Brazilian scenario. Energy Conversion and Management, v. 269, p. 116042, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2022.116042. A1. (11.533)
13. BRET, P.; PRADELLE, F. Determination of a simple and robust method to calculate ignition delay in compression ignition engines: application to diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blends. Engenharia Térmica, v. 21, p. 8-14, 2022. doi: 10.5380/reterm.v21i3.89664. B3. (0.1)
14. G.R.B., FERREIRA; HULTMANN AYALA, HELON VICENTE. Improved Image-Based Welding Status Recognition with Dimensionality Reduction and Shallow Learning. Experimental Mechanics, v. 1, p.985-998. 2022.doi: 10.1007/s11340-022-00850-w. A2. (2.794)
15. PERTUZ, S. A.; GHERARDINI, M.; SANTOS, G. V. P.; MUÑOZ, DANIEL M.; HULTMANN AYALA, HELON VICENTE; CIPRIANI, C. Data-driven Real-time Magnetic Tracking Applied to Myokinetic Interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, v. 16, p. 266-274, 2022. doi: 10.1109/TBCAS.2022.3161133. (5.234)
16. BESSA, G.; RIBEIRO, M. G. C; KUBRUSLY, A. C.; HULTMANN AYALA, HELON V. Improved feature extraction of guided wave signals for defect detection in welded thermoplastic composite joints. Measurement, v. 198, p. 111372, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2022.111372. B1. (5.131
17. SOUSA, LUCAS CASTRO; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN. Nonlinear Tire Model Approximation Using Machine Learning for Efficient Model Predictive Control. IEEE Access, v. 10, p. 1-1, 2022. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3212420. A3. (3.476)
18. CALDERANO, PEDRO H. S.; MATEUS GHEORGHE, DE CASTRO RIBEIRO; TEIXEIRA, RODOLFO S. FINOTTI AMARAL, RENAN P; MENEZES, IVAN F. M. Type-1 and singleton fuzzy logic system binary classifier trained by BFGS optimization method. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, v.22, p.149-168, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s10700-022-09387-y.
19. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. A deviatoric tensile-based critical plane model to predict peak/ mean normal stress effects in multiaxial fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 155, p. 106615, 2022. A1. (5.489)
20. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. An Improved Strain-Life Model Based on the Walker Equation to Describe Tensile and Compressive Mean Stress Effects. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 161, p. 106905, 2022. 0.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.106905. A1. (5.489)
21. MIDDELHOFF1, ELLA; FURTADO, L. A.; PARISE, J. A. R.; XIMENES, F.; FLORIN, N. Hybrid concentrated solar biomass (HCSB) systems for cogeneration: Techno-economic analysis for beef abattoirs in New South Wales, Australia, Energy Conversion & Management, v. 262, p. ECM_115620, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115620. A1. (11.533)
22. OJEDA, FRANK WILLIAM ADOLFO BLANCO; QUEIROZ, MARCUS VINÍCIUS ALMEIDA; PICO, DAVID FERNANDO MARCUCCI; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS; FILHO, ENIO PEDONE BANDARRA. Experimental evaluation of low-GWP refrigerants R513A, R1234yf and R436A as alternatives for R134a in a cascade refrigeration cycle with R744. International Journal of Refrigeration-Revue Internationale du Froid, v. 144, p. 175-187, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2022.08.010. A1. (4.14)
23. BESSA, GUILHERME M.; FERNANDES, LEONARDO S.; GOMES, BRUNO A. A.; AZEVEDO, LUIS F. A. Influence of aortic valve tilt angle on flow patterns in the ascending aorta. Experiments in Fluids, v. 62, p. 113, 2021. A1. (2.797)
24. DE JESUS VIEIRA, MARIA CLARA; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Premixed flame heat release-based optimum global single-step chemistry for H$$_2$$, CH$$_4$$, and C$$_3$$H$$_8$$ mixtures with air. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 44, p. 131, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s40430-022-03437-7. A4. (2.361)
25. VIEIRA, MARIA CLARA DE JESUS; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, LUÍS FERNANDO. Flame Flashback Critical Damköhler Number for CO$$_2$$ Diluted CH$$_4$$ and C$$_3$$H$$_8$$ Mixtures with Air. Flow Turbulance and Combustion, v. 1, p. 1, 2022.3. doi: 10.1007/s10494-022-00373-3. (2.566)
26. CUNHA, AMERICO; DA SILVA, LUIS FERNANDO FIGUEIRA. CRFlowLib ¿ Chemically Reacting Flow Library. Software Impacts, v. 11, p. 100206, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.simpa.2021.100206.
27. ANTHONY HUTIN; M. S. CARVALHO. The Use of a Geometric Parameter for Characterizing Rigid Films at Oil-Water Interfaces. Langmuir, 2022. Vol, 38, pg doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c01058 A2. (4.331)
28. HANCE. PARISH; M. S. CARVALHO; SATISH KUMAR. Thin-film flows on rotating noncircular cylinders with large curvature variations. Physical Reviews Fluids, vol.7(5), 054002, 2022. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.7.054002. (2.895)
29. UGUR SOYSAL; P. N. AZEVEDO; FLAVIEN BUREAU; ALEXANDRE AUBRY; M. S. CARVALHO; AMANDA C.S.N. PESSOA; LUCIMARA G. DE LA TORRE, OLIVIER COUTURE; ARNAUD TOURIN; MATHIAS FINK; PATRICK TABELING. Freeze-dried microfluidic monodisperse microbubbles as a new generation of ultrasound contrast agentes. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, vol.48(8), 1484-1495, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2022.03.011. A2. (3.694).
30. N. M. LIMA; J. AVENDANO; M. S. CARVALHO. Effect of Viscoelasticity on oil displacement in a microfluidic porous media. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, vol. 44:144, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s40430-022-03435-9. A 4. (2.181)
31. WILLER P. GCONÇALVES; D. M. QUINONES; M. S. CARVALHO; ABELARDO B. BARRETO JR. Petroleum reservoir parameters estimation using non-isothermal transient model and optimization methods. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 212, 110269, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110269. A1. (5.168)
32. ANTHONY HUTIN; M. S. CARVALHO. Effect of contamination from direct sonication on characterization on nanofluid stability. Powder Technology, vol. 399, 117157, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2022.117157 A1. (5.64)
33. T. C. BOTTI; ANTONY HUTIN; ERICK QUINTELA; M. S. CARVALHO. Effect of Interfacial Rheology on Drop Coalescence in Water-Oil Emulsion. Soft Matter. vol.18, 1423-1434, 2022. doi: 10.1039/D1SM01382C . A2. (4.046)
34. P. K. P. REIS; M. S. CARVALHO. Pore-scale analysis of gas injection in gas-condensate reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. vol. 212, 110189, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110189. A1. (5.168)
35. AURELIANO AGOSTINHO DIAS MEIRELLES; ANA LETÍCIA R. COSTA; MARIANO MICHELON; JULIANE VIRGANÓ; M. S. CCARVALHO; ROSIANE LOPES CUNHA. Microfluidic Approach to Produce Emulsion-Filled Alginate Microgels. Journal of Food Engineering, vol. 315, 110812, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2021.110812. A1. (6.203)
36. PAULO ROBERTO C. MENDES JUNIOR; IVAN ROSA SIQUEIRA; RONEY L. THOMPSON; M. S. CARVALHO. Computational study of planar die-swell flows with a viscous liquid-gas interface. AIChE Journal, vol.68(3), e17503, 2022. doi: 10.1002/aic.17503. A1. (4.167)
37. BARBOSA, W.S.; GIOIA, M.M.; TEMPORÃO, G.P; MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; GOUVEA F.C. Impact of multi-lattice inner structures on FDM PLA 3D printed orthosis using Industry 4.0 concepts. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, v.17, pg 371- 383, doi: 10.1007/s12008-022-00962-6. 2022. A2. (0.486)
38. LANDIM, R.V.; CASTRO, J.T.P.; MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; ALTOÉ, G; VELASCO, J. A. C.Notch Sensitivity and Short Cracks Tolerance in a Super 13Cr Stainless Steel under Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking Conditions. Corrosion Reviews. doi: 10.1515/corrrev-2022-0010, 2022. (3.690)
39. BARCELOS, E. I.; KHANI, S.; NACCACHE, M. F; MAIA, J. Supervised Learning for Accurate Mesoscale Simulations of Suspension Flow in Wall-bounded Geometries. Physics of Fluids, v. 34, p. 053110, 2022. doi: 10.1063/5.0086759. A1. (4.980)
40. VARGES, P.R. ; RODRIGUES, E.C. ; MORAES, L.C. ; de Souza Mendes, P.R.; NACCACHE, M.F. Flow instabilities in fluid displacement through enlarged regions in annular ducts. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 305, p. 104834, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2022.104834. A1. (2.67)
41. ESPINOZA, PEDRO J. TOBAR; VARGES, PRISCILLA R.; RODRIGUES, ELIAS C.; NACCACHE, M. F.; SOUZA MENDES, P. R. Displacement flow of yield stress materials in annular spaces of variable cross section. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 208, p. 109614, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.109614. A1. (5.168)
42. FERNANDES SOARES, ISABELA; MARÍN CASTAÑO, ELIANA PAOLA; LIMBERGER, JONES; NACCACHE, MÔNICA FEIJÓ. Effect of aromatic and non-aromatic solvents on the interfacial viscoelasticity and self-arrangement of asphaltenes. Rheologica Acta, v. 61, p. 583-600, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s00397-022-01346-2. A3. (3.069)
43. RIBEIRO, S.; NACCACHE, M. F. Finite element model of oil well cement curing process in the presence of fluid loss zone. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 44, p. 551, 2022. 10.1007/s40430-022-03851-x. A4. (2.181)
44. VIEIRA, LUIZ FERNANDO; WEINHOFER, ALEXANDRA C.; OLTJEN, WILLIAM C.; YU, CINDY; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO; HORE, MICHAEL J. A. Combining dynamic Monte Carlo with machine learning to study nanoparticle translocation. Soft Matter, v. 18, p. 5218-5229, 2022. doi: 10.1039/D2SM00431C . A2. (4.046)
45. THOMPSON, RONEY L. ; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Recent developments on yield stress materials. Science Talks, v. 2, p. 100021, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.sctalk.2022.100021.
46. ABEDI, BEHBOOD; BERGHE, LARA SCHIMITH; FONSECA, BRUNO S.; RODRIGUES, ELIAS C.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Influence of wall slip in the radial displacement of a yield strength material in a Hele-Shaw cell. Physics of Fluids. v. 34, p. 113102, 2022. A1. (4.980)
47. WAGNER, G.; LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. Modal identification of a light and flexible wind turbine blade under wind excitation. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, v. 133, p. 3, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s10665-022-10210-1. A2. (1.444)
48. WAGNER, GUSTAVO; LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Benefits of OKID in system realization with low amount of samples. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, v. 1, p. 1, 2022. B1. (2.333)
49. LOAIZA, J. C. V.; SÁNCHEZ, F.; SOUZA, O. M. R.; BRAGA, S. L. Ignition delay of reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) for the mixture of diesel fuel and ethanol in a rapid compression machine. Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 8, p. 29150-29172, 2022. doi: 10.5151/engpro-simea2015-PAP111 . C
50. VIEIRA, R.B.; LAMBROS, JOHN. Measuring representative volume elements from high-resolution grain-scale strain fields. Strain, vol. 58, p. e12423, 2022. doi: 10.1111/str.12423. (1.86)
51. DE SOUZA, LUCIO ROSSI; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO M.; CHENG, XIANG; RONG, LI-HAN; CALDONA, EUGENE B.; ADVINCULA, RIGOBERTO C. Highly thermally stable copolymers of epoxy and trifunctional polybenzoxazine. Materials Today Communications, v. 30, p. 102988, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2021.102988 A4. (3.662)
52. SILVA, GEOVANE DE ALMEIDA SANTOS DA; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES. Mechanical properties and morphology of HDPE/PA12 blends compatibilized with HDPE-alt-MAH. Polymers & Polymer Composites, v. 30, p. 096739112110640, 2022. doi: 10.1177/09673911211064049. A4. (1.841)
53. MENEZES, KARINE C M; KNIELING, BIANCA M; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO M . Analysis of the feasibility of the reuse of polyamide 11 rejected in the manufacturing process of thermoplastic hoses of umbilicals. Polymers & Polymer Composites, v. 30, p. 096739112210748, 2022. doi:10.1177/09673911221074842. A4. (1.841)
54. DE OLIVEIRA MARTINS, MARCOS VINÍCIUS; SILVEIRA, JOSE LUIS LOPES; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES. Analysis of the influence of welding parameters on defects and welding characteristics of aluminum-magnesium alloy 5052-H34 in the FSW process. International Journal of Advanced Manufactoring Technology, v. 121, p. 6137-6151, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s00170-022-09701-3 A2. (3.563)
55. BORGES, FRANCIS DE SOUZA; MORAES, FERNANDO JOSÉ HABIB; PEREIRA NETO, MÁRIO ANSELMO; D'ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES; BENTO, ANTONIO CARLOS; CELLA, NORBERTO. Photoacoustic spectroscopy applied in the monitoring of photocuring process in epoxy diacrylate resins: Positive effect. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, v. 33, p. 4341-4354, 2022. doi: 10.1002/pat.5864. A2. (3.348)
56. DE ALMEIDA SANTOS DA SILVA, GEOVANE; D'ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES ; LETICHEVSKY, SONIA; DE AVILLEZ, ROBERTO RIBEIRO. Crystallinity and rheology of HDPE / PA12 blends compatibilized with HDPE-alt-MAH. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, v. 14, p. 1-14, 2022. doi: 10.1002/pat.5873. A2. (3.348)
2. ALMEIDA, G. C.; AZEVEDO, B.A.; AZEVEDO, F. S.; KALAOUN, K.; IBANEZ, I.; TEIXEIRA, P.S.; GOTTLIEB, I.; MELO, M. M.; OLIVEIRA, G. M. M.; NIECKELE, A. O. Fluidodinâmica Computacional na Avaliação do Risco Futuro de Aneurismas de Aorta Ascendente. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, v. 118, p. 448-460, 2022. doi: 10.36660/abc.20200926. B2. (1.679)
3. SANTOS, B.J.M.; MURAD, F.W.; SAMPAIO, L. E. B.; THOMPSON, R. L.; A. O. NIECKELE. Development of nonlinear Reynolds average turbulent¿ models. Mechanics Research Communicattions, v. 1, p. 103853-8, 2022.doi: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2022.103853 (2.254)
4. ROCHA, P. R. B; NIECKELE, A. O. Numerical study of statistically developed gas-liquid intermittent flows by the lens of three-dimensional simulations. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 217, p. 110866, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110866. A1. (5.168)
5. BRANCO, R. L. F. C.; KASSAR, B.; CARNEIRO, J. N. E.; NIECKELE, A. O. Assessment of a Point-Cloud Volume-of-Fluid method with sharp interface advection. Computers & Fluids, v. 248, p. 105664-105687, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2022.105664. A1. (3.077)
6. DIAS, RODRIGO. A. C.; BARBOSA JR, ROBSON. P.; MORAES, ANTONIO.O.S.; FERNANDES, PAULO. D.; THOMPSON, R. L.; A. O. NIECKELE. A Numerical Formulatiom for the Simulation of Highly Heterogeneous. Journal of Porous Media. v. 26, p. 13-30, 2022. doi: 10.1615/JPorMedia.2022041623. A4. (1.782)
7. CASTELLO BRANCO, RODRIGO L.; FONTALVO, ERIC M.G.; DE PAULA, IGOR BRAGA; CARNEIRO, JOÃO N.E.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O. Stability analysis of vertical annular flows with the 1D Two-Fluid Model: effect of closure relations on wave characteristics. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 152, p. 103947, 2022. A1. (4.044)
8. FRANÇA, THAYNÃ; BRAGA, ARTHUR MARTINS BARBOSA; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN. Feature engineering to cope with noisy data in sparse identification. Expert Systems with Applications, v. 188, p. 115995, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2021.115995. A1 (8.665)
9. DE OLIVEIRA GABRIEL, RENATO; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO ; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ; TORRES SERRA, EDUARDO; COUTINHO SOBRAL VIEIRA, CESAR LUIZ. Numerical Simulation of an on-Grid Natural Gas PEMFC - Solar Photovoltaic Micro CHP Unit: Analysis of the Energy, Economic and Environmental Impacts for Residential and Industrial Applications. Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, v. 7, p. 5, 2022.doi:10.1007/s40866-022-00124-3. A3
11. LEITE, M. A. H. ; BASTIAN-PINTO, C. L. ; DIAS, A. O.; CASTINEIRAS FILHO, S. L. P. ; PRADELLE, F. ; FRUTUOSO, L. F. M. ; FERNANDEZ, E. F. Y. Investment decision of photovoltaic projects based on stochastic modellingofsolar irradiation and shortfall penalties foreseen in centralized-generation auction?s contracts. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 44, p. 608, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s40430-022-03917-w. A4. (2.361)
12. DE OLIVEIRA GABRIEL, RENATO; DE SOUZA LAYA JUNIOR, EDSON; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO; PRADELLE, FLORIAN; TORRES SERRA, EDUARDO; COUTINHO SOBRAL VIEIRA, CESAR LUIZ. Technical, economic and environmental analysis of a hybrid CHP system with a 5 kW PEMFC, photovoltaic panels and batteries in the Brazilian scenario. Energy Conversion and Management, v. 269, p. 116042, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2022.116042. A1. (11.533)
13. BRET, P.; PRADELLE, F. Determination of a simple and robust method to calculate ignition delay in compression ignition engines: application to diesel-biodiesel-ethanol blends. Engenharia Térmica, v. 21, p. 8-14, 2022. doi: 10.5380/reterm.v21i3.89664. B3. (0.1)
14. G.R.B., FERREIRA; HULTMANN AYALA, HELON VICENTE. Improved Image-Based Welding Status Recognition with Dimensionality Reduction and Shallow Learning. Experimental Mechanics, v. 1, p.985-998. 2022.doi: 10.1007/s11340-022-00850-w. A2. (2.794)
15. PERTUZ, S. A.; GHERARDINI, M.; SANTOS, G. V. P.; MUÑOZ, DANIEL M.; HULTMANN AYALA, HELON VICENTE; CIPRIANI, C. Data-driven Real-time Magnetic Tracking Applied to Myokinetic Interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, v. 16, p. 266-274, 2022. doi: 10.1109/TBCAS.2022.3161133. (5.234)
16. BESSA, G.; RIBEIRO, M. G. C; KUBRUSLY, A. C.; HULTMANN AYALA, HELON V. Improved feature extraction of guided wave signals for defect detection in welded thermoplastic composite joints. Measurement, v. 198, p. 111372, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2022.111372. B1. (5.131
17. SOUSA, LUCAS CASTRO; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN. Nonlinear Tire Model Approximation Using Machine Learning for Efficient Model Predictive Control. IEEE Access, v. 10, p. 1-1, 2022. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3212420. A3. (3.476)
18. CALDERANO, PEDRO H. S.; MATEUS GHEORGHE, DE CASTRO RIBEIRO; TEIXEIRA, RODOLFO S. FINOTTI AMARAL, RENAN P; MENEZES, IVAN F. M. Type-1 and singleton fuzzy logic system binary classifier trained by BFGS optimization method. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, v.22, p.149-168, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s10700-022-09387-y.
19. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. A deviatoric tensile-based critical plane model to predict peak/ mean normal stress effects in multiaxial fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 155, p. 106615, 2022. A1. (5.489)
20. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. An Improved Strain-Life Model Based on the Walker Equation to Describe Tensile and Compressive Mean Stress Effects. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 161, p. 106905, 2022. 0.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.106905. A1. (5.489)
21. MIDDELHOFF1, ELLA; FURTADO, L. A.; PARISE, J. A. R.; XIMENES, F.; FLORIN, N. Hybrid concentrated solar biomass (HCSB) systems for cogeneration: Techno-economic analysis for beef abattoirs in New South Wales, Australia, Energy Conversion & Management, v. 262, p. ECM_115620, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115620. A1. (11.533)
22. OJEDA, FRANK WILLIAM ADOLFO BLANCO; QUEIROZ, MARCUS VINÍCIUS ALMEIDA; PICO, DAVID FERNANDO MARCUCCI; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS; FILHO, ENIO PEDONE BANDARRA. Experimental evaluation of low-GWP refrigerants R513A, R1234yf and R436A as alternatives for R134a in a cascade refrigeration cycle with R744. International Journal of Refrigeration-Revue Internationale du Froid, v. 144, p. 175-187, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2022.08.010. A1. (4.14)
23. BESSA, GUILHERME M.; FERNANDES, LEONARDO S.; GOMES, BRUNO A. A.; AZEVEDO, LUIS F. A. Influence of aortic valve tilt angle on flow patterns in the ascending aorta. Experiments in Fluids, v. 62, p. 113, 2021. A1. (2.797)
24. DE JESUS VIEIRA, MARIA CLARA; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Premixed flame heat release-based optimum global single-step chemistry for H$$_2$$, CH$$_4$$, and C$$_3$$H$$_8$$ mixtures with air. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 44, p. 131, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s40430-022-03437-7. A4. (2.361)
25. VIEIRA, MARIA CLARA DE JESUS; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, LUÍS FERNANDO. Flame Flashback Critical Damköhler Number for CO$$_2$$ Diluted CH$$_4$$ and C$$_3$$H$$_8$$ Mixtures with Air. Flow Turbulance and Combustion, v. 1, p. 1, 2022.3. doi: 10.1007/s10494-022-00373-3. (2.566)
26. CUNHA, AMERICO; DA SILVA, LUIS FERNANDO FIGUEIRA. CRFlowLib ¿ Chemically Reacting Flow Library. Software Impacts, v. 11, p. 100206, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.simpa.2021.100206.
27. ANTHONY HUTIN; M. S. CARVALHO. The Use of a Geometric Parameter for Characterizing Rigid Films at Oil-Water Interfaces. Langmuir, 2022. Vol, 38, pg doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.2c01058 A2. (4.331)
28. HANCE. PARISH; M. S. CARVALHO; SATISH KUMAR. Thin-film flows on rotating noncircular cylinders with large curvature variations. Physical Reviews Fluids, vol.7(5), 054002, 2022. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.7.054002. (2.895)
29. UGUR SOYSAL; P. N. AZEVEDO; FLAVIEN BUREAU; ALEXANDRE AUBRY; M. S. CARVALHO; AMANDA C.S.N. PESSOA; LUCIMARA G. DE LA TORRE, OLIVIER COUTURE; ARNAUD TOURIN; MATHIAS FINK; PATRICK TABELING. Freeze-dried microfluidic monodisperse microbubbles as a new generation of ultrasound contrast agentes. Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, vol.48(8), 1484-1495, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2022.03.011. A2. (3.694).
30. N. M. LIMA; J. AVENDANO; M. S. CARVALHO. Effect of Viscoelasticity on oil displacement in a microfluidic porous media. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, vol. 44:144, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s40430-022-03435-9. A 4. (2.181)
31. WILLER P. GCONÇALVES; D. M. QUINONES; M. S. CARVALHO; ABELARDO B. BARRETO JR. Petroleum reservoir parameters estimation using non-isothermal transient model and optimization methods. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 212, 110269, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110269. A1. (5.168)
32. ANTHONY HUTIN; M. S. CARVALHO. Effect of contamination from direct sonication on characterization on nanofluid stability. Powder Technology, vol. 399, 117157, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2022.117157 A1. (5.64)
33. T. C. BOTTI; ANTONY HUTIN; ERICK QUINTELA; M. S. CARVALHO. Effect of Interfacial Rheology on Drop Coalescence in Water-Oil Emulsion. Soft Matter. vol.18, 1423-1434, 2022. doi: 10.1039/D1SM01382C . A2. (4.046)
34. P. K. P. REIS; M. S. CARVALHO. Pore-scale analysis of gas injection in gas-condensate reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. vol. 212, 110189, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110189. A1. (5.168)
35. AURELIANO AGOSTINHO DIAS MEIRELLES; ANA LETÍCIA R. COSTA; MARIANO MICHELON; JULIANE VIRGANÓ; M. S. CCARVALHO; ROSIANE LOPES CUNHA. Microfluidic Approach to Produce Emulsion-Filled Alginate Microgels. Journal of Food Engineering, vol. 315, 110812, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2021.110812. A1. (6.203)
36. PAULO ROBERTO C. MENDES JUNIOR; IVAN ROSA SIQUEIRA; RONEY L. THOMPSON; M. S. CARVALHO. Computational study of planar die-swell flows with a viscous liquid-gas interface. AIChE Journal, vol.68(3), e17503, 2022. doi: 10.1002/aic.17503. A1. (4.167)
37. BARBOSA, W.S.; GIOIA, M.M.; TEMPORÃO, G.P; MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; GOUVEA F.C. Impact of multi-lattice inner structures on FDM PLA 3D printed orthosis using Industry 4.0 concepts. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, v.17, pg 371- 383, doi: 10.1007/s12008-022-00962-6. 2022. A2. (0.486)
38. LANDIM, R.V.; CASTRO, J.T.P.; MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; ALTOÉ, G; VELASCO, J. A. C.Notch Sensitivity and Short Cracks Tolerance in a Super 13Cr Stainless Steel under Sulfide Stress Corrosion Cracking Conditions. Corrosion Reviews. doi: 10.1515/corrrev-2022-0010, 2022. (3.690)
39. BARCELOS, E. I.; KHANI, S.; NACCACHE, M. F; MAIA, J. Supervised Learning for Accurate Mesoscale Simulations of Suspension Flow in Wall-bounded Geometries. Physics of Fluids, v. 34, p. 053110, 2022. doi: 10.1063/5.0086759. A1. (4.980)
40. VARGES, P.R. ; RODRIGUES, E.C. ; MORAES, L.C. ; de Souza Mendes, P.R.; NACCACHE, M.F. Flow instabilities in fluid displacement through enlarged regions in annular ducts. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 305, p. 104834, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2022.104834. A1. (2.67)
41. ESPINOZA, PEDRO J. TOBAR; VARGES, PRISCILLA R.; RODRIGUES, ELIAS C.; NACCACHE, M. F.; SOUZA MENDES, P. R. Displacement flow of yield stress materials in annular spaces of variable cross section. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 208, p. 109614, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.109614. A1. (5.168)
42. FERNANDES SOARES, ISABELA; MARÍN CASTAÑO, ELIANA PAOLA; LIMBERGER, JONES; NACCACHE, MÔNICA FEIJÓ. Effect of aromatic and non-aromatic solvents on the interfacial viscoelasticity and self-arrangement of asphaltenes. Rheologica Acta, v. 61, p. 583-600, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s00397-022-01346-2. A3. (3.069)
43. RIBEIRO, S.; NACCACHE, M. F. Finite element model of oil well cement curing process in the presence of fluid loss zone. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 44, p. 551, 2022. 10.1007/s40430-022-03851-x. A4. (2.181)
44. VIEIRA, LUIZ FERNANDO; WEINHOFER, ALEXANDRA C.; OLTJEN, WILLIAM C.; YU, CINDY; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO; HORE, MICHAEL J. A. Combining dynamic Monte Carlo with machine learning to study nanoparticle translocation. Soft Matter, v. 18, p. 5218-5229, 2022. doi: 10.1039/D2SM00431C . A2. (4.046)
45. THOMPSON, RONEY L. ; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Recent developments on yield stress materials. Science Talks, v. 2, p. 100021, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.sctalk.2022.100021.
46. ABEDI, BEHBOOD; BERGHE, LARA SCHIMITH; FONSECA, BRUNO S.; RODRIGUES, ELIAS C.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Influence of wall slip in the radial displacement of a yield strength material in a Hele-Shaw cell. Physics of Fluids. v. 34, p. 113102, 2022. A1. (4.980)
47. WAGNER, G.; LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. Modal identification of a light and flexible wind turbine blade under wind excitation. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, v. 133, p. 3, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s10665-022-10210-1. A2. (1.444)
48. WAGNER, GUSTAVO; LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Benefits of OKID in system realization with low amount of samples. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, v. 1, p. 1, 2022. B1. (2.333)
49. LOAIZA, J. C. V.; SÁNCHEZ, F.; SOUZA, O. M. R.; BRAGA, S. L. Ignition delay of reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) for the mixture of diesel fuel and ethanol in a rapid compression machine. Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 8, p. 29150-29172, 2022. doi: 10.5151/engpro-simea2015-PAP111 . C
50. VIEIRA, R.B.; LAMBROS, JOHN. Measuring representative volume elements from high-resolution grain-scale strain fields. Strain, vol. 58, p. e12423, 2022. doi: 10.1111/str.12423. (1.86)
51. DE SOUZA, LUCIO ROSSI; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO M.; CHENG, XIANG; RONG, LI-HAN; CALDONA, EUGENE B.; ADVINCULA, RIGOBERTO C. Highly thermally stable copolymers of epoxy and trifunctional polybenzoxazine. Materials Today Communications, v. 30, p. 102988, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2021.102988 A4. (3.662)
52. SILVA, GEOVANE DE ALMEIDA SANTOS DA; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES. Mechanical properties and morphology of HDPE/PA12 blends compatibilized with HDPE-alt-MAH. Polymers & Polymer Composites, v. 30, p. 096739112110640, 2022. doi: 10.1177/09673911211064049. A4. (1.841)
53. MENEZES, KARINE C M; KNIELING, BIANCA M; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO M . Analysis of the feasibility of the reuse of polyamide 11 rejected in the manufacturing process of thermoplastic hoses of umbilicals. Polymers & Polymer Composites, v. 30, p. 096739112210748, 2022. doi:10.1177/09673911221074842. A4. (1.841)
54. DE OLIVEIRA MARTINS, MARCOS VINÍCIUS; SILVEIRA, JOSE LUIS LOPES; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES. Analysis of the influence of welding parameters on defects and welding characteristics of aluminum-magnesium alloy 5052-H34 in the FSW process. International Journal of Advanced Manufactoring Technology, v. 121, p. 6137-6151, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s00170-022-09701-3 A2. (3.563)
55. BORGES, FRANCIS DE SOUZA; MORAES, FERNANDO JOSÉ HABIB; PEREIRA NETO, MÁRIO ANSELMO; D'ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES; BENTO, ANTONIO CARLOS; CELLA, NORBERTO. Photoacoustic spectroscopy applied in the monitoring of photocuring process in epoxy diacrylate resins: Positive effect. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, v. 33, p. 4341-4354, 2022. doi: 10.1002/pat.5864. A2. (3.348)
56. DE ALMEIDA SANTOS DA SILVA, GEOVANE; D'ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES ; LETICHEVSKY, SONIA; DE AVILLEZ, ROBERTO RIBEIRO. Crystallinity and rheology of HDPE / PA12 blends compatibilized with HDPE-alt-MAH. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, v. 14, p. 1-14, 2022. doi: 10.1002/pat.5873. A2. (3.348)
1. SANDERS, E. D.; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Optimal and continuous multilattice embedding. Science Advances, v. 7, p. n/a-n/a, 2021. doi: 101126/sciadv.abf4838. B4. (14.136)
2. IBANEZ, I.; GOMES, BRUNO A; NIECKELE, A. O. Effect of percutaneous aortic valve position on stress map in ascending aorta: A fluid-structure interaction analysis. Artificial Organs, v. 1, p. 1-12, 2021. doi: 10.1111/aor.13883. B1. (3.094)
3. BRANCO, R. C.; GONZALEZ, E.M.; DE PAULA, I. B.; CARNEIRO, J. N. E.; A. O. NIECKELE . Stability analysis of vertical annular flows with the 1D Two-Fluid Model: effect of closure relations on wave characteristics. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, p. 103947, 2021.doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2021.103947. A1. (3186)
4. SIEIRA, PRISCILLA C; MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO DE SOUZA; CASTRO, ALEXANDRE TASCHETTO DE; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK. Impact of spinning conditions on the diameter and tensile properties of mesophase petroleum pitch carbon fibers using design of experiments. Materials Letters. v. 285, pg. 129110. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.matlet.2020.129110. A2. (3.204)
5. GONÇALVES NETO, JOÃO; VIDAL OZORIO, LETICIA; CAMPOS DE ABREU, THAIS CRISTINA; FERREIRA DOS SANTOS, BRUNNO; PRADELLE, FLORIAN. Modeling of biogas production from food, fruits and vegetables wastes using artificial neural network (ANN). Fuel, v. 285, p. 119081, 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119081. A1. (6.609)
6. RIBEIRO, MATEUS GHEORGHE DE CASTRO; KUBRUSLY, ALAN CONCI; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; DIXON, STEVE. Machine Learning Based Corrosion-like Defect Estimation with Shear-Horizontal Guided Waves Improved by Mode Separation. IEEE Access, v. 9 p. 1-1, 2021. B1. (3.367)
7. VILLARES HOLGUIN, C. D.; HULTMANN AYALA, H. V.; KUBRUSLY, A. C. Improved Stress Estimation with Machine Learning and Ultrasonic Guided Waves. Experimental Mechanics, v. 1, p. 1, 2021.doi: 10.1007/s11340-021-00787-6. A2. (2.808)
8. ROCA, JOSE F.; MENEZES, IVAN F.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Mobility Reduction in the Flow of an Elastic Microcapsule through a Constricted Channel. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v. 60, p. 2278-2289, 2021. doi: 10.1021/acs.ierc.0c05572. A1. (3.720)
9. ALBINO, J.C.R.; ALMEIDA, C.A.; MENEZES, I.F.M.; PAULINO, G.H. Dynamic response of deep-water catenary risers made of functionally graded materials. Mechanics Research Communications, v. 111, p. 103660, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.mechrescom.2021.103660. B1. (2.254)
10. ELSAS, J.H.; CASAPRIMA, N.A.G.; CARDOSO, P.H.S.; MENEZES, I.F.M. Bayesian optimization of riser configurations. Ocean Engineering, v. 236, p. 109402, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109402. A2. (3.795)
11. VIGNOLI, LUCAS LISBÔA; CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE A parametric study of stress concentration issues in unidirectional laminates. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, v. 28, p. 1554-1569, 2021.doi: 10.1080/15376494.2019.1688434. (3.517)
12. MARTINS, G. C. P.; BANDEIRA, C. F. C.; LIMA, G. W.; CASTRO, J. T. P. Fatigue limit evaluations of Al 6351-T6 by thermographic and εN methods. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 43, p. 11, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s40430-020-02758-9. B1. (2.220)
13. RIBEIRO, J. G. T.; CASTRO, J. T. P. ; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Modeling concrete and polymer creep using fractional calculus. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. 12, p. 1184-1193, 2021. doi: 10.1016/ j.jmrt.2021.03.007. B3. (5.039)
14. RIBEIRO, JOSÉ GERALDO TELLES; DE CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE; MEGGIOLARO, MARCO ANTÔNIO. An algorithm to minimize errors in displacement measurements via double integration of noisy acceleration signals. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 43, p. 385, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s404030-021-03097-z. B1. (2.220)
15. SICA, L. U. R.; VASCONCELOS, A. A.; J. A. R. PARISE; GOMEZ, A. O. C.; BANDARRA FILHO, E. P. Thermal performance analysis of a 1-5 TEMA E shell and coil heat exchanger operating with SWCNT-water nanofluid with varied nanoparticle concentration. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 43, p. 1-14, 2021. doi:10.1007/s40430-021-02833-9. B1. (2.220)
16. PEÑARANDA CHENCHE, LUZ ELENA; ABUBAKAR, IBRAHIM MUHAMMAD; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS; MENDOZA, OSCAR SAUL HERNANDEZ; BANDARRA FILHO, ENIO PEDONE. Comparative study of a tropical-climate natural-convection hybrid PV/T system operating with full or partial (tube-only) water coil insulation and two different sizes of thermal energy reservoirs. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (on line), v. 43, p. 301, 2021. doi:10.1007/s40430-021-03025-1. B1. (2.220)
17. SICA, L. U. R.; NOBRE, G. M.; CONTRERAS, E. M. C.; BANDARRA FILHO, E. P.; SOTOMAYOR, PAUL ORTEGA; PARISE, JOSÉ A. R. Heat transfer nanofluids for trigeneration systems: fabrication and experimental investigation of viscosity at below-ambient temperatures. International Journal of Refrigeration, v. 129, p. 163-174, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2021.04.036. A1. (3.629)
18. SICA, LUIZ U. R.; CONTRERAS, EDWIN M. C.; BANDARRA FILHO, ENIO P.; PARISE, JOSÉ A. R. An experimental viscosity investigation on the use of non-Newtonian graphene heat transfer nanofluids at below ambient temperatures. International Journal of Energy Research, v. 45, p. 14530-14546, 2021. doi: 10.1002/er.6675. A2. (3.741)
19. QUEIROZ, MARCUS VINÍCIUS ALMEIDA; OJEDA, FRANK WILLIAM ADOLFO BLANCO; MUHAMMAD AMJAD; RIAZ, FAHID; SALMAN, CHAUDHARY AWAIS; PARISE, JOSÉ A. R.; BANDARRA FILHO, E. P. Experimental comparison between R134a/R744 and R438A/R744 (drop-in) cascade refrigeration systems based on energy consumption and greenhouse gases emission. Energy Science & Engineering, v. 9, p. 2281-2297, 2021. doi: 10.1002/ese3.976. (4.07)
20. VITOR PAIVA; GIANCARLO GONZÁLES; RONALDO VIEIRA; ALEXANDRE RIBEIRO; JOSÉ MANESCHY; JORGE DINIZ; ANA D’ALMEIDA; JOSÉ FREIRE. Fatigue Tests on Buried or Repaired Dented Steel Pipeline Specimens. Metals. v.11, pg. 2031, 2021. doi: 10.3390/met11122031. (2.42)
21. PAIVA, VITOR E. L.; GONZÁLES, GIANCARLO L. G.; VIEIRA, RONALDO D.; RIBEIRO, ALEXANDRE S.; D’ALMEIDA, ANA L.F.S.; FREIRE, JOSÉ L. F. Fatigue of buried dented pipeline specimens. Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 33, pg. 159–170, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2021.10.020. (0.84)
22. GONZALES, GIANCARLO L. G.; GONZALEZ, JULIÁN A. O.; FREIRE, J. L. F. Characterization of discontinuous crack closure behavior after the application of a single overload cycle. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. v. 114, pg. 103028, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2021.103028. A2.(4.26)
23. BESSA, GUILHERME M.; FERNANDES, LEONARDO S.; GOMES, BRUNO A. A.; AZEVEDO, LUIS F. A. Influence of aortic valve tilt angle on flow patterns in the ascending aorta. Experiments in Fluids, v. 62, p. 113, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s00348-021-03199-3. (2.480)
24. VALENCIA, SEBASTIAN.; RUIZ, SEBASTIAN.; MANRIQUE, JAVIER.; CELIS PEREZ, C. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Soot modeling in turbulent diffusion flames: review and prospects. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (ONLINE), v. 43, p. 219, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s40430-021-02876-y. B1. (2.220)
25. CRUZ, J. J.; ESCUDERO, FELIPE.; ÁLVAREZ, EMILIO; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F.; CARVAJAL, GONZALO.; THOMSEN, MARIA.; FUENTES, ANDRÉS. Three-wavelength broadband soot pyrometry technique for axisymmetric flames. Optics Letters, v. 46, p. 2654-2657, 2021.doi: 10.1364/OL.424529. A1. (3.776)
26. REIS, P.K.P.; CARVALHO, M.S. Pore-scale compositional modeling of gas-condensate flow: Effects of interfacial tension and flow velocity on relative permeability. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 202, p. 108454, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108454. A1. (4.346)
27. HUANG, YUN-HAN; SALMON, FLEUR; KAMBLE, ABHIJEET; XU, APRIL XU; MICHELON, MARIANO LEOPERCIO, BRUNA C.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; FROSTAD, JOHN M. Models for the mechanical characterization of core-shell microcapsules under uniaxial deformation. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 119, p. 106762, 2021.doi: 10.1016/j.foofhyd.2021.106762. A1. (9.147)
28. LEOPÉRCIO, BRUNA C.; MICHELON, MARIANO; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Deformation and rupture of microcapsules flowing through constricted capillary. Scientific Reports, v. 11, p. 7707, 2021. A1. (4.379)
29. SANTOS, TATIANA PORTO; MICHELON, MARIANO; CARVALHO, MARCIO SILVEIRA; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Formation and stability of oil-in-water emulsions based on components of bioprocesses: A microfluidic analysis. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, v. 626, p. 126994, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.126994. (4.539)
30. HUANG, YUN-HAN; LI, XIRAN; MICHELON, MARIANO; LEOPERCIO, BRUNA, C.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; FROSTAD, JOHN M. Effects of aging on the shelf life and viscoelasticity of gellan gum microcapsules. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 121, p. 106982, 2021.doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2021.106982. A1. (9.147)
31. SCHEFFER, KAMILA; MÉHEUST, YVES; CARVALHO, MÁRCIO S.; MAURÍCIO, MARCOS H. P.; PACIORNIK, SIDNEI. Enhancement of oil recovery by emulsion injection: A pore scale analysis from X-ray micro-tomography measurements. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering v. 198, pg. 108134, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2020.108134. A1.(4.78)
32. B. C. LEOPÉRSIO, SERGIO RIBEIRO, FREDERICO C. GOMES, M. MICHELON e M. S. CARVALHO. Microcapsules with controlled magnetic response. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 25: 98, pg 1-12, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s10404-021-02498-9.A2.(2.529)
33. ALIREZA MOHAMMAD KARIM, WIESLAW J. SUSZYNSKI, SASWATI PUJARI, LORRAINE F. FRANCIS e M. S. CARVALHO. Contact line dynamics in curtain coating of non-Newtonian liquids. Physics of Fluids, vol.33, 103103, 2021. doi: 10.1063/5.0064467. A2.(3.521)
34. SOARES, J. C. V.; GATTASS, M.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Crowd-SLAM: Visual SLAM Towards Crowded Environments using Object Detection. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, v.102, n.50, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s10846-021-01414-1. A2. (2.646)
35. BARCELOS, ERIKA. I.; KHANI, SHAGHAYEGH.; BOROMAND, ARMAND.; VIEIRA, LUIS. F.; LEE, ALEX. J; PEET, JEFFREY.; NACCACHE, M. F.; MAIA, J. Controlling Particle Penetration and Depletion at the Wall in Dissipative Particle Dynamics. Computer Physics Communications, v. 258, p. 107618, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107618. A1. (4.390)
36. FERREIRA, ISABELA PINTO; SIRQUEIRA, ALEX DA SILVA; SANTOS, TAIANE ANDRE DOS; NACCACHE, MONICA FEIJO ; SOARES, BLUMA GUENTHER. Rheological studies of SBS/EVA blends modified with bio-based cashew nut shell liquid. Journal of Elastomers and Plastics, v. 1, p. 009524432199040, 2021 doi: 10.1177/0095244321990407. (1.60)
37. SANDOVAL, GUSTAVO A. B.; OZORIO, MARCIO COUTO; NACCACHE, MÔNICA F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; SUM, AMADEU K.; VALIM, LEANDRO; TEIXEIRA, ADRIANA . A Rheological Study of Parameters That Influence the Formation of Cyclopentane Hydrates. Energy & Fuels (online), v. 35, p. 18467-18477, 2021. doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c02726. A2.(3.605)
38. SOARES, ISABELA FERNANDES; OLIVEIRA, MÁRCIA CRISTINA K. DE; NACCACHE, MÔNICA FEIJÓ; NELE, MÁRCIO Effects of monovalent and divalent cations on the rheology of organic acid laden interfaces. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, v. 12, p. 1-13, 2021. doi: 10.1080/01932691.2021.2017296.(2.260)
39. ABEDI, BEHBOOD; PERES MIGUEL, MATHEUS J.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; MENDES, RAFAEL. Startup flow of gelled waxy crude oils in pipelines: The role of volume shrinkage. Fuel, v. 288, p. 119726, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119726. A1. (6.609)
40. DE LA CRUZ PAREJAS, RONAL; MOURA, FRANCISCO JOSÉ; DE AVILLEZ, ROBERTO RIBEIRO; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO. Effects of Al2O3-NiO, TiO2 and (Mg,Ni)O particles on the viscosity of heavy oil during aquathermolysis. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, v. 625, p. 126863, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.126863. A2. (4.539)
41. MARÍN CASTAÑO, E. P.; LEITE, R. H. T.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R. Microscopic phenomena inferred from the rheological analysis of an emulsion. Physics of Fluids, v. 33, p. 073102, 2021. doi: 10.1063/5.0053408. A2. (3.521)
42. MARÍN CASTAÑO, E.P; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Thermodynamics and rheology of droplet aggregation of water-in-crude oil emulsion systems. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 245, p. 116955, 2021.doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2021.116955. A1. (4.311)
43. NACCACHE, JOÃO PEDRO AIEX; LEITE, RICARDO T.; CASTAÑO, ELIANA P. MARÍN ; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. ; QUINTELLA, ERICK F. Production method of reference fluids intended for gravitational settlers' efficiency verification tests. Physics of Fluids, v. 33, p. 117105, 2021.doi: 10.1063/5.0063752. A2. (3.521)
44. OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; COUTINHO, ÍRIO M.; ANJOS, PEDRO H. A.; MIRANDA, JOSÉ A. Shape instabilities in confined ferrofluids under crossed magnetic fields. Physical Review E, v. 104, p. 065113, 2021.doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.104.065113. A1. (3.54)
45. BARAKAT, AHMED A.; LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; HAGEDORN, PETER. Bimodal parametric excitation of a micro-ring gyroscope. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, v. 20, p. 1, 2021. doi: 10.1002/pamm202000153. B4. (2.017)
46. LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Random stick-slip oscillations in a multiphysics system. European Physical Journal Plus, v. 136, p. 879, 2021. doi: 101140/epjp/s13360-021-01860-8. B1. (3.911)
47. SAMPAIO, R.; WAGNER, G.; LIMA, R. Operational Modal Analysis and Structure Health Monitoring. Current Trends in Civil & Structural Engineering, v. 7, p. 1-3, 2021.doi: 10.33552/CTCSE.2021.07.000669. (0.681)
48. BORGES, B.; LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. Análise estocástica de propagação de doenças epidemiológicas. Revista Mundi Engenharia, Tecnologia e Gestão, v. 6, p. 352-01-352-11, 2021. doi: 10.21575/25254782rmetg2021vol6n31636. B5.
49. SÁNCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; BRAGA, CARLOS VALOIS MACIEL; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL BRAGA; TEIXEIRA, CLAUDIO VIDAL; LOAIZA, JUAN CARLOS VALDEZ. Na Experimental Study of the Compression Ignition of Ethanol/n-Butanol Blends in a Rapid Compression Machine. SAE Techinical Paper Series. v.1, 2021. doi: 10.4271/2020-36-0013 (0.62)
50. SANTOS, J.A. DOS; TUCUNDUVA, R.C; D’ALMEIDA, J.R.M. Mechanical Characterization of pa 12 and Hdpe Pipes before and after aging in water at two differente temperatures. International Journal of Research Granthaalayah, v. 9, p. 248-256, 2021. doi: 10.29121/granthaalayah.v9.i1.2021.2973. (0.345)
51. SCHINAZI, GUSTAVO; MORAES D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO; POKORSKI, JONATHAN K; SCHIRALDI, DAVID A. Bio-Based Flame Retardation of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, v. 3, p. 372-388, 2021.doi: 10.1021/acsapm.0c01155. (8.097)
52. SOUSA, GIULIA SIMÃO; DA SILVA, GEOVANE DE ALMEIDA SANTOS; D'ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES. Influence of soapstone waste on the mechanical and rheological properties of high-density polyethylene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 138, p. 50966, 2021. doi: 10.1002/app.50966. A2. (3.126)
53. PEREIRA, AYRTON ALEF CASTANHEIRA; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES. Wear behavior of polyamide 11 reinforced with titanate nanotubes. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, v. 34, p. 089270572110133, 2021. doi: 1177/08927057211013391. B1. (3.330)
54. RODRIGUEZ, FREDDY IGNÁCIO ROJAS.; D'ALMEIDA, J. R. M.; MARINKOVIC, BOJAN A. Natural Aging of Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Rubber under Actual Operation Conditions of Electrical Submersible Pump Cables. Materials, v. 14, p. 5520, 2021. doi: 10.3390/ma14195520 MDPI. (3.601)
2. IBANEZ, I.; GOMES, BRUNO A; NIECKELE, A. O. Effect of percutaneous aortic valve position on stress map in ascending aorta: A fluid-structure interaction analysis. Artificial Organs, v. 1, p. 1-12, 2021. doi: 10.1111/aor.13883. B1. (3.094)
3. BRANCO, R. C.; GONZALEZ, E.M.; DE PAULA, I. B.; CARNEIRO, J. N. E.; A. O. NIECKELE . Stability analysis of vertical annular flows with the 1D Two-Fluid Model: effect of closure relations on wave characteristics. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, p. 103947, 2021.doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2021.103947. A1. (3186)
4. SIEIRA, PRISCILLA C; MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO DE SOUZA; CASTRO, ALEXANDRE TASCHETTO DE; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK. Impact of spinning conditions on the diameter and tensile properties of mesophase petroleum pitch carbon fibers using design of experiments. Materials Letters. v. 285, pg. 129110. 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.matlet.2020.129110. A2. (3.204)
5. GONÇALVES NETO, JOÃO; VIDAL OZORIO, LETICIA; CAMPOS DE ABREU, THAIS CRISTINA; FERREIRA DOS SANTOS, BRUNNO; PRADELLE, FLORIAN. Modeling of biogas production from food, fruits and vegetables wastes using artificial neural network (ANN). Fuel, v. 285, p. 119081, 2021. Doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119081. A1. (6.609)
6. RIBEIRO, MATEUS GHEORGHE DE CASTRO; KUBRUSLY, ALAN CONCI; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; DIXON, STEVE. Machine Learning Based Corrosion-like Defect Estimation with Shear-Horizontal Guided Waves Improved by Mode Separation. IEEE Access, v. 9 p. 1-1, 2021. B1. (3.367)
7. VILLARES HOLGUIN, C. D.; HULTMANN AYALA, H. V.; KUBRUSLY, A. C. Improved Stress Estimation with Machine Learning and Ultrasonic Guided Waves. Experimental Mechanics, v. 1, p. 1, 2021.doi: 10.1007/s11340-021-00787-6. A2. (2.808)
8. ROCA, JOSE F.; MENEZES, IVAN F.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Mobility Reduction in the Flow of an Elastic Microcapsule through a Constricted Channel. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v. 60, p. 2278-2289, 2021. doi: 10.1021/acs.ierc.0c05572. A1. (3.720)
9. ALBINO, J.C.R.; ALMEIDA, C.A.; MENEZES, I.F.M.; PAULINO, G.H. Dynamic response of deep-water catenary risers made of functionally graded materials. Mechanics Research Communications, v. 111, p. 103660, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.mechrescom.2021.103660. B1. (2.254)
10. ELSAS, J.H.; CASAPRIMA, N.A.G.; CARDOSO, P.H.S.; MENEZES, I.F.M. Bayesian optimization of riser configurations. Ocean Engineering, v. 236, p. 109402, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109402. A2. (3.795)
11. VIGNOLI, LUCAS LISBÔA; CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE A parametric study of stress concentration issues in unidirectional laminates. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, v. 28, p. 1554-1569, 2021.doi: 10.1080/15376494.2019.1688434. (3.517)
12. MARTINS, G. C. P.; BANDEIRA, C. F. C.; LIMA, G. W.; CASTRO, J. T. P. Fatigue limit evaluations of Al 6351-T6 by thermographic and εN methods. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 43, p. 11, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s40430-020-02758-9. B1. (2.220)
13. RIBEIRO, J. G. T.; CASTRO, J. T. P. ; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Modeling concrete and polymer creep using fractional calculus. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. 12, p. 1184-1193, 2021. doi: 10.1016/ j.jmrt.2021.03.007. B3. (5.039)
14. RIBEIRO, JOSÉ GERALDO TELLES; DE CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE; MEGGIOLARO, MARCO ANTÔNIO. An algorithm to minimize errors in displacement measurements via double integration of noisy acceleration signals. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 43, p. 385, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s404030-021-03097-z. B1. (2.220)
15. SICA, L. U. R.; VASCONCELOS, A. A.; J. A. R. PARISE; GOMEZ, A. O. C.; BANDARRA FILHO, E. P. Thermal performance analysis of a 1-5 TEMA E shell and coil heat exchanger operating with SWCNT-water nanofluid with varied nanoparticle concentration. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 43, p. 1-14, 2021. doi:10.1007/s40430-021-02833-9. B1. (2.220)
16. PEÑARANDA CHENCHE, LUZ ELENA; ABUBAKAR, IBRAHIM MUHAMMAD; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS; MENDOZA, OSCAR SAUL HERNANDEZ; BANDARRA FILHO, ENIO PEDONE. Comparative study of a tropical-climate natural-convection hybrid PV/T system operating with full or partial (tube-only) water coil insulation and two different sizes of thermal energy reservoirs. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (on line), v. 43, p. 301, 2021. doi:10.1007/s40430-021-03025-1. B1. (2.220)
17. SICA, L. U. R.; NOBRE, G. M.; CONTRERAS, E. M. C.; BANDARRA FILHO, E. P.; SOTOMAYOR, PAUL ORTEGA; PARISE, JOSÉ A. R. Heat transfer nanofluids for trigeneration systems: fabrication and experimental investigation of viscosity at below-ambient temperatures. International Journal of Refrigeration, v. 129, p. 163-174, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2021.04.036. A1. (3.629)
18. SICA, LUIZ U. R.; CONTRERAS, EDWIN M. C.; BANDARRA FILHO, ENIO P.; PARISE, JOSÉ A. R. An experimental viscosity investigation on the use of non-Newtonian graphene heat transfer nanofluids at below ambient temperatures. International Journal of Energy Research, v. 45, p. 14530-14546, 2021. doi: 10.1002/er.6675. A2. (3.741)
19. QUEIROZ, MARCUS VINÍCIUS ALMEIDA; OJEDA, FRANK WILLIAM ADOLFO BLANCO; MUHAMMAD AMJAD; RIAZ, FAHID; SALMAN, CHAUDHARY AWAIS; PARISE, JOSÉ A. R.; BANDARRA FILHO, E. P. Experimental comparison between R134a/R744 and R438A/R744 (drop-in) cascade refrigeration systems based on energy consumption and greenhouse gases emission. Energy Science & Engineering, v. 9, p. 2281-2297, 2021. doi: 10.1002/ese3.976. (4.07)
20. VITOR PAIVA; GIANCARLO GONZÁLES; RONALDO VIEIRA; ALEXANDRE RIBEIRO; JOSÉ MANESCHY; JORGE DINIZ; ANA D’ALMEIDA; JOSÉ FREIRE. Fatigue Tests on Buried or Repaired Dented Steel Pipeline Specimens. Metals. v.11, pg. 2031, 2021. doi: 10.3390/met11122031. (2.42)
21. PAIVA, VITOR E. L.; GONZÁLES, GIANCARLO L. G.; VIEIRA, RONALDO D.; RIBEIRO, ALEXANDRE S.; D’ALMEIDA, ANA L.F.S.; FREIRE, JOSÉ L. F. Fatigue of buried dented pipeline specimens. Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 33, pg. 159–170, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2021.10.020. (0.84)
22. GONZALES, GIANCARLO L. G.; GONZALEZ, JULIÁN A. O.; FREIRE, J. L. F. Characterization of discontinuous crack closure behavior after the application of a single overload cycle. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. v. 114, pg. 103028, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2021.103028. A2.(4.26)
23. BESSA, GUILHERME M.; FERNANDES, LEONARDO S.; GOMES, BRUNO A. A.; AZEVEDO, LUIS F. A. Influence of aortic valve tilt angle on flow patterns in the ascending aorta. Experiments in Fluids, v. 62, p. 113, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s00348-021-03199-3. (2.480)
24. VALENCIA, SEBASTIAN.; RUIZ, SEBASTIAN.; MANRIQUE, JAVIER.; CELIS PEREZ, C. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Soot modeling in turbulent diffusion flames: review and prospects. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (ONLINE), v. 43, p. 219, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s40430-021-02876-y. B1. (2.220)
25. CRUZ, J. J.; ESCUDERO, FELIPE.; ÁLVAREZ, EMILIO; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F.; CARVAJAL, GONZALO.; THOMSEN, MARIA.; FUENTES, ANDRÉS. Three-wavelength broadband soot pyrometry technique for axisymmetric flames. Optics Letters, v. 46, p. 2654-2657, 2021.doi: 10.1364/OL.424529. A1. (3.776)
26. REIS, P.K.P.; CARVALHO, M.S. Pore-scale compositional modeling of gas-condensate flow: Effects of interfacial tension and flow velocity on relative permeability. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 202, p. 108454, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108454. A1. (4.346)
27. HUANG, YUN-HAN; SALMON, FLEUR; KAMBLE, ABHIJEET; XU, APRIL XU; MICHELON, MARIANO LEOPERCIO, BRUNA C.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; FROSTAD, JOHN M. Models for the mechanical characterization of core-shell microcapsules under uniaxial deformation. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 119, p. 106762, 2021.doi: 10.1016/j.foofhyd.2021.106762. A1. (9.147)
28. LEOPÉRCIO, BRUNA C.; MICHELON, MARIANO; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Deformation and rupture of microcapsules flowing through constricted capillary. Scientific Reports, v. 11, p. 7707, 2021. A1. (4.379)
29. SANTOS, TATIANA PORTO; MICHELON, MARIANO; CARVALHO, MARCIO SILVEIRA; CUNHA, ROSIANE LOPES. Formation and stability of oil-in-water emulsions based on components of bioprocesses: A microfluidic analysis. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, v. 626, p. 126994, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.126994. (4.539)
30. HUANG, YUN-HAN; LI, XIRAN; MICHELON, MARIANO; LEOPERCIO, BRUNA, C.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; FROSTAD, JOHN M. Effects of aging on the shelf life and viscoelasticity of gellan gum microcapsules. Food Hydrocolloids, v. 121, p. 106982, 2021.doi: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2021.106982. A1. (9.147)
31. SCHEFFER, KAMILA; MÉHEUST, YVES; CARVALHO, MÁRCIO S.; MAURÍCIO, MARCOS H. P.; PACIORNIK, SIDNEI. Enhancement of oil recovery by emulsion injection: A pore scale analysis from X-ray micro-tomography measurements. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering v. 198, pg. 108134, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2020.108134. A1.(4.78)
32. B. C. LEOPÉRSIO, SERGIO RIBEIRO, FREDERICO C. GOMES, M. MICHELON e M. S. CARVALHO. Microcapsules with controlled magnetic response. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 25: 98, pg 1-12, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s10404-021-02498-9.A2.(2.529)
33. ALIREZA MOHAMMAD KARIM, WIESLAW J. SUSZYNSKI, SASWATI PUJARI, LORRAINE F. FRANCIS e M. S. CARVALHO. Contact line dynamics in curtain coating of non-Newtonian liquids. Physics of Fluids, vol.33, 103103, 2021. doi: 10.1063/5.0064467. A2.(3.521)
34. SOARES, J. C. V.; GATTASS, M.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Crowd-SLAM: Visual SLAM Towards Crowded Environments using Object Detection. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, v.102, n.50, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s10846-021-01414-1. A2. (2.646)
35. BARCELOS, ERIKA. I.; KHANI, SHAGHAYEGH.; BOROMAND, ARMAND.; VIEIRA, LUIS. F.; LEE, ALEX. J; PEET, JEFFREY.; NACCACHE, M. F.; MAIA, J. Controlling Particle Penetration and Depletion at the Wall in Dissipative Particle Dynamics. Computer Physics Communications, v. 258, p. 107618, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107618. A1. (4.390)
36. FERREIRA, ISABELA PINTO; SIRQUEIRA, ALEX DA SILVA; SANTOS, TAIANE ANDRE DOS; NACCACHE, MONICA FEIJO ; SOARES, BLUMA GUENTHER. Rheological studies of SBS/EVA blends modified with bio-based cashew nut shell liquid. Journal of Elastomers and Plastics, v. 1, p. 009524432199040, 2021 doi: 10.1177/0095244321990407. (1.60)
37. SANDOVAL, GUSTAVO A. B.; OZORIO, MARCIO COUTO; NACCACHE, MÔNICA F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; SUM, AMADEU K.; VALIM, LEANDRO; TEIXEIRA, ADRIANA . A Rheological Study of Parameters That Influence the Formation of Cyclopentane Hydrates. Energy & Fuels (online), v. 35, p. 18467-18477, 2021. doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c02726. A2.(3.605)
38. SOARES, ISABELA FERNANDES; OLIVEIRA, MÁRCIA CRISTINA K. DE; NACCACHE, MÔNICA FEIJÓ; NELE, MÁRCIO Effects of monovalent and divalent cations on the rheology of organic acid laden interfaces. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, v. 12, p. 1-13, 2021. doi: 10.1080/01932691.2021.2017296.(2.260)
39. ABEDI, BEHBOOD; PERES MIGUEL, MATHEUS J.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; MENDES, RAFAEL. Startup flow of gelled waxy crude oils in pipelines: The role of volume shrinkage. Fuel, v. 288, p. 119726, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119726. A1. (6.609)
40. DE LA CRUZ PAREJAS, RONAL; MOURA, FRANCISCO JOSÉ; DE AVILLEZ, ROBERTO RIBEIRO; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO. Effects of Al2O3-NiO, TiO2 and (Mg,Ni)O particles on the viscosity of heavy oil during aquathermolysis. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, v. 625, p. 126863, 2021. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.126863. A2. (4.539)
41. MARÍN CASTAÑO, E. P.; LEITE, R. H. T.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R. Microscopic phenomena inferred from the rheological analysis of an emulsion. Physics of Fluids, v. 33, p. 073102, 2021. doi: 10.1063/5.0053408. A2. (3.521)
42. MARÍN CASTAÑO, E.P; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Thermodynamics and rheology of droplet aggregation of water-in-crude oil emulsion systems. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 245, p. 116955, 2021.doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2021.116955. A1. (4.311)
43. NACCACHE, JOÃO PEDRO AIEX; LEITE, RICARDO T.; CASTAÑO, ELIANA P. MARÍN ; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. ; QUINTELLA, ERICK F. Production method of reference fluids intended for gravitational settlers' efficiency verification tests. Physics of Fluids, v. 33, p. 117105, 2021.doi: 10.1063/5.0063752. A2. (3.521)
44. OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; COUTINHO, ÍRIO M.; ANJOS, PEDRO H. A.; MIRANDA, JOSÉ A. Shape instabilities in confined ferrofluids under crossed magnetic fields. Physical Review E, v. 104, p. 065113, 2021.doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.104.065113. A1. (3.54)
45. BARAKAT, AHMED A.; LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; HAGEDORN, PETER. Bimodal parametric excitation of a micro-ring gyroscope. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, v. 20, p. 1, 2021. doi: 10.1002/pamm202000153. B4. (2.017)
46. LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Random stick-slip oscillations in a multiphysics system. European Physical Journal Plus, v. 136, p. 879, 2021. doi: 101140/epjp/s13360-021-01860-8. B1. (3.911)
47. SAMPAIO, R.; WAGNER, G.; LIMA, R. Operational Modal Analysis and Structure Health Monitoring. Current Trends in Civil & Structural Engineering, v. 7, p. 1-3, 2021.doi: 10.33552/CTCSE.2021.07.000669. (0.681)
48. BORGES, B.; LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. Análise estocástica de propagação de doenças epidemiológicas. Revista Mundi Engenharia, Tecnologia e Gestão, v. 6, p. 352-01-352-11, 2021. doi: 10.21575/25254782rmetg2021vol6n31636. B5.
49. SÁNCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; BRAGA, CARLOS VALOIS MACIEL; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL BRAGA; TEIXEIRA, CLAUDIO VIDAL; LOAIZA, JUAN CARLOS VALDEZ. Na Experimental Study of the Compression Ignition of Ethanol/n-Butanol Blends in a Rapid Compression Machine. SAE Techinical Paper Series. v.1, 2021. doi: 10.4271/2020-36-0013 (0.62)
50. SANTOS, J.A. DOS; TUCUNDUVA, R.C; D’ALMEIDA, J.R.M. Mechanical Characterization of pa 12 and Hdpe Pipes before and after aging in water at two differente temperatures. International Journal of Research Granthaalayah, v. 9, p. 248-256, 2021. doi: 10.29121/granthaalayah.v9.i1.2021.2973. (0.345)
51. SCHINAZI, GUSTAVO; MORAES D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO; POKORSKI, JONATHAN K; SCHIRALDI, DAVID A. Bio-Based Flame Retardation of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene. ACS Applied Polymer Materials, v. 3, p. 372-388, 2021.doi: 10.1021/acsapm.0c01155. (8.097)
52. SOUSA, GIULIA SIMÃO; DA SILVA, GEOVANE DE ALMEIDA SANTOS; D'ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES. Influence of soapstone waste on the mechanical and rheological properties of high-density polyethylene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 138, p. 50966, 2021. doi: 10.1002/app.50966. A2. (3.126)
53. PEREIRA, AYRTON ALEF CASTANHEIRA; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES. Wear behavior of polyamide 11 reinforced with titanate nanotubes. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, v. 34, p. 089270572110133, 2021. doi: 1177/08927057211013391. B1. (3.330)
54. RODRIGUEZ, FREDDY IGNÁCIO ROJAS.; D'ALMEIDA, J. R. M.; MARINKOVIC, BOJAN A. Natural Aging of Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Rubber under Actual Operation Conditions of Electrical Submersible Pump Cables. Materials, v. 14, p. 5520, 2021. doi: 10.3390/ma14195520 MDPI. (3.601)
1. M. MICHELON, B. C. LEOPERCIO; M. S. CARVALHO. Microfluidic production of aqueous suspensions of gellan-based microcapsules containing hydrophobic compounds. Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 211, 115314, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2019.115314 2019. A1 (3.306)
2. A. M. KARIM, W. J. SUSZYNSKI, S. PUJARI, L. F. FRANCIS e M. S. CARVALHO. Delaying breakup and avoiding air entrainment in curtain coating using a two-layer liquid structure. Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 213, 115376, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2019.115376. A1. (3.306)
3. PESSANHA, MIKE VALENTE; BRAGA, IGOR PAULA DE. Sensor based on piezo buzzers for simultaneous measurement of fluid viscosity and density. Measurement, v. 152, p. 107308, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.107308. B1. (2.218)
4. CELIS, D. F; AZEVEDO, B. A.; IBANEZ, I.; AZEVEDO, P. N.; TEIXEIRA, P. S.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O. Prediction of stress map in ascending aorta – optimization of the coaxial position in transcatheter aortic valve. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, v. 115, p. 680-687, 2020. doi:10.36660/abc.2019385. B1 (1.450)
5. GARCIA, D. E.; ALVAREZ RODRIGUES, D.; NIECKELE, A. O.; DE PAULA, I. B. Nonlinear instability of interfacial waves in stratified laminar channel flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 133, p. 103463, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103463. A1. (3.083)
6. CARVALHO, JOSÉ EDUARDO PORTELLA; SOTOMAYOR, PAUL ORTEGA; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK. Numerical assessment of critical properties of nanofluids: Applications to nanorefrigerants and nanolubricants. Journal of Molecular Liquids. v.318, pg. 113938. 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.113938. B1. (5.065)
7. GARCÍA, DEIBI E.; RODRÍGUEZ, DANIEL; NIECKELE, ANGELA O.; DEPAULA, IGOR BRAGA . Nonlinear instability of interfacial waves in stratified laminar channel flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. v. 133, p. 103463, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103463. A1. (3.083)
8. DE CARVALHO, JOSÉ EDUARDO PORTELLA; SOTOMAYOR, PAUL ORTEGA; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK. Numerical assessment of critical properties of nanofluids: Applications to nanorefrigerants and nanolubricants. Journal of Molecular Liquids. v. 318, pg. 113938. 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.113938. B1. (5065)
9. FURTADO, LEANDRO ANDRADE.; RIBEIRO, SERGIO GUERREIRO.; JOSÉ ALBERTO DOS REIS PARISE. Techno-economic analysis of a hybrid combined cycle applied to sugarcane plants. Energy Conversion and Management, v. 223, p. 113288, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2020.1132288. A1. (8.208)
10. COIMBRA, A. P. N. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Modelling of a turbulent lean premixed combustor using a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes approach. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 213, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s40430-020-2273-y. B1. (1.755)
11. PITON, L.C.; NOBREGA, G. S. P. R.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F.; SCOUFLAIRE, P.; DARABIHA, N. Experimental study of the influence of the swirl number on lean premixed combustion regimes. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 210, 2020. doi:10.1007/s40430-020-02274-w. B1. (1.755)
12. VERDUGO, IGNACIO; CRUZ VILLANEUVA, JUAN JOSÉ; RESZKA, PEDRO.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, LUIS FERNANDO ; FUENTES, ANDRÉS. Candle flame soot sizing by planar time-resolved laser-induced incandescence. Scientific Reports, v. 10, p. 11364, 2020. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68256-z. A1. (3.998)
13. CRUZ, J. J.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, LUIS FERNANDO; ESCUDERO, F.; CEPEDA, F.; ELICER-CORTÉS, J. C.; FUENTES, A. Soot Pyrometry by Emission Measurements at Different Wavelengths in Laminar Axisymmetric Flames. Combustion Science and Technology, v. 2020, p. 1-18, 2020. doi:10.1080/00102202.2020.1825401. (1.730)
14. CHARITATOS, VASILEIOS; SUSZYNSKI, WIESLAW J.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Dynamic wetting failure in shear-thinning and shear-thickening liquids. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 892, p. A1, 2020. doi:10.1017/ jfm.2020.154. A1. (3.354)
15. WU, JYUN-TING; FRANCIS, LORRAINE F.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Cavity filling with shear-thinning liquids. Physical Review Fluids, v. 5, p. 054003, 2020. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.054003. (2.512)
16. NACCACHE, M. F.; ABDU, A. A.; ABREU, CRISTINA DUARTE R. DE. Air Bubbles Displacement in Yield Stress Fluids. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, v. 13, p. 727-736, 2020. doi:10.29252/ jafm.13.02.30261. B1.(1.035)
17. VARGES, P. R.; AZEVEDO, P. E.; FONSECA, B. S.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; NACCACHE, M. F.; MARTINS, A. L. Immiscible liquid-liquid displacement flows in a Hele-Shaw cell including shear thinning effects. Physics of Fluids, v. 32, p. 013105, 2020. doi:10.1063/1.5133054. A2.(3.514)
18. SOARES, YAGO; CARGNIN, ELYFF; NACCACHE, MÔNICA; ANDRADE, RICARDO JORGE E. Influence of Oxidation Degree of Graphene Oxide on the Shear Rheology of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Suspensions. Fluids, v. 5, p. 41, 2020. doi:10.3390/fluids5020041.
19. VARGES, P. R.; FONSECA, B. S; SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE MIRANDA, C. R. Flow of yield stress materials through annular abrupt expansion-contractions. Physics of Fluids. v. 32, p. 083101, 2020. doi:10.1063/5.0015400. A2. (3.514)
20. MORAES, LORENA.; RIBEIRO, HÉLIO; CARGNIN, ELYFF; ANDRADE, RICARDO JORGE E; NACCACHE, M. F. Rheology of graphene oxide suspended in yield stress fluid. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 286, p. 104426, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2020.104426 . A1. (2.538)
21. ALCANTARA, STANLEY P.; SIRQUEIRA, ALEX. S.; SANTOS, TAIANE A.; NACCACHE, M. F. In situ compatibilization of polyamide 6/carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber blends with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane. Macromolecular Symposia (Online), v. 394, p. 2000032, 2020. doi:10.1002/masy.202000032 (o.68)
22. RODRIGUES, R. K.; MARTINS, S. F. C.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO . Rheological modifiers in drilling fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics v. 286, p. 104397, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2020.104397. A1. (2.538)
23. THOMPSON, RONEY LEON ; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Rheological material functions at yielding. Journal of Rheology, v. 64, p. 615-624, 2020. doi: 10.1122//1.5126491. A1. (3.468)
24. SICA, LUIZ U. R.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; THOMPSON, RONEY L. Is the von Mises criterion generally applicable to soft solids?. Soft Matter. v. 16, p. 7576-7584, 2020. doi:10.1039/d0sm00762e. A1. (3140)
25. SIQUEIRA, I. R.; PASQUALI, M.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R. Couette flows of a thixotropic yield-stress material: Performance of a novel fluidity-based constitutive model. Journal of Rheology, v. 64, p. 889-898, 2020. doi:10.1122/8.0000041. A1. (3.468)
26. OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; MIRANDA, JOSÉ A. Fully nonlinear simulations of ferrofluid patterns in a radial magnetic field. Physical Review Fluids, v. 5, p. 124003, 2020. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.124003.( 2.512)
27. TEIXEIRA, CLAUDIO VIDAL; BRAGA, CARLOS VALOIS MACIEL; SÁNCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL. Reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) with double direct injection of diesel and hydrous ethanol. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 64, 2020. doi:10.1007/s40430-019-2101-4. B1. (1.755)
28. TEIXEIRA, CLAUDIO VIDAL; BRAGA, CARLOS VALOIS MACIEL; SÁNCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL. Reactivity controlled compression ignition with triple injection fuel: ethanol-diesel-ethanol. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 401, 2020. doi:10.1007/s40430-020-02441-z. B1. (1.755)
29. SÁNCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; MARTINS, ANA ROSA FONSECA DE AGUIAR; BRAGA, CARLOS VALOIS MACIEL BRAGA; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL; TURKOVICS, FRANCK YVES; PRADELLE, RENATA NOHRA CHAAR. Study of effects of ignition improvers on ethanol compression ignition in the rapid compression machine. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v.42, pg 1- 20, 20202. doi:10.1007/s40430-020-02577-y. B1. (1.755)
30. FONTALVO, ERIC M.G.; BRANCO, RODRIGO L. CASTELLO; CARNEIRO, JOÃO N.E.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O. Assessment of closure relations on the numerical predictions of vertical annular flows with the two-fluid model. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 1, p.103243-103260,2020.doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103243. A1.(3.083)
31. VEIGA, HELENA M. B.; BOHER E SOUZA, LUCIANA; FLEMING, FELIPE P.; IBANEZ, IVAN; LINHARES, RICARDO C.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O.; AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO A. Experimental and Numerical Study of Wax Deposition in a Laboratory-Scale Pipe Section under Well-Controlled Conditions. Energy & Fuels, v. 34, p. 12182-12203, 2020. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c01316. A2. (3.421)
32. BONAFÉ, MAÍRA F.; BRAGA, A. M. B.; BARRETO, A. B. Approximate solution for pressure behavior during a multiple rate injectivity test. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, v.10, pg. 2373–2386, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s13202-020-00868-7. A3.(0.332)
33. LEWIN, CAROLINE SMITH; MARTINS, ANA ROSA FONSECA DE; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALIAN YANNICK. Modelling, simulation and optimization of a solid residues downdraft gasifier: Application to the co-gasification of municipal solid waste and sugarcane bagasse. Energy. v. 210, pg.118498. 2020. doi: 10.1016/ A1. (6.082)
34. FILHO, LUIZ PINTO CASTIÑEIRAS; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK. Modeling of a Brazilian ethanol plant: impact of the bagasse use and the ethanol dehydration on energy efficiency and sustainability. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. v. 42, pg. 1-25. 2020. doi: 10.107/s40430-020-02653-3. B1 (1.755)
35. NETO, JOÃO GONÇALVES; OZÓRIO, LETÍCIA VIDAL; ABREU, THAIS CRISTINA CAMPOS DE; SANTOS, BRUNNO FERREIRA DOS; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK. Modeling of biogás production from food, fruits and vegetables wastes using artificial neural network (ANN). Fuel. v. 285, pg. 119081. 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119081. A1. (5.578)
36. SANTOS, M.P.P.C.; CARVALHO, M.S. Pore network model for retrograde gas flow in porous media. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 185, p. 106635, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2019.106635. (3.706)
37. GALVAO, MAURICIO S. C.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; BARRETO, ABELARDO B. Thermal impacts on pressure transient tests using a coupled wellbore/reservoir analytical model. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 191, p. 106992, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.petro.2020.106992. (3.706)
38. J. A. F. GUTIÉRREZ, M. J. B. MOURA; M. S. CARVALHO, Dynamics of viscoelastic flow through axisymmetric constricted microcapillary at high elasticity number. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. vol.286, 104438, 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2020.104438. (2.538)
39. P. K. P. REIS e M. S. CARVALHO. Pore-Scale Analysis of Condensate Blockage Mitigation by Wettability Alteration. Energies. vol.13, 4673, 2020. doi:10.3390/en13184673 (2.702)
40. CARVALHO, N.B.; BERRÊDO VIANA, D.; MUYLAERT DE ARAÚJO, M.S.; LAMPREIA, J.; GOMES, M.S.P.; FREITAS, M.A.V. How likely is Brazil to achieve its NDC commitments in the energy sector? A review on Brazilian low-carbon energy perspectives. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. v. 133, p. 110343, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110343. A1. (12.11)
41. SILVA, Paulo H. DE LIMA.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. ; TEIXEIRA, ADRIANA; VALIM, LEANDRO. S. Rheology of THF hydrate slurries at high pressure. Oil & Gas Science and Technology Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles, v. 75, p. 16, 2020. doi:10.2516/ogst/20200007
42. SILVA, P. H. L.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; VALIM, LEANDRO S.; TEIXEIRA, ADRIANA. Effect of Alcohols on the Rheological Properties of Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate Slurries. SPE Journal, v. 1, p. 201101, 2020. doi:10.2118/201101-PA. A1.(3.372)
43. THOMPSON, RONEY LEON; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Analysis of the flow between parallel coaxial discs with relative axial motion and rotation. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 285, p. 104404, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jmmfm.2020.104404. A1. (2.538)
44. ABEDI, BEHBOOD; C. RODRIGUES, ELIAS; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Irreversible time dependence of gelled waxy crude oils: Flow experiments and modeling. Journal of Rheology, v. 64, p. 1237-1250, 2020. doi:10.1122/8.0000023. A1.(3.468)
45. CUNHA, J. P.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; SIQUEIRA, I. R.. Pressure-driven flows of a thixotropic viscoplastic material: Performance of a novel fluidity-based constitutive model. Physics of Fluids, v. 32, p. 123104, 2020. doi: 10.1063/5.0031991. A2.(3.514)
46. MILÓN GUZMÁN, JUAN JOSÉ; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO ; ZÚÑIGA TORRES, JUAN CARLOS; CARPIO BELTRÁN, HERBERT JESÚS DEL. Sizing methodology for photovoltaic systems considering coupling of solar energy potential and the electric load: dynamic simulation and financial assessment. E3S Web of Conferences, v. 181, p. 02003, 2020. doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202018102003. (0.52)
47. MILÓN GUZMÁN, JUAN JOSÉ; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL; ZÚÑIGA TORRES, JUAN CARLOS; CARPIO BELTRÁN, HERBERT JESÚS DEL. Solar thermoelectric cooling technology applied to transport of vaccines in isolated communities. E3S Web of Conferences, v. 181, p. 02005, 2020. doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202018102005.(0.52)
48. GONZÁLEZ, G. L. G.; GONZÁLEZ, J. A. O.; CASTRO, J. T. P; FREIRE, J. L. F. Measuring elastoplastic strain loops in the near crack-tip region using a Stereo Microscope DIC system" International Journal of Fatigue. v. 133
49. CHI, HENG; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; MENEZES, IVAN F. M. ; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Correction to: Virtual element method (VEM)-based topology optimization: an integrated framework. Structural and Multidisciplinary Opmization, v. 62, p. 1115, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s00158-020-02601-8. A2. (3.925)
50. BANDEIRA, CARLOS FILIPE CARDOSO; CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK; KENEDI, PAULO PEDRO. Sensitivity analysis of load frequency and block cycles on the fatigue limit measurement by thermographic method. Procedia Structural Integrity. v. 28, pg. 1969-1974. 2020. doi:10.1016/ j.prostr.2020.11.020.
51. FONSECA, CESAR AUGUSTO; SANTOS, ILMAR; WEBER, HANS I. An experimental and theoretical approach of a pinned and a conventional ball bearing for active magnetic bearings. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 138, p. 106541, 2020. doi: 10.1016/ j.ymssp.2019.106541. A1. (6.471)
52. AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; HABINEZA, DIDACE; RAKOTONDRABE, MICKY; DOS SANTOS COELHO, LEANDRO . Nonlinear black-box system identification through coevolutionary algorithms and radial basis function artificial neural networks. Applied Soft Computing, v. 87, p. 105990, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2019.105990. A2. (5.472)
53. HULTMANN AYALA, HELON VICENTE; RAKOTONDRABE, MICKY; COELHO, LEANDRO DOS SANTOS. Piezoelectric Micromanipulator Dataset for Hysteresis Identification. Data in Brief, v. 29, p. doi: 105175, 2020.doi:10.1016/j.dib.2020.105175. B3. (0.105)
54. AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; GRITTI, MARCOS CESAR; DOS SANTOS COELHO, LEANDRO. An R library for nonlinear black-box system identification. SoftwareX, v. 11, p. 100495, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.sodtx.2020.1000495. (Impact SNIP: 1.080)
55. MESQUITA, EDUARDO DE MENDONÇA; SAMPAIO, RENATO CORAL; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; LLANOS, CARLOS HUMBERTO. Recent Meta-heuristics Improved by Self-adaptation Applied to Nonlinear Model-based Predictive Control. IEEE Access, v. 8, p. 118841-118852, 2020. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3005318.(3.745)
56. MORENO, SINVALDO R.; COELHO, LEANDRO DOS SANTOS; AYALA, HELON V.H.; MARIANI, VIVIANA COCCO. Wind turbines anomaly detection based on power curves and ensemble learning. IET Renewable Power Generation, v. 14, p. 4086-4093, 2020. doi:10.1049/iet-rpg.2020.0224.(3.894)
57. BRUNO, HUGO; BARROS, GUILHERME; MENEZES, IVAN F.M.; MARTHA, LUIZ FERNANDO. Return-mapping algorithms for associative isotropic hardening plasticity using conic optimization. Applied Mathematical Modelling, v. 78, p. 724-748, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2019.10.006. A2. (3.633)
58. FINOTTI AMARAL, RENAN P.; MENEZES, IVAN F.M.; RIBEIRO, MOISÉS V. An extension of the type-1 and singleton fuzzy logic system trained by scaled conjugate gradient methods for multiclass. classification problems. Neurocomputing , v. 411, p. 149-163, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.meucom 2020.05.052. A2. (4.438)
59. SENHORA, FERNANDO V.; GIRALDO-LONDOÑO, OLIVER; MENEZES, IVAN F. M.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Topology optimization with local stress constraints: a stress aggregation-free approach. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, v. 62, p. 1639-1668, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s00158-020-02573-9 . A2. (3.925)
60. MARQUES, LUIS FERNANDO NAZARÉ; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MARTHA, LUIZ FERNANDO. Elastoplastic 3D analyses of plastic zone size dependencies on load-to-yield strength and on crack size-to-width ratios under mixed mode I/II. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, v. 107, p. 102490, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2020.102490. A2. (3.021)
61. RIBEIRO, JOSÉ GERALDO TELLES; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Parameter adjustments for optimizing signal integration using the FFT-DDI method. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 104, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s40430-020-2187-8. B1. (1.755)
62. GONZALEZ, J. A. O.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; GONZALES, G. L. G.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; FREIRE, JLF. Challenging the ?ΔKeff is the driving force for fatigue crack growth? hypothesis. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 136, p. 105577, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.105577. A2. (4.369)
63. MEDEIROS, V. S.; JELAVIC, E.,; BJELONIC, M.; SIERGWART, R.: MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; HUTTER, M. Trajectory Optimization for Wheeled-Legged Quadrupedal Robots Driving in Challenging Terrain. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, v.5, n.3, p. 4172-4179, 2020. doi:10.1109/LRA.2020.2990720. A1.(3.608)
64. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. Stick-slip oscillations in a multiphysics system. Nonlinear Dynamics, v. 100, p. 2215-2224, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s11071-020-05677-5. A1. (4.867)
65. BARAKAT, A. A.; LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; HAGEDORN, P. Bimodal parametric excitation of s micro-ring gyroscope. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, v. 2021, p. 1-3, 2020. doi:10.1002/pamm.202000153
2. A. M. KARIM, W. J. SUSZYNSKI, S. PUJARI, L. F. FRANCIS e M. S. CARVALHO. Delaying breakup and avoiding air entrainment in curtain coating using a two-layer liquid structure. Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 213, 115376, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2019.115376. A1. (3.306)
3. PESSANHA, MIKE VALENTE; BRAGA, IGOR PAULA DE. Sensor based on piezo buzzers for simultaneous measurement of fluid viscosity and density. Measurement, v. 152, p. 107308, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.107308. B1. (2.218)
4. CELIS, D. F; AZEVEDO, B. A.; IBANEZ, I.; AZEVEDO, P. N.; TEIXEIRA, P. S.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O. Prediction of stress map in ascending aorta – optimization of the coaxial position in transcatheter aortic valve. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, v. 115, p. 680-687, 2020. doi:10.36660/abc.2019385. B1 (1.450)
5. GARCIA, D. E.; ALVAREZ RODRIGUES, D.; NIECKELE, A. O.; DE PAULA, I. B. Nonlinear instability of interfacial waves in stratified laminar channel flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 133, p. 103463, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103463. A1. (3.083)
6. CARVALHO, JOSÉ EDUARDO PORTELLA; SOTOMAYOR, PAUL ORTEGA; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK. Numerical assessment of critical properties of nanofluids: Applications to nanorefrigerants and nanolubricants. Journal of Molecular Liquids. v.318, pg. 113938. 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.113938. B1. (5.065)
7. GARCÍA, DEIBI E.; RODRÍGUEZ, DANIEL; NIECKELE, ANGELA O.; DEPAULA, IGOR BRAGA . Nonlinear instability of interfacial waves in stratified laminar channel flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. v. 133, p. 103463, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103463. A1. (3.083)
8. DE CARVALHO, JOSÉ EDUARDO PORTELLA; SOTOMAYOR, PAUL ORTEGA; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK. Numerical assessment of critical properties of nanofluids: Applications to nanorefrigerants and nanolubricants. Journal of Molecular Liquids. v. 318, pg. 113938. 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2020.113938. B1. (5065)
9. FURTADO, LEANDRO ANDRADE.; RIBEIRO, SERGIO GUERREIRO.; JOSÉ ALBERTO DOS REIS PARISE. Techno-economic analysis of a hybrid combined cycle applied to sugarcane plants. Energy Conversion and Management, v. 223, p. 113288, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2020.1132288. A1. (8.208)
10. COIMBRA, A. P. N. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Modelling of a turbulent lean premixed combustor using a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes approach. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 213, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s40430-020-2273-y. B1. (1.755)
11. PITON, L.C.; NOBREGA, G. S. P. R.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F.; SCOUFLAIRE, P.; DARABIHA, N. Experimental study of the influence of the swirl number on lean premixed combustion regimes. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 210, 2020. doi:10.1007/s40430-020-02274-w. B1. (1.755)
12. VERDUGO, IGNACIO; CRUZ VILLANEUVA, JUAN JOSÉ; RESZKA, PEDRO.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, LUIS FERNANDO ; FUENTES, ANDRÉS. Candle flame soot sizing by planar time-resolved laser-induced incandescence. Scientific Reports, v. 10, p. 11364, 2020. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-68256-z. A1. (3.998)
13. CRUZ, J. J.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, LUIS FERNANDO; ESCUDERO, F.; CEPEDA, F.; ELICER-CORTÉS, J. C.; FUENTES, A. Soot Pyrometry by Emission Measurements at Different Wavelengths in Laminar Axisymmetric Flames. Combustion Science and Technology, v. 2020, p. 1-18, 2020. doi:10.1080/00102202.2020.1825401. (1.730)
14. CHARITATOS, VASILEIOS; SUSZYNSKI, WIESLAW J.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Dynamic wetting failure in shear-thinning and shear-thickening liquids. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 892, p. A1, 2020. doi:10.1017/ jfm.2020.154. A1. (3.354)
15. WU, JYUN-TING; FRANCIS, LORRAINE F.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Cavity filling with shear-thinning liquids. Physical Review Fluids, v. 5, p. 054003, 2020. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.054003. (2.512)
16. NACCACHE, M. F.; ABDU, A. A.; ABREU, CRISTINA DUARTE R. DE. Air Bubbles Displacement in Yield Stress Fluids. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, v. 13, p. 727-736, 2020. doi:10.29252/ jafm.13.02.30261. B1.(1.035)
17. VARGES, P. R.; AZEVEDO, P. E.; FONSECA, B. S.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; NACCACHE, M. F.; MARTINS, A. L. Immiscible liquid-liquid displacement flows in a Hele-Shaw cell including shear thinning effects. Physics of Fluids, v. 32, p. 013105, 2020. doi:10.1063/1.5133054. A2.(3.514)
18. SOARES, YAGO; CARGNIN, ELYFF; NACCACHE, MÔNICA; ANDRADE, RICARDO JORGE E. Influence of Oxidation Degree of Graphene Oxide on the Shear Rheology of Poly (Ethylene Glycol) Suspensions. Fluids, v. 5, p. 41, 2020. doi:10.3390/fluids5020041.
19. VARGES, P. R.; FONSECA, B. S; SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE MIRANDA, C. R. Flow of yield stress materials through annular abrupt expansion-contractions. Physics of Fluids. v. 32, p. 083101, 2020. doi:10.1063/5.0015400. A2. (3.514)
20. MORAES, LORENA.; RIBEIRO, HÉLIO; CARGNIN, ELYFF; ANDRADE, RICARDO JORGE E; NACCACHE, M. F. Rheology of graphene oxide suspended in yield stress fluid. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 286, p. 104426, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2020.104426 . A1. (2.538)
21. ALCANTARA, STANLEY P.; SIRQUEIRA, ALEX. S.; SANTOS, TAIANE A.; NACCACHE, M. F. In situ compatibilization of polyamide 6/carboxylated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber blends with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane. Macromolecular Symposia (Online), v. 394, p. 2000032, 2020. doi:10.1002/masy.202000032 (o.68)
22. RODRIGUES, R. K.; MARTINS, S. F. C.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO . Rheological modifiers in drilling fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics v. 286, p. 104397, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2020.104397. A1. (2.538)
23. THOMPSON, RONEY LEON ; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Rheological material functions at yielding. Journal of Rheology, v. 64, p. 615-624, 2020. doi: 10.1122//1.5126491. A1. (3.468)
24. SICA, LUIZ U. R.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; THOMPSON, RONEY L. Is the von Mises criterion generally applicable to soft solids?. Soft Matter. v. 16, p. 7576-7584, 2020. doi:10.1039/d0sm00762e. A1. (3140)
25. SIQUEIRA, I. R.; PASQUALI, M.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R. Couette flows of a thixotropic yield-stress material: Performance of a novel fluidity-based constitutive model. Journal of Rheology, v. 64, p. 889-898, 2020. doi:10.1122/8.0000041. A1. (3.468)
26. OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; MIRANDA, JOSÉ A. Fully nonlinear simulations of ferrofluid patterns in a radial magnetic field. Physical Review Fluids, v. 5, p. 124003, 2020. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.124003.( 2.512)
27. TEIXEIRA, CLAUDIO VIDAL; BRAGA, CARLOS VALOIS MACIEL; SÁNCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL. Reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) with double direct injection of diesel and hydrous ethanol. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 64, 2020. doi:10.1007/s40430-019-2101-4. B1. (1.755)
28. TEIXEIRA, CLAUDIO VIDAL; BRAGA, CARLOS VALOIS MACIEL; SÁNCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL. Reactivity controlled compression ignition with triple injection fuel: ethanol-diesel-ethanol. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 401, 2020. doi:10.1007/s40430-020-02441-z. B1. (1.755)
29. SÁNCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; MARTINS, ANA ROSA FONSECA DE AGUIAR; BRAGA, CARLOS VALOIS MACIEL BRAGA; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL; TURKOVICS, FRANCK YVES; PRADELLE, RENATA NOHRA CHAAR. Study of effects of ignition improvers on ethanol compression ignition in the rapid compression machine. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v.42, pg 1- 20, 20202. doi:10.1007/s40430-020-02577-y. B1. (1.755)
30. FONTALVO, ERIC M.G.; BRANCO, RODRIGO L. CASTELLO; CARNEIRO, JOÃO N.E.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O. Assessment of closure relations on the numerical predictions of vertical annular flows with the two-fluid model. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 1, p.103243-103260,2020.doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103243. A1.(3.083)
31. VEIGA, HELENA M. B.; BOHER E SOUZA, LUCIANA; FLEMING, FELIPE P.; IBANEZ, IVAN; LINHARES, RICARDO C.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O.; AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO A. Experimental and Numerical Study of Wax Deposition in a Laboratory-Scale Pipe Section under Well-Controlled Conditions. Energy & Fuels, v. 34, p. 12182-12203, 2020. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c01316. A2. (3.421)
32. BONAFÉ, MAÍRA F.; BRAGA, A. M. B.; BARRETO, A. B. Approximate solution for pressure behavior during a multiple rate injectivity test. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, v.10, pg. 2373–2386, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s13202-020-00868-7. A3.(0.332)
33. LEWIN, CAROLINE SMITH; MARTINS, ANA ROSA FONSECA DE; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALIAN YANNICK. Modelling, simulation and optimization of a solid residues downdraft gasifier: Application to the co-gasification of municipal solid waste and sugarcane bagasse. Energy. v. 210, pg.118498. 2020. doi: 10.1016/ A1. (6.082)
34. FILHO, LUIZ PINTO CASTIÑEIRAS; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK. Modeling of a Brazilian ethanol plant: impact of the bagasse use and the ethanol dehydration on energy efficiency and sustainability. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. v. 42, pg. 1-25. 2020. doi: 10.107/s40430-020-02653-3. B1 (1.755)
35. NETO, JOÃO GONÇALVES; OZÓRIO, LETÍCIA VIDAL; ABREU, THAIS CRISTINA CAMPOS DE; SANTOS, BRUNNO FERREIRA DOS; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK. Modeling of biogás production from food, fruits and vegetables wastes using artificial neural network (ANN). Fuel. v. 285, pg. 119081. 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119081. A1. (5.578)
36. SANTOS, M.P.P.C.; CARVALHO, M.S. Pore network model for retrograde gas flow in porous media. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 185, p. 106635, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2019.106635. (3.706)
37. GALVAO, MAURICIO S. C.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; BARRETO, ABELARDO B. Thermal impacts on pressure transient tests using a coupled wellbore/reservoir analytical model. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 191, p. 106992, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.petro.2020.106992. (3.706)
38. J. A. F. GUTIÉRREZ, M. J. B. MOURA; M. S. CARVALHO, Dynamics of viscoelastic flow through axisymmetric constricted microcapillary at high elasticity number. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. vol.286, 104438, 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2020.104438. (2.538)
39. P. K. P. REIS e M. S. CARVALHO. Pore-Scale Analysis of Condensate Blockage Mitigation by Wettability Alteration. Energies. vol.13, 4673, 2020. doi:10.3390/en13184673 (2.702)
40. CARVALHO, N.B.; BERRÊDO VIANA, D.; MUYLAERT DE ARAÚJO, M.S.; LAMPREIA, J.; GOMES, M.S.P.; FREITAS, M.A.V. How likely is Brazil to achieve its NDC commitments in the energy sector? A review on Brazilian low-carbon energy perspectives. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. v. 133, p. 110343, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110343. A1. (12.11)
41. SILVA, Paulo H. DE LIMA.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. ; TEIXEIRA, ADRIANA; VALIM, LEANDRO. S. Rheology of THF hydrate slurries at high pressure. Oil & Gas Science and Technology Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles, v. 75, p. 16, 2020. doi:10.2516/ogst/20200007
42. SILVA, P. H. L.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; VALIM, LEANDRO S.; TEIXEIRA, ADRIANA. Effect of Alcohols on the Rheological Properties of Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate Slurries. SPE Journal, v. 1, p. 201101, 2020. doi:10.2118/201101-PA. A1.(3.372)
43. THOMPSON, RONEY LEON; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Analysis of the flow between parallel coaxial discs with relative axial motion and rotation. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 285, p. 104404, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jmmfm.2020.104404. A1. (2.538)
44. ABEDI, BEHBOOD; C. RODRIGUES, ELIAS; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Irreversible time dependence of gelled waxy crude oils: Flow experiments and modeling. Journal of Rheology, v. 64, p. 1237-1250, 2020. doi:10.1122/8.0000023. A1.(3.468)
45. CUNHA, J. P.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; SIQUEIRA, I. R.. Pressure-driven flows of a thixotropic viscoplastic material: Performance of a novel fluidity-based constitutive model. Physics of Fluids, v. 32, p. 123104, 2020. doi: 10.1063/5.0031991. A2.(3.514)
46. MILÓN GUZMÁN, JUAN JOSÉ; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO ; ZÚÑIGA TORRES, JUAN CARLOS; CARPIO BELTRÁN, HERBERT JESÚS DEL. Sizing methodology for photovoltaic systems considering coupling of solar energy potential and the electric load: dynamic simulation and financial assessment. E3S Web of Conferences, v. 181, p. 02003, 2020. doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202018102003. (0.52)
47. MILÓN GUZMÁN, JUAN JOSÉ; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL; ZÚÑIGA TORRES, JUAN CARLOS; CARPIO BELTRÁN, HERBERT JESÚS DEL. Solar thermoelectric cooling technology applied to transport of vaccines in isolated communities. E3S Web of Conferences, v. 181, p. 02005, 2020. doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202018102005.(0.52)
48. GONZÁLEZ, G. L. G.; GONZÁLEZ, J. A. O.; CASTRO, J. T. P; FREIRE, J. L. F. Measuring elastoplastic strain loops in the near crack-tip region using a Stereo Microscope DIC system" International Journal of Fatigue. v. 133
49. CHI, HENG; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; MENEZES, IVAN F. M. ; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Correction to: Virtual element method (VEM)-based topology optimization: an integrated framework. Structural and Multidisciplinary Opmization, v. 62, p. 1115, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s00158-020-02601-8. A2. (3.925)
50. BANDEIRA, CARLOS FILIPE CARDOSO; CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE; PRADELLE, FLORIAN ALAIN YANNICK; KENEDI, PAULO PEDRO. Sensitivity analysis of load frequency and block cycles on the fatigue limit measurement by thermographic method. Procedia Structural Integrity. v. 28, pg. 1969-1974. 2020. doi:10.1016/ j.prostr.2020.11.020.
51. FONSECA, CESAR AUGUSTO; SANTOS, ILMAR; WEBER, HANS I. An experimental and theoretical approach of a pinned and a conventional ball bearing for active magnetic bearings. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 138, p. 106541, 2020. doi: 10.1016/ j.ymssp.2019.106541. A1. (6.471)
52. AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; HABINEZA, DIDACE; RAKOTONDRABE, MICKY; DOS SANTOS COELHO, LEANDRO . Nonlinear black-box system identification through coevolutionary algorithms and radial basis function artificial neural networks. Applied Soft Computing, v. 87, p. 105990, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2019.105990. A2. (5.472)
53. HULTMANN AYALA, HELON VICENTE; RAKOTONDRABE, MICKY; COELHO, LEANDRO DOS SANTOS. Piezoelectric Micromanipulator Dataset for Hysteresis Identification. Data in Brief, v. 29, p. doi: 105175, 2020.doi:10.1016/j.dib.2020.105175. B3. (0.105)
54. AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; GRITTI, MARCOS CESAR; DOS SANTOS COELHO, LEANDRO. An R library for nonlinear black-box system identification. SoftwareX, v. 11, p. 100495, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.sodtx.2020.1000495. (Impact SNIP: 1.080)
55. MESQUITA, EDUARDO DE MENDONÇA; SAMPAIO, RENATO CORAL; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; LLANOS, CARLOS HUMBERTO. Recent Meta-heuristics Improved by Self-adaptation Applied to Nonlinear Model-based Predictive Control. IEEE Access, v. 8, p. 118841-118852, 2020. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3005318.(3.745)
56. MORENO, SINVALDO R.; COELHO, LEANDRO DOS SANTOS; AYALA, HELON V.H.; MARIANI, VIVIANA COCCO. Wind turbines anomaly detection based on power curves and ensemble learning. IET Renewable Power Generation, v. 14, p. 4086-4093, 2020. doi:10.1049/iet-rpg.2020.0224.(3.894)
57. BRUNO, HUGO; BARROS, GUILHERME; MENEZES, IVAN F.M.; MARTHA, LUIZ FERNANDO. Return-mapping algorithms for associative isotropic hardening plasticity using conic optimization. Applied Mathematical Modelling, v. 78, p. 724-748, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2019.10.006. A2. (3.633)
58. FINOTTI AMARAL, RENAN P.; MENEZES, IVAN F.M.; RIBEIRO, MOISÉS V. An extension of the type-1 and singleton fuzzy logic system trained by scaled conjugate gradient methods for multiclass. classification problems. Neurocomputing , v. 411, p. 149-163, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.meucom 2020.05.052. A2. (4.438)
59. SENHORA, FERNANDO V.; GIRALDO-LONDOÑO, OLIVER; MENEZES, IVAN F. M.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Topology optimization with local stress constraints: a stress aggregation-free approach. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, v. 62, p. 1639-1668, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s00158-020-02573-9 . A2. (3.925)
60. MARQUES, LUIS FERNANDO NAZARÉ; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MARTHA, LUIZ FERNANDO. Elastoplastic 3D analyses of plastic zone size dependencies on load-to-yield strength and on crack size-to-width ratios under mixed mode I/II. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, v. 107, p. 102490, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2020.102490. A2. (3.021)
61. RIBEIRO, JOSÉ GERALDO TELLES; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Parameter adjustments for optimizing signal integration using the FFT-DDI method. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 104, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s40430-020-2187-8. B1. (1.755)
62. GONZALEZ, J. A. O.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; GONZALES, G. L. G.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; FREIRE, JLF. Challenging the ?ΔKeff is the driving force for fatigue crack growth? hypothesis. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 136, p. 105577, 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.105577. A2. (4.369)
63. MEDEIROS, V. S.; JELAVIC, E.,; BJELONIC, M.; SIERGWART, R.: MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; HUTTER, M. Trajectory Optimization for Wheeled-Legged Quadrupedal Robots Driving in Challenging Terrain. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, v.5, n.3, p. 4172-4179, 2020. doi:10.1109/LRA.2020.2990720. A1.(3.608)
64. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. Stick-slip oscillations in a multiphysics system. Nonlinear Dynamics, v. 100, p. 2215-2224, 2020. doi: 10.1007/s11071-020-05677-5. A1. (4.867)
65. BARAKAT, A. A.; LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; HAGEDORN, P. Bimodal parametric excitation of s micro-ring gyroscope. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, v. 2021, p. 1-3, 2020. doi:10.1002/pamm.202000153
1. CHI, H; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; M. MENEZES, IVAN F.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Virtual element method (VEM)-based topology optimization: an integrated framework. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, v. 60, p. 1-16, 2019. doi: 10.10107/s00158-019-02268-w. A2. (3.925)
2. TAKAHASHI, V. L.; KUBRUSLY, A. C.; BRAGA, A. M. B.; QUINTERO, S. M. M.; FIGUEIREDO, S. W. O.; DOMINGUES, A. B. Ultrasonic Power and Data Transfer through Multiple Curved Layers Applied to Pipe Instrumentation. Sensors (Basel). V. 19, p. 4074, 2019. doi: 10.3390/s19194074. B1. (3.031)
3. PRADELLE, FLORIAN; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO; FONSECA DE AGUIAR MARTINS, ANA ROSA; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; NOHRA CHAAR PRADELLE, RENATA. Experimental assessment of some key physicochemical properties of diesel-biodiesel-ethanol (DBE) blends for use in compression ignition engines. Fuel, v. 248, p. 241-253, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.03.087. A1. (4.908)
4. PRADELLE, FLORIAN; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL; FONSECA DE AGUIAR MARTINS, ANA ROSA; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; CHAAR PRADELLE, RENATA NOHRA. Performance and combustion characteristics of a compression ignition engine running on diesel-biodiesel-ethanol (DBE) blends - Potential as diesel fuel substitute on an Euro III engine. Renewable Energy, v. 136, p. 586-598, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2019.01.025. A2. (4.900)
5. C. PIZZAIA, RAPHAEL; C. PAMPLONA, DJENANE; I. WEBER, HANS; R. SAMPAIO, GUILHERME. An autonomous infuser for a subcutaneous skin expander. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics, v. 3, p. 70-75, 2019. doi: 10.24243/JMEB/3.5.220.(1.947)
6. DE JESUS, KELLY; DE JESUS, KARLA; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; DOS SANTOS COELHO, LEANDRO; VILAS-BOAS, JOÃO PAULO; FERNANDES, RICARDO JORGE PINTO. Predicting centre of mass horizontal speed in low to severe swimming intensities with linear and non-linear models. Journal of Sports Sceinces, v. x, p. 1-9, 2019.doi: 10.1080/02640414.2019.1574949. (2.733)
7. SÁNCHEZ-FERREIRA, C.; COELHO, L.S.; AYALA, H.V.H.; FARIAS, M.C.Q.; LLANOS, C.H. Bio-inspired optimization algorithms for real underwater image restoration. Signal Processing-Image Communication, v. 77, p. 49-65, 2019. doi: 10.1016/ j.image.2019.05.015.(2.814)
8. MEDEIROS, K. A. R.; BARBOSA, C. R. H.; DALMEIDA, J. R. M.; RIBEIRO, A. S.; DE PAULA, I.B. Flowmeter based on a piezoelectric PVDF tube. Measurement, v. 138, p. 368-378, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.02.059. B1. (2.218)
9. CARDOSO, P.H.S.; CASAPRIMA, N.A.G.; SENHORA, F.V.; MENEZES, I.F.M. Optimization of catenary risers with hydrodynamic dampers. Ocean Engineering, v. 184, p. 134-142, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.oceanemg.2019.05.025. A2. (2.730)
10. MIRANDA, A. C. O.; ANTUNES, M. A.; ALARCON, M. V. G.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. Use of the stress gradient factor to estimate fatigue stress concentration factors K. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 206, p. 250-266, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2018.11.049. A2. (2.580)
11. MIRANDA, ACO; MARQUES, R.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. Stress Intensity Factor Equations for the Evolution of Surface and Corner Cracks to Through Cracks. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 13, p. 611-629, 2019. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.48.59. B3.(082)
12. MARQUES, L. F. N.; COTA, E. E.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MARTHA, L. F.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. On the Estimation of the Elastoplastic Work Needed to Initiate Crack Tearing. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, v. 101, p. 80-91, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2019.02.007 A2. (2.215)
13. ELIAS FERREIRA, SAMUEL; TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE CASTRO, JAIME; ANTONIO MEGGIOLARO, MARCO; CARLOS DE OLIVEIRA MIRANDA, ANTONIO. Crack closure effects on fatigue damage ahead of crack tips. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 125, p. 187-198, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.03.039. A2. (3.132)
14. GONZÁLEZ, J. A. O.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; GONZÁLEZ, G. L. G.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; FREIRE, JLF. Verification of the ΔKeff hypothesis along the fatigue crack path in thin and thick Al specimens. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 49, p. 26-35, 2019. doi: 10.3221/ IGF-ESIS.49.03. B3. (0.82)
15. GONZÁLEZ, G. L. G.; GONZÁLEZ,, J. A. O.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; FREIRE, J. L. F. Using DIC techniques to measure strain ranges inside the cyclic plastic zone ahead of a fatigue crack tip. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 49, p. 74-81, 2019. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.49.08. B3. (0.82)
16. VIGNOLI, L. L.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Stress concentration issues in unidirectional laminates. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 41, p. 462-489, 2019. doi: 10.1007/s40430-019-1965-7. B1. (1.743)
17. MARTINS, FABIO J.W.A; FOUCAUT, JEAN-MARC; STANISLAS, MICHEL; AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO A. Characterization of Near-Wall Structures in the Log-region of a Turbulent Boundary Layer by Means of Conditional Statistics of Tomographic PIV Data. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 105, p. 191-205, 2019.doi: 0.1016/j.expthermflusci.2019.03.020. A2. (3.132)
18. JEREZ, A.; CRUZ VILLANUEVA, J.J.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F.; Demarco, R; Fuentes, A. Measurements and modeling of PAH soot precursors in coflow ethylene/air laminar diffusion flames. Fuel, v. 236, p. 452-460, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.09.047. A1. (4.908)
19. LIU, CHEN-YU; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Dynamic wetting failure in curtain coating: Comparison of model predictions and experimental observations. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 195, p. 74-82, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.09.047. A1. (3.306)
20. MOHAMMAD KARIM, ALIREZA; SUSZYNSKI, WIESLAW J.; GRIFFITH, WILLIAM B.; PUJARI, SASWATI; FRANCIS, LORRAINE F.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Effect of rheological properties of shear thinning liquids on curtain stability. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. v. 263, p. 69-76, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.11.009. A1. (2.293)
21. BAZZI, M.S.; CARVALHO, M.S. Effect of viscoelasticity on liquid sheet rupture. Journal of Non- Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 264, p. 107-116, 2019. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.10.007. A1. (2.293)
22. AVENDAÑO, JORGE; LIMA, NICOLLE; QUEVEDO, ANTÔNIO; CARVALHO, MÁRCIO. Effect of Surface Wettability on Immiscible Displacement in a Microfluidic Porous Media. Energies, v. 12, p. 664, 2019. doi: 10.3390/en12040664. B1. (2.676)
23. HUANG, CHUNG-HSUAN; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; Kumar, Satish. Electrostatic assist of liquid transfer between plates and cavities. Physical Review Fluids, v. 4, p. 044005, 2019. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.044005. (2.442)
24. GALLASSI, MARIANA; GONÇALVES, GABIREL F.N.; BOTTI, TÁLITA COFFLER; MOURA, MARIA J.B.; CARNEIRO, JOÃO N.E.; CARVALHO, MÁRCIO S. Numerical and experimental evaluation of droplet breakage of O/W emulsions in rotor-stator mixers. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 204, p. 270-286, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2019.04.011. A1. (3.306)
25. WU, JYUN-TING; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Emptying of gravure cavities containing shear-thinning and shear-thickening liquids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 268, p. 46-55, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.j.nnfm.2019.04.001 A1. (2.293)
26. JYUN-TING. WU, M. S. CARVALHO; S. KUMAR. Effects of Shear and Extensional Rheology on Liquid Transfer between Two Flat Surfaces. Journal of Non Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, vol. 274, 104173, 2019.doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2019.104173. A1 (2.293)
27. M. S. C. GALVÃO; M. S. CARVALHO; A. B. BARRETO JR. A Coupled Transient-Wellbore/Reservoir Temperature Analytical Model. SPE Journal, vol. 24(5), pp.2335-2361, 2019. doi: 10.2118/195592-PA. A1. (3.095)
28. I. R. SIQUEIRA; M. S. CARVALHO. A computational study of the effect of particle migration on the low-flow limit in slot coating of particle suspensions. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research. vol. 16(6), pp.1619-1628, 2019. doi: 10.1007/s11998-019-00196-4. B1. (1.584)
29. D. F. DO NASCIMENT; J. R. VIMIEIRO; S. PACIORNICK; M. S. CARVALHO. Pore Scale Visualization of Drainage in 3D Porous Media by Confocal Microscopy. Scientific Reports. vol. 9, 12333, 2019. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48803-z. A1. (4.011)
30. CARNEIRO, M. L. N. M.; GOMES, M. S. P. Energy, Exergy, Environmental and Economic Analysis of Hybrid Waste-To-Energy Plants. Energy Conversion and Management, v. 179, p. 397-417, 2019. doi: 10.1016/ j.enconman.2018.10.007. A1. (7.181)
31. CARNEIRO, M. L. N. M.; GOMES, M. S. P. Energy-ecologic efficiency of waste-to-energy plants. Energy Conversion and Management, v. 195, p. 1359-1370, 2019. doi: 10.1016/ j.enconman.2019.05.098. A1. (7.181)
32. R. VARGES, PRISCILLA; M. COSTA, CAMILA; S. FONSECA, BRUNO; F. NACCACHE, MÔNICA; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO. Rheological Characterization of Carbopol Dispersions in Water and in Water/Glycerol Solutions. Fluids, v. 4, p. 3, 2019. doi: 10.3399/fluids4010003.
33. PIRES NETO, J. F.; SOUTO, L. F. C.; SILVA, A. A.; BARRA, G. M. O.; NACCACHE, M. F.; SOARES, B. G.; SIRQUEIRA, A. S. Rheological properties of epoxy/polypyrrole coating and its behavior as EMI material. Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology (online), v. 1, p. 1-10, 2019. doi: 10.1002/vnl.21749.
34. RODRIGUES, R. K.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO. Effect of cyclopentane hydrates on the stability of dodac and aot structures. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (online), v. 36, p. 1727-1738, 2019. doi: 10.1590/0104-6632.20190364s20180583. B1. (0.318)
35. MARCHESIN, FLÁVIO H.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; ALTHOFF, HELOISA; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Irreversible time-dependent rheological behavior of cement slurries: Constitutive model and experiments. Journal of Rheology, v. 63, p. 247-262, 2019. doi: 10.1122/1.5054879. A1. (2.969)
36. SIQUEIRA, I.R.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P.R. On the pressure-driven flow of suspensions: particle migration in apparent yield-stress fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 265, p. 92-98, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2019.02.002. A1. (2.293)
37. LEITE, RICARDO T.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; THOMPSON, RONEY L. A simple method to analyze materials under quasilinear large amplitude oscillatory shear flow (QL-LAOS). Journal of Rheology, v. 63, p. 305-317, 2019. doi: 10.1122/ 1.5055867. A1. (2.969)
38. RODRIGUES, ELIAS C.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Predicting the time-dependent irreversible rheological behavior of oil well cement slurries. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 178, p. 805-813, 2019 doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2019.03.073. (2.739)
39. GOICOECHEA, H. E.; LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. ; BUEZAS, F. ; ROSALES, M. B. Derivation of different constitutive laws for the Cosserat medium. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVIIp. P. 735-745, 2019. B5.
40. GOMES, M.; LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. A race in Monte Carlo method: numerical and analytical methods. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVII, p. 649-655, 2019. B5.
41. RANGO, B.; BALLABEN, J.; SAMPAIO, R.; LIMA, R. Stochastic dynamic response of a Cross Rope transmission line. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVII, p. 679-688, 2019. B5.
42. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. Electromechanical system with a stochastic friction field. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVII, p. 667-677, 2019. B5.
43. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. ; HAGEDORN, P. ; DEU, J. Comments on the paper “On nonlinear dynamics behavior of an electro-mechanical pendulum excited by a nonideal motor and a chaos control taking into account parametric errors- published in this journal”. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 41 p. 552-562, 2019. doi: 10.1007/s40430-019-2032-0. B1. (1.743)
44. GARCIA, D. A.; ROSALES, MARTA B.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Dynamic behaviour of a timber footbridge with uncertain material properties under a single deterministic walking load. Structural Safety, v. 77, p. 10-17, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.strusafe.2018.11.001. A1. (3.538)
45. D. J. G. MALDONADO; A. KAREV; HAGEDORN, P.; RITTO, THIAGO GAMBOA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Analysis of a rotordynamic system with anisotropy and nonlinearity using the Floquet theory and the method of normal forms. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 453, p. 201-213, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2019.04.006..A1. (2.618)
46. BELLIZZI, SERGIO; KWOK-WAI CHUNG; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Response regimes of a linear oscillator with a nonlinear energy sink involving an active damper with delay. Nonlinear Dynamics, v. 97, p. 1667-1684, 2019. Doi: 10.1007/s11071-019-05089-0. A2. (4.604)
47. TEIXEIRA, CLÁUDIO VIDAL; BRAGA, CARLOS VALOIS MACIEL; SANCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL d. Reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) with double direct injection of iesel and hydrous ethanol. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 1-15. 2019. doi: 10.1007/a40430-019-2101-4. B1. (1.743)
48. VERA, AIXA ANEL PERALTA; DEL CÁRPIO, HERBERT JESÚS; TORRES, JUAN CARLOS ZÚNIGA; GUZMAN, JUAN JOSE MILON; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL. Experimental study of a photovoltaic direct current water pumping system for irrigation in rural-isolated region of Arequipa, Peru. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, v. 141, p. 041012. 2019. doi:10.1115/1.4042724. B1. (0.487)
49. DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO; THOMPSON, RONEY L. Time-dependent yield stress materials. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, v. 43, p. 15-25, 2019. doi:10.1016/j.cocis.2019.01.018. (6.790)
2. TAKAHASHI, V. L.; KUBRUSLY, A. C.; BRAGA, A. M. B.; QUINTERO, S. M. M.; FIGUEIREDO, S. W. O.; DOMINGUES, A. B. Ultrasonic Power and Data Transfer through Multiple Curved Layers Applied to Pipe Instrumentation. Sensors (Basel). V. 19, p. 4074, 2019. doi: 10.3390/s19194074. B1. (3.031)
3. PRADELLE, FLORIAN; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO; FONSECA DE AGUIAR MARTINS, ANA ROSA; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; NOHRA CHAAR PRADELLE, RENATA. Experimental assessment of some key physicochemical properties of diesel-biodiesel-ethanol (DBE) blends for use in compression ignition engines. Fuel, v. 248, p. 241-253, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.03.087. A1. (4.908)
4. PRADELLE, FLORIAN; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL; FONSECA DE AGUIAR MARTINS, ANA ROSA; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; CHAAR PRADELLE, RENATA NOHRA. Performance and combustion characteristics of a compression ignition engine running on diesel-biodiesel-ethanol (DBE) blends - Potential as diesel fuel substitute on an Euro III engine. Renewable Energy, v. 136, p. 586-598, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2019.01.025. A2. (4.900)
5. C. PIZZAIA, RAPHAEL; C. PAMPLONA, DJENANE; I. WEBER, HANS; R. SAMPAIO, GUILHERME. An autonomous infuser for a subcutaneous skin expander. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics, v. 3, p. 70-75, 2019. doi: 10.24243/JMEB/3.5.220.(1.947)
6. DE JESUS, KELLY; DE JESUS, KARLA; AYALA, HELON VICENTE HULTMANN; DOS SANTOS COELHO, LEANDRO; VILAS-BOAS, JOÃO PAULO; FERNANDES, RICARDO JORGE PINTO. Predicting centre of mass horizontal speed in low to severe swimming intensities with linear and non-linear models. Journal of Sports Sceinces, v. x, p. 1-9, 2019.doi: 10.1080/02640414.2019.1574949. (2.733)
7. SÁNCHEZ-FERREIRA, C.; COELHO, L.S.; AYALA, H.V.H.; FARIAS, M.C.Q.; LLANOS, C.H. Bio-inspired optimization algorithms for real underwater image restoration. Signal Processing-Image Communication, v. 77, p. 49-65, 2019. doi: 10.1016/ j.image.2019.05.015.(2.814)
8. MEDEIROS, K. A. R.; BARBOSA, C. R. H.; DALMEIDA, J. R. M.; RIBEIRO, A. S.; DE PAULA, I.B. Flowmeter based on a piezoelectric PVDF tube. Measurement, v. 138, p. 368-378, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.02.059. B1. (2.218)
9. CARDOSO, P.H.S.; CASAPRIMA, N.A.G.; SENHORA, F.V.; MENEZES, I.F.M. Optimization of catenary risers with hydrodynamic dampers. Ocean Engineering, v. 184, p. 134-142, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.oceanemg.2019.05.025. A2. (2.730)
10. MIRANDA, A. C. O.; ANTUNES, M. A.; ALARCON, M. V. G.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. Use of the stress gradient factor to estimate fatigue stress concentration factors K. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 206, p. 250-266, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2018.11.049. A2. (2.580)
11. MIRANDA, ACO; MARQUES, R.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. Stress Intensity Factor Equations for the Evolution of Surface and Corner Cracks to Through Cracks. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 13, p. 611-629, 2019. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.48.59. B3.(082)
12. MARQUES, L. F. N.; COTA, E. E.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MARTHA, L. F.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. On the Estimation of the Elastoplastic Work Needed to Initiate Crack Tearing. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, v. 101, p. 80-91, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2019.02.007 A2. (2.215)
13. ELIAS FERREIRA, SAMUEL; TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE CASTRO, JAIME; ANTONIO MEGGIOLARO, MARCO; CARLOS DE OLIVEIRA MIRANDA, ANTONIO. Crack closure effects on fatigue damage ahead of crack tips. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 125, p. 187-198, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.03.039. A2. (3.132)
14. GONZÁLEZ, J. A. O.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; GONZÁLEZ, G. L. G.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; FREIRE, JLF. Verification of the ΔKeff hypothesis along the fatigue crack path in thin and thick Al specimens. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 49, p. 26-35, 2019. doi: 10.3221/ IGF-ESIS.49.03. B3. (0.82)
15. GONZÁLEZ, G. L. G.; GONZÁLEZ,, J. A. O.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; FREIRE, J. L. F. Using DIC techniques to measure strain ranges inside the cyclic plastic zone ahead of a fatigue crack tip. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 49, p. 74-81, 2019. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.49.08. B3. (0.82)
16. VIGNOLI, L. L.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Stress concentration issues in unidirectional laminates. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 41, p. 462-489, 2019. doi: 10.1007/s40430-019-1965-7. B1. (1.743)
17. MARTINS, FABIO J.W.A; FOUCAUT, JEAN-MARC; STANISLAS, MICHEL; AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO A. Characterization of Near-Wall Structures in the Log-region of a Turbulent Boundary Layer by Means of Conditional Statistics of Tomographic PIV Data. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 105, p. 191-205, 2019.doi: 0.1016/j.expthermflusci.2019.03.020. A2. (3.132)
18. JEREZ, A.; CRUZ VILLANUEVA, J.J.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F.; Demarco, R; Fuentes, A. Measurements and modeling of PAH soot precursors in coflow ethylene/air laminar diffusion flames. Fuel, v. 236, p. 452-460, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.09.047. A1. (4.908)
19. LIU, CHEN-YU; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Dynamic wetting failure in curtain coating: Comparison of model predictions and experimental observations. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 195, p. 74-82, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.09.047. A1. (3.306)
20. MOHAMMAD KARIM, ALIREZA; SUSZYNSKI, WIESLAW J.; GRIFFITH, WILLIAM B.; PUJARI, SASWATI; FRANCIS, LORRAINE F.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Effect of rheological properties of shear thinning liquids on curtain stability. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics. v. 263, p. 69-76, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.11.009. A1. (2.293)
21. BAZZI, M.S.; CARVALHO, M.S. Effect of viscoelasticity on liquid sheet rupture. Journal of Non- Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 264, p. 107-116, 2019. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.10.007. A1. (2.293)
22. AVENDAÑO, JORGE; LIMA, NICOLLE; QUEVEDO, ANTÔNIO; CARVALHO, MÁRCIO. Effect of Surface Wettability on Immiscible Displacement in a Microfluidic Porous Media. Energies, v. 12, p. 664, 2019. doi: 10.3390/en12040664. B1. (2.676)
23. HUANG, CHUNG-HSUAN; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; Kumar, Satish. Electrostatic assist of liquid transfer between plates and cavities. Physical Review Fluids, v. 4, p. 044005, 2019. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.044005. (2.442)
24. GALLASSI, MARIANA; GONÇALVES, GABIREL F.N.; BOTTI, TÁLITA COFFLER; MOURA, MARIA J.B.; CARNEIRO, JOÃO N.E.; CARVALHO, MÁRCIO S. Numerical and experimental evaluation of droplet breakage of O/W emulsions in rotor-stator mixers. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 204, p. 270-286, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2019.04.011. A1. (3.306)
25. WU, JYUN-TING; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Emptying of gravure cavities containing shear-thinning and shear-thickening liquids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 268, p. 46-55, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.j.nnfm.2019.04.001 A1. (2.293)
26. JYUN-TING. WU, M. S. CARVALHO; S. KUMAR. Effects of Shear and Extensional Rheology on Liquid Transfer between Two Flat Surfaces. Journal of Non Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, vol. 274, 104173, 2019.doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2019.104173. A1 (2.293)
27. M. S. C. GALVÃO; M. S. CARVALHO; A. B. BARRETO JR. A Coupled Transient-Wellbore/Reservoir Temperature Analytical Model. SPE Journal, vol. 24(5), pp.2335-2361, 2019. doi: 10.2118/195592-PA. A1. (3.095)
28. I. R. SIQUEIRA; M. S. CARVALHO. A computational study of the effect of particle migration on the low-flow limit in slot coating of particle suspensions. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research. vol. 16(6), pp.1619-1628, 2019. doi: 10.1007/s11998-019-00196-4. B1. (1.584)
29. D. F. DO NASCIMENT; J. R. VIMIEIRO; S. PACIORNICK; M. S. CARVALHO. Pore Scale Visualization of Drainage in 3D Porous Media by Confocal Microscopy. Scientific Reports. vol. 9, 12333, 2019. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48803-z. A1. (4.011)
30. CARNEIRO, M. L. N. M.; GOMES, M. S. P. Energy, Exergy, Environmental and Economic Analysis of Hybrid Waste-To-Energy Plants. Energy Conversion and Management, v. 179, p. 397-417, 2019. doi: 10.1016/ j.enconman.2018.10.007. A1. (7.181)
31. CARNEIRO, M. L. N. M.; GOMES, M. S. P. Energy-ecologic efficiency of waste-to-energy plants. Energy Conversion and Management, v. 195, p. 1359-1370, 2019. doi: 10.1016/ j.enconman.2019.05.098. A1. (7.181)
32. R. VARGES, PRISCILLA; M. COSTA, CAMILA; S. FONSECA, BRUNO; F. NACCACHE, MÔNICA; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO. Rheological Characterization of Carbopol Dispersions in Water and in Water/Glycerol Solutions. Fluids, v. 4, p. 3, 2019. doi: 10.3399/fluids4010003.
33. PIRES NETO, J. F.; SOUTO, L. F. C.; SILVA, A. A.; BARRA, G. M. O.; NACCACHE, M. F.; SOARES, B. G.; SIRQUEIRA, A. S. Rheological properties of epoxy/polypyrrole coating and its behavior as EMI material. Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology (online), v. 1, p. 1-10, 2019. doi: 10.1002/vnl.21749.
34. RODRIGUES, R. K.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO. Effect of cyclopentane hydrates on the stability of dodac and aot structures. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (online), v. 36, p. 1727-1738, 2019. doi: 10.1590/0104-6632.20190364s20180583. B1. (0.318)
35. MARCHESIN, FLÁVIO H.; OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; ALTHOFF, HELOISA; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Irreversible time-dependent rheological behavior of cement slurries: Constitutive model and experiments. Journal of Rheology, v. 63, p. 247-262, 2019. doi: 10.1122/1.5054879. A1. (2.969)
36. SIQUEIRA, I.R.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P.R. On the pressure-driven flow of suspensions: particle migration in apparent yield-stress fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 265, p. 92-98, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2019.02.002. A1. (2.293)
37. LEITE, RICARDO T.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; THOMPSON, RONEY L. A simple method to analyze materials under quasilinear large amplitude oscillatory shear flow (QL-LAOS). Journal of Rheology, v. 63, p. 305-317, 2019. doi: 10.1122/ 1.5055867. A1. (2.969)
38. RODRIGUES, ELIAS C.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Predicting the time-dependent irreversible rheological behavior of oil well cement slurries. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 178, p. 805-813, 2019 doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2019.03.073. (2.739)
39. GOICOECHEA, H. E.; LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. ; BUEZAS, F. ; ROSALES, M. B. Derivation of different constitutive laws for the Cosserat medium. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVIIp. P. 735-745, 2019. B5.
40. GOMES, M.; LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. A race in Monte Carlo method: numerical and analytical methods. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVII, p. 649-655, 2019. B5.
41. RANGO, B.; BALLABEN, J.; SAMPAIO, R.; LIMA, R. Stochastic dynamic response of a Cross Rope transmission line. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVII, p. 679-688, 2019. B5.
42. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. Electromechanical system with a stochastic friction field. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVII, p. 667-677, 2019. B5.
43. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. ; HAGEDORN, P. ; DEU, J. Comments on the paper “On nonlinear dynamics behavior of an electro-mechanical pendulum excited by a nonideal motor and a chaos control taking into account parametric errors- published in this journal”. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 41 p. 552-562, 2019. doi: 10.1007/s40430-019-2032-0. B1. (1.743)
44. GARCIA, D. A.; ROSALES, MARTA B.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Dynamic behaviour of a timber footbridge with uncertain material properties under a single deterministic walking load. Structural Safety, v. 77, p. 10-17, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.strusafe.2018.11.001. A1. (3.538)
45. D. J. G. MALDONADO; A. KAREV; HAGEDORN, P.; RITTO, THIAGO GAMBOA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Analysis of a rotordynamic system with anisotropy and nonlinearity using the Floquet theory and the method of normal forms. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 453, p. 201-213, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2019.04.006..A1. (2.618)
46. BELLIZZI, SERGIO; KWOK-WAI CHUNG; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Response regimes of a linear oscillator with a nonlinear energy sink involving an active damper with delay. Nonlinear Dynamics, v. 97, p. 1667-1684, 2019. Doi: 10.1007/s11071-019-05089-0. A2. (4.604)
47. TEIXEIRA, CLÁUDIO VIDAL; BRAGA, CARLOS VALOIS MACIEL; SANCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL d. Reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) with double direct injection of iesel and hydrous ethanol. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 42, p. 1-15. 2019. doi: 10.1007/a40430-019-2101-4. B1. (1.743)
48. VERA, AIXA ANEL PERALTA; DEL CÁRPIO, HERBERT JESÚS; TORRES, JUAN CARLOS ZÚNIGA; GUZMAN, JUAN JOSE MILON; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL. Experimental study of a photovoltaic direct current water pumping system for irrigation in rural-isolated region of Arequipa, Peru. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, v. 141, p. 041012. 2019. doi:10.1115/1.4042724. B1. (0.487)
49. DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO; THOMPSON, RONEY L. Time-dependent yield stress materials. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, v. 43, p. 15-25, 2019. doi:10.1016/j.cocis.2019.01.018. (6.790)
1. THEDIN, REGIS; MENEZES, IVAN F. M.; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Embedding of polytopes for topology optimization. Journal of The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (online), v. 40, p. 1-13, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s40430-018-0981-3. B1. (1.627)
2. HOSHINA, THOMÁS Y. S.; MENEZES, IVAN F. M.; PEREIRA, ANDERSON. A simple adaptive mesh refinement scheme for topology optimization using polygonal meshes. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 40, p. 1-17, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s40430-018-1267-5. B1. (1.627)
3. SANDERS, E. D.; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; AGUILO, M. A.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. PolyMat: an efficient Matlab code for multi-material topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optmization, p. n/d, 2018. doi:10.1007/s00158-018-2094-0. A2.(2.876)
4. CUELLAR, NILTON; ANDERSON PEREIRA; IVAN F. M. DE MENEZES; AMERICO CUNHA JR. Non-intrusive polynomial chaos expansion ortopology optimization using polygonal meshes. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. v. 40, p. 1-18, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s40430-018-1464-2. B1. (1.627)
5. LEIDERMAN, RICARDO; JUNQUEIRA, BERNARDO F.; CASTELLO, DANIEL A.; BRAGA, ARTHUR M.B. Identifying the ultrasonic inspecting fields that most strongly interact with adhesive bonding defects. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 40, p. 1-13, 2018. doi 10.1007s40430-018-1151-3. B1. (1.627)
6. MENDES GUEDES, ANDREW DAVID; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO; PRADELLE, FLORIAN. Performance and combustion characteristics of a compression ignition engine running on diesel-biodiesel-ethanol (DBE) blends - Part 2: Optimization of injection timing. Fuel, v. 225, p. 174-183, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.02.120. A1.(4.726)
7. CARDOZO, WILLIAM SCHROEDER; WEBER, HANS INGO. A compact formulation for constant velocity joint kinematics. Mechanism and Machine Theory, v. 121, p. 1-14, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2017.10.009. A2.(2.577)
8. FONSECA, CESAR A.L.L.; SANTOS, ILMAR F.; WEBER, HANS INGO. Experimental comparison of the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a rigid rotor interacting with two types of different radial backup bearings: Ball & pinned. Tribology International, v. 119, p. 250-261, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.triboint.2017.07.018. A1.(2.903)
9. DE JESUS, KARLA; AYALA, HELON V. H. ; DE JESUS, KELLY; COELHO, LEANDRO DOS S.; MEDEIROS, ALEXANDRE I.A.; ABRALDES, JOSÉ A.; VAZ, MÁRIO A.P.; FERNANDES, RICARDO J.; VILAS-BOAS, JOÃO PAULO. Modelling and Predicting Backstroke Start Performance Using Non-Linear And Linear Models. Journal of Human Kinetics, v. 61, p. 29-38, 2018. doi: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0133.(1.612)
10. VIANNA NETO, JÚLIO XAVIER; GUERRA JUNIOR, ELCI JOSÉ ; MORENO, SINVALDO; HULTMANN AYALA, HELON VICENTE; MARIANI, VIVIANA COCCO; COELHO, LEANDRO DOS SANTOS .Wind turbine blade geometry design based on multi-objective optimization using metaheuristics. Energy, v. 162, p. 645-658, 2018. doi: 10.1016/ A1. (4.968).
11. ALBINO, J.C.R.; ALMEIDA, C.A.; MENEZES, I.F.M.; PAULINO, G.H. Co-rotational 3D beam element for nonlinear dynamic analysis of risers manufactured with functionally graded materials (FGMs). Engineering Structures, v. 173, p. 283-299, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.05.092. A1. (2.755)
12. CORBANI, S.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MIRANDA, ACO; MARTHA, LF; INGRAFFEA, A. R.; CARTER, B. J. Crack shape evolution under bending-induced partial closure. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 188, p. 493-508, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.10.002. A2. (2.423)
13. FERREIRA, S.E., CASTRO, J.T.P., MEGGIOLARO, M.A. Fatigue crack growth predictions based on damage accumulation ahead of the crack tip calculated by strip-yield procedures. International Journal of Fatigue, p. 89-106, v.115, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2018.03.001). A2.(2.275)
14. BANDEIRA, C. F. C.; KENEDI, P. P.; CASTRO, J. T. P. On the use of thermographic method to measure fatigue limits. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (impresso), v. 15, p. e60, 2018. doi: 10.1590/1679-78254331. B1 (1.158)
15. PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS; SABOYA, FRANCISCO EDUARDO MOURÃO. Experimental data on transport coefficients for developing laminar flow in isosceles triangular ducts using the naphthalene sublimation technique. Data in Brief, v. 18, p. 1350-1359, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.03.090. B3. (SNIP 0.201)
16. BETANCOURT, J. M.; TIECHER, R. F. P.; ESTEVES, A.D.S. ; J. A. R. PARISE. Thermodynamic study of the simultaneous production of electrical power and refrigeration capacity from regasification of liquefied natural gas. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 140, p. 564-579, 2018. A1.(3.771)
17. S.S.M. TAVARES, J.M. PARDAL, B.B. ALMEIDA, M.T. MENDES, J.L.F. FREIRE, A.C. VIDAL. Failure of Supperduplex Stainless Steel Flange due to Inadequate Microstructure and Fabrication Process. Engineering Failure Analysis, 84, p. 1-10, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2017.10.007. B1. (1.676)
18. VORMWALD, MICHAEL; HOS, YIGITER; FREIRE, JOSÉ L.F.; GONZÁLES, GIANCARLO L.G.; DÍAZ, JORGE G. Crack tip displacement fields measured by digital image correlation for evaluating variable mode-mixity during fatigue crack growth. International Journal of Fatigue, v.115, p. 53-66, 2018. doi: 10.1016/ j.ijfatigue.2018.04.30. A2.(2.8)
19. R.B. VIEIRA, G.L.G GONZÁLES, J.L.F. FREIRE. Thermography Applied to the Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Polycarbonate. Experimental Mechanics, v. 58, p. 269-282, 2018. doi 10.1007/s11340-017-0341-8. A2.(2.319)
20. FLEMING, FELIPE PEREIRA; DE ANDRADE SILVA, LÍVIA; LIMA, GUILHERME DOS SANTOS VIEIRA; HERZOG, IASMIN; ORLANDE, HÉLCIO RANGEL BARRETO; DARIDON, JEAN-LUC; PAULY, JÉRÔME; AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO ALZUGUIR . Thermal conductivity of heavy, even-carbon number n-alkanes (C22 to C32). Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 54, p. 144, 2018. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2018.08.016. A2.(2.197)
21. FERNANDES, LEONARDO S.; MARTINS, FABIO J. W. A.; AZEVEDO, LUIS F. A. A technique for measuring ensemble-averaged, three-component liquid velocity fields in two-phase, gas-liquid, intermittent pipe flows. Experiments in Fluids, v. 59, p. 147, 2018. doi: 140.1007/s00348-018-2601-5. A1. (2.195)
22. MOHAMMAD KARIM, ALIREZA; SUSZYNSKI, WIESLAW J.; FRANCIS, LORRAINE F.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Effect of viscosity on liquid curtain stability. Aiche Journal, v. 64, p. 1448-1457, 2018. doi: 10.1002/aic.16015. A1. (3.326) WU
23. MOHAMMAD KARIM, ALIREZA; SUSZYNSKI, WIESLAW J.; GRIFFITH, WILLIAM B.; PUJARI, SASWATI; FRANCIS, LORRAINE F.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Effect of viscoelasticity on stability of liquid curtain. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 257, p. 83-94, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.03.019. A1. (2.293)
24. REBOUÇAS, R.B.; SIQUEIRA, I.R.; CARVALHO, M.S. Slot coating flow of particle suspensions: Particle migration in shear sensitive liquids. Journal of Non- Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 258, p. 22-31, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.04.007. A1. (2.293)
25. DE SIQUEIRA, IVAN ROSA; DE CARVALHO, MÁRCIO SILVEIRA. Shear-induced particle migration in the flow of particle suspensions through a sudden plane expansion. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (online), v. 40, p. 228, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s40430-018-1155-z. B1. (1.235)
26. HARO, H. A. V.; GOMES, M. S. P.; RODRIGUES, L. G. Numerical analysis of carbon dioxide injection into a high permeability layer for CO 2 -EOR projects. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 171, p. 164-174, 2018. A2. (2.382)
27. CARNEIRO, M. L. N. M.; GOMES, M. S. P. Energy, Exergy, Environmental and Economic Analysis of Hybrid Waste-To-Energy Plants. Energy Conversion and Management, v. 179, p. 397-417, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2018.10.007. A1. (6.377)
28. QUINTERO, S. M. M.; VALENTE, L. C. G.; GOMES, M. S. P.; SILVA, H. G.; SOUZA, B. C.; MORIKAWA, S. R. K. All-fiber CO2 Sensor Using Hollow Core PCF Operating in the 2 µm Region. Sensors, v. 18, p. 4393, 2018. doi: 10.3390/ s18124393. B1.(1.953)
29. MOISES, G.; ALENCAR, L.; NACCACHE, M. F.; FRIGAARD, I.A. The influence of thixotropy in start-up flow of yield stress fluids in a pipe. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 171, p. 794-807, 2018. doi: 10.1016/ j.petrol.2018.07.072. A2. (2.382)
30. VARGES, P.R. ; FONSECA, B.S. ; COSTA, C.M. ; NACCACHE, M.F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P.R. ; PINHO, H.A. Exchange flows between yield stress materials and Newtonian oils. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 261, p. 123-135, 2018. doi: 10.1016/ j.jnnfm.2018.08.008. A1. (2.293)
31. NACCACHE, M.F.; PINTO, H. M.; ABDU, A. Flow displacement in eroded regions inside annular ducts. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. v. 40, p. 1-14, 2018. doi:10.1007/s40430-018-1342-y. B1. (1.235)
32. DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. ABEDI, BEHBOOD; THOMPSON, RONEY. Constructing a thixotropy model from rheological experiments. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 261, p. 1-8, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.08.003. A1.(2.293)
33. THOMPSON, RONEY L.; SICA, LUIZ U.R.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. The yield stress tensor. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 261, p. 211-219, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.09.003. A1.(2.293)
34. OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; MEIBURG, ECKART. Settling-driven instability in two-component stably stratified Hele-Shaw flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 843, p. R1-1 – R1-12, 2018. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2018.215. A1. (2.893)
35. LIMA R.; SAMPAIO, R. What is uncertainty quantification? Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanics Sciences and Engineering (online). v. 40, p. 1-8, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s40430-018-1079-7. B1. (1.627)
36. MANHAES, W.; SAMPAIO, R.; LIMA, R.; HAGEDORN, P.; DEU, J. Lagrangians for electromechanical systems. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 1911-1934, 2018. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32909.64481. B5.
37. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. How to deal with uncertainty quantification and propagation. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 723-739, 2018. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27037.61929. B5.
38. SAMPAIO, R.; FOINY, D.; WAGNER, G.; LIMA, R.; PAGNACCO, E. A biased presentation of smooth decomposition and some applications. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 771-784, 2018. doi:103140/ RG.2.2.11938.12489. B5.
39. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R.; HAGEDORN, P. One alone makes no coupling. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 931-944, 2018. B5.
40. RANGO, B.; ROSALES, M.; BALLABEN, J.; LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. Propagation of uncertainty in a transmission line gudyed tower with stochastic guy pretension and subjected to wind load. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 761-770, 2018. B5.
41. GOMES, M.; LIMA, R SAMPAIO, R. Qualitative Analysis of dynamical problems usind a combination of symbolic algebra coupled with Poincaré-Lindstedt method. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 921-930, 2018. B5.
42. F. NASCENTES; LOPEZ, R. H.; EDUARDO CURSI; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; MIGUEL, L. E. F. An Efficient Global Optimization approach for reliability maximization of controlled structures. Shock and Vibration, v. 2018, p. 1-8, 2018. doi: 10.1155/2018/7414817. B1.(1.857)
43. CANDELLA, W. L.; NACCACHE, M.F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. Rising bubbles in yield stress materials. Journal of Rheology, v. 62, p. 209-219, 2018. doi:10.1122/1.4995348. A1.(3.468)
44. KASSAR, BRUNO B.M.; CARNEIRO, JOÃO N.E.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O. Curvature computation in volume-of-fluid method based on point-cloud sampling. Computer Physics Communications, v. 222, p. 189-208, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2017.10.003. A1.(3.748)
2. HOSHINA, THOMÁS Y. S.; MENEZES, IVAN F. M.; PEREIRA, ANDERSON. A simple adaptive mesh refinement scheme for topology optimization using polygonal meshes. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 40, p. 1-17, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s40430-018-1267-5. B1. (1.627)
3. SANDERS, E. D.; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; AGUILO, M. A.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. PolyMat: an efficient Matlab code for multi-material topology optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optmization, p. n/d, 2018. doi:10.1007/s00158-018-2094-0. A2.(2.876)
4. CUELLAR, NILTON; ANDERSON PEREIRA; IVAN F. M. DE MENEZES; AMERICO CUNHA JR. Non-intrusive polynomial chaos expansion ortopology optimization using polygonal meshes. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. v. 40, p. 1-18, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s40430-018-1464-2. B1. (1.627)
5. LEIDERMAN, RICARDO; JUNQUEIRA, BERNARDO F.; CASTELLO, DANIEL A.; BRAGA, ARTHUR M.B. Identifying the ultrasonic inspecting fields that most strongly interact with adhesive bonding defects. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 40, p. 1-13, 2018. doi 10.1007s40430-018-1151-3. B1. (1.627)
6. MENDES GUEDES, ANDREW DAVID; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO; PRADELLE, FLORIAN. Performance and combustion characteristics of a compression ignition engine running on diesel-biodiesel-ethanol (DBE) blends - Part 2: Optimization of injection timing. Fuel, v. 225, p. 174-183, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2018.02.120. A1.(4.726)
7. CARDOZO, WILLIAM SCHROEDER; WEBER, HANS INGO. A compact formulation for constant velocity joint kinematics. Mechanism and Machine Theory, v. 121, p. 1-14, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2017.10.009. A2.(2.577)
8. FONSECA, CESAR A.L.L.; SANTOS, ILMAR F.; WEBER, HANS INGO. Experimental comparison of the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a rigid rotor interacting with two types of different radial backup bearings: Ball & pinned. Tribology International, v. 119, p. 250-261, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.triboint.2017.07.018. A1.(2.903)
9. DE JESUS, KARLA; AYALA, HELON V. H. ; DE JESUS, KELLY; COELHO, LEANDRO DOS S.; MEDEIROS, ALEXANDRE I.A.; ABRALDES, JOSÉ A.; VAZ, MÁRIO A.P.; FERNANDES, RICARDO J.; VILAS-BOAS, JOÃO PAULO. Modelling and Predicting Backstroke Start Performance Using Non-Linear And Linear Models. Journal of Human Kinetics, v. 61, p. 29-38, 2018. doi: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0133.(1.612)
10. VIANNA NETO, JÚLIO XAVIER; GUERRA JUNIOR, ELCI JOSÉ ; MORENO, SINVALDO; HULTMANN AYALA, HELON VICENTE; MARIANI, VIVIANA COCCO; COELHO, LEANDRO DOS SANTOS .Wind turbine blade geometry design based on multi-objective optimization using metaheuristics. Energy, v. 162, p. 645-658, 2018. doi: 10.1016/ A1. (4.968).
11. ALBINO, J.C.R.; ALMEIDA, C.A.; MENEZES, I.F.M.; PAULINO, G.H. Co-rotational 3D beam element for nonlinear dynamic analysis of risers manufactured with functionally graded materials (FGMs). Engineering Structures, v. 173, p. 283-299, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2018.05.092. A1. (2.755)
12. CORBANI, S.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MIRANDA, ACO; MARTHA, LF; INGRAFFEA, A. R.; CARTER, B. J. Crack shape evolution under bending-induced partial closure. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 188, p. 493-508, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.10.002. A2. (2.423)
13. FERREIRA, S.E., CASTRO, J.T.P., MEGGIOLARO, M.A. Fatigue crack growth predictions based on damage accumulation ahead of the crack tip calculated by strip-yield procedures. International Journal of Fatigue, p. 89-106, v.115, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2018.03.001). A2.(2.275)
14. BANDEIRA, C. F. C.; KENEDI, P. P.; CASTRO, J. T. P. On the use of thermographic method to measure fatigue limits. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures (impresso), v. 15, p. e60, 2018. doi: 10.1590/1679-78254331. B1 (1.158)
15. PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO REIS; SABOYA, FRANCISCO EDUARDO MOURÃO. Experimental data on transport coefficients for developing laminar flow in isosceles triangular ducts using the naphthalene sublimation technique. Data in Brief, v. 18, p. 1350-1359, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.03.090. B3. (SNIP 0.201)
16. BETANCOURT, J. M.; TIECHER, R. F. P.; ESTEVES, A.D.S. ; J. A. R. PARISE. Thermodynamic study of the simultaneous production of electrical power and refrigeration capacity from regasification of liquefied natural gas. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 140, p. 564-579, 2018. A1.(3.771)
17. S.S.M. TAVARES, J.M. PARDAL, B.B. ALMEIDA, M.T. MENDES, J.L.F. FREIRE, A.C. VIDAL. Failure of Supperduplex Stainless Steel Flange due to Inadequate Microstructure and Fabrication Process. Engineering Failure Analysis, 84, p. 1-10, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2017.10.007. B1. (1.676)
18. VORMWALD, MICHAEL; HOS, YIGITER; FREIRE, JOSÉ L.F.; GONZÁLES, GIANCARLO L.G.; DÍAZ, JORGE G. Crack tip displacement fields measured by digital image correlation for evaluating variable mode-mixity during fatigue crack growth. International Journal of Fatigue, v.115, p. 53-66, 2018. doi: 10.1016/ j.ijfatigue.2018.04.30. A2.(2.8)
19. R.B. VIEIRA, G.L.G GONZÁLES, J.L.F. FREIRE. Thermography Applied to the Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Polycarbonate. Experimental Mechanics, v. 58, p. 269-282, 2018. doi 10.1007/s11340-017-0341-8. A2.(2.319)
20. FLEMING, FELIPE PEREIRA; DE ANDRADE SILVA, LÍVIA; LIMA, GUILHERME DOS SANTOS VIEIRA; HERZOG, IASMIN; ORLANDE, HÉLCIO RANGEL BARRETO; DARIDON, JEAN-LUC; PAULY, JÉRÔME; AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO ALZUGUIR . Thermal conductivity of heavy, even-carbon number n-alkanes (C22 to C32). Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 54, p. 144, 2018. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2018.08.016. A2.(2.197)
21. FERNANDES, LEONARDO S.; MARTINS, FABIO J. W. A.; AZEVEDO, LUIS F. A. A technique for measuring ensemble-averaged, three-component liquid velocity fields in two-phase, gas-liquid, intermittent pipe flows. Experiments in Fluids, v. 59, p. 147, 2018. doi: 140.1007/s00348-018-2601-5. A1. (2.195)
22. MOHAMMAD KARIM, ALIREZA; SUSZYNSKI, WIESLAW J.; FRANCIS, LORRAINE F.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Effect of viscosity on liquid curtain stability. Aiche Journal, v. 64, p. 1448-1457, 2018. doi: 10.1002/aic.16015. A1. (3.326) WU
23. MOHAMMAD KARIM, ALIREZA; SUSZYNSKI, WIESLAW J.; GRIFFITH, WILLIAM B.; PUJARI, SASWATI; FRANCIS, LORRAINE F.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Effect of viscoelasticity on stability of liquid curtain. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 257, p. 83-94, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.03.019. A1. (2.293)
24. REBOUÇAS, R.B.; SIQUEIRA, I.R.; CARVALHO, M.S. Slot coating flow of particle suspensions: Particle migration in shear sensitive liquids. Journal of Non- Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 258, p. 22-31, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.04.007. A1. (2.293)
25. DE SIQUEIRA, IVAN ROSA; DE CARVALHO, MÁRCIO SILVEIRA. Shear-induced particle migration in the flow of particle suspensions through a sudden plane expansion. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (online), v. 40, p. 228, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s40430-018-1155-z. B1. (1.235)
26. HARO, H. A. V.; GOMES, M. S. P.; RODRIGUES, L. G. Numerical analysis of carbon dioxide injection into a high permeability layer for CO 2 -EOR projects. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 171, p. 164-174, 2018. A2. (2.382)
27. CARNEIRO, M. L. N. M.; GOMES, M. S. P. Energy, Exergy, Environmental and Economic Analysis of Hybrid Waste-To-Energy Plants. Energy Conversion and Management, v. 179, p. 397-417, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2018.10.007. A1. (6.377)
28. QUINTERO, S. M. M.; VALENTE, L. C. G.; GOMES, M. S. P.; SILVA, H. G.; SOUZA, B. C.; MORIKAWA, S. R. K. All-fiber CO2 Sensor Using Hollow Core PCF Operating in the 2 µm Region. Sensors, v. 18, p. 4393, 2018. doi: 10.3390/ s18124393. B1.(1.953)
29. MOISES, G.; ALENCAR, L.; NACCACHE, M. F.; FRIGAARD, I.A. The influence of thixotropy in start-up flow of yield stress fluids in a pipe. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 171, p. 794-807, 2018. doi: 10.1016/ j.petrol.2018.07.072. A2. (2.382)
30. VARGES, P.R. ; FONSECA, B.S. ; COSTA, C.M. ; NACCACHE, M.F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P.R. ; PINHO, H.A. Exchange flows between yield stress materials and Newtonian oils. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 261, p. 123-135, 2018. doi: 10.1016/ j.jnnfm.2018.08.008. A1. (2.293)
31. NACCACHE, M.F.; PINTO, H. M.; ABDU, A. Flow displacement in eroded regions inside annular ducts. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. v. 40, p. 1-14, 2018. doi:10.1007/s40430-018-1342-y. B1. (1.235)
32. DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. ABEDI, BEHBOOD; THOMPSON, RONEY. Constructing a thixotropy model from rheological experiments. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 261, p. 1-8, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.08.003. A1.(2.293)
33. THOMPSON, RONEY L.; SICA, LUIZ U.R.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. The yield stress tensor. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 261, p. 211-219, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2018.09.003. A1.(2.293)
34. OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL M.; MEIBURG, ECKART. Settling-driven instability in two-component stably stratified Hele-Shaw flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 843, p. R1-1 – R1-12, 2018. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2018.215. A1. (2.893)
35. LIMA R.; SAMPAIO, R. What is uncertainty quantification? Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanics Sciences and Engineering (online). v. 40, p. 1-8, 2018. doi: 10.1007/s40430-018-1079-7. B1. (1.627)
36. MANHAES, W.; SAMPAIO, R.; LIMA, R.; HAGEDORN, P.; DEU, J. Lagrangians for electromechanical systems. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 1911-1934, 2018. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32909.64481. B5.
37. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. How to deal with uncertainty quantification and propagation. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 723-739, 2018. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27037.61929. B5.
38. SAMPAIO, R.; FOINY, D.; WAGNER, G.; LIMA, R.; PAGNACCO, E. A biased presentation of smooth decomposition and some applications. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 771-784, 2018. doi:103140/ RG.2.2.11938.12489. B5.
39. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R.; HAGEDORN, P. One alone makes no coupling. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 931-944, 2018. B5.
40. RANGO, B.; ROSALES, M.; BALLABEN, J.; LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, R. Propagation of uncertainty in a transmission line gudyed tower with stochastic guy pretension and subjected to wind load. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 761-770, 2018. B5.
41. GOMES, M.; LIMA, R SAMPAIO, R. Qualitative Analysis of dynamical problems usind a combination of symbolic algebra coupled with Poincaré-Lindstedt method. Mecánica Computacional, v. XXXVI, p. 921-930, 2018. B5.
42. F. NASCENTES; LOPEZ, R. H.; EDUARDO CURSI; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; MIGUEL, L. E. F. An Efficient Global Optimization approach for reliability maximization of controlled structures. Shock and Vibration, v. 2018, p. 1-8, 2018. doi: 10.1155/2018/7414817. B1.(1.857)
43. CANDELLA, W. L.; NACCACHE, M.F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. Rising bubbles in yield stress materials. Journal of Rheology, v. 62, p. 209-219, 2018. doi:10.1122/1.4995348. A1.(3.468)
44. KASSAR, BRUNO B.M.; CARNEIRO, JOÃO N.E.; NIECKELE, ANGELA O. Curvature computation in volume-of-fluid method based on point-cloud sampling. Computer Physics Communications, v. 222, p. 189-208, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2017.10.003. A1.(3.748)
1. GOMES, BRUNO ALVARES DE AZEVEDO; CAMARGO, GABRIEL CORDEIRO; SANTOS, JORGE ROBERTO LOPES DOS; AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO ALZUGUIR; NIECKELE, NGELA OURIVIO; SIQUEIRA-FILHO, ARISTARCO GONÇALVES; OLIVEIRA, GLAUCIA MARIA MORAES DE. Influence of the tilt angle of Percutaneous Aortic Prosthesis on Velocity and Shear Stress Fields. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, v. 436, p. 12-20, 2017. doi:10.5935/abc.20170115.B1
2. EIDERMAN, RICARDO; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B.. Scattering of guided waves by defective adhesive bonds in multilayer anisotropic plates. Wave Motion, v. 74, p. 93-104, 2017.doi: 101016/j.wavemoti.2017.05.007. A2. (1.575)
3. QUINTERO, SULLY; FIGUEIREDO, SÁVIO; TAKAHASHI, VICTOR; LLERENA, ROBERTH; BRAGA, ARTHUR. Passive Downhole Pressure Sensor Based on Surface Acoustic Wave Technology. Sensors, v. 17, p. 1635, 2017. doi: 10.3390/s17071635. B1. (2.677)
4. CARNEIRO, M. L. N. M.; PRADELLE, F.; BRAGA, S. L. ; GOMES, M. S. P.; MARTINS, A. R. F. A.; TURKOVICS, F.; PRADELLE, R. N. C. Potential of biofuels from algae: Comparison with fossil fuels, ethanol and biodiesel in Europe and Brazil through life cycle assessment (LCA). Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 73, p. 632-653, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2017.01.152, A1. (6.798)
5. PRADELLE, F.; BRAGA, S. L.; FONSECA DE AGUIAR MARTINS, ANA ROSA; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; NOHRA CHAAR PRADELLE, RENATA. Certainties and challenges in modeling unwashed and washed gums formation in Brazilian gasoline-ethanol blends. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, v. 122, p. 77-96, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2017.03.037. A2. (2.538)
6. PRADELLE, FLORIAN; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL; DE AGUIAR MARTINS, ANA ROSA FONSECA; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; PRADELLE, RENATA NOHRA CHAAR. Stabilization of diesel-biodiesel-ethanol (DBE) blends: formulation of an additive from renewable sources. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 39, p. 3277-3293, 2017. Doi: 10.1007/s40430-017-0862-1. B1. (1.235)
7. CARDOZO, WILLIAM SCHROEDER; WEBER, HANS INGO. Dynamic modeling of a 2-dof parallel electrohydraulic-actuated homokinetic platform. Mechanism and Machine Theory, v. 118, p. 1-13, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2017.07.018. A2. (2.577)
8. FONSECA, CESAR A.; SANTOS, ILMAR F.; WEBER, HANS INGO. Influence of unbalance levels on nonlinear dynamics of a rotor-backup rolling bearing system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 394, p. 482-496, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv2017.01.020. A1. (2.593)
9. DE PAULA, I. B.; WÜRZ, W.; MENDONÇA, Marcio Teixeira ; MEDEIROS, MARCELLO AUGUSTO FARACO DE . Interaction of instability waves and a three-dimensional roughness element in a boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. v. 824, p. 624-660, 2017. doi:10.1017/jfm.2017.362. A1. (2.821)
10. AYATI, A. A.; FARIAS, P.S.C.; AZEVEDO, L.F.A; DE PAULA, I. B .On the linear evolution of interfacial waves in turbulent gas-liquid pipe flow. Physics of Fluids, v. 29, p. 1-13, 2017. A2. (1.94)
11. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. Non-linear incremental fatigue damage calculation for multiaxial non-proportional histories. International Journal of Fatigue, v.100, p. 502-511, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.12.008. A2. (2.162)
12. FREITAS, M; REIS, L; MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP. Stress Scale Factor and Critical Plane Models under Multiaxial Proportional Loading Histories. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 174, p. 104-116, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.angfracmech.2016.12.016. A2.(2.024)
13. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; MARTHA, LF; MARQUES, LFN. On the Estimation of Multiaxial Elastoplastic Notch Stresses and Strains under In-Phase Proportional Loadings. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 100, p. 549-562, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.12.038. A2 . (2.162)
14. MACHADO, V. M.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. On short cracks that depart from elastoplastic notch tips. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 41, p. 236-244, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.32. B3. (0.69)
15. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. A two-step multiaxial racetrack filter algorithm for non-proportional load histories. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 41, p. 1-7, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.01. B3. (0.69)
16. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P ; FERREIRA, S. E. On the applicability of Miners rule for multiaxial fatigue life calculations under non-proportional load histories. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 41, p. 98-105, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.14. B3. (0.69)
17. FERREIRA, S. E.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. A model to quantify fatigue crack growth by cyclic damage accumulation calculated by strip-yield procedures. Frattura e Integrita Estrutturale, v. 41, p. 129-136, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.18. B3. (0.69)
18. GONZALEZ, J. A. O; CASTRO, J. T. P.; GONZALES, G. L. G.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; FREIRE, JLF. On DIC measurements of deltaKeff to verify if it is the FCG driving force. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 41, p. 227-235, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.31. B3. (0.69)
19. FERREIRA, S. E.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Using the strip-yield mechanics to model fatigue crack growth by damage accumulation ahead of the crack tip. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 103, p. 557-575, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2017.06.039. A2. (2.899)
20. GONZALEZ, GLG; GONZÁLEZ, JAO; CASTRO, JTP; FREIRE, J LF. A J-integral approach using digital image correlation for evaluating stress intensity factors in fatigue cracks with closure effects. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics v.90, p. 14-21, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2017.02.008. A2. (2.659)
21. VASCONCELOS, ADRIANO AKEL; CÁRDENAS GÓMEZ, ABDUL ORLANDO; BANDARRA FILHO, ENIO PEDONE; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO DOS REIS. Experimental evaluation of SWCNT-water nanofluid as a secondary fluid in a refrigeration system. Applied Thermal Engineering. v. 111, p. 1487-1492, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.06.126. A1. (3.356)
22. FLEMING, FELIPE PEREIRA; DARIDON, JEAN-LUC; AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO ALZUGUIR; PAULY, JÉRÔME. Direct adjustment of wax thermodynamic model parameter to micro Differential Scanning Calorimetry thermograms. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 436, p. 20-29, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2016.12.022. A2. (2.499)
23. VEIGA, HELENA; FLEMING, FELIPE PEREIRA; AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO ALZUGUIR. Wax deposit thermal conductivity measurements under flowing conditions. Energy & Fuels, v. 31, p. 2017. doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b01131. A2. (3.091)
24. CELIS PEREZ, C.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. On the Non-Equilibrium Behavior of Fuel-Rich Hydrocarbon/Air Combustion Within Perfectly Stirred Reactors. Combustion Science and Technology, v. 189, p. 732-746, 2017. doi: 10.1080/00102202.2016.1248239. B1.
25. LI, W; CARVALHO, M. S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Liquid-film coating on topographically patterned rotating cylinders. Physical Review Fluids, v. 2, p. 024001, 2017. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluid.2.02400. C.
26. SIQUEIRA, I.R.; REBOUCAS, R.; CARVALHO, M. S. Migration and alignment in the flow of elongated particle suspensions through a converging-diverging channel. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 243, p. 56-63, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2017.03.006. A1. (2.536)
27. MIKKELSEN, A.; DOMMERSNES, P.; ROSYNEK, Z.; GHOLAMIPOUR-SHIRAZI, A.; CARVALHO, M. S.; FOSSUM, J. O. Mechanics of Pickering Drops Probed by Electric Field-Induced Stress. Materials. v. 10, p. 436- 447, 2017. 10.3390/ma10040436. A2. (2.654)
28. SIQUEIRA, I.R.; REBOUÇAS, R.B.; CARVALHO, M. S. Particle migration and alignment in slot coating flows of elongated particle suspensions. Aiche Journal, v. 63, p. 3187-3198, 2017. doi:10.1002/ aic15653. A1. (2.836)
29. ARAUJO, S. B.; CARVALHO, M. S. Sedimentation and Marangoni Stress in Slot Coating Flow of Particle Suspension. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 247, p. 53-61, 2017.doi: 140.1016/j.jnnfm.2017.06.008. A1. (2.536)
30. SIQUEIRA, I.R.; CARVALHO, M. S. Particle migration in planar die-swell flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 825, p. 49-68, 2017.doi: 10.1017/jfm.2017.373. B1. (2.821)
31. LIU, CHEN-YU; CARVALHO, M. S; Kumar, Satish . Mechanisms of dynamic wetting failure in the presence of soluble surfactants. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 825, p. 677-703, 2017. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2017.394. B1.(2.821)
32. VARGES, P.; FONSECA, B.; NACCACHE, M.F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Exchange flows of two immiscible Newtonian liquids in a vertical tube: From falling drops to falling slugs. Physics of Fluids, v. 29, p. 067105, 2017. doi: 10.1063/1.4986772. A2. (1.94)
33. FRIGAARD, I.A.; JEON, J.; MOISES, G. ; NACCACHE, M. F. ; ALBA, K. . Displacing difficult yield stress fluids from pipes. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, v. 25, p. 217-224, 2017. C.
34. FRIGAARD, IAN A.; PASO, KRISTOFER G.; DE SOUZA MENDES,PAULO. Binghams model in the oil and gas industry. Rheologica Acta, v. 56, p. 259-282, 2017. doi:10.1007/s00397-017-0999-y. A1 (1.767)
35. LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Construction of a statistical model for the dynamics of a base-driven stick-slip oscillator. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 91, p. 157-166, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2016.12.038. A1 (2.771)
36. LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Parametric analysis of the statistical model of the stick-slip process. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 397, p. 141-151, 2017. doi: 10.1016/ j.jsv2017.02.046. A1 (2.107)
37. BALLABEN, J. S; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; Rosales, M. Uncertainty quantification in the dynamics of a guyed mast subjected to wind load. Engineering Structures, v. 132, p. 456-470, 2017. doi: 10.1016/ j.engstruct.2016.11.025. A2. (1.893)
38. PAGNACCO, E.; E. SARROUY; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; EDUARDO CURSI. Pitfalls in the frequency response represented onto polynomial chaos for random SDOF mechanical systems. Applied Mathematical Modelling, v. 52, p. 626-647, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2017.08.004. A2. (2.350)
39. WORMWALD, M.; HOS, Y.; FREIRE, J. L.; GONZÁLES, G. L.; DÍAZ, J. G.Variable mode-mixity during fatigue cycles–crack tip parameters determined from displacement fields measured by digital image correlation. Frattura e Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity), v. 41, 314-322, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.42. B3. (0,69)
40. GONZÁLES, G. L.; RODRIGUES, L. D.; FREIRE, J. L. Accurate Measurements of High Strain Gradients near Notches Using a Feature-Based DIC Algorithm. Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, v. 7, p. 26-38, 2017. doi: 10.17265/2159-5275/2017.01.004.C
41. R.B. VIERA, G.L.G GONZÁLES, J.L.F. FREIRE. Thermography Applied to the Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Polycarbonate. Experimental Mechanics. v.1, 1-14, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s11340-017-0341-8. A2. (2.091)
42. MAZA, D.; CARVALHO, M. S. Trailing edge formation during slot coating of rectangular patches. Jct Research, v. 14, p. 1003-1013, 2017. doi: 10.1007/S11998-017-9962-1. B1. (1.557)
43. DO NASCIMENTO, DÉBORA F.; AVENDAÑO, JORGE A; MEHL, ANA; MOURA, MARIA J. B.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; DUNCANSON, WYNTER J. Flow of Tunable Elastic Microcapsules through Constrictions. Scientific Reports, v. 7, p. 11898, 2017. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11950-2. A1. (4.259)
44. PONCE F., RANENA V.; ALVARADO, VLADIMIR; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Water-alternating-macroemulsion reservoir simulation through capillary number-dependent modeling. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 39, p. 4135-4145, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s40430-017-0885-7. B1. (1.235)
45. LI, WEIHUA; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Viscous free-surface flows on rotating elliptical cylinders. Physical Review Fluids, v. 2, p. 094005, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s40430-017-0885-7
46. DANTAS, MARCIO JOSE HORTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; LIMA, ROBERTA. Sommerfeld effect in a constrained electromechanical system. Computational and Applied Mathematics, v.1, p.1-19 doi: 10.1007/s40314-017-0428-y, 2017. B1. (0.961)
47. E. C. RODRIGUES; F. A. SILVA; C. R. MIRANDA; G. M. S. CAVALCANTE; P. R. DE SOUZA MENDES. An appraisal of procedures to determine the ow curve of cement slurries. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 159(2017) 617-623. doi: 10.10.1016/j.petrol.2017.09.053. A2. (1.873)
48. SILVA, P. H. L.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO; CAMPOS, F. B.; TEIXEIRA, A.; SUM, A. K. Rheology of Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate Slurries. ENERGY & FUELS (ONLINE), v. 12, p. 14385-14392, 2017. doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b02425. A2. (3.091)
2. EIDERMAN, RICARDO; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B.. Scattering of guided waves by defective adhesive bonds in multilayer anisotropic plates. Wave Motion, v. 74, p. 93-104, 2017.doi: 101016/j.wavemoti.2017.05.007. A2. (1.575)
3. QUINTERO, SULLY; FIGUEIREDO, SÁVIO; TAKAHASHI, VICTOR; LLERENA, ROBERTH; BRAGA, ARTHUR. Passive Downhole Pressure Sensor Based on Surface Acoustic Wave Technology. Sensors, v. 17, p. 1635, 2017. doi: 10.3390/s17071635. B1. (2.677)
4. CARNEIRO, M. L. N. M.; PRADELLE, F.; BRAGA, S. L. ; GOMES, M. S. P.; MARTINS, A. R. F. A.; TURKOVICS, F.; PRADELLE, R. N. C. Potential of biofuels from algae: Comparison with fossil fuels, ethanol and biodiesel in Europe and Brazil through life cycle assessment (LCA). Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, v. 73, p. 632-653, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2017.01.152, A1. (6.798)
5. PRADELLE, F.; BRAGA, S. L.; FONSECA DE AGUIAR MARTINS, ANA ROSA; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; NOHRA CHAAR PRADELLE, RENATA. Certainties and challenges in modeling unwashed and washed gums formation in Brazilian gasoline-ethanol blends. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, v. 122, p. 77-96, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2017.03.037. A2. (2.538)
6. PRADELLE, FLORIAN; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL; DE AGUIAR MARTINS, ANA ROSA FONSECA; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; PRADELLE, RENATA NOHRA CHAAR. Stabilization of diesel-biodiesel-ethanol (DBE) blends: formulation of an additive from renewable sources. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 39, p. 3277-3293, 2017. Doi: 10.1007/s40430-017-0862-1. B1. (1.235)
7. CARDOZO, WILLIAM SCHROEDER; WEBER, HANS INGO. Dynamic modeling of a 2-dof parallel electrohydraulic-actuated homokinetic platform. Mechanism and Machine Theory, v. 118, p. 1-13, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2017.07.018. A2. (2.577)
8. FONSECA, CESAR A.; SANTOS, ILMAR F.; WEBER, HANS INGO. Influence of unbalance levels on nonlinear dynamics of a rotor-backup rolling bearing system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 394, p. 482-496, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv2017.01.020. A1. (2.593)
9. DE PAULA, I. B.; WÜRZ, W.; MENDONÇA, Marcio Teixeira ; MEDEIROS, MARCELLO AUGUSTO FARACO DE . Interaction of instability waves and a three-dimensional roughness element in a boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. v. 824, p. 624-660, 2017. doi:10.1017/jfm.2017.362. A1. (2.821)
10. AYATI, A. A.; FARIAS, P.S.C.; AZEVEDO, L.F.A; DE PAULA, I. B .On the linear evolution of interfacial waves in turbulent gas-liquid pipe flow. Physics of Fluids, v. 29, p. 1-13, 2017. A2. (1.94)
11. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. Non-linear incremental fatigue damage calculation for multiaxial non-proportional histories. International Journal of Fatigue, v.100, p. 502-511, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.12.008. A2. (2.162)
12. FREITAS, M; REIS, L; MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP. Stress Scale Factor and Critical Plane Models under Multiaxial Proportional Loading Histories. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 174, p. 104-116, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.angfracmech.2016.12.016. A2.(2.024)
13. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; MARTHA, LF; MARQUES, LFN. On the Estimation of Multiaxial Elastoplastic Notch Stresses and Strains under In-Phase Proportional Loadings. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 100, p. 549-562, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.12.038. A2 . (2.162)
14. MACHADO, V. M.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. On short cracks that depart from elastoplastic notch tips. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 41, p. 236-244, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.32. B3. (0.69)
15. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P. A two-step multiaxial racetrack filter algorithm for non-proportional load histories. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 41, p. 1-7, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.01. B3. (0.69)
16. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P ; FERREIRA, S. E. On the applicability of Miners rule for multiaxial fatigue life calculations under non-proportional load histories. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 41, p. 98-105, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.14. B3. (0.69)
17. FERREIRA, S. E.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. A model to quantify fatigue crack growth by cyclic damage accumulation calculated by strip-yield procedures. Frattura e Integrita Estrutturale, v. 41, p. 129-136, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.18. B3. (0.69)
18. GONZALEZ, J. A. O; CASTRO, J. T. P.; GONZALES, G. L. G.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; FREIRE, JLF. On DIC measurements of deltaKeff to verify if it is the FCG driving force. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 41, p. 227-235, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.31. B3. (0.69)
19. FERREIRA, S. E.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Using the strip-yield mechanics to model fatigue crack growth by damage accumulation ahead of the crack tip. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 103, p. 557-575, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2017.06.039. A2. (2.899)
20. GONZALEZ, GLG; GONZÁLEZ, JAO; CASTRO, JTP; FREIRE, J LF. A J-integral approach using digital image correlation for evaluating stress intensity factors in fatigue cracks with closure effects. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics v.90, p. 14-21, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2017.02.008. A2. (2.659)
21. VASCONCELOS, ADRIANO AKEL; CÁRDENAS GÓMEZ, ABDUL ORLANDO; BANDARRA FILHO, ENIO PEDONE; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO DOS REIS. Experimental evaluation of SWCNT-water nanofluid as a secondary fluid in a refrigeration system. Applied Thermal Engineering. v. 111, p. 1487-1492, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.06.126. A1. (3.356)
22. FLEMING, FELIPE PEREIRA; DARIDON, JEAN-LUC; AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO ALZUGUIR; PAULY, JÉRÔME. Direct adjustment of wax thermodynamic model parameter to micro Differential Scanning Calorimetry thermograms. Fluid Phase Equilibria, v. 436, p. 20-29, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2016.12.022. A2. (2.499)
23. VEIGA, HELENA; FLEMING, FELIPE PEREIRA; AZEVEDO, LUIS FERNANDO ALZUGUIR. Wax deposit thermal conductivity measurements under flowing conditions. Energy & Fuels, v. 31, p. 2017. doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b01131. A2. (3.091)
24. CELIS PEREZ, C.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. On the Non-Equilibrium Behavior of Fuel-Rich Hydrocarbon/Air Combustion Within Perfectly Stirred Reactors. Combustion Science and Technology, v. 189, p. 732-746, 2017. doi: 10.1080/00102202.2016.1248239. B1.
25. LI, W; CARVALHO, M. S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Liquid-film coating on topographically patterned rotating cylinders. Physical Review Fluids, v. 2, p. 024001, 2017. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluid.2.02400. C.
26. SIQUEIRA, I.R.; REBOUCAS, R.; CARVALHO, M. S. Migration and alignment in the flow of elongated particle suspensions through a converging-diverging channel. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 243, p. 56-63, 2017. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2017.03.006. A1. (2.536)
27. MIKKELSEN, A.; DOMMERSNES, P.; ROSYNEK, Z.; GHOLAMIPOUR-SHIRAZI, A.; CARVALHO, M. S.; FOSSUM, J. O. Mechanics of Pickering Drops Probed by Electric Field-Induced Stress. Materials. v. 10, p. 436- 447, 2017. 10.3390/ma10040436. A2. (2.654)
28. SIQUEIRA, I.R.; REBOUÇAS, R.B.; CARVALHO, M. S. Particle migration and alignment in slot coating flows of elongated particle suspensions. Aiche Journal, v. 63, p. 3187-3198, 2017. doi:10.1002/ aic15653. A1. (2.836)
29. ARAUJO, S. B.; CARVALHO, M. S. Sedimentation and Marangoni Stress in Slot Coating Flow of Particle Suspension. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 247, p. 53-61, 2017.doi: 140.1016/j.jnnfm.2017.06.008. A1. (2.536)
30. SIQUEIRA, I.R.; CARVALHO, M. S. Particle migration in planar die-swell flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 825, p. 49-68, 2017.doi: 10.1017/jfm.2017.373. B1. (2.821)
31. LIU, CHEN-YU; CARVALHO, M. S; Kumar, Satish . Mechanisms of dynamic wetting failure in the presence of soluble surfactants. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 825, p. 677-703, 2017. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2017.394. B1.(2.821)
32. VARGES, P.; FONSECA, B.; NACCACHE, M.F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Exchange flows of two immiscible Newtonian liquids in a vertical tube: From falling drops to falling slugs. Physics of Fluids, v. 29, p. 067105, 2017. doi: 10.1063/1.4986772. A2. (1.94)
33. FRIGAARD, I.A.; JEON, J.; MOISES, G. ; NACCACHE, M. F. ; ALBA, K. . Displacing difficult yield stress fluids from pipes. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, v. 25, p. 217-224, 2017. C.
34. FRIGAARD, IAN A.; PASO, KRISTOFER G.; DE SOUZA MENDES,PAULO. Binghams model in the oil and gas industry. Rheologica Acta, v. 56, p. 259-282, 2017. doi:10.1007/s00397-017-0999-y. A1 (1.767)
35. LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Construction of a statistical model for the dynamics of a base-driven stick-slip oscillator. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 91, p. 157-166, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2016.12.038. A1 (2.771)
36. LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Parametric analysis of the statistical model of the stick-slip process. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 397, p. 141-151, 2017. doi: 10.1016/ j.jsv2017.02.046. A1 (2.107)
37. BALLABEN, J. S; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; Rosales, M. Uncertainty quantification in the dynamics of a guyed mast subjected to wind load. Engineering Structures, v. 132, p. 456-470, 2017. doi: 10.1016/ j.engstruct.2016.11.025. A2. (1.893)
38. PAGNACCO, E.; E. SARROUY; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; EDUARDO CURSI. Pitfalls in the frequency response represented onto polynomial chaos for random SDOF mechanical systems. Applied Mathematical Modelling, v. 52, p. 626-647, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2017.08.004. A2. (2.350)
39. WORMWALD, M.; HOS, Y.; FREIRE, J. L.; GONZÁLES, G. L.; DÍAZ, J. G.Variable mode-mixity during fatigue cycles–crack tip parameters determined from displacement fields measured by digital image correlation. Frattura e Integrità Strutturale (Fracture and Structural Integrity), v. 41, 314-322, 2017. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.42. B3. (0,69)
40. GONZÁLES, G. L.; RODRIGUES, L. D.; FREIRE, J. L. Accurate Measurements of High Strain Gradients near Notches Using a Feature-Based DIC Algorithm. Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, v. 7, p. 26-38, 2017. doi: 10.17265/2159-5275/2017.01.004.C
41. R.B. VIERA, G.L.G GONZÁLES, J.L.F. FREIRE. Thermography Applied to the Study of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Polycarbonate. Experimental Mechanics. v.1, 1-14, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s11340-017-0341-8. A2. (2.091)
42. MAZA, D.; CARVALHO, M. S. Trailing edge formation during slot coating of rectangular patches. Jct Research, v. 14, p. 1003-1013, 2017. doi: 10.1007/S11998-017-9962-1. B1. (1.557)
43. DO NASCIMENTO, DÉBORA F.; AVENDAÑO, JORGE A; MEHL, ANA; MOURA, MARIA J. B.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; DUNCANSON, WYNTER J. Flow of Tunable Elastic Microcapsules through Constrictions. Scientific Reports, v. 7, p. 11898, 2017. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-11950-2. A1. (4.259)
44. PONCE F., RANENA V.; ALVARADO, VLADIMIR; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Water-alternating-macroemulsion reservoir simulation through capillary number-dependent modeling. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 39, p. 4135-4145, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s40430-017-0885-7. B1. (1.235)
45. LI, WEIHUA; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Viscous free-surface flows on rotating elliptical cylinders. Physical Review Fluids, v. 2, p. 094005, 2017. doi: 10.1007/s40430-017-0885-7
46. DANTAS, MARCIO JOSE HORTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; LIMA, ROBERTA. Sommerfeld effect in a constrained electromechanical system. Computational and Applied Mathematics, v.1, p.1-19 doi: 10.1007/s40314-017-0428-y, 2017. B1. (0.961)
47. E. C. RODRIGUES; F. A. SILVA; C. R. MIRANDA; G. M. S. CAVALCANTE; P. R. DE SOUZA MENDES. An appraisal of procedures to determine the ow curve of cement slurries. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 159(2017) 617-623. doi: 10.10.1016/j.petrol.2017.09.053. A2. (1.873)
48. SILVA, P. H. L.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO; CAMPOS, F. B.; TEIXEIRA, A.; SUM, A. K. Rheology of Tetrahydrofuran Hydrate Slurries. ENERGY & FUELS (ONLINE), v. 12, p. 14385-14392, 2017. doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b02425. A2. (3.091)
1. A. PEREIRA, C. TALISCH, G.H. PAULINO, I. F. M. MENEZES e M. S. CARVALHO. Fluid flow topology optimization in PolyTop: stability and computational implementation. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2016. v.54, pg 1-20. doi: 10.1007/s00158-014-1182-z. A2. (2.208)
2. NIECKELE, ANGELA OURIVIO; THOMPSON, RONEY LEON MOMPEAN, GILMAR. Anisotropic Reynolds stress tensor representation in shear flows using DNS and experimental data. Journal of Turbulance. V. 17, pg 602-632. doi: 10.1080/14685248.2016.1153106. C. (1.560)
3. COSTA, G. K. B.; GOUVÊA, PAULA M. P.; SOARES, L. M. B.; PEREIRA, J. M. B.; C.FAVERO, F. ; BRAGA, A. M. B. ; MUHORAY, Peter Palffy ; BRUNO, A. C. O. ; CARVALHO, I. C. S. In-fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer for strain and magnetic field sensing. Optics Express, v. 24, p. 14690, 2016. doi: 10.1364/OE.24.014690. A2. (3.148)
4. KUBRUSLY, ALAN CONCI; PEREZ, NICOLAS; DE OLIVEIRA, TIMOTEO FRANCISCO; ADAMOWSKI, JULIO CEZAR ; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B.; VON DER WEID, JEAN PIERRE. Mechanical Strain Sensing by Broadband Time Reversal in Plates. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, v. 63, p. 746-756, 2016. doi: 10.1109/TUFF.2016.2543202. A1. (2.287)
5. LEIDERMAN, RICARDO; FIGUEROA, JUAN C.; BRAGA, ARTHUR M.B.; ROCHINHA, FERNANDO ALVES. Scattering of ultrasonic guided waves by heterogeneous interfaces in elastic multi-layered structures. Wave Motion, v. 63, p. 68-82, 2016. doi: 10.1016/ j.wavemoti.2016.01.006. A2. (1.449)
6. C. KUBRUSLY, ALAN; M. B. BRAGA, ARTHUR; VON DER WEID, JEAN PIERRE. Derivation of acoustoelastic Lamb wave dispersion curves in anisotropic plates at the initial and natural frames of reference. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, v. 140, p. 2412-2417, 2016. doi: A2. (1.572)
7. MACHADO, GUILHERME B.; BRAGA, SÉRGIO L.; BARROS, J. E. M.; BRAGA, C. V. M. SI engine performance and emissions using surrogate fuel for oxygenated gasoline. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 7-14, 2016. doi: 10.4271/2016-36-0240. B5.
8. FONSECA, CESAR A.L.L.; AGUIAR, ROMULO R.; WEBER, HANS I. On the non-linear behaviour and orbit patterns of rotor/stator contact with a non-conventional containment bearing. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, v. 105, p. 117-125, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2015.10.015. A1. (2.034)
9. CASTRO, J. T. P.; SIMÕES, DA; MENEZES, I. F. M.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.: MARTHA, L. F. A note on notch shape optimization to minimize stress concentration effects. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics (Print), v. 84, p. 72-85, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j. talmec.2016.03.005. A2. (2025)
10. MEGGIOLARO, MA; WU, H; CASTRO, JTP Non-proportional hardening models for predicting mean and peak stress evolution in multiaxial fatigue using Tanaka’s incremental plasticity concepts. International Journal of Fatigue v. 82, Part 2, p. 146-157, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.07.027. A2 (Qualis 2015) (2.275)
11. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. A general class of non-linear kinematic models to predict mean stress relaxation and multiaxial ratcheting in fatigue problems - Part II: Generalized surface translation rule. International Journal of Fatigue v. 82, Part 2, p. 167-178, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.08.031. A2. (2.275)
12. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. A general class of non-linear kinematic models to predict mean stress relaxation and multiaxial ratcheting in fatigue problems - Part I: Ilyushin spaces. International Journal of Fatigue v. 82, Part 2, p. 158-166, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.08.030. A2. (2.275)
13. WU, H; MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP. Validation of the Multiaxial Racetrack Amplitude Filter. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 87, p. 167-179, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.01.016 A2. ( 2.275)
14. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. Generalization of the moment of inertia method to estimate equivalent amplitudes for simplifying the analysis of arbitrary non-proportional multiaxial stress or strain histories. Acta Mechanica v. 227, p. 1-13, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00707-015-1542-9. B1. (1.694)
15. WU,H; MEGGIOLARO,MA; CASTRO,JTP. Computational Implementation of a non-linear kinematic hardening formulation for tension-torsion multiaxial fatigue calculations. International Journal of Fatigue v.91, p. 304-312, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.01.005. A2. (2.275)
16. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. A multiaxial incremental fatigue damage formulation using nested damage surfaces. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 37, p. 138-145, 2016. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS 37.19. C. (0.731)
17. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; GÓES, RCO. Elastoplastic Nominal Stress Effects in the Estimation of the Notch-Tip Behavior in Tension. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics v. 84, p. 86-92, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.talmec.2016.03.004. A2. (2025)
18. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. On the Use of Tensor Paths to Estimate the Non-Proportionality Factor of Multiaxial Stress or Strain Histories under Free-Surface Conditions. Acta Mechanica v. 227. p. 1-14, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00707-015-1543-8. B1. (1.694)
19. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. Incorporation of Mean/ Maximum Stress Effects in the Multiaxial Racetrack Filter, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale v.38, p.67-75, 2016. doi:10.3221/IGF-ESIS.38.09. C. (0.731) WU
20. DE FREITAS, M; REIS, L; MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP. Comparison between SSF and Critical-Plane Models to Predict Fatigue Lives under Multiaxial Proportional Load Histories, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale v.38, p.121-127, 2016. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.38.16. C (0.731)
21. MEGGIOLARO, MA, CASTRO, JTP, MARTHA, LF, MARQUES, LFN. A Unified Rule to Estimate Multiaxial Elastoplastic Notch Stresses and Strains under In-Phase Proportional Loadings, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale v.38, p.128-134, 2016. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS. 38.17. C. (0.731)
22. ORTEGA SOTOMAYOR, PAUL; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO DOS REIS. Characterization and simulation of an open piston compressor for application on automotive air-conditioning systems operating with r134a, r1234yf and r290. International Journal of Refrigeration, v. 61, p. 100-116, 2016. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2015.09.004. A1. (2.241)
23. BANDARRA FILHO, ENIO PEDONE; HERNANDEZ MENDOZA, OSCAR SAUL; MORENO GARCIA, FRANCISCO ERNESTO; PARISE, JOSE ALBERTO REIS. Energy conservation for refrigeration systems by means of hybrid fuzzy adaptive control techniques. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), v. 38, p. 1753-1766, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s40430-016-0538-2. B1. (0.963)
24. Y. HOS, J.L.F. FREIRE, M. VORMWALD, Measurements of Strain Fields around Crack Tips under Proportional and Non-Proportional Mixed-Mode Fatigue Loading. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 89, p. 87-98, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.01.018. A2. (2.275)
25. VIEIRA, R.B. ; PHILIP, S. K. ; GONZALEZ, G.L.G.; FREIRE, JOSÉ L. F. ; YANG, B. ; ROWLANDS, R.E. Determination of a U-Notch Stress Concentration Factor Using Thermoelasticity. Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, v. 6, p. 66-76, 2016. doi: 10.17265/2159-5275/2016.02.002. C. (0.739)
26. BENJAMIN, ADILSON C.; FREIRE, JOSÉ LUIZ F.; VIEIRA, RONALDO D.; CUNHA, DIVINO J.S. Interaction of corrosion defects in pipelines - Part 1: Fundamentals. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, v. 144, p. 56-62, 2016. doi: A2. (1.432)
27. BENJAMIN, ADILSON C.; FREIRE, JOSÉ LUIZ F.; VIEIRA, RONALDO D.; CUNHA, DIVINO S. Interaction of corrosion defects in pipelines - Part 2: MTI JIP database of corroded pipe tests. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, v. 145, p. 41-59, 2016. doi: A2. (1.432)
28. CABANILLAS, J.L.P., LEIROZ, A.T., AND AZEVEDO, L.F.A., Wax deposition in presence of suspened crystals, Energy and Fuels, v. 30, p. 1-11, 2016, doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b02344. A2. (2.790)
29. CRUZ VILLANUEVA, J.J.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Study of the Turbulent Velocity Field in the Near Wake of a Bluff Body. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, v. 97, p. 715-728, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s10494-016-9709-6. A2. (1.52)
30. CELIS PEREZ, C.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Computational assessment of methane-air reduced chemical kinetic mechanisms for soot production studies. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v, p. 1-20, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s40430-016-0494-x. B1. (0.429)
31. LIU, CHEN-YU; VANDRE, ERIC; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Dynamic wetting failure in surfactant solutions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 789, p. 285-309, 2016. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2015.739. A1. (2.383)
32. HOYER, P.; ALVARADO, V.; CARVALHO, M. S. Snap-off in constricted capillary with elastic interface. Physics of Fluids (1994), v. 28, p. 012104, 2016. doi: 10.1063/1.4939150. A2. (2.031)
33. CAMPANA, DIEGO M.; S. UBAL; M. D. GIAVENDONI,; SAITA, F. A.; CARVALHO, M. S. . Three dimensional flow of liquid transfer between a cavity and a moving roll. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 149, p. 169-180, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2016.04.2015. A1. (2.750)
34. DE FARIAS, MANOEL L. R.; CAMPOS, ELISABETE F ; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ S.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Injection of Dilute Oil-in-Water Emulsion as an Enhanced Oil Recovery Method for Heavy Oil: 1D and 3D Flow Configurations. Transport in Porous Media, v. 113, p. 267-281, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s11242-016-0692-0. B1. (1.653)
35. REBOUÇAS, R.B.; SIQUEIRA, I.R.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P.R.; CARVALHO, M.S. On the pressure-driven flow of suspensions: particle migration in shear sensitive liquids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), v. 234, p. 178-187, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2016.06.001. A2. (2.172)
36. GHOLAMIPOUR-SHIRAZI, A.; CARVALHO, M.S.; FOSSUM, J. O. Transition from glass - to gel-like states in clay a liquid interface, Scientific Reports, v. 6, p. 37239, 2016. doi: 10.1038/srep37239. A1. (5.228) LIU
37. SHAWN, C.; CARVALHO, M.S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Stretching liquid bridges with moving contact lines: comparison of liquid-transfer predictions and experiments. Soft Matter, v. 12, p. 7457-7469, 2016. doi: 10.1039/C6SM00876C. B1. (3.798)
38. GHOLAMIPOUR-SHIRAZI, A.; CARVALHO, M.S.; FOSSUM, J.O. Controlled microfluidic emulsification of oil in a clay nanofluid: Role of salt for Pickering stabilization. The European Physical Journal. Special Topics, v. 225, p. 757-765, 2016. doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2016-60002-0. B1. (1.417)
39. LEOPÉRCIO, BRUNA COSTA; SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; FULLER, GERALD G. The Growth Kinetics and Mechanics of Hydrate Films by Interfacial Rheology. Langmuir, v. 32, p. 4203-4209, 2016. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b00703. A1. (4.457)
40. LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Two parametric excited nonlinear systems due to electromechanical coupling. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 38 p. 931-943, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s40430-015-0395-4. B1. (0.429)
41. J.H DANTAS, MARCIO; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; LIMA, ROBETA. Existence and Asymptotic Stability of Periodic Orbits for a class of electromechanical systems: A Perturbation Theory Approach. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, v. 67, p. 1-14, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00033-015-0602-2. (1.109)
42. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Energy behavior of an electromechanical system with internal impacts and uncertainties. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 373, p. 180-191, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2016.02.048. A1. (1.813)
43. DANTAS, MÁRCIO JOSÉ HORTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; LIMA, ROBERTA. Phase Bifurcations in an Electromechanical System. IUTAM Procedia, v. 19, p. 193-200, 2016. doi: 10.1016/ j.piutam.2016.03.025. C
44. BALLABEN, J. S.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; ROSALES, M. Stochastic dynamics of a non-linear cable-beam system. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 38, p. 307-316, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s40430-015-0387-4. B1. (0.429)
45. RITTO, THIAGO GAMBOA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; AGUIAR, R. Uncertain boundary condition Bayesian identification from experimental data: A case study on a cantilever beam. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 68-69, p. 176-188, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2015.08.010 A1. (2.256) PAGNACCO
46. PAGNACCO, E.; EDUARDO CURSI; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Subspace inverse power method and polynomial chaos representation for the modal frequency responses of random mechanical systems. Computational Mechanics, v. 58, p. 129-149, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00466-016-1285-z. A1. (2.525)
47. RITTO, T. G. ; SAMPAIO, RUBENS ; ROSALES, M. Commentary on ''T.G. Ritto, M.R. Escalante, Rubens Sampaio, M.B. Rosales, Drill-string horizontal dynamics with uncertainty on the frictional force, Journal of Sound and Vibration 332(2013) 145-153. Journal of Sound and Vibration v. 384, p. 362-363, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv2016.08.018. A1. (2.107)
48. GARCIA, D. A.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; ROSALES, M. Eigenproblems in timber structural elements with uncertain properties. Wood Science and Technology, v. 50, p. 807-832, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00226-016-0810-8. C. (1.642)
49. GARCIA, D. A.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; ROSALES, MARTA B. Vibrational problems of timber beams with knots considering uncertainties. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2015. doi: 10.1007/s40430-015-0418-1.B2. (0.963)
50. GUILHERME MARTINS, SERGIO L BRAGA; SANDRO B. FERREIRA. Design optimization of partial admission axial turbine for ORC service. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 96, p. 18-25. doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.9.041. A1. (2.739)
51. PRADELLE, FLORIAN; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO; FONSECA DE AGUIAR MARTINS, ANA ROSA; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; NOHRA CHAAR PRADELLE, RENATA. Modeling of Unwashed and Washed Gum Content in Brazilian Gasoline-Ethanol Blends during Prolonged Storage: Application of a Doehlert Matrix. Energy & Fuels (Print), v. 30, p.6381-6394, 2016. doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b01379. A2. (2.835)
2. NIECKELE, ANGELA OURIVIO; THOMPSON, RONEY LEON MOMPEAN, GILMAR. Anisotropic Reynolds stress tensor representation in shear flows using DNS and experimental data. Journal of Turbulance. V. 17, pg 602-632. doi: 10.1080/14685248.2016.1153106. C. (1.560)
3. COSTA, G. K. B.; GOUVÊA, PAULA M. P.; SOARES, L. M. B.; PEREIRA, J. M. B.; C.FAVERO, F. ; BRAGA, A. M. B. ; MUHORAY, Peter Palffy ; BRUNO, A. C. O. ; CARVALHO, I. C. S. In-fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer for strain and magnetic field sensing. Optics Express, v. 24, p. 14690, 2016. doi: 10.1364/OE.24.014690. A2. (3.148)
4. KUBRUSLY, ALAN CONCI; PEREZ, NICOLAS; DE OLIVEIRA, TIMOTEO FRANCISCO; ADAMOWSKI, JULIO CEZAR ; BRAGA, ARTHUR M. B.; VON DER WEID, JEAN PIERRE. Mechanical Strain Sensing by Broadband Time Reversal in Plates. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, v. 63, p. 746-756, 2016. doi: 10.1109/TUFF.2016.2543202. A1. (2.287)
5. LEIDERMAN, RICARDO; FIGUEROA, JUAN C.; BRAGA, ARTHUR M.B.; ROCHINHA, FERNANDO ALVES. Scattering of ultrasonic guided waves by heterogeneous interfaces in elastic multi-layered structures. Wave Motion, v. 63, p. 68-82, 2016. doi: 10.1016/ j.wavemoti.2016.01.006. A2. (1.449)
6. C. KUBRUSLY, ALAN; M. B. BRAGA, ARTHUR; VON DER WEID, JEAN PIERRE. Derivation of acoustoelastic Lamb wave dispersion curves in anisotropic plates at the initial and natural frames of reference. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, v. 140, p. 2412-2417, 2016. doi: A2. (1.572)
7. MACHADO, GUILHERME B.; BRAGA, SÉRGIO L.; BARROS, J. E. M.; BRAGA, C. V. M. SI engine performance and emissions using surrogate fuel for oxygenated gasoline. SAE Technical Paper Series, v. 1, p. 7-14, 2016. doi: 10.4271/2016-36-0240. B5.
8. FONSECA, CESAR A.L.L.; AGUIAR, ROMULO R.; WEBER, HANS I. On the non-linear behaviour and orbit patterns of rotor/stator contact with a non-conventional containment bearing. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, v. 105, p. 117-125, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2015.10.015. A1. (2.034)
9. CASTRO, J. T. P.; SIMÕES, DA; MENEZES, I. F. M.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A.: MARTHA, L. F. A note on notch shape optimization to minimize stress concentration effects. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics (Print), v. 84, p. 72-85, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j. talmec.2016.03.005. A2. (2025)
10. MEGGIOLARO, MA; WU, H; CASTRO, JTP Non-proportional hardening models for predicting mean and peak stress evolution in multiaxial fatigue using Tanaka’s incremental plasticity concepts. International Journal of Fatigue v. 82, Part 2, p. 146-157, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.07.027. A2 (Qualis 2015) (2.275)
11. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. A general class of non-linear kinematic models to predict mean stress relaxation and multiaxial ratcheting in fatigue problems - Part II: Generalized surface translation rule. International Journal of Fatigue v. 82, Part 2, p. 167-178, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.08.031. A2. (2.275)
12. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. A general class of non-linear kinematic models to predict mean stress relaxation and multiaxial ratcheting in fatigue problems - Part I: Ilyushin spaces. International Journal of Fatigue v. 82, Part 2, p. 158-166, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.08.030. A2. (2.275)
13. WU, H; MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP. Validation of the Multiaxial Racetrack Amplitude Filter. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 87, p. 167-179, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.01.016 A2. ( 2.275)
14. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. Generalization of the moment of inertia method to estimate equivalent amplitudes for simplifying the analysis of arbitrary non-proportional multiaxial stress or strain histories. Acta Mechanica v. 227, p. 1-13, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00707-015-1542-9. B1. (1.694)
15. WU,H; MEGGIOLARO,MA; CASTRO,JTP. Computational Implementation of a non-linear kinematic hardening formulation for tension-torsion multiaxial fatigue calculations. International Journal of Fatigue v.91, p. 304-312, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.01.005. A2. (2.275)
16. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. A multiaxial incremental fatigue damage formulation using nested damage surfaces. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 37, p. 138-145, 2016. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS 37.19. C. (0.731)
17. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; GÓES, RCO. Elastoplastic Nominal Stress Effects in the Estimation of the Notch-Tip Behavior in Tension. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics v. 84, p. 86-92, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.talmec.2016.03.004. A2. (2025)
18. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. On the Use of Tensor Paths to Estimate the Non-Proportionality Factor of Multiaxial Stress or Strain Histories under Free-Surface Conditions. Acta Mechanica v. 227. p. 1-14, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00707-015-1543-8. B1. (1.694)
19. MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP; WU, H. Incorporation of Mean/ Maximum Stress Effects in the Multiaxial Racetrack Filter, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale v.38, p.67-75, 2016. doi:10.3221/IGF-ESIS.38.09. C. (0.731) WU
20. DE FREITAS, M; REIS, L; MEGGIOLARO, MA; CASTRO, JTP. Comparison between SSF and Critical-Plane Models to Predict Fatigue Lives under Multiaxial Proportional Load Histories, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale v.38, p.121-127, 2016. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.38.16. C (0.731)
21. MEGGIOLARO, MA, CASTRO, JTP, MARTHA, LF, MARQUES, LFN. A Unified Rule to Estimate Multiaxial Elastoplastic Notch Stresses and Strains under In-Phase Proportional Loadings, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale v.38, p.128-134, 2016. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS. 38.17. C. (0.731)
22. ORTEGA SOTOMAYOR, PAUL; PARISE, JOSÉ ALBERTO DOS REIS. Characterization and simulation of an open piston compressor for application on automotive air-conditioning systems operating with r134a, r1234yf and r290. International Journal of Refrigeration, v. 61, p. 100-116, 2016. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2015.09.004. A1. (2.241)
23. BANDARRA FILHO, ENIO PEDONE; HERNANDEZ MENDOZA, OSCAR SAUL; MORENO GARCIA, FRANCISCO ERNESTO; PARISE, JOSE ALBERTO REIS. Energy conservation for refrigeration systems by means of hybrid fuzzy adaptive control techniques. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), v. 38, p. 1753-1766, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s40430-016-0538-2. B1. (0.963)
24. Y. HOS, J.L.F. FREIRE, M. VORMWALD, Measurements of Strain Fields around Crack Tips under Proportional and Non-Proportional Mixed-Mode Fatigue Loading. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 89, p. 87-98, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.01.018. A2. (2.275)
25. VIEIRA, R.B. ; PHILIP, S. K. ; GONZALEZ, G.L.G.; FREIRE, JOSÉ L. F. ; YANG, B. ; ROWLANDS, R.E. Determination of a U-Notch Stress Concentration Factor Using Thermoelasticity. Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, v. 6, p. 66-76, 2016. doi: 10.17265/2159-5275/2016.02.002. C. (0.739)
26. BENJAMIN, ADILSON C.; FREIRE, JOSÉ LUIZ F.; VIEIRA, RONALDO D.; CUNHA, DIVINO J.S. Interaction of corrosion defects in pipelines - Part 1: Fundamentals. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, v. 144, p. 56-62, 2016. doi: A2. (1.432)
27. BENJAMIN, ADILSON C.; FREIRE, JOSÉ LUIZ F.; VIEIRA, RONALDO D.; CUNHA, DIVINO S. Interaction of corrosion defects in pipelines - Part 2: MTI JIP database of corroded pipe tests. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, v. 145, p. 41-59, 2016. doi: A2. (1.432)
28. CABANILLAS, J.L.P., LEIROZ, A.T., AND AZEVEDO, L.F.A., Wax deposition in presence of suspened crystals, Energy and Fuels, v. 30, p. 1-11, 2016, doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b02344. A2. (2.790)
29. CRUZ VILLANUEVA, J.J.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Study of the Turbulent Velocity Field in the Near Wake of a Bluff Body. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, v. 97, p. 715-728, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s10494-016-9709-6. A2. (1.52)
30. CELIS PEREZ, C.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Computational assessment of methane-air reduced chemical kinetic mechanisms for soot production studies. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v, p. 1-20, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s40430-016-0494-x. B1. (0.429)
31. LIU, CHEN-YU; VANDRE, ERIC; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Dynamic wetting failure in surfactant solutions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 789, p. 285-309, 2016. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2015.739. A1. (2.383)
32. HOYER, P.; ALVARADO, V.; CARVALHO, M. S. Snap-off in constricted capillary with elastic interface. Physics of Fluids (1994), v. 28, p. 012104, 2016. doi: 10.1063/1.4939150. A2. (2.031)
33. CAMPANA, DIEGO M.; S. UBAL; M. D. GIAVENDONI,; SAITA, F. A.; CARVALHO, M. S. . Three dimensional flow of liquid transfer between a cavity and a moving roll. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 149, p. 169-180, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2016.04.2015. A1. (2.750)
34. DE FARIAS, MANOEL L. R.; CAMPOS, ELISABETE F ; DE SOUZA, ANTÔNIO LUIZ S.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Injection of Dilute Oil-in-Water Emulsion as an Enhanced Oil Recovery Method for Heavy Oil: 1D and 3D Flow Configurations. Transport in Porous Media, v. 113, p. 267-281, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s11242-016-0692-0. B1. (1.653)
35. REBOUÇAS, R.B.; SIQUEIRA, I.R.; DE SOUZA MENDES, P.R.; CARVALHO, M.S. On the pressure-driven flow of suspensions: particle migration in shear sensitive liquids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), v. 234, p. 178-187, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2016.06.001. A2. (2.172)
36. GHOLAMIPOUR-SHIRAZI, A.; CARVALHO, M.S.; FOSSUM, J. O. Transition from glass - to gel-like states in clay a liquid interface, Scientific Reports, v. 6, p. 37239, 2016. doi: 10.1038/srep37239. A1. (5.228) LIU
37. SHAWN, C.; CARVALHO, M.S.; KUMAR, SATISH. Stretching liquid bridges with moving contact lines: comparison of liquid-transfer predictions and experiments. Soft Matter, v. 12, p. 7457-7469, 2016. doi: 10.1039/C6SM00876C. B1. (3.798)
38. GHOLAMIPOUR-SHIRAZI, A.; CARVALHO, M.S.; FOSSUM, J.O. Controlled microfluidic emulsification of oil in a clay nanofluid: Role of salt for Pickering stabilization. The European Physical Journal. Special Topics, v. 225, p. 757-765, 2016. doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2016-60002-0. B1. (1.417)
39. LEOPÉRCIO, BRUNA COSTA; SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; FULLER, GERALD G. The Growth Kinetics and Mechanics of Hydrate Films by Interfacial Rheology. Langmuir, v. 32, p. 4203-4209, 2016. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b00703. A1. (4.457)
40. LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Two parametric excited nonlinear systems due to electromechanical coupling. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 38 p. 931-943, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s40430-015-0395-4. B1. (0.429)
41. J.H DANTAS, MARCIO; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; LIMA, ROBETA. Existence and Asymptotic Stability of Periodic Orbits for a class of electromechanical systems: A Perturbation Theory Approach. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, v. 67, p. 1-14, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00033-015-0602-2. (1.109)
42. LIMA, R.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Energy behavior of an electromechanical system with internal impacts and uncertainties. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 373, p. 180-191, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv.2016.02.048. A1. (1.813)
43. DANTAS, MÁRCIO JOSÉ HORTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; LIMA, ROBERTA. Phase Bifurcations in an Electromechanical System. IUTAM Procedia, v. 19, p. 193-200, 2016. doi: 10.1016/ j.piutam.2016.03.025. C
44. BALLABEN, J. S.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; ROSALES, M. Stochastic dynamics of a non-linear cable-beam system. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 38, p. 307-316, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s40430-015-0387-4. B1. (0.429)
45. RITTO, THIAGO GAMBOA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; AGUIAR, R. Uncertain boundary condition Bayesian identification from experimental data: A case study on a cantilever beam. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, v. 68-69, p. 176-188, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2015.08.010 A1. (2.256) PAGNACCO
46. PAGNACCO, E.; EDUARDO CURSI; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Subspace inverse power method and polynomial chaos representation for the modal frequency responses of random mechanical systems. Computational Mechanics, v. 58, p. 129-149, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00466-016-1285-z. A1. (2.525)
47. RITTO, T. G. ; SAMPAIO, RUBENS ; ROSALES, M. Commentary on ''T.G. Ritto, M.R. Escalante, Rubens Sampaio, M.B. Rosales, Drill-string horizontal dynamics with uncertainty on the frictional force, Journal of Sound and Vibration 332(2013) 145-153. Journal of Sound and Vibration v. 384, p. 362-363, 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.jsv2016.08.018. A1. (2.107)
48. GARCIA, D. A.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; ROSALES, M. Eigenproblems in timber structural elements with uncertain properties. Wood Science and Technology, v. 50, p. 807-832, 2016. doi: 10.1007/s00226-016-0810-8. C. (1.642)
49. GARCIA, D. A.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; ROSALES, MARTA B. Vibrational problems of timber beams with knots considering uncertainties. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2015. doi: 10.1007/s40430-015-0418-1.B2. (0.963)
50. GUILHERME MARTINS, SERGIO L BRAGA; SANDRO B. FERREIRA. Design optimization of partial admission axial turbine for ORC service. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 96, p. 18-25. doi: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.9.041. A1. (2.739)
51. PRADELLE, FLORIAN; LEAL BRAGA, SERGIO; FONSECA DE AGUIAR MARTINS, ANA ROSA; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; NOHRA CHAAR PRADELLE, RENATA. Modeling of Unwashed and Washed Gum Content in Brazilian Gasoline-Ethanol Blends during Prolonged Storage: Application of a Doehlert Matrix. Energy & Fuels (Print), v. 30, p.6381-6394, 2016. doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b01379. A2. (2.835)
1. AGUIAR,L.L.,ALMEIDA, C.A.,PAULINO,G.H., Dynamic Analysis of Risers Using a Novel Multilayered Pipe Beam Element Model, Marine Structures, 211-231, 2015. doi: 10.1016/j.marstruc.2015.08.004. A1 (1.28)
2. FONSECA, C.A.L.L., WEBER, H.I., FLEISCHER, P.F., SANTOS, I.F.: Analyzing the Use of Pins in Safety Bearings. In: J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng., Vol. 37, Issue 4 (2015), Page 1425-1434. ISSN 1678-5878, doi:10.1007/s40430-014-0253-9. B2 (0.43)
3. DE OLIVEIRA, W.R.; DE PAULA, I.B.; MARTINS, F.J.W.A.; FARIAS, P.S.C.; AZEVEDO, L.F.A. . Bubble Characterization In Horizontal Air-Water Intermittent Flow. International Journal Of Multiphase Flow, V. 69, P. 18-30, 2015. doi: 10.1016/J.Ijmultiphaseflow.2014.10.014. A1 (1.94)
4. PIRES, L. M. B.; FISCH, G.; GIELOW, R.; SOUZA, L. F.; AVELAR, A. C.; DE PAULA, I.B. ; GIRARDI, R. M. . A Study of The Internal Boundary Layer Generated at the Alcantara Space Center. American Journal Of Environmental Engineering, V. 5, P. 52-64, 2015. doi:10.5923/S.Ajee.201501.08. B4.(2.02)
5. PAULA, IGOR B. DE; WÜRZ, WERNER; BORODULIN, VLADIMIR I.; KACHANOV, YURY S. Weakly-Nonlinear Interactions of Modulated T-S Waves In The Boundary Layer Of An Airfoil. Iutam Procedia, V. 14, P. 433-437, 2015. doi: 10.1016/J.Piutam.2015.03.071. C (2.38)
6. TALISCHI, CAMERON; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; MENEZES, IVAN F.M.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Gradient Correction For Polygonal And Polyhedral Finite Elements. International Journal For Numerical Methods In Engineering (Print), V. 102, P. N/A-N/A, 2015. doi:10.1002/Nme.4851. A1 (2.055)
7. GAIN, ARUN L.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H.; DUARTE, LEONARDO S.; MENEZES, IVAN F.M. Topology Optimization Using Polytopes. Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering, V. 293, P. 411-430, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Cma.2015.05.007. A1
8. DUARTE, LEONARDO S.; CELES, WALDEMAR; PEREIRA, ANDERSON ; M. MENEZES, IVAN F.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Polytop++: An Efficient Alternative For Serial And Parallel Topology Optimization On Cpus & Gpus. Structural And Multidisciplinary Optimization (Print), V. Nd, P. Nd-Nd, 2015. doi:10.1007/S00158-015-1252-X. A2 (1.696)
9. CASTRO, J.T.P.; LEITE, J.C.C.; LANDIM, R.V.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Prediction of Notch Sensitivity Effects In Fatigue And In Environmentally Assisted Cracking. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (Print), V. 38, P. 161-179, 2015. doi:10.1111/Ffe.12156. A2 (1.561)
10. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, J.T.P.; WU,H. Computationally-Efficient Non-Linear Kinematic Models To Predict Multiaxial Stress-Strain Behavior Under Variable Amplitude Loading. Procedia Engineering, V. 101, P. 285-292, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Proeng.2015.02.032. B2. ((Snip): 0.629)
11. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; WU,H . Invariant-Based And Critical-Plane Rainflow Approaches For Fatigue Life Prediction Under Multiaxial Variable Amplitude Loading. Procedia Engineering, V. 101, P. 69-76, 2015. Doi:10.1016/J.Proeng.2015.02.010. B2 ((Snip): 0.629)
12. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, J.T.P.; WU,H. On The Applicability Of Multi-Surface, Two-Surface And Non-Linear Kinematic Hardening Models In Multiaxial Fatigue. Frattura E Integrita Strutturale, V. 33, P. 357-367, 2015. doi:10.3221/Igf-Esis.33.39. B5 (0.73)
13. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; WU,H. Shortcuts In Multiple Dimensions: The Multiaxial Racetrack Filter. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, V. 33, P. 368-375, 2015. doi:10.3221/ Igf –Esis.3340. B5 (0.73)
14. CASTRO, J.T.P.; MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; GONZALEZ, J.A.O. Can Deltakeff Be Assumed As The Driving Force For Fatigue Crack Growth?. Frattura E Integrita Strutturale, V. 33, P. 97-104, 2015. Doi: 10.3221/ Igf-Esis. 33.13. B5 (0.73)
15. GÓES,R.C.O.; Castro,J.T.P.; MEGGIOLARO,M.A. 3D Thickness Effects Around Notch And Crack Tip Stress/Strain Fields. Frattura E Integrita Strutturale, V. 33, P. 89-96, 2015. doi:10.322/Igf-Esis. 33. 12. B5 (0.73)
16. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE. The Moment of Inertia Method to Calculate Equivalent Ranges In Non-Proportional Tension-Torsion Histories. Journal of Materials Research And Technology, V. 4, N. 3 .P. 229-234, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Jmrt.2015.01.004. B4
17. CASTRO, J. T. P.; LANDIM, R. V. ; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Defect tolerance under environmentally assisted cracking conditions. Corrosion Reviews, v. 33, p. 417-432, 2015. doi:10.1515/corrrev-2015-0070.(1.526).
18. MARTINS, F.W.J.A.; FOUCAUT, J.M.; THOMAS, L.; AZEVEDO, L.F.A.; STANISLAS, M. Volume reconstruction optimization for tomo-PIV algorithms applied to experimental data. Measurement Science and Technology, 26, 1-17, 2015, 085202,doi:10.1088/0957-0233/26/8/085202,2015, B1 (1.43)
19. AZEVEDO, B.A.; AZEVEDO, L.F.A; NUVES, R.; NÓBREGA, A.C.L. In vivo blood velocity measurements with particle image velocimetry in echocardiography using spontaneous contrast, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso) doi:10.1007/s40430-014-0205-4, 2015, B2 (0.429)
20. CAETANO, N. R.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. A Comparative Experimental Study Of Turbulent Non Premixed Flames Stabilized By A Bluff-Body Burner. Experimental Thermal And Fluid Science, V. 63, P. 20-33, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Expthermflusci.2015.01.006. A1 (1.990)
21. VEDOVOTO, JOÃO MARCELO; DA SILVEIRA NETO, ARISTEU; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, LUIS FERNANDO; MURA, ARNAUD. Influence Of Synthetic Inlet Turbulence On The Prediction Of Low Mach Number Flows. Computers & Fluids, V. 106, P. 135-153, 2015.doi:10.1016/J.Compfluid.2014.09.046. B1 (1.619)
22. CELIS PEREZ, C.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F.Lagrangian Mixing Models For Turbulent Combustion: Review And Prospects. Flow, Turbulence And Combustion, P. 643-689, 2015. doi:10.1007/S.10494-015-9597-1. (1.508)
23. CELIS PEREZ, C.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F.. Study Of Mass Consistency Les/Fdf Techniques For Chemically Reacting Flows. Combustion Theory And Modelling, V. 1, P. 1-30, 2015. doi:10.1080/13647830.2015.1048828 (1.280)
24. ROQUE ACACYA, A. O.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Characterization Of Multi-Jet Turbulent Flames In Cross Flow Using Stereo-Piv And Oh-Plif. Fire Safety Journal, V. 78, P. 44-54, 2015. doi:101016/J.Firesaf2015.08.001 (0.957)
25. MAZA, DANMER; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Transient Response Of Two-Layer Slot Coating Flows To Periodic Disturbances. AIChE Journal, V. 61, Issue 5, P. 1699-1707, 2015. doi: 10.1002/ Aic.14734. A1(2.748)
26. NAM, JAEWOOK; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Efficient Method to Compute Full Eigenspectrum of Incompressible Viscous Flows: Application On Two-Layer Rectinear Flow. Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, V. 27, Issue 3, P. 177-188, 2015. doi:10.1007/S13367-015-0018-8. (0.875)
27. HORIUCHI,R.; SUSZYNSKI,W.J.; CARVALHO,M.S. Simultaneous Multilayer Coating of Water-Based and Alcohol-Based Solutions. Journal of Coating Technology and Research, V. 12, 5, P. 819-826, 2015. doi:10.1007/S11998-015-9689-9.(1.298)
28. GONZÁLES, G.L.G.; MEGGIOLARO, M.A. Strain Field Measurements Around Notches Using Sift Features And Meshless Methods, Applied Optics, V. 54, N. 14, P. 4520-4528, 2015. doi:10.1364/Ao.54.004520. A1 (1.784)
29. LINK, F. B.; FREY, SERGIO; THOMPSON, R. L.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Plane Flow Of Thixotropic Elasto-Viscoplastic Materials Through A 1:4 Sudden Expansion. Journal Of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), V. 221, P. 1-10, 2015. doi: 10.1016/J.Jnnfm.2015.02.009. A1 (1.821)
30. FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; THOMPSON, R. L.; SANTOS, D. D.; LINK, F. B.; FONSECA, C. E. Performance Of An Elasto-Viscoplastic Model In Some Benchmark Problems. Mechanics Of Time-Dependant Materials, V. 19, P. 1-20, 2015. doi:10.1007/S11043-015-9271-Y. (1.587)
31. M. F. NACCACHE; F. H. MARCHESINI; A. ABDU; A. A. lICKE; P.R. DE SOUZA MENDES. Rheological characterization of yield-stress materials: flow pattern and apparent wall slip, Applied Rheology (fi 1,6), 25:5 (2015) 1-10. doi:10.3933/ApplRheol-25-53883. B1 (1.6)
32. ALICKE, ALEXANDRA A.; LEOPÉRSIO, BRUNA C.; MARCHESINI, FLÁVIO H.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO. Guidelines For The Rheological Characterization Of Biodiesel. Fuel (Guildford), V. 140, P. 446-452, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Fuel.2014.09.075. A1 (3.520)
33. LIMA, ROBERTA; SOIZE, CHRISTIAN; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Robust Design Optimization With An Uncertain Model Of A Nonlinear Vibro-Impact Electro-Mechanical System. Communications In Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, V. 23, P. 263-273, 2015. doi: 10.1016/J.Ansns.2014.11.012. A1 (2.866)
34. LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Stick-Mode Duration of A Dry-Friction Oscillator With An Uncertain Model. Journal of Sound And Vibration, V. 353, P. 259-271, 2015. doi: 1016/J.Jsv.2015.05.015. A1 (1.813)
35. SAMPAIO, RUBENS. On The Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics Of A Continuous System With Discrete Attached Elements. Applied Mathematical Modelling, V. 39, P. 809-819, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Apm.2014.07.012. A2 (2.251)
36. PIOVAM, MARCELO TULIO; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Parametric and Non-Parametric Probabilistic Approaches For The Mechanics of Thin Walled Composite Curved Beams. Thin-Walled Structures, V. 90, P. 95-106, 2015. doi: 10.1016/J.Tws.2014.12.018. A1 (1.749)
37. BELLIZZI, SERGIO; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. The Smooth Decomposition as a Nonlinear Modal Analysis Tool. Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing, V. 64-65, P. 245-256,2015.doi:10.1016/J.Ymssp.2015.04.015.A1 (2.256)
38. PIOVAN, M. T.; OLMEDO, J.F.; SAMPAIO, R. Dynamics of Magneto Electro Elastic Curved Beams: Quantification of Parametric Uncertainties. Composite Structures, V. 133, P. 621-623, 2015.doi:101016/J.Compstruct.2015.07.084. A1 (3.318)
39. PAGNACCO,E.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; EDUARDO CURSI. Complexity of The Response of Linear Systems With A Random Coefficient And Propagation Of Uncertainties. Journal of The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences And Engineering (Impresso), V. 37, P. 1591-1608, 2015. doi: 10.1007/S40430-015-0323-7. B2 (0.429)
40. CUNHA JR, A.; SOIZE, CHRISTIAN; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Computational modeling of the nonlinear stochastic dynamics of horizontal drillstrings. Computational Mechanics, v. 56, p. 849-878, 2015. doi:10.1007/s00466-015-1206-6. (2.525)
41. KAWALE, D.; VAN NIMWEGEN, A.T.; PORTELA, L.M.; VAN DIJK, M.A.; HENKES,R.A.W.M. The Relation Between the Dynamic Surface Tension and the Foaming Behaviour in a Sparger Setup. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, v.481, pp.328-336. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2015.05.028. (2.752)
42. SCHUTTE, K.C.J.; PORTELA, L.M.; TWERDA, A.; HENKES, R.A.W.M. Hydrodynamic Perspective on Asphaltene Agglomeration and Deposition. Energy & Fuels, v. 29 (5), pp. 2754-2767. 2015. doi:10.1021/ef.501931h. A2 (2.790)
43. VAN NIMWEGEN, A.T.; PORTELA, L.M.; HENKES, R.A.W.M. The Effect of Surfactants on Air-Water Annular and Churn Flow in Vertical Pipes. Part 1: Morphology of the Air-Water Interface. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 71, pp. 133-145. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2014.03.008. A1. (2.061)
44. VAN NIMWEGEN, A.T.; PORTELA, L.M.; HENKES, R.A.W.M. The Effect of Surfactants on Air-Water Annular and Churn Flow in Vertical Pipes. Part 2: Liquid Holdup and Pressure Gradient Dynamics. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v.71, pp. 146-158. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2014.03.007. A1 (2.061)
45. VAN NIMWEGEN, A.T.; SCHUTTE, K.C.J.; PORTELA, L.M.. Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow in Pipes with an Arbitrary Roughness Topography Using a Combined Momentum-Mass Source Immersed Boundary Method. Computers & Fluids, v. 108, pp. 92-106. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.11.008. B1 (1.619)
46. Freire, J.L.F., Perrut, V.A., Braga, A.M.B., Vieira, R.D., Ribeiro, A.S., Rosas, M.A.P, Use of FBG Strain Gages on a Pipeline Specimen Repaired with a CFRE Composite, Experimental Techniques, v. 39, 70-79, 2015. DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-1567.2012.00866.x. B1 (0.545)
47. Freire J.L.F., Waugh, R. C., Fruehmann, R., Dulieu-Barton, J.M., Using Thermoelastic Stress Analysis to Detect Damaged and Hot Spot Areas in Structural Components, Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, Vol. 5, p.623-634, 2015. doi: 10.17265/2159-5275/2015.11.005. C
48. Y. Hos, M. Vormwald, J.L.F. Freire, Measurement and simulation of strain fields around crack tips under mixed-mode fatigue loading, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v.33, p. 42-55, 2015. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.33.06. B3 (0.73)
49. LOAIZA, JUAN CARLOS VALDEZ; SÁNCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL. Combustion study of reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) for the mixture of diesel fuel and ethanol in a rapid compression machine. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), v. 2, p. 1-13, 2015. doi:10.1007/s40430-015-0400-y B2 (0.429)
50. PRADELLE, FLORIAN; BRAGA, SERGIO L.; MARTINS, ANA ROSA F. A.; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; PRADELLE, RENATA N. C. Gum Formation in Gasoline and Its Blends: A Review. Energy & Fuels (Print), v. 29, p. 7753-7770, 2015. doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b01894. A2 (2.790)
2. FONSECA, C.A.L.L., WEBER, H.I., FLEISCHER, P.F., SANTOS, I.F.: Analyzing the Use of Pins in Safety Bearings. In: J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng., Vol. 37, Issue 4 (2015), Page 1425-1434. ISSN 1678-5878, doi:10.1007/s40430-014-0253-9. B2 (0.43)
3. DE OLIVEIRA, W.R.; DE PAULA, I.B.; MARTINS, F.J.W.A.; FARIAS, P.S.C.; AZEVEDO, L.F.A. . Bubble Characterization In Horizontal Air-Water Intermittent Flow. International Journal Of Multiphase Flow, V. 69, P. 18-30, 2015. doi: 10.1016/J.Ijmultiphaseflow.2014.10.014. A1 (1.94)
4. PIRES, L. M. B.; FISCH, G.; GIELOW, R.; SOUZA, L. F.; AVELAR, A. C.; DE PAULA, I.B. ; GIRARDI, R. M. . A Study of The Internal Boundary Layer Generated at the Alcantara Space Center. American Journal Of Environmental Engineering, V. 5, P. 52-64, 2015. doi:10.5923/S.Ajee.201501.08. B4.(2.02)
5. PAULA, IGOR B. DE; WÜRZ, WERNER; BORODULIN, VLADIMIR I.; KACHANOV, YURY S. Weakly-Nonlinear Interactions of Modulated T-S Waves In The Boundary Layer Of An Airfoil. Iutam Procedia, V. 14, P. 433-437, 2015. doi: 10.1016/J.Piutam.2015.03.071. C (2.38)
6. TALISCHI, CAMERON; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; MENEZES, IVAN F.M.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Gradient Correction For Polygonal And Polyhedral Finite Elements. International Journal For Numerical Methods In Engineering (Print), V. 102, P. N/A-N/A, 2015. doi:10.1002/Nme.4851. A1 (2.055)
7. GAIN, ARUN L.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H.; DUARTE, LEONARDO S.; MENEZES, IVAN F.M. Topology Optimization Using Polytopes. Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering, V. 293, P. 411-430, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Cma.2015.05.007. A1
8. DUARTE, LEONARDO S.; CELES, WALDEMAR; PEREIRA, ANDERSON ; M. MENEZES, IVAN F.; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. Polytop++: An Efficient Alternative For Serial And Parallel Topology Optimization On Cpus & Gpus. Structural And Multidisciplinary Optimization (Print), V. Nd, P. Nd-Nd, 2015. doi:10.1007/S00158-015-1252-X. A2 (1.696)
9. CASTRO, J.T.P.; LEITE, J.C.C.; LANDIM, R.V.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Prediction of Notch Sensitivity Effects In Fatigue And In Environmentally Assisted Cracking. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (Print), V. 38, P. 161-179, 2015. doi:10.1111/Ffe.12156. A2 (1.561)
10. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, J.T.P.; WU,H. Computationally-Efficient Non-Linear Kinematic Models To Predict Multiaxial Stress-Strain Behavior Under Variable Amplitude Loading. Procedia Engineering, V. 101, P. 285-292, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Proeng.2015.02.032. B2. ((Snip): 0.629)
11. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; WU,H . Invariant-Based And Critical-Plane Rainflow Approaches For Fatigue Life Prediction Under Multiaxial Variable Amplitude Loading. Procedia Engineering, V. 101, P. 69-76, 2015. Doi:10.1016/J.Proeng.2015.02.010. B2 ((Snip): 0.629)
12. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, J.T.P.; WU,H. On The Applicability Of Multi-Surface, Two-Surface And Non-Linear Kinematic Hardening Models In Multiaxial Fatigue. Frattura E Integrita Strutturale, V. 33, P. 357-367, 2015. doi:10.3221/Igf-Esis.33.39. B5 (0.73)
13. MEGGIOLARO, M. A.; CASTRO, J. T. P.; WU,H. Shortcuts In Multiple Dimensions: The Multiaxial Racetrack Filter. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, V. 33, P. 368-375, 2015. doi:10.3221/ Igf –Esis.3340. B5 (0.73)
14. CASTRO, J.T.P.; MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; GONZALEZ, J.A.O. Can Deltakeff Be Assumed As The Driving Force For Fatigue Crack Growth?. Frattura E Integrita Strutturale, V. 33, P. 97-104, 2015. Doi: 10.3221/ Igf-Esis. 33.13. B5 (0.73)
15. GÓES,R.C.O.; Castro,J.T.P.; MEGGIOLARO,M.A. 3D Thickness Effects Around Notch And Crack Tip Stress/Strain Fields. Frattura E Integrita Strutturale, V. 33, P. 89-96, 2015. doi:10.322/Igf-Esis. 33. 12. B5 (0.73)
16. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE. The Moment of Inertia Method to Calculate Equivalent Ranges In Non-Proportional Tension-Torsion Histories. Journal of Materials Research And Technology, V. 4, N. 3 .P. 229-234, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Jmrt.2015.01.004. B4
17. CASTRO, J. T. P.; LANDIM, R. V. ; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Defect tolerance under environmentally assisted cracking conditions. Corrosion Reviews, v. 33, p. 417-432, 2015. doi:10.1515/corrrev-2015-0070.(1.526).
18. MARTINS, F.W.J.A.; FOUCAUT, J.M.; THOMAS, L.; AZEVEDO, L.F.A.; STANISLAS, M. Volume reconstruction optimization for tomo-PIV algorithms applied to experimental data. Measurement Science and Technology, 26, 1-17, 2015, 085202,doi:10.1088/0957-0233/26/8/085202,2015, B1 (1.43)
19. AZEVEDO, B.A.; AZEVEDO, L.F.A; NUVES, R.; NÓBREGA, A.C.L. In vivo blood velocity measurements with particle image velocimetry in echocardiography using spontaneous contrast, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso) doi:10.1007/s40430-014-0205-4, 2015, B2 (0.429)
20. CAETANO, N. R.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. A Comparative Experimental Study Of Turbulent Non Premixed Flames Stabilized By A Bluff-Body Burner. Experimental Thermal And Fluid Science, V. 63, P. 20-33, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Expthermflusci.2015.01.006. A1 (1.990)
21. VEDOVOTO, JOÃO MARCELO; DA SILVEIRA NETO, ARISTEU; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, LUIS FERNANDO; MURA, ARNAUD. Influence Of Synthetic Inlet Turbulence On The Prediction Of Low Mach Number Flows. Computers & Fluids, V. 106, P. 135-153, 2015.doi:10.1016/J.Compfluid.2014.09.046. B1 (1.619)
22. CELIS PEREZ, C.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F.Lagrangian Mixing Models For Turbulent Combustion: Review And Prospects. Flow, Turbulence And Combustion, P. 643-689, 2015. doi:10.1007/S.10494-015-9597-1. (1.508)
23. CELIS PEREZ, C.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F.. Study Of Mass Consistency Les/Fdf Techniques For Chemically Reacting Flows. Combustion Theory And Modelling, V. 1, P. 1-30, 2015. doi:10.1080/13647830.2015.1048828 (1.280)
24. ROQUE ACACYA, A. O.; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L. F. Characterization Of Multi-Jet Turbulent Flames In Cross Flow Using Stereo-Piv And Oh-Plif. Fire Safety Journal, V. 78, P. 44-54, 2015. doi:101016/J.Firesaf2015.08.001 (0.957)
25. MAZA, DANMER; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Transient Response Of Two-Layer Slot Coating Flows To Periodic Disturbances. AIChE Journal, V. 61, Issue 5, P. 1699-1707, 2015. doi: 10.1002/ Aic.14734. A1(2.748)
26. NAM, JAEWOOK; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Efficient Method to Compute Full Eigenspectrum of Incompressible Viscous Flows: Application On Two-Layer Rectinear Flow. Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, V. 27, Issue 3, P. 177-188, 2015. doi:10.1007/S13367-015-0018-8. (0.875)
27. HORIUCHI,R.; SUSZYNSKI,W.J.; CARVALHO,M.S. Simultaneous Multilayer Coating of Water-Based and Alcohol-Based Solutions. Journal of Coating Technology and Research, V. 12, 5, P. 819-826, 2015. doi:10.1007/S11998-015-9689-9.(1.298)
28. GONZÁLES, G.L.G.; MEGGIOLARO, M.A. Strain Field Measurements Around Notches Using Sift Features And Meshless Methods, Applied Optics, V. 54, N. 14, P. 4520-4528, 2015. doi:10.1364/Ao.54.004520. A1 (1.784)
29. LINK, F. B.; FREY, SERGIO; THOMPSON, R. L.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. Plane Flow Of Thixotropic Elasto-Viscoplastic Materials Through A 1:4 Sudden Expansion. Journal Of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), V. 221, P. 1-10, 2015. doi: 10.1016/J.Jnnfm.2015.02.009. A1 (1.821)
30. FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; THOMPSON, R. L.; SANTOS, D. D.; LINK, F. B.; FONSECA, C. E. Performance Of An Elasto-Viscoplastic Model In Some Benchmark Problems. Mechanics Of Time-Dependant Materials, V. 19, P. 1-20, 2015. doi:10.1007/S11043-015-9271-Y. (1.587)
31. M. F. NACCACHE; F. H. MARCHESINI; A. ABDU; A. A. lICKE; P.R. DE SOUZA MENDES. Rheological characterization of yield-stress materials: flow pattern and apparent wall slip, Applied Rheology (fi 1,6), 25:5 (2015) 1-10. doi:10.3933/ApplRheol-25-53883. B1 (1.6)
32. ALICKE, ALEXANDRA A.; LEOPÉRSIO, BRUNA C.; MARCHESINI, FLÁVIO H.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO ROBERTO. Guidelines For The Rheological Characterization Of Biodiesel. Fuel (Guildford), V. 140, P. 446-452, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Fuel.2014.09.075. A1 (3.520)
33. LIMA, ROBERTA; SOIZE, CHRISTIAN; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Robust Design Optimization With An Uncertain Model Of A Nonlinear Vibro-Impact Electro-Mechanical System. Communications In Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, V. 23, P. 263-273, 2015. doi: 10.1016/J.Ansns.2014.11.012. A1 (2.866)
34. LIMA, ROBERTA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Stick-Mode Duration of A Dry-Friction Oscillator With An Uncertain Model. Journal of Sound And Vibration, V. 353, P. 259-271, 2015. doi: 1016/J.Jsv.2015.05.015. A1 (1.813)
35. SAMPAIO, RUBENS. On The Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics Of A Continuous System With Discrete Attached Elements. Applied Mathematical Modelling, V. 39, P. 809-819, 2015. doi:10.1016/J.Apm.2014.07.012. A2 (2.251)
36. PIOVAM, MARCELO TULIO; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Parametric and Non-Parametric Probabilistic Approaches For The Mechanics of Thin Walled Composite Curved Beams. Thin-Walled Structures, V. 90, P. 95-106, 2015. doi: 10.1016/J.Tws.2014.12.018. A1 (1.749)
37. BELLIZZI, SERGIO; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. The Smooth Decomposition as a Nonlinear Modal Analysis Tool. Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing, V. 64-65, P. 245-256,2015.doi:10.1016/J.Ymssp.2015.04.015.A1 (2.256)
38. PIOVAN, M. T.; OLMEDO, J.F.; SAMPAIO, R. Dynamics of Magneto Electro Elastic Curved Beams: Quantification of Parametric Uncertainties. Composite Structures, V. 133, P. 621-623, 2015.doi:101016/J.Compstruct.2015.07.084. A1 (3.318)
39. PAGNACCO,E.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; EDUARDO CURSI. Complexity of The Response of Linear Systems With A Random Coefficient And Propagation Of Uncertainties. Journal of The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences And Engineering (Impresso), V. 37, P. 1591-1608, 2015. doi: 10.1007/S40430-015-0323-7. B2 (0.429)
40. CUNHA JR, A.; SOIZE, CHRISTIAN; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Computational modeling of the nonlinear stochastic dynamics of horizontal drillstrings. Computational Mechanics, v. 56, p. 849-878, 2015. doi:10.1007/s00466-015-1206-6. (2.525)
41. KAWALE, D.; VAN NIMWEGEN, A.T.; PORTELA, L.M.; VAN DIJK, M.A.; HENKES,R.A.W.M. The Relation Between the Dynamic Surface Tension and the Foaming Behaviour in a Sparger Setup. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, v.481, pp.328-336. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2015.05.028. (2.752)
42. SCHUTTE, K.C.J.; PORTELA, L.M.; TWERDA, A.; HENKES, R.A.W.M. Hydrodynamic Perspective on Asphaltene Agglomeration and Deposition. Energy & Fuels, v. 29 (5), pp. 2754-2767. 2015. doi:10.1021/ef.501931h. A2 (2.790)
43. VAN NIMWEGEN, A.T.; PORTELA, L.M.; HENKES, R.A.W.M. The Effect of Surfactants on Air-Water Annular and Churn Flow in Vertical Pipes. Part 1: Morphology of the Air-Water Interface. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v. 71, pp. 133-145. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2014.03.008. A1. (2.061)
44. VAN NIMWEGEN, A.T.; PORTELA, L.M.; HENKES, R.A.W.M. The Effect of Surfactants on Air-Water Annular and Churn Flow in Vertical Pipes. Part 2: Liquid Holdup and Pressure Gradient Dynamics. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v.71, pp. 146-158. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2014.03.007. A1 (2.061)
45. VAN NIMWEGEN, A.T.; SCHUTTE, K.C.J.; PORTELA, L.M.. Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flow in Pipes with an Arbitrary Roughness Topography Using a Combined Momentum-Mass Source Immersed Boundary Method. Computers & Fluids, v. 108, pp. 92-106. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.11.008. B1 (1.619)
46. Freire, J.L.F., Perrut, V.A., Braga, A.M.B., Vieira, R.D., Ribeiro, A.S., Rosas, M.A.P, Use of FBG Strain Gages on a Pipeline Specimen Repaired with a CFRE Composite, Experimental Techniques, v. 39, 70-79, 2015. DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-1567.2012.00866.x. B1 (0.545)
47. Freire J.L.F., Waugh, R. C., Fruehmann, R., Dulieu-Barton, J.M., Using Thermoelastic Stress Analysis to Detect Damaged and Hot Spot Areas in Structural Components, Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, Vol. 5, p.623-634, 2015. doi: 10.17265/2159-5275/2015.11.005. C
48. Y. Hos, M. Vormwald, J.L.F. Freire, Measurement and simulation of strain fields around crack tips under mixed-mode fatigue loading, Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v.33, p. 42-55, 2015. doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.33.06. B3 (0.73)
49. LOAIZA, JUAN CARLOS VALDEZ; SÁNCHEZ, FERNANDO ZEGARRA; BRAGA, SERGIO LEAL. Combustion study of reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) for the mixture of diesel fuel and ethanol in a rapid compression machine. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), v. 2, p. 1-13, 2015. doi:10.1007/s40430-015-0400-y B2 (0.429)
50. PRADELLE, FLORIAN; BRAGA, SERGIO L.; MARTINS, ANA ROSA F. A.; TURKOVICS, FRANCK; PRADELLE, RENATA N. C. Gum Formation in Gasoline and Its Blends: A Review. Energy & Fuels (Print), v. 29, p. 7753-7770, 2015. doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b01894. A2 (2.790)
1. SANTOS, D. D.; FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F.; SOUZA MENDES, P. R. Flow of elasto-viscoplastic liquids through a planar expansion-contraction. Rheologica Acta (Print), v. 53, p. 31-41, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s00397-013-0736-0. A2(1.869)
2. SIMOES, EUGÊNIO F.;. CARNEIRO, JOÃO NEUENSCHWANDER ESCOSTEGUY, NIECKELE, A. O.; Numerical Prediction of Non-Boiling Heat Transfer in Horizontal Stratified and Slug Flow by the Two-Fluid Model. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, v. 47, pp.135-145, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2014.03.005. A1(1.596)
3. LUIS EDUARDO SAMPAIO, ANDRE LUIS T. TEZENDE, ANGELA NIECKELE. The challenging case of the turbulent flow around a thin plate Wind deflector, and its numerical prediction by LES and RANS models. Journal of wind engineering, v. 133. P.52-64, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.jweia.2014.07.007. A2 (1.414)
4. GÓES, RCO ; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MARTHA, LUIZ FERNANDO. 3D effects around notch and crack tips. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 62, p. 159-170, 2014. – doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2013.10.014. A2(2.275)
5. MEGGIOLARO, MARCO ANTONIO; de CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ Pinho. Prediction of non-proportionality factors of multiaxial histories using the Moment Of Inertia method. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 61, p. 151-159, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2013.11.016. A2 (2.275)
6. CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE; MEGGIOLARO MARCO ANTONIO. On the Tolerance to Short Cracks under Fatigue and SCC Conditions. Procedia Engineering, v. 74, p. 242-245, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2014.06.256. B2(SINP-0.629)
7. CORBANI, SILVIA; MARTHA, LUIZ F.; DE CASTRO, JAIME T.; CARTER, BRUCE; INGRAFFEA, ANTHONY. Crack Front Shapes and Stress Intensity Factors in Plates under a Pure Bending Loading that Induces Partial Closure of the Crack Faces. Procedia Materials Science, v. 3, p. 1279-1284, 2014. doi:10.1016/j.mspro.2014.06.207. 20th European Conference on Fracture
8. CASTRO,JTP; LEITE, J. C. C.; LANDIM, R. V.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Prediction of notch sensitivity effects in fatigue and in environmentally assisted cracking. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (Print), 2014. doi: 10.1111/ffe.12156. A2(1.561)
9. RODRIGUES, LDR; FREIRE,JLF; VIERA, RD; CASTRO, J. T. P. Strain analysis of thin pipe pressure vessels using digital image correlation. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, v. 4, p. 63-72, 2014. doi:10.5923/j.jmea.20140402.03.C
10. CUNHA JR, AMERICO; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, LUÍS FERNANDO. Assessment of a transient homogeneous reactor through in situ adaptive tabulation. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 36, p. 377-391, 2014. doi: 10.1007/S40430-013-0080-4. B2 (0.429)
11. DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. ; THOMPSON, RONEY L; ALICKE, A. A. ; LEITE, RICARDO T.. The quasilinear large-amplitude viscoelastic regime and its significance in the rheological characterization of soft matter. Journal of Rheology (New York, N.Y.), v. 58, p. 537-561, 2014. doi: 10.1122/1.4865695. A1 (3.28)
12. DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; ALICKE, A.; THOMPSON RONEY L. Parallel-plate geometry correction for transient rheometric experiments. Applied Rheology, v. 24, p. 52721, 2014. doi: 10.3933/ApplRheol-24-52721. B1(1.23)
13. THOMPSON, RONEY L.; ALICKE, ALEXANDRA A.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. . Model-based material functions for SAOS and LAOS analyses. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 215, p.19-30, 2014. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2014.10.013. A1(1.821)
14. LOPEZ, R.H.; RITTO, T.G.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; EDUARDO CURSI. Optimization of a stochastic dynamical system. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), v. 35, p. 257-264, 2014. doi: 10.1007/S40430-013-0067-1. B2 (0.429)
15. SACRAMENTO, V.F.D.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; RITTO, T. G.Fatigue damage of a drilling tower induced by ocean waves. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 36, p. 265-275, 2014. doi: 10.1007/S40430-013-0077-Z. B2 (0.429)
16. LIU, I-SHIH; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Remarks on material frame-indifference controversy. Acta Mechanica, v. 225, p. 331-348, 2014. doi: 10.1007/S00707-013-0973-4. B1(1.268)
17. LOPEZ, R. H.; RITTO, T. G.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; EDUARDO CURSI. A new algorithm for the robust optimization of rotor bearing systems. Engineering Optimization, v. 46, p. 1123-1138, 2014. doi: 10.1080/0305215x.2013.819095. A2 (1.076)
18. DORINE, F. A.; SAMPAIO, R ; PINTAUDE, G.. Maximum entropy approach for modeling hardness uncertainties in Rabinowicz's abrasive wear equation. Journal of Tribology, 2014. doi: 10.1115/1.4026421. B1 (0.9)
19. CUNHA JR, A.; RAFAEL NASSER; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; LOPES, H. ; BREITMAN, K.. Uncertainty quantification through Monte Carlo method in a cloud computing setting. Computer Physics Communications, 2014. doi: 10.1016/J.CPC.2014.01.006. A1 (3.112)
20. J.F. DEU; WALID LARBI; OHAYON, R.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Piezoelectric shunt vibration damping of structural acoustic systems: finite element formulation and reduced order model. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2014. doi: 10.1115/1.4027133. B1 (0.71)
21. LARBI, W. ; J.F. DEU ; OHAYON, R. ; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Coupled FEM/BEM for control of noise radiation and sound transmission using piezoelectric shunt damping. Applied Acoustics, v. 86, p. 146-153, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2014.02.003. B1 (1.024)
22. ANAS BATOU; RITTO, THIAGO GAMBOA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Entropy propagation analysis in stochastic structural dynamics: Application to a beam with uncertain cross sectional area. Computational Mechanics, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s00466-014-1008-2. A1(2.044)
23. DANTAS, M. H.; SAMPAIO, R; LIMA, ROBERTA. Asymptotically stable periodic orbits of a coupled electromechanical system. Nonlinear Dynamics, v. 79, p. 29-35, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s11071-014-1419-9 (A1)(2.419)
24. RITTO, T. G.; SOIZE, C.; ROCHINHA, F. A.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Dynamic stability of a pipe conveying fluid with an uncertain computational model. Journal of Fluids and Structures, v. 49, p. 412-426, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.fluidstructs.2014.05.003. A1 (2.121)
25. OHAYON, R.; SOIZE, C; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Variational-Based Reduced-Order Model in Dynamic Substructuring of Coupled Structures Through a Dissipative Physical Interface: Recent Advances. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, v. 21, p. 321-329, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s11831-014-9107y. A1 (3.680)
26. CUNHA, AMERICO ; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Study of the nonlinear longitudinal dynamics of a stochastic system. MATEC Web of Conferences, v. 16, p. 05004-05004-p.4, 2014. doi:10.1051/matecconf/20141605004
27. LIMA, ROBERTA; SOIZE, C; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Robust desing of a vibro-impact eletro-mechanical system. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1813-1819, 2014. doi: 10.13140/2.1.1958.0167. B5
28. CUNHA JR., A.; SOIZE, C; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Exploring the nonlinear dynamics of horizontal drillstrings subjected to friction and shocks effects. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1517-1527, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2009.06.003. B5
29. FONSECA, C. A.; LIMA, ROBERTA; WAGNER, G. B.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Robust Identification and passive control of vibration of a test rig under uncertain conditions. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1767-1781, 2014. doi: 10.13140/2.1.3006.5922.B5
30. THIEM, C. W. T.; ALVES, J. A. P.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; HAGEDORN, P.. Stochastic analysis of wind turbine towers with lumped mass effect at the top on a flexible foundation. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1861-1875, 2014.B5
31. BALLABEN, J. S.; ROSALES, MARTA B.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Dynamic analysis of a guyed mast with uncertainties on the guy initial tension and the wind load. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1751-1765, 2014. B5
32. GARCIA, D. A. ; ESCALANTE, M.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; ROSALES, MARTA B. . Knots influence on the buckling load of timber columns with uncertain properties. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1793-1811, 2014.B5
33. BEGHINI, LAUREN L.; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; ESPINHA, RODRIGO; MENEZES, IVAN F.M.; CELES, WALDEMAR; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. An object-oriented framework for finite element analysis based on a compact topological data structure. Advances in Engineering Software (1992), v. 68, p. 40-48, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2013.10.006 (1.402)
34. TALISCHI, CAMERON ; PEREIRA, ANDERSON ; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. MENEZES, IVAN F.M. ; CARVALHO, MÁRCIO S. . Polygonal finite elements for incompressible fluid flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (Print), v. 74, p. 134-151, 2014. doi: 10.1002/FLD.3843 B1(1.244)
35. C. TALISCHI, A. PEREIRA, G. H. PAULINO, I. F. MENESES e M. S. CARVALHO. Implementation of Fluid Flow Topology Optimization in Poly Top. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 74, pp. 134-151. A2 (11.163)
36. LAGE, MARCOS; CRISSAFF, LHAYLLA; LOPES, HÉLIO; DA SILVEIRA CARVALHO, MÁRCIO. Finite Element/Fictitious Domain programming for flows with particles made simple. Advances in Engineering Software (1992), v. 70, p. 51-62, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2014.01.003 (1.4)
37. VANDRE, E.; CARVALHO,M. S.; KUMAR, S. Characteristics of air entrainment during dynamic wetting failure along a planar substrate. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 747, p. 119-140, 2014. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2014.110. A1 (2383)
38. CAMPANA, DIEGO M.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Liquid transfer from single cavities to rotating rolls. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 747, p. 545-571, 2014. doi: 10.1017/JFM.2014.175. A1 (2.383)
39. PONCE F., RANENA V.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; ALVARADO, VLADIMIR. Oil recovery modeling of macro-emulsion flooding at low capillary number. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, v. 119, p. 112-122, 2014. doi: 10.1016/J.PETROL.2014.04.020. B1(1.416)
40. DE AZEVEDO, BRUNO ALVARES ; AZEVEDO, LUIS F. A.; NUNES, ROSEMERY; NÓBREGA, ANTONIO C. L. In vivo blood velocity measurements with particle image velocimetry in echocardiography using spontaneous contrast. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 5, p. 23, 2014. B2(0.429)
41. PAMPLONA, D.; WEBER, HANS; LETA, F. R. Optimization of the use of skin expanders. Skin Research and Technology, v. 2014, p. 1-10, 2014. doi: 10.1111/srt.12141. Wiley. B1(0.429)
42. PAMPLONA, DJENANE C.; WEBER, HANS I.; SAMPAIO, GUILHERME R. . Analytical, numerical and experimental analysis of continuous indentation of A flat hyperelastic circular membrane by A rigid cylindrical indenter. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, v. 2014, p. 1, 2014. doi: 10.1016/J.IJMECSCI.2014.05.028. A1 (2.034)
43. CESAR A. L. L. DA FONSECA; HANS I. WEBER; PHILIP F. FLEISCHER: ILMAR SANTOS. Analyzing the use of pins in safety bearings. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. doi: 10.1007/s40430-014-0253-9. A2(0.429)
44. MACHADO, G. B.; BARROS, J. E. M.; BRAGA, C. V. M.; AZEVEDO, E. C. Z.; SILVA, A. H. F. Influence of Gasoline Components on Engine Efficiency and Emissions. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, p. 1-16, 2014. doi: 10.2516/OGST/2013187. B1(SNIP 0.871
45. FROTA, M.N.; TICONA, E.M.; NEVES, A.V.; MARQUES, R.P.; BRAGA, S.L.; VALENTE, G. On-line cleaning technique for mitigation of biofouling in heat exchangers: A case study of a hydroelectric power plant in Brazil. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 53, p. 197-206, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2013.12.006. A1. (1.990)
46. SILVEIRA, M. A.; CARMO, L. C. S.; SILVA, R. P. M.; ALMEIDA, N. N.; PARISE, J. A. R.. Research on engineering education: agendas, paradoxes, requirements and a new research sub-area. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, v. 6, p. 303-310, 2014
47. AGUIAR, L.L.; ALMEIDA, C. A.; PAULINO, G.H. A three-dimensional multilayered pipe beam element: Nonlinear analysis. Computers & Structures, v. 138, p. 142-161, 2014.doi:101016/j.compstruc.2013.09.005. A1(2.134)
2. SIMOES, EUGÊNIO F.;. CARNEIRO, JOÃO NEUENSCHWANDER ESCOSTEGUY, NIECKELE, A. O.; Numerical Prediction of Non-Boiling Heat Transfer in Horizontal Stratified and Slug Flow by the Two-Fluid Model. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, v. 47, pp.135-145, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2014.03.005. A1(1.596)
3. LUIS EDUARDO SAMPAIO, ANDRE LUIS T. TEZENDE, ANGELA NIECKELE. The challenging case of the turbulent flow around a thin plate Wind deflector, and its numerical prediction by LES and RANS models. Journal of wind engineering, v. 133. P.52-64, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.jweia.2014.07.007. A2 (1.414)
4. GÓES, RCO ; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MARTHA, LUIZ FERNANDO. 3D effects around notch and crack tips. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 62, p. 159-170, 2014. – doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2013.10.014. A2(2.275)
5. MEGGIOLARO, MARCO ANTONIO; de CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ Pinho. Prediction of non-proportionality factors of multiaxial histories using the Moment Of Inertia method. International Journal of Fatigue, v. 61, p. 151-159, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2013.11.016. A2 (2.275)
6. CASTRO, JAIME TUPIASSÚ PINHO DE; MEGGIOLARO MARCO ANTONIO. On the Tolerance to Short Cracks under Fatigue and SCC Conditions. Procedia Engineering, v. 74, p. 242-245, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2014.06.256. B2(SINP-0.629)
7. CORBANI, SILVIA; MARTHA, LUIZ F.; DE CASTRO, JAIME T.; CARTER, BRUCE; INGRAFFEA, ANTHONY. Crack Front Shapes and Stress Intensity Factors in Plates under a Pure Bending Loading that Induces Partial Closure of the Crack Faces. Procedia Materials Science, v. 3, p. 1279-1284, 2014. doi:10.1016/j.mspro.2014.06.207. 20th European Conference on Fracture
8. CASTRO,JTP; LEITE, J. C. C.; LANDIM, R. V.; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. Prediction of notch sensitivity effects in fatigue and in environmentally assisted cracking. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (Print), 2014. doi: 10.1111/ffe.12156. A2(1.561)
9. RODRIGUES, LDR; FREIRE,JLF; VIERA, RD; CASTRO, J. T. P. Strain analysis of thin pipe pressure vessels using digital image correlation. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, v. 4, p. 63-72, 2014. doi:10.5923/j.jmea.20140402.03.C
10. CUNHA JR, AMERICO; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, LUÍS FERNANDO. Assessment of a transient homogeneous reactor through in situ adaptive tabulation. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 36, p. 377-391, 2014. doi: 10.1007/S40430-013-0080-4. B2 (0.429)
11. DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. ; THOMPSON, RONEY L; ALICKE, A. A. ; LEITE, RICARDO T.. The quasilinear large-amplitude viscoelastic regime and its significance in the rheological characterization of soft matter. Journal of Rheology (New York, N.Y.), v. 58, p. 537-561, 2014. doi: 10.1122/1.4865695. A1 (3.28)
12. DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R.; ALICKE, A.; THOMPSON RONEY L. Parallel-plate geometry correction for transient rheometric experiments. Applied Rheology, v. 24, p. 52721, 2014. doi: 10.3933/ApplRheol-24-52721. B1(1.23)
13. THOMPSON, RONEY L.; ALICKE, ALEXANDRA A.; DE SOUZA MENDES, PAULO R. . Model-based material functions for SAOS and LAOS analyses. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, v. 215, p.19-30, 2014. doi:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2014.10.013. A1(1.821)
14. LOPEZ, R.H.; RITTO, T.G.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; EDUARDO CURSI. Optimization of a stochastic dynamical system. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), v. 35, p. 257-264, 2014. doi: 10.1007/S40430-013-0067-1. B2 (0.429)
15. SACRAMENTO, V.F.D.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; RITTO, T. G.Fatigue damage of a drilling tower induced by ocean waves. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 36, p. 265-275, 2014. doi: 10.1007/S40430-013-0077-Z. B2 (0.429)
16. LIU, I-SHIH; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Remarks on material frame-indifference controversy. Acta Mechanica, v. 225, p. 331-348, 2014. doi: 10.1007/S00707-013-0973-4. B1(1.268)
17. LOPEZ, R. H.; RITTO, T. G.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; EDUARDO CURSI. A new algorithm for the robust optimization of rotor bearing systems. Engineering Optimization, v. 46, p. 1123-1138, 2014. doi: 10.1080/0305215x.2013.819095. A2 (1.076)
18. DORINE, F. A.; SAMPAIO, R ; PINTAUDE, G.. Maximum entropy approach for modeling hardness uncertainties in Rabinowicz's abrasive wear equation. Journal of Tribology, 2014. doi: 10.1115/1.4026421. B1 (0.9)
19. CUNHA JR, A.; RAFAEL NASSER; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; LOPES, H. ; BREITMAN, K.. Uncertainty quantification through Monte Carlo method in a cloud computing setting. Computer Physics Communications, 2014. doi: 10.1016/J.CPC.2014.01.006. A1 (3.112)
20. J.F. DEU; WALID LARBI; OHAYON, R.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Piezoelectric shunt vibration damping of structural acoustic systems: finite element formulation and reduced order model. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2014. doi: 10.1115/1.4027133. B1 (0.71)
21. LARBI, W. ; J.F. DEU ; OHAYON, R. ; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Coupled FEM/BEM for control of noise radiation and sound transmission using piezoelectric shunt damping. Applied Acoustics, v. 86, p. 146-153, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2014.02.003. B1 (1.024)
22. ANAS BATOU; RITTO, THIAGO GAMBOA; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Entropy propagation analysis in stochastic structural dynamics: Application to a beam with uncertain cross sectional area. Computational Mechanics, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s00466-014-1008-2. A1(2.044)
23. DANTAS, M. H.; SAMPAIO, R; LIMA, ROBERTA. Asymptotically stable periodic orbits of a coupled electromechanical system. Nonlinear Dynamics, v. 79, p. 29-35, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s11071-014-1419-9 (A1)(2.419)
24. RITTO, T. G.; SOIZE, C.; ROCHINHA, F. A.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Dynamic stability of a pipe conveying fluid with an uncertain computational model. Journal of Fluids and Structures, v. 49, p. 412-426, 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.fluidstructs.2014.05.003. A1 (2.121)
25. OHAYON, R.; SOIZE, C; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Variational-Based Reduced-Order Model in Dynamic Substructuring of Coupled Structures Through a Dissipative Physical Interface: Recent Advances. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, v. 21, p. 321-329, 2014. doi: 10.1007/s11831-014-9107y. A1 (3.680)
26. CUNHA, AMERICO ; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Study of the nonlinear longitudinal dynamics of a stochastic system. MATEC Web of Conferences, v. 16, p. 05004-05004-p.4, 2014. doi:10.1051/matecconf/20141605004
27. LIMA, ROBERTA; SOIZE, C; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Robust desing of a vibro-impact eletro-mechanical system. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1813-1819, 2014. doi: 10.13140/2.1.1958.0167. B5
28. CUNHA JR., A.; SOIZE, C; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Exploring the nonlinear dynamics of horizontal drillstrings subjected to friction and shocks effects. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1517-1527, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2009.06.003. B5
29. FONSECA, C. A.; LIMA, ROBERTA; WAGNER, G. B.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Robust Identification and passive control of vibration of a test rig under uncertain conditions. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1767-1781, 2014. doi: 10.13140/2.1.3006.5922.B5
30. THIEM, C. W. T.; ALVES, J. A. P.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; HAGEDORN, P.. Stochastic analysis of wind turbine towers with lumped mass effect at the top on a flexible foundation. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1861-1875, 2014.B5
31. BALLABEN, J. S.; ROSALES, MARTA B.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS. Dynamic analysis of a guyed mast with uncertainties on the guy initial tension and the wind load. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1751-1765, 2014. B5
32. GARCIA, D. A. ; ESCALANTE, M.; SAMPAIO, RUBENS; ROSALES, MARTA B. . Knots influence on the buckling load of timber columns with uncertain properties. Mecánica Computacional, v. 33, p. 1793-1811, 2014.B5
33. BEGHINI, LAUREN L.; PEREIRA, ANDERSON; ESPINHA, RODRIGO; MENEZES, IVAN F.M.; CELES, WALDEMAR; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. An object-oriented framework for finite element analysis based on a compact topological data structure. Advances in Engineering Software (1992), v. 68, p. 40-48, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2013.10.006 (1.402)
34. TALISCHI, CAMERON ; PEREIRA, ANDERSON ; PAULINO, GLAUCIO H. MENEZES, IVAN F.M. ; CARVALHO, MÁRCIO S. . Polygonal finite elements for incompressible fluid flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (Print), v. 74, p. 134-151, 2014. doi: 10.1002/FLD.3843 B1(1.244)
35. C. TALISCHI, A. PEREIRA, G. H. PAULINO, I. F. MENESES e M. S. CARVALHO. Implementation of Fluid Flow Topology Optimization in Poly Top. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 74, pp. 134-151. A2 (11.163)
36. LAGE, MARCOS; CRISSAFF, LHAYLLA; LOPES, HÉLIO; DA SILVEIRA CARVALHO, MÁRCIO. Finite Element/Fictitious Domain programming for flows with particles made simple. Advances in Engineering Software (1992), v. 70, p. 51-62, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2014.01.003 (1.4)
37. VANDRE, E.; CARVALHO,M. S.; KUMAR, S. Characteristics of air entrainment during dynamic wetting failure along a planar substrate. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 747, p. 119-140, 2014. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2014.110. A1 (2383)
38. CAMPANA, DIEGO M.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. Liquid transfer from single cavities to rotating rolls. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 747, p. 545-571, 2014. doi: 10.1017/JFM.2014.175. A1 (2.383)
39. PONCE F., RANENA V.; CARVALHO, MARCIO S.; ALVARADO, VLADIMIR. Oil recovery modeling of macro-emulsion flooding at low capillary number. Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering, v. 119, p. 112-122, 2014. doi: 10.1016/J.PETROL.2014.04.020. B1(1.416)
40. DE AZEVEDO, BRUNO ALVARES ; AZEVEDO, LUIS F. A.; NUNES, ROSEMERY; NÓBREGA, ANTONIO C. L. In vivo blood velocity measurements with particle image velocimetry in echocardiography using spontaneous contrast. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, v. 5, p. 23, 2014. B2(0.429)
41. PAMPLONA, D.; WEBER, HANS; LETA, F. R. Optimization of the use of skin expanders. Skin Research and Technology, v. 2014, p. 1-10, 2014. doi: 10.1111/srt.12141. Wiley. B1(0.429)
42. PAMPLONA, DJENANE C.; WEBER, HANS I.; SAMPAIO, GUILHERME R. . Analytical, numerical and experimental analysis of continuous indentation of A flat hyperelastic circular membrane by A rigid cylindrical indenter. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, v. 2014, p. 1, 2014. doi: 10.1016/J.IJMECSCI.2014.05.028. A1 (2.034)
43. CESAR A. L. L. DA FONSECA; HANS I. WEBER; PHILIP F. FLEISCHER: ILMAR SANTOS. Analyzing the use of pins in safety bearings. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. doi: 10.1007/s40430-014-0253-9. A2(0.429)
44. MACHADO, G. B.; BARROS, J. E. M.; BRAGA, C. V. M.; AZEVEDO, E. C. Z.; SILVA, A. H. F. Influence of Gasoline Components on Engine Efficiency and Emissions. Oil & Gas Science and Technology, p. 1-16, 2014. doi: 10.2516/OGST/2013187. B1(SNIP 0.871
45. FROTA, M.N.; TICONA, E.M.; NEVES, A.V.; MARQUES, R.P.; BRAGA, S.L.; VALENTE, G. On-line cleaning technique for mitigation of biofouling in heat exchangers: A case study of a hydroelectric power plant in Brazil. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, v. 53, p. 197-206, 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2013.12.006. A1. (1.990)
46. SILVEIRA, M. A.; CARMO, L. C. S.; SILVA, R. P. M.; ALMEIDA, N. N.; PARISE, J. A. R.. Research on engineering education: agendas, paradoxes, requirements and a new research sub-area. Energy Education Science and Technology Part B: Social and Educational Studies, v. 6, p. 303-310, 2014
47. AGUIAR, L.L.; ALMEIDA, C. A.; PAULINO, G.H. A three-dimensional multilayered pipe beam element: Nonlinear analysis. Computers & Structures, v. 138, p. 142-161, 2014.doi:101016/j.compstruc.2013.09.005. A1(2.134)
1. ESTEVES, A. S.; PARISE, J. A. R.. Mathematical modeling of cryogenic spills onto quiescent sea waters followed by pool fires of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 59, p. 587-598, 2013. A1 (2.127)
2. MENA, J. B.; UBICES DE MORAES, A. A.; BENITO, ROQUE, Y.; RIBATSKI, G.; PARISE, J. A. R.. Extrapolation of Al2O3-water nanofluid viscosity for temperatures and volume concentrations beyond the range of validity of existing correlations. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 51, p. 1092-1097, 2013. A1 (2.127)
3. FONSECA, C.; FREY, S.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; SOUZA MENDES, P. R.. Flow of an elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic fluid past a confined cylinder. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), v. 193, p. 80-88, 2013. doi: 1016/j.jnnfm.2012.08.007. A1 (1.567)
4. NACCACHE, M.F.; CORREA, J. P. ; SOARES, I. F. ; ABDU, A. . Rheological characterization of polymers fiber composite. Polymer Composites, v. 35, p. 1-10, 2013. A2 (1.482)
5. DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; RAJAGOPAL, K. R.; THOMPSON, R. L.. A thermodynamic framework to model thixotropic materials. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, v. 55 p. 48-54, 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2013.04.006 . A2 (1.345)
6. DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; THOMPSON, R. L.. A unified approach to model elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic yield-stress materials and apparent yield-stress fluids. Rheologica Acta, v. 52(7), p. 673-694, 2013. doi: 10.1007/s00397-013-0699-1. A1 (1.626)
7. RITTO, T. G.; ESCALANTE, M. ; SAMPAIO, R ; ROSALES, M. . Drill-string horizontal dynamics with uncertainty on the frictional force. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 332, p. 145-153, 2013. A1 (1.613)
8. ZIDANI, H., PAGNACCO, E., SAMPAIO, R., ELLALA, R., SOUZA DE CURSI, J. E., Multi-objective optimization by a new hybridized method: applications to random mechanical systems, Engineering Optimization (Print), v. 45 (8), 2013. A2 (0.962)
9. BELLIZZI, S.; SAMPAIO, R . Analysis of stationary random vibrating systems using smooth decomposition. Shock and Vibration, v. 20, p. 493-502, 2013. B1 (0.535)
10. PIOVAN, M. T.; RAMIREZ, J. ; SAMPAIO, R. . Dynamics of thin-walled composite beams: Analysis of parametric uncertainties. Composite Structures, v. 105, p. 14-28, 2013. A1 (2.231)
11. RITTO, T. G.; SAMPAIO, R.. Measuring the efficiency of vertical drill-strings: a vibration perspective. Mechanics Research Communications, v. 52, p. 32-39, 2013. A2 (1.050)
12. ABRANTES, J. K. ; STANISLAS, M. ; COUDERT, S. ; AZEVEDO, L. F. A. . Digital microscopic holography for micrometer particles in air. Applied Optics, v. 52, p. A397-A409, 2013. A1 (1.689)
13. EGUSQUIZA GONI, J.C. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. . Turbulent non-premixed ethanol-air flame experimental study using laser diagnostics. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), v. 1, p. 1806-3691, 2013. B1 (0.234)
14. MAZA, D. ; KUMAR, S. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . Spreading and merging of liquid streams flowing down an inclined plane: Modeling and experiments. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 95, p. 221-231, 2013. A1 (2.386)
15. ENGELKE, B. ; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. ; Alvarado, Vladimir . Conceptual Darcy-Scale Model of Oil Displacement with Macroemulsion. Energy & Fuels (Online), v. 27, p. 1967-1973, 2013. A1 (1.389)
16. NOGUEIRA, G. L. ; CARVALHO, M. S. ; ALVARADO, V. . Dynamic Network Model of Mobility Control in Emulsion Flow through Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, v. 98, p. 427-441, 2013. A2 (1.551)
17. SASAKI, M. ; SUSZYNSKI, W. J. ; CARVALHO, M. S. ; FRANCIS, L. F. . Process limits in two-layer reverse roll transfer. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research , v. 10, p. 485-492, 2013. B3 (1.094)
18. PEREIRA, R. H. ; BANDARRA FILHO, E. P. B.; BRAGA, S. L.; PARISE, J. A. R.. Nucleate Boiling in Large Arrays of Impinging Water Sprays. Heat Transfer Engineering, v. 34, p. 479-491, 2013. B1 (0.694)
19. SOUSA, R. A. ; CASTRO, J. T. P. ; LOPES, A. A. O. ; MARTHA, L. F. . On improved crack tip plastic zone estimates based on T-stress and on complete stress fields. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (in print), v. 36, p. 25-38, 2013. A2 (0.861)
20. CASTRO, J.T.P. ; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. . Is notch sensitivity a stress analysis problem?. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 25, p. 79-86, 2013. B5
21. NIECKELE, A.O. ; CARNEIRO, J.N.E.; Chucuya, R.C.; AZEVEDO, J. H. P. . Initiation and Statistical Evolution of Horizontal Slug Flow with a Two-Fluid Model. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2013. (ACEITO) A2 (0,886)
22. MACHADO, G. B. ; BARROS, J. E. M. ; BRAGA, S. L. ; BRAGA, C. V. M.; SILVA, A. H. M. da F. T. da ; AZEVEDO, E. C. Z. de . Influence of Gasoline Components on Engine Efficiency and Emissions . Energy & Fuels (ACS Publications). (Print), 2013. (ACEITO) A1 (1,389)
23. MACHADO, G. B. ; BARROS, J. E. M. ; BRAGA, S. L. ; BRAGA, C. V. M.; SILVA, A. H. M. da F. T. da ; AZEVEDO, E. C. Z. de . Influence of Gasoline Components on Engine Efficiency and Emissions . Energy & Fuels (ACS Publications). (Print), 2013. (ACEITO) A1 (1,389)
24. LOPEZ, R. H.; RITTO, T.G.; SAMPAIO, R.; CURSI, E. Optimization of a stochastic dynamical system. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), 2013. (ACEITO) B1 (0.234)
25. LOPEZ, R. H.; RITTO, T. G.; SAMPAIO, R.; CURSI, E.. A new algorithm for the robust optimization of rotor bearing systems. Engineering Optimization (Print), 2013. (ACEITO) A2 (0.962)
26. BUEZAS, F. S. ; ROSALES, M. B. ; SAMPAIO, R.. Propagation of uncertainties and multimodality on the impact problem of two elastic bodies. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2013.(ACEITO) A1 (1.613)
27. CATALDO, E. ; SOIZE, C ; SAMPAIO, R.. Uncertainty quantification of voice signal production mechanical model and experimental updating. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2013. (ACEITO) A1 (1.913)
28. CASTRO, J.T.P. ; LEITE, J. C. C. . Does notch sensibility exist in environmentally assisted cracking (EAC)? Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2013. (ACEITO) C
29. ROCA, J.F. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . Flow of a drop through a constricted micro capillary. Computers & Fluids, 2013. (ACEITO) DOI 10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.11.020 A2 (1.467)
30. TIECHER, R. F. P. ; PARISE, J. A. R. A comparative parametric study on single-phase Al2O3-water nanofluid exchanging heat with a phase-changing fluid. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013. (ACEITO) A1 (2.470)
31. HERMANY, L.; SANTOS, D.D.; FREY, S.; NACCACHE, M.F. ; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R. . Flow of yield-stress liquids through an axisymmetric abrupt expansion-contraction. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), 2013. (ACEITO) A1 (1.567)
32. SANTOS, D. D.; FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; SOUZA MENDES, P. R.. Multi-field stabilized finite element approximations for Oldroyd-B fluid flows. Engenharia Térmica, 2013. (ACEITO) B4
33. REZENDE, A.L., SAMPAIO, L.E.B., NIECKELE, A.O.; The challenging case of the turbulent flow around a thin plate wind deflector, and its numerical prediction by RANS models. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.342)
34. AGUIAR,L.L.; ALMEIDA, C. A.; PAULINO, G.H. A Three-Dimensional Multilayered Nonlinear Pipe Beam Element. Computers and Structures, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A1 (1.509)
35. TALISCHI, C., PEREIRA, A., PAULINO, G.H., MENEZES, I.F.M., CARVALHO, M.S., Polygonal Finite Elements for Incompressible Fluid Flow, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) B1 (1.352)
36. PEREIRA, A., TALISCHI, C., PAULINO, G.H., MENEZES, I.F.M., CARVALHO, M.S., Implementation of Fluid Flow Topology Optimization in PolyTop, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.728)
37. BEGHINI L., PEREIRA, A., ESPINHA, R., MENEZES, I.F.M., CELES, W., PAULINO, G.H., An Object-Oriented Framework for Finite Element Analysis based on a Compact Topological Data Structure, Advances in Engineering Software, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) B1 (1.220)
38. MEGGIOLARO, M.A. ; CASTRO, J. T. P.. Prediction of non-proportionality factors and equivalent ranges of multiaxial histories using the Moment Of Inertia method. International Journal of Fatigue, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.976)
39. SIMÕES, D.A. ; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M.A. . Improved notches to minimize stress concentration effects under uniaxial and multiaxial loads. International Journal of Fatigue, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.976)
40. MEGGIOLARO, M.A. ; CASTRO, J.T.P. The Moment of Inertia Method to Calculate Equivalent Ranges in Non-Proportional Multiaxial Histories. Journal of Materials Research, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.713)
41. PARISE, J. A. R., TIECHER, R. F. P. , A Simulation Model for the Application of Nanofluids as Condenser Coolants in Vapor Compression Heat Pumps, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013 (SUBMETIDO). A1 (2.127)
42. TIECHER, R. F. P. ; MENA, J. B. ; ESTEVES, A. S.; PARISE, J. A. R., Thermodynamic study of the simultaneous production of electrical and refrigeration power from regasification of liquefied natural gas, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013 (SUBMETIDO). A1 (2.127)
43. SOTOMAYOR, P.O., PARISE, J. A. R., Modelling of a cascade vapour compression cycle employing brazed plate heat exchangers, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013 (SUBMETIDO) A1 (2.127)
44. CUNHA JR., A.B. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. Assessment of a Transient Homogeneous Reactor through In Situ Adaptive Tabulation. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2012 (SUBMETIDO) B1 (0.234)
45. VEDOVOTO, J.M. ; SILVEIRA NETO, A. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. ; MURA, A. Analysis of the influence of synthetic inlet turbulence on the prediction of reactive and non reactive flows. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2013 (SUBMETIDO) A1 (1.581)
46. LAGE, M., CRISSAFF, L, LOPES, H, CARVALHO, M.S., Finite Element/Fictitious Domain Programming for Flows with Particles Made Simple, Advances in Engineering Software (SUBMETIDO). B1 (1.220)
47. VANDRE, E.; CARVALHO, M.S.; KUMAR, S. “On the mechanism of wetting failure during fluid displacement along a moving substrate”. Physics of Fluids (SUBMETIDO). A1 (1.942)
48. MENDES, A., ISNARD, A.A., AND GOMES, M.S.P., “Calibration of particle spectrometers: developing a methodological proposition”, Metrologia, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.902)
49. DÍAZ, M.A.D., CARVALHO, V.C.H.A., AND GOMES M.S.P., “Life cycle analysis of the Brazilian sugarcane ethanol”, Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems. (SUBMETIDO) NC
50. MARTINS, R. R. ; FURTADO, G. M. ; SANTOS, D.D.; FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; SOUZA MENDES, P. R. . Elastic and viscous elastic effects on flow pattern of elasto-viscoplastic fluids in a cavity. Mechanics Research Communications, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.050)
51. SANTOS, D. D. ; FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.. Flow of elasto-viscoplastic liquids through a planar expansion-contraction. Rheologica Acta (Print), 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A1 (1.626)
52. DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; THOMPSON, R. L.; ALICKE, A. A.; LEITE, R. T.. The linear large-amplitude viscoelastic regime and its significance in the rheological characterization of soft matter with LAOS. Journal of Rheology, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) NC (2.795)
2. MENA, J. B.; UBICES DE MORAES, A. A.; BENITO, ROQUE, Y.; RIBATSKI, G.; PARISE, J. A. R.. Extrapolation of Al2O3-water nanofluid viscosity for temperatures and volume concentrations beyond the range of validity of existing correlations. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 51, p. 1092-1097, 2013. A1 (2.127)
3. FONSECA, C.; FREY, S.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; SOUZA MENDES, P. R.. Flow of an elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic fluid past a confined cylinder. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), v. 193, p. 80-88, 2013. doi: 1016/j.jnnfm.2012.08.007. A1 (1.567)
4. NACCACHE, M.F.; CORREA, J. P. ; SOARES, I. F. ; ABDU, A. . Rheological characterization of polymers fiber composite. Polymer Composites, v. 35, p. 1-10, 2013. A2 (1.482)
5. DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; RAJAGOPAL, K. R.; THOMPSON, R. L.. A thermodynamic framework to model thixotropic materials. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, v. 55 p. 48-54, 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2013.04.006 . A2 (1.345)
6. DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; THOMPSON, R. L.. A unified approach to model elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic yield-stress materials and apparent yield-stress fluids. Rheologica Acta, v. 52(7), p. 673-694, 2013. doi: 10.1007/s00397-013-0699-1. A1 (1.626)
7. RITTO, T. G.; ESCALANTE, M. ; SAMPAIO, R ; ROSALES, M. . Drill-string horizontal dynamics with uncertainty on the frictional force. Journal of Sound and Vibration, v. 332, p. 145-153, 2013. A1 (1.613)
8. ZIDANI, H., PAGNACCO, E., SAMPAIO, R., ELLALA, R., SOUZA DE CURSI, J. E., Multi-objective optimization by a new hybridized method: applications to random mechanical systems, Engineering Optimization (Print), v. 45 (8), 2013. A2 (0.962)
9. BELLIZZI, S.; SAMPAIO, R . Analysis of stationary random vibrating systems using smooth decomposition. Shock and Vibration, v. 20, p. 493-502, 2013. B1 (0.535)
10. PIOVAN, M. T.; RAMIREZ, J. ; SAMPAIO, R. . Dynamics of thin-walled composite beams: Analysis of parametric uncertainties. Composite Structures, v. 105, p. 14-28, 2013. A1 (2.231)
11. RITTO, T. G.; SAMPAIO, R.. Measuring the efficiency of vertical drill-strings: a vibration perspective. Mechanics Research Communications, v. 52, p. 32-39, 2013. A2 (1.050)
12. ABRANTES, J. K. ; STANISLAS, M. ; COUDERT, S. ; AZEVEDO, L. F. A. . Digital microscopic holography for micrometer particles in air. Applied Optics, v. 52, p. A397-A409, 2013. A1 (1.689)
13. EGUSQUIZA GONI, J.C. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. . Turbulent non-premixed ethanol-air flame experimental study using laser diagnostics. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), v. 1, p. 1806-3691, 2013. B1 (0.234)
14. MAZA, D. ; KUMAR, S. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . Spreading and merging of liquid streams flowing down an inclined plane: Modeling and experiments. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 95, p. 221-231, 2013. A1 (2.386)
15. ENGELKE, B. ; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. ; Alvarado, Vladimir . Conceptual Darcy-Scale Model of Oil Displacement with Macroemulsion. Energy & Fuels (Online), v. 27, p. 1967-1973, 2013. A1 (1.389)
16. NOGUEIRA, G. L. ; CARVALHO, M. S. ; ALVARADO, V. . Dynamic Network Model of Mobility Control in Emulsion Flow through Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, v. 98, p. 427-441, 2013. A2 (1.551)
17. SASAKI, M. ; SUSZYNSKI, W. J. ; CARVALHO, M. S. ; FRANCIS, L. F. . Process limits in two-layer reverse roll transfer. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research , v. 10, p. 485-492, 2013. B3 (1.094)
18. PEREIRA, R. H. ; BANDARRA FILHO, E. P. B.; BRAGA, S. L.; PARISE, J. A. R.. Nucleate Boiling in Large Arrays of Impinging Water Sprays. Heat Transfer Engineering, v. 34, p. 479-491, 2013. B1 (0.694)
19. SOUSA, R. A. ; CASTRO, J. T. P. ; LOPES, A. A. O. ; MARTHA, L. F. . On improved crack tip plastic zone estimates based on T-stress and on complete stress fields. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (in print), v. 36, p. 25-38, 2013. A2 (0.861)
20. CASTRO, J.T.P. ; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. . Is notch sensitivity a stress analysis problem?. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 25, p. 79-86, 2013. B5
21. NIECKELE, A.O. ; CARNEIRO, J.N.E.; Chucuya, R.C.; AZEVEDO, J. H. P. . Initiation and Statistical Evolution of Horizontal Slug Flow with a Two-Fluid Model. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2013. (ACEITO) A2 (0,886)
22. MACHADO, G. B. ; BARROS, J. E. M. ; BRAGA, S. L. ; BRAGA, C. V. M.; SILVA, A. H. M. da F. T. da ; AZEVEDO, E. C. Z. de . Influence of Gasoline Components on Engine Efficiency and Emissions . Energy & Fuels (ACS Publications). (Print), 2013. (ACEITO) A1 (1,389)
23. MACHADO, G. B. ; BARROS, J. E. M. ; BRAGA, S. L. ; BRAGA, C. V. M.; SILVA, A. H. M. da F. T. da ; AZEVEDO, E. C. Z. de . Influence of Gasoline Components on Engine Efficiency and Emissions . Energy & Fuels (ACS Publications). (Print), 2013. (ACEITO) A1 (1,389)
24. LOPEZ, R. H.; RITTO, T.G.; SAMPAIO, R.; CURSI, E. Optimization of a stochastic dynamical system. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), 2013. (ACEITO) B1 (0.234)
25. LOPEZ, R. H.; RITTO, T. G.; SAMPAIO, R.; CURSI, E.. A new algorithm for the robust optimization of rotor bearing systems. Engineering Optimization (Print), 2013. (ACEITO) A2 (0.962)
26. BUEZAS, F. S. ; ROSALES, M. B. ; SAMPAIO, R.. Propagation of uncertainties and multimodality on the impact problem of two elastic bodies. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2013.(ACEITO) A1 (1.613)
27. CATALDO, E. ; SOIZE, C ; SAMPAIO, R.. Uncertainty quantification of voice signal production mechanical model and experimental updating. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2013. (ACEITO) A1 (1.913)
28. CASTRO, J.T.P. ; LEITE, J. C. C. . Does notch sensibility exist in environmentally assisted cracking (EAC)? Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2013. (ACEITO) C
29. ROCA, J.F. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . Flow of a drop through a constricted micro capillary. Computers & Fluids, 2013. (ACEITO) DOI 10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.11.020 A2 (1.467)
30. TIECHER, R. F. P. ; PARISE, J. A. R. A comparative parametric study on single-phase Al2O3-water nanofluid exchanging heat with a phase-changing fluid. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013. (ACEITO) A1 (2.470)
31. HERMANY, L.; SANTOS, D.D.; FREY, S.; NACCACHE, M.F. ; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R. . Flow of yield-stress liquids through an axisymmetric abrupt expansion-contraction. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), 2013. (ACEITO) A1 (1.567)
32. SANTOS, D. D.; FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; SOUZA MENDES, P. R.. Multi-field stabilized finite element approximations for Oldroyd-B fluid flows. Engenharia Térmica, 2013. (ACEITO) B4
33. REZENDE, A.L., SAMPAIO, L.E.B., NIECKELE, A.O.; The challenging case of the turbulent flow around a thin plate wind deflector, and its numerical prediction by RANS models. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.342)
34. AGUIAR,L.L.; ALMEIDA, C. A.; PAULINO, G.H. A Three-Dimensional Multilayered Nonlinear Pipe Beam Element. Computers and Structures, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A1 (1.509)
35. TALISCHI, C., PEREIRA, A., PAULINO, G.H., MENEZES, I.F.M., CARVALHO, M.S., Polygonal Finite Elements for Incompressible Fluid Flow, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) B1 (1.352)
36. PEREIRA, A., TALISCHI, C., PAULINO, G.H., MENEZES, I.F.M., CARVALHO, M.S., Implementation of Fluid Flow Topology Optimization in PolyTop, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.728)
37. BEGHINI L., PEREIRA, A., ESPINHA, R., MENEZES, I.F.M., CELES, W., PAULINO, G.H., An Object-Oriented Framework for Finite Element Analysis based on a Compact Topological Data Structure, Advances in Engineering Software, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) B1 (1.220)
38. MEGGIOLARO, M.A. ; CASTRO, J. T. P.. Prediction of non-proportionality factors and equivalent ranges of multiaxial histories using the Moment Of Inertia method. International Journal of Fatigue, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.976)
39. SIMÕES, D.A. ; CASTRO, J. T. P.; MEGGIOLARO, M.A. . Improved notches to minimize stress concentration effects under uniaxial and multiaxial loads. International Journal of Fatigue, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.976)
40. MEGGIOLARO, M.A. ; CASTRO, J.T.P. The Moment of Inertia Method to Calculate Equivalent Ranges in Non-Proportional Multiaxial Histories. Journal of Materials Research, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.713)
41. PARISE, J. A. R., TIECHER, R. F. P. , A Simulation Model for the Application of Nanofluids as Condenser Coolants in Vapor Compression Heat Pumps, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013 (SUBMETIDO). A1 (2.127)
42. TIECHER, R. F. P. ; MENA, J. B. ; ESTEVES, A. S.; PARISE, J. A. R., Thermodynamic study of the simultaneous production of electrical and refrigeration power from regasification of liquefied natural gas, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013 (SUBMETIDO). A1 (2.127)
43. SOTOMAYOR, P.O., PARISE, J. A. R., Modelling of a cascade vapour compression cycle employing brazed plate heat exchangers, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013 (SUBMETIDO) A1 (2.127)
44. CUNHA JR., A.B. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. Assessment of a Transient Homogeneous Reactor through In Situ Adaptive Tabulation. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2012 (SUBMETIDO) B1 (0.234)
45. VEDOVOTO, J.M. ; SILVEIRA NETO, A. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. ; MURA, A. Analysis of the influence of synthetic inlet turbulence on the prediction of reactive and non reactive flows. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2013 (SUBMETIDO) A1 (1.581)
46. LAGE, M., CRISSAFF, L, LOPES, H, CARVALHO, M.S., Finite Element/Fictitious Domain Programming for Flows with Particles Made Simple, Advances in Engineering Software (SUBMETIDO). B1 (1.220)
47. VANDRE, E.; CARVALHO, M.S.; KUMAR, S. “On the mechanism of wetting failure during fluid displacement along a moving substrate”. Physics of Fluids (SUBMETIDO). A1 (1.942)
48. MENDES, A., ISNARD, A.A., AND GOMES, M.S.P., “Calibration of particle spectrometers: developing a methodological proposition”, Metrologia, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.902)
49. DÍAZ, M.A.D., CARVALHO, V.C.H.A., AND GOMES M.S.P., “Life cycle analysis of the Brazilian sugarcane ethanol”, Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems. (SUBMETIDO) NC
50. MARTINS, R. R. ; FURTADO, G. M. ; SANTOS, D.D.; FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; SOUZA MENDES, P. R. . Elastic and viscous elastic effects on flow pattern of elasto-viscoplastic fluids in a cavity. Mechanics Research Communications, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A2 (1.050)
51. SANTOS, D. D. ; FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.. Flow of elasto-viscoplastic liquids through a planar expansion-contraction. Rheologica Acta (Print), 2013. (SUBMETIDO) A1 (1.626)
52. DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; THOMPSON, R. L.; ALICKE, A. A.; LEITE, R. T.. The linear large-amplitude viscoelastic regime and its significance in the rheological characterization of soft matter with LAOS. Journal of Rheology, 2013. (SUBMETIDO) NC (2.795)
1. ¨An Improved Multiaxial Rainflow Algorithm for Non-Proportional Stress or Strain Histories - Part I: Enclosing Surface Methods¨, Meggiolaro, M. A.; Castro, J.T.P., International Journal of Fatigue, DOI: ,2012
2. ¨An Improved Multiaxial Rainflow Algorithm for Non-Proportional Stress or Strain Histories - Part II: The Modified Wang-Brown Method¨, Meggiolaro, M. A.; Castro, J.T.P., International Journal of Fatigue, DOI:,2012
3. ¨A Comprehensive Theoretical and Experimental Study on Fluid Displacement for Oil Well Cementing Operations¨, Aranha,P.E.; Miranda, C.R.; Cardoso, W.F.; Martins, A.L.; Gomes, F.C.; Carvalho, M.S., SPE Drilling & Completion, DOI:
4. ¨The dynamics of three-dimensional liquid bridges with pinned and moving contact lines¨, Dodds, S.; Carvalho, M.S.; Kumar, S., Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI: :
5. ¨Delaying the onset of dynamic wetting failure through meniscus confinement¨, Vandre, E.; Carvalho, M.S.; Kumar, S., Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
6. ¨Pore Scale and Macroscopic Displacement Mechanisms in Emulsion Flooding¨, Nuñez, V.R.G.; Carvalho, M.S.; Alvarado, V., Transport in Porous Media, DOI:
7. ¨Capillary-driven mobility control in macro emulsion flow in porous media¨, NUÑEZ, V.R.G.; Romero, M.I.; Carvalho, M.S.; Alvarado, V., International Journal of Multiphase Flow, DOI:
8. ¨Rotor-Stator Contact Dynamics Using a Non-Ideal Drive – Theoretical and Experimental Aspects¨, Lahriri, S.; Weber, H.I.; Santos, I.F, Journal of Sound and Vibration,
9. ¨On Improved Crack tip Plastic Zone Estimates based on T-stress and on Complete Stress Fields¨, Sousa, R.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures (Cessou em 198u. Cont. ISSN 8756-758X Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (Print), DOI:
10. ¨PolyTop: a Matlab Implementation of a General Topology Optimization Framework Using Unstructured Polygonal Finite Element Meshes¨, Talischi, C.; Paulino, G.H.; Pereira, A.; Menezes, I.F.M., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Print), DOI:
11. ¨Flow of an elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic fluid past a confined cylinder¨, Fonseca, C.; Frey, S.; Naccache, M.F.; Souza Mendes, P.R., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
12. ¨Stress Intensity Factor Predictions: Comparison and Round-Off Error¨, Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Martha, L.F.; Castro, J.T.P., Computational Materials Science, DOI:
13. ¨Prediction of Fatigue Crack Initiation Lives at Elongated Notch Roots Using Short Crack Concepts¨, Castro, J.T.P.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Wu, H.; Imad, A., International Journal of Fatigue, DOI:, 2012.
14. ¨Desenvolvimento e Avaliação Experimental de uma Nova Técnica para Medição de Tensões Residuais¨, Rodrigues, L.D.; Freire, J.L.F.; Vieira, R.D., Matéria (UFRJ), DOI:
15. ¨Use of FBG Strain Gages on a Pipeline Specimen Repaired With a CFRE Composite¨, Freire, J.L.F.; Perrut, V.A.; Braga, A.M.B.; Vieira, R.D.; Pérez, M.A.A.; Ribeiro, A.S., Experimental Techniques (Westport, Conn.), DOI:
16. ¨Development of a Correlation for Evaluating the Cigarrete Firmness for Production Quality Control¨, Orlando, A. F.; Nogueira, F.C., Engenharia Térmica,
17. ¨Methodology for Metrological Evaluation of a PTC resettable Thermistor¨,Orlando, A. F.; Bellido, M.M.H.; Silva, R.N. , High Temperatures. High Pressures (Print)
18. ¨Methodology for Generating Electric Load Profiles for Sizing Eletric Energy Generation System¨, Orlando, A. F.; Bellido, M.M.H.; Malaga, M.M., Energy and Buildings
19. ¨Single phase cooling of large surfaces with square arrays of impinging water sprays¨, Pereira, R.H; Braga, S.L.; Parise, J.A.R., Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI:
20. ¨Thermodynamic optimization of a regenerator heat exchanger¨, Martins, L.S.; Ordonez, J.C.; Vargas, J.V.C.; Parise, J.A.R., Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI:
21. ¨Liquid film characterization in horizontal, annular, two-phase, gas liquid flow using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence¨, Farias, P.S.C.; Martins, F.J.W.A.; Sampaio, L.E.B.; Serfaty, R.; Azevedo, L.F.A., Experiments in Fluids (Print), DOI:
22. ¨Rheological Characterization of Waxy Crude Oils: Sample Preparation¨, Oliveira, F.H.M.; Alicke, A.A.; Souza Mendes, P.R.; Ziglio, C.M., Energy & Fuels (Print), DOI:
23. ¨Startup flow of gelled crudes in pipelines¨, Souza Mendes, P.R.; Soares, F.S.M.A.; Ziglio, C.M.; Gonçalves, M., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
24. ¨Gasoline-Ethanol Combustion Study in a Rapid Compression Machin¨, Villela, A.C.S.; Machado, G.B.; Braga, C.V.M.; Braga, S.L.; Egúsquiza, J.C.C., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
25. ¨A unified approach to model elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic yield-stress materials and apparent-yield-stress fluids¨, Souza Mendes, P.R.; Thompson, R.L., Rheologica Acta (Print), DOI:
26. ¨Stochastic drill-string dynamics with uncertainty on the imposed speed and on the bit-rock parameters¨, Ritto, T.G; Sampaio, R., International journal for uncertainty quantification (Online)
27. ¨Smooth decomposition of random fields¨, Bellizzi, S.; Sampaio, R., Journal of Sound and Vibration, DOI:
28. ¨Artificial neural networks applied to the estimation of random variables associated to a two-mass model for the vocal folds¨, Mauprivez, J.; Cataldo, E.; Sampaio, R., Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering (Print), DOI:
29. ¨PolyMesher: A General-Purpose Mesh Generator for Polygonal Elements Written in Matlab¨, Talischi, C.; Paulino, G.H.; Pereira, A.; Menezes, I.F.M., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Print) , DOI:
30. ¨Visualization of dendritic ice growth in supercooled water inside cylindrical capsules¨, BRAGA, S.L.; Guzmán, J.J.M., International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
31. ¨Analysis of stationary random vibrating systems using smooth decomposition¨, Bellizzi, S.; Sampaio, R., Shock and Vibration, DOI:
32. ¨Minimization of viscous fluid fingering: A Variational Scheme for Optimal Flow Rates¨, Miranda, J.; Alvarez-Lacalle, E.; Carvalho, M.S.; Dias, E.O., Physical Review Letters (Print), DOI:
33. ¨On the Nonlinear dynamics of two Types of Backup Bearings – Theoretical and Experimental Aspects¨, Lahriri, S.; Santos, I.F; Weber, H.I., Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
34. ¨Impact Force Magnitude Analysis of an Impact Pendulum Suspended in a Vibrating Structure¨, Aguiar, R.R.; Weber, H.I., Shock and Vibration, DOI:
35. ¨Fuel Sulfate Content Influence in the Formation of Inorganics Components Deposits in the Engine Injectors with Technologies of Gasoline Direct Injection¨, Fernandes, H.; Braga, S.L.; Braga, L.C.; Braga, C.V.M.; Martins, A.R.F.A., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
36. ¨Methodologies for fuel development using surrogate fuels on spark ignition engines¨, Azevedo, E.C.; Machado, G.B.; Barros. J.E.M.; Braga, S.L.; Braga, C.V.M.; Silva, A.H.F.T.; Oliveira, E.J., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
37. ¨Energy Efficiency of Series Hybrid Electric Vehicles¨, Sanchez, F.Z.; Braga, S.L., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
38. ¨A Unified Library of Nonlinear Solution Schemes¨, Leon, S.E.; Paulino, G.H.; Pereira, A.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Lages, E.N., Applied Mechanics Reviews, DOI:
39. ¨Some results on the random wear coefficient of the Archard model¨, Dorini, F.A.; Sampaio, R., Journal of Applied Mechanics, DOI:
40. ¨Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Model Reduction of a Vibroimpact System¨, Ritto, T.G; Buezas, F.S.; Sampaio, R., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
41. ¨Nucleate Boiling in Large Arrays of Impinging Water Sprays¨, Braga, S.L.; Pereira, R.H; Parise, J.A.R.; Filho, E.P.B., Heat Transfer Engineering, DOI:
42. ¨Construction of Lyapunov Functions for the Estimation of Basins of Attraction¨, Korspeter, S.; Hochlenert; Heffel; Wagner; Hagerdorn; Sampaio, R., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso),
43. ¨Dynamics of Rotating Non-Linear Thin-Walled Composite Beams: Analysis of Modeling Uncertainties¨, Piovan, M.T.; Ramírez, J.M.; Sampaio, R., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
44. ¨A Critical Overview of Elasto-Viscoplastic Thixotropic Modeling¨, Souza Mendes, P.R., Thompson, R.L., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
45. ¨Process Limits in Two-Layer reverse Roll Transfer¨, Sasaki, M.; Suszynski, W.J.; Carvalho, M.S.; Francis, L.F., Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, DOI:
46. ¨Energy efficiancy of drilling granite and travertine with a CO2 laser and 980 nm diode laser¨, Valente, L.C.G., Gouvea, P.M.P., Martelli, C., Braga, A.M.B., Avillez, R.R., Perez, M.A.A., Applied Physics.A, Materials Science & Processing (Internet), DOI: 10.1007/s00339-012-7143-8
47. ¨Extrapolation of AI203-water nanofluid viscosity for temperature and volume concentrations beyond the range of validity of existing correlations¨, Mena, J.B., Moraes, A.A.U., Benito, Y.R., Parise, J.A.R., Ribatski, G., Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.11.002
48. ¨Gold nanoparticles on the surface of soda-lime glass: morphological, linear and nonlinear optical characterization¨, Romani, E.C., Vitoreti, D., Gouvea, P.M.P., Caldas, P.G., Optics Express, DOI:
49. ¨Reduced Models Based on Smooth Decomposition for Random Mechanical Systems¨, Bellizzi, S.; Sampaio, R., International Review of Mechanical Engineering (Testo Stampato),
2. ¨An Improved Multiaxial Rainflow Algorithm for Non-Proportional Stress or Strain Histories - Part II: The Modified Wang-Brown Method¨, Meggiolaro, M. A.; Castro, J.T.P., International Journal of Fatigue, DOI:,2012
3. ¨A Comprehensive Theoretical and Experimental Study on Fluid Displacement for Oil Well Cementing Operations¨, Aranha,P.E.; Miranda, C.R.; Cardoso, W.F.; Martins, A.L.; Gomes, F.C.; Carvalho, M.S., SPE Drilling & Completion, DOI:
4. ¨The dynamics of three-dimensional liquid bridges with pinned and moving contact lines¨, Dodds, S.; Carvalho, M.S.; Kumar, S., Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI: :
5. ¨Delaying the onset of dynamic wetting failure through meniscus confinement¨, Vandre, E.; Carvalho, M.S.; Kumar, S., Journal of Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
6. ¨Pore Scale and Macroscopic Displacement Mechanisms in Emulsion Flooding¨, Nuñez, V.R.G.; Carvalho, M.S.; Alvarado, V., Transport in Porous Media, DOI:
7. ¨Capillary-driven mobility control in macro emulsion flow in porous media¨, NUÑEZ, V.R.G.; Romero, M.I.; Carvalho, M.S.; Alvarado, V., International Journal of Multiphase Flow, DOI:
8. ¨Rotor-Stator Contact Dynamics Using a Non-Ideal Drive – Theoretical and Experimental Aspects¨, Lahriri, S.; Weber, H.I.; Santos, I.F, Journal of Sound and Vibration,
9. ¨On Improved Crack tip Plastic Zone Estimates based on T-stress and on Complete Stress Fields¨, Sousa, R.A.; Castro, J.T.P.; Martha, L.F., Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures (Cessou em 198u. Cont. ISSN 8756-758X Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures (Print), DOI:
10. ¨PolyTop: a Matlab Implementation of a General Topology Optimization Framework Using Unstructured Polygonal Finite Element Meshes¨, Talischi, C.; Paulino, G.H.; Pereira, A.; Menezes, I.F.M., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Print), DOI:
11. ¨Flow of an elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic fluid past a confined cylinder¨, Fonseca, C.; Frey, S.; Naccache, M.F.; Souza Mendes, P.R., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
12. ¨Stress Intensity Factor Predictions: Comparison and Round-Off Error¨, Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Martha, L.F.; Castro, J.T.P., Computational Materials Science, DOI:
13. ¨Prediction of Fatigue Crack Initiation Lives at Elongated Notch Roots Using Short Crack Concepts¨, Castro, J.T.P.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Wu, H.; Imad, A., International Journal of Fatigue, DOI:, 2012.
14. ¨Desenvolvimento e Avaliação Experimental de uma Nova Técnica para Medição de Tensões Residuais¨, Rodrigues, L.D.; Freire, J.L.F.; Vieira, R.D., Matéria (UFRJ), DOI:
15. ¨Use of FBG Strain Gages on a Pipeline Specimen Repaired With a CFRE Composite¨, Freire, J.L.F.; Perrut, V.A.; Braga, A.M.B.; Vieira, R.D.; Pérez, M.A.A.; Ribeiro, A.S., Experimental Techniques (Westport, Conn.), DOI:
16. ¨Development of a Correlation for Evaluating the Cigarrete Firmness for Production Quality Control¨, Orlando, A. F.; Nogueira, F.C., Engenharia Térmica,
17. ¨Methodology for Metrological Evaluation of a PTC resettable Thermistor¨,Orlando, A. F.; Bellido, M.M.H.; Silva, R.N. , High Temperatures. High Pressures (Print)
18. ¨Methodology for Generating Electric Load Profiles for Sizing Eletric Energy Generation System¨, Orlando, A. F.; Bellido, M.M.H.; Malaga, M.M., Energy and Buildings
19. ¨Single phase cooling of large surfaces with square arrays of impinging water sprays¨, Pereira, R.H; Braga, S.L.; Parise, J.A.R., Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI:
20. ¨Thermodynamic optimization of a regenerator heat exchanger¨, Martins, L.S.; Ordonez, J.C.; Vargas, J.V.C.; Parise, J.A.R., Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI:
21. ¨Liquid film characterization in horizontal, annular, two-phase, gas liquid flow using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence¨, Farias, P.S.C.; Martins, F.J.W.A.; Sampaio, L.E.B.; Serfaty, R.; Azevedo, L.F.A., Experiments in Fluids (Print), DOI:
22. ¨Rheological Characterization of Waxy Crude Oils: Sample Preparation¨, Oliveira, F.H.M.; Alicke, A.A.; Souza Mendes, P.R.; Ziglio, C.M., Energy & Fuels (Print), DOI:
23. ¨Startup flow of gelled crudes in pipelines¨, Souza Mendes, P.R.; Soares, F.S.M.A.; Ziglio, C.M.; Gonçalves, M., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
24. ¨Gasoline-Ethanol Combustion Study in a Rapid Compression Machin¨, Villela, A.C.S.; Machado, G.B.; Braga, C.V.M.; Braga, S.L.; Egúsquiza, J.C.C., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
25. ¨A unified approach to model elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic yield-stress materials and apparent-yield-stress fluids¨, Souza Mendes, P.R.; Thompson, R.L., Rheologica Acta (Print), DOI:
26. ¨Stochastic drill-string dynamics with uncertainty on the imposed speed and on the bit-rock parameters¨, Ritto, T.G; Sampaio, R., International journal for uncertainty quantification (Online)
27. ¨Smooth decomposition of random fields¨, Bellizzi, S.; Sampaio, R., Journal of Sound and Vibration, DOI:
28. ¨Artificial neural networks applied to the estimation of random variables associated to a two-mass model for the vocal folds¨, Mauprivez, J.; Cataldo, E.; Sampaio, R., Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering (Print), DOI:
29. ¨PolyMesher: A General-Purpose Mesh Generator for Polygonal Elements Written in Matlab¨, Talischi, C.; Paulino, G.H.; Pereira, A.; Menezes, I.F.M., Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (Print) , DOI:
30. ¨Visualization of dendritic ice growth in supercooled water inside cylindrical capsules¨, BRAGA, S.L.; Guzmán, J.J.M., International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
31. ¨Analysis of stationary random vibrating systems using smooth decomposition¨, Bellizzi, S.; Sampaio, R., Shock and Vibration, DOI:
32. ¨Minimization of viscous fluid fingering: A Variational Scheme for Optimal Flow Rates¨, Miranda, J.; Alvarez-Lacalle, E.; Carvalho, M.S.; Dias, E.O., Physical Review Letters (Print), DOI:
33. ¨On the Nonlinear dynamics of two Types of Backup Bearings – Theoretical and Experimental Aspects¨, Lahriri, S.; Santos, I.F; Weber, H.I., Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
34. ¨Impact Force Magnitude Analysis of an Impact Pendulum Suspended in a Vibrating Structure¨, Aguiar, R.R.; Weber, H.I., Shock and Vibration, DOI:
35. ¨Fuel Sulfate Content Influence in the Formation of Inorganics Components Deposits in the Engine Injectors with Technologies of Gasoline Direct Injection¨, Fernandes, H.; Braga, S.L.; Braga, L.C.; Braga, C.V.M.; Martins, A.R.F.A., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
36. ¨Methodologies for fuel development using surrogate fuels on spark ignition engines¨, Azevedo, E.C.; Machado, G.B.; Barros. J.E.M.; Braga, S.L.; Braga, C.V.M.; Silva, A.H.F.T.; Oliveira, E.J., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
37. ¨Energy Efficiency of Series Hybrid Electric Vehicles¨, Sanchez, F.Z.; Braga, S.L., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
38. ¨A Unified Library of Nonlinear Solution Schemes¨, Leon, S.E.; Paulino, G.H.; Pereira, A.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Lages, E.N., Applied Mechanics Reviews, DOI:
39. ¨Some results on the random wear coefficient of the Archard model¨, Dorini, F.A.; Sampaio, R., Journal of Applied Mechanics, DOI:
40. ¨Proper Orthogonal Decomposition for Model Reduction of a Vibroimpact System¨, Ritto, T.G; Buezas, F.S.; Sampaio, R., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
41. ¨Nucleate Boiling in Large Arrays of Impinging Water Sprays¨, Braga, S.L.; Pereira, R.H; Parise, J.A.R.; Filho, E.P.B., Heat Transfer Engineering, DOI:
42. ¨Construction of Lyapunov Functions for the Estimation of Basins of Attraction¨, Korspeter, S.; Hochlenert; Heffel; Wagner; Hagerdorn; Sampaio, R., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso),
43. ¨Dynamics of Rotating Non-Linear Thin-Walled Composite Beams: Analysis of Modeling Uncertainties¨, Piovan, M.T.; Ramírez, J.M.; Sampaio, R., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering
44. ¨A Critical Overview of Elasto-Viscoplastic Thixotropic Modeling¨, Souza Mendes, P.R., Thompson, R.L., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
45. ¨Process Limits in Two-Layer reverse Roll Transfer¨, Sasaki, M.; Suszynski, W.J.; Carvalho, M.S.; Francis, L.F., Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, DOI:
46. ¨Energy efficiancy of drilling granite and travertine with a CO2 laser and 980 nm diode laser¨, Valente, L.C.G., Gouvea, P.M.P., Martelli, C., Braga, A.M.B., Avillez, R.R., Perez, M.A.A., Applied Physics.A, Materials Science & Processing (Internet), DOI: 10.1007/s00339-012-7143-8
47. ¨Extrapolation of AI203-water nanofluid viscosity for temperature and volume concentrations beyond the range of validity of existing correlations¨, Mena, J.B., Moraes, A.A.U., Benito, Y.R., Parise, J.A.R., Ribatski, G., Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.11.002
48. ¨Gold nanoparticles on the surface of soda-lime glass: morphological, linear and nonlinear optical characterization¨, Romani, E.C., Vitoreti, D., Gouvea, P.M.P., Caldas, P.G., Optics Express, DOI:
49. ¨Reduced Models Based on Smooth Decomposition for Random Mechanical Systems¨, Bellizzi, S.; Sampaio, R., International Review of Mechanical Engineering (Testo Stampato),
1. ¨Emissions and Thermodynamic Performance Simulation of an Industrial Gas Turbine, Orbergoso, E.M.M.; Romeiro, C.D.; Ferreira, S.B; Figueira da Silva, L. F., Journal of Propulsion and Power (Print), DOI:
2. ¨An Improved Multiaxial Rainflow Algorithm for Non-Proportional Stress or Strain Histories - Part II: The Modified Wang Brown Method¨, Meggiolaro, M. A.; Castro, J.T.P., International Journal of Fatigue, DOI:
3. ¨Combustion Performance of an Aluminum Melting Furnace Operating With Natural Gas and Liquid Fuel¨, Nieckele, A.O.; Naccache, M.F.; Gomes, M.S.P., Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI:
4. ¨Dead Load Evaluation in Reinforced Concrete Columns Using Released Strain Measurements¨, Castro, J.T.P.; Vieira, R.D.; Sousa, R.A.; Meggiolaro, M. A., Experimental Techniques (Westport, Conn.), DOI:
5. ¨Analysis of Nonstationary Random Processes Using Smooth Decomposition¨, Sampaio, R.; Bellizzi, B., Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, DOI:
6. ¨Model uncertainties of flexible structures vibrations induced by internal flows¨, Ritto, T.G.; Sampaio, R.; Rochinha, F. A., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
7. ¨A constitutive model for non-Newtonian materials based on the persistence-of-straining tensor¨, THOMPSON, R.L.; Souza Mendes, P.R., Meccanica (Milano. Print), DOI:
8. ¨On the Predictability of Chemical Kinetics Mechanisms for the Description of the Combustion of Simple Fuels¨, Orbegoso, E.M.M.; Figueira da Silva, L. F.; Novgorodcev JR.,A.R., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
9. ¨Thixotropic elasto-viscoplastic model for structured liquids¨, Souza Mendes, P.R., Soft Matter (Print), DOI:
10. ¨Geometric Nonlinear Analyses of Functionally Graded Beams Using a Tailored Lagrangian Formulation¨, Almeida, C.A.; Albino, J.C.R.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Paulino, G.H, Mechanics Research Communications, DOI:
11. ¨Mathematical modeling and experimental investigation of an embedded vibro-impact system¨, AGUIAR, R.R.; Weber, H.I., Nonlinear Dynamics, DOI:
12. ¨Statistical Characterization of the Two Phase Slug Flow in a Horizontal Pipe¨, Carneiro, J.N.E.; Fonseca Jr, R.; Ortega, A.J.; Chucuya, R.C.; Nieckele, A.O.; Azevedo, L.F.A., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
13. ¨Operability Limits of Slide Coating¨, Tjiptowidjojo, K.; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering Science, DOI:
14. ¨Flow Visualization and Operating Limits of Tensioned-Wed-Over Slot die Coating Process¨, Jaewook, N.; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering and Processing, DOI:
15. ¨Stretching Liquid Brindges With Bubbles: The Effect of air Bubbles on Liquid Transfer¨, Dodds, S.; Carvalho, M.S.; Kumar, S., Langmuir, DOI:
16. ¨Stretching and Slipping of Liquid Bridges: The Effect of Inertia¨, Dodds, S.; Carvalho, M.S.; Kumar, S., Physics of Fluids (1994), DOI:
17. ¨A study of the thermodynamic performance and CO2 emissions of a vapour compression bio-trigeneration system¨, Parise, J.A.R.; Vargas,J.V.C.; Betancourt Mena, J.; Silva,R.P.M.; Martinez, L.C.C., Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI:
18. ¨A new measure of efficiency for model reduction: Application to a vibroimpact system¨, RITTO, T.G.; Buezas, F.S.; Sampaio, R., Journal of Sound and Vibration, DOI:
19. ¨Robust optimization of a flexible rotor-bearing system using the campbell diagram¨, RITTO, T.G.; Holdorf, R.; Cursi, J.E.S.; Sampaio, R., Engineering optimization (Online), DOI:
20. ¨Three different guises for the dynamics of a rotating beam¨, Buezas, F.S.; Sampaio, R.; Rosales, M.B.; Filipich, C.P., Journal of Sound and Vibration, DOI:
21. ¨Artificial Cooling of the Atmosphere - a discussion on the environmental effects¨, Gomes, M.S.P.; Araújo, M.S.M., Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, DOI:
22. ¨Strain Analysis of Pipeline Test Specimens Containing Longitudinal and Circumferential Corrosion Defects¨, Freire, J.L.F.; Benjamin, A.C.; Vieira, R.D.; Diniz, J.L.C., Applied Mechanics and Materials, DOI:
23. ¨Experimental Investigation of a Diesel Engine Operating on Natural Gas / Diesel Dual-Fuel Mode.¨, Egúsquiza, J.C.C.; Braga, S.L.; Braga, C.V.M., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
24. ¨Prediction of Fatigue Crack Initiation Lives at Elongated Notch Roots Using Short Crack Concepts¨, Castro, J.T.P.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Wu,H.; Imad, A.; Nourredine, B., International Journal of Fatigue, DOI:
25. ¨Computational fluid dynamics analysis for a combustion chamber in an industrial gas turbine¨, Anzai, T.; Fontes, C.E.; Ropelato, K.; Huapaya, L.E.A.; Figueira da Silva, L. F., Boletim Técnico da Petrobras (Impresso),
26. ¨Spectral features of specular reflection from nanoparticle films¨, Fokine, M.; Jang, H.; Gouvêa, P.M.P.; Braga, A.M.B.; Carvalho, I.I.C.S., Physica Status Solidi. C, Current Topics in Solid State Physics (Print), DOI:
27. ¨Internal specular reflection from nanoparticle layers on the end face of optical fibers¨, Gouvêa, P.M.P.; Jang, H.; Carvalho, I.I.C.S.; Cremona, M.; Braga, A.M.B.; Fokine, M., Journal of Applied Physics, DOI:
28. ¨Experimental Investigation of the Natural Gas / Diesel Dual-Fuel Combustion Using a Rapid Compression Machine.¨, Goñi, J.C.E.; Braga, S.L.; Braga, C.V.M.; Villela, A.C.S.; Moura, N.R.; Egúsquiza, J.C.C., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
29. ¨Magnetic Field Measurements Based on Terfenol Coated Photonic Crystal Fibers¨, Quintero, S.M.M.; Martelli, C.; Braga, A.M.B.; Valente, L.C.G.; Kato, C.C., Sensors (Basel), DOI:
30. ¨Stress Intensity Factor Predictions: Comparison and Round-off Error¨, Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Martha, L.F.C.R.; Castro, J.T.P., Computational Materials Science, DOI:
31. ¨Liquid film characterization in horizontal, annular, two-phase, gás-liquid flow using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence¨, Farias, P.S.C.; Martins, F.J.W.A.; Sampaio, L.E.B.; Azevedo, L.F.A., Experiments in Fluids, DOI:
32. ¨Stability of Viscoelastic Liquid Curtain¨, Carvalho, M.S.; Becerra, M.Y.Z., Chemical Engineering and Processing, DOI:
33. ¨Asymptotic Model of the 3D Flow in a Progressiva Cavity Pump¨, Andrade, S.F.A.; Valério, J.V.; Carvalho, M.S., SPE Journal, DOI:
34. ¨Optimization of Slot Process: Minimizing the Amplitude of Film Thickness Oscillation¨, Perez, E.; Carvalho, M.S., Journal of Engineering Mathematics, DOI:
35. ¨Flows With Suspended and Floating Particles¨, Lage, M.; Lopes, H.; Carvalho, M.S., Journal of Computational Physics (Print), DOI:
36. ¨Experimental and network model of flow of oil-water emulsion in porous media¨, Carvalho, M.S.; Basente, V.A.; Velasquez, M.I.R., Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.046305
37. ¨Numerical Approximations for flow of viscoplastic fluids in a lid-driven cavity¨, Santos, D.D.; Frey, S. L.; Naccache, M.F.; Souza Mendes, P.R., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
38. ¨Flow of elasto-viscoplastic liquids through an axisymmetric expansion-contraction¨, Nassar, B.; Souza Mendes, P.R.; Naccache, M.F., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
39. ¨Dynamic aspects governing cement plug placement in deepwater wells¨, Aranha, P.; Miranda, C.R.; Magalhães, J.V.M.; Campos, G.; Martins, A.L.; Ramalho, A. B.; Naccache, M.F., SPE Drilling & Completion, DOI:
40. ¨Rapid Compression Machine Tests for Brazilian Otto Cycle Fuels¨, Villela, A.C.S.; Egúsquiza, J.C.C.; Machado, G.B.; Braga, S.L., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
41. ¨Gravity-driven azymuthal flow of a layer of thixotropic fluid on the inner surface of a horizontal tube¨, Souza Mendes, P.R.; Oliveira, F.H.M.; Varges,P.R., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
42. ¨Basic Mechanics of Materials¨, Freire, J.L.F., Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems.
2. ¨An Improved Multiaxial Rainflow Algorithm for Non-Proportional Stress or Strain Histories - Part II: The Modified Wang Brown Method¨, Meggiolaro, M. A.; Castro, J.T.P., International Journal of Fatigue, DOI:
3. ¨Combustion Performance of an Aluminum Melting Furnace Operating With Natural Gas and Liquid Fuel¨, Nieckele, A.O.; Naccache, M.F.; Gomes, M.S.P., Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI:
4. ¨Dead Load Evaluation in Reinforced Concrete Columns Using Released Strain Measurements¨, Castro, J.T.P.; Vieira, R.D.; Sousa, R.A.; Meggiolaro, M. A., Experimental Techniques (Westport, Conn.), DOI:
5. ¨Analysis of Nonstationary Random Processes Using Smooth Decomposition¨, Sampaio, R.; Bellizzi, B., Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, DOI:
6. ¨Model uncertainties of flexible structures vibrations induced by internal flows¨, Ritto, T.G.; Sampaio, R.; Rochinha, F. A., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
7. ¨A constitutive model for non-Newtonian materials based on the persistence-of-straining tensor¨, THOMPSON, R.L.; Souza Mendes, P.R., Meccanica (Milano. Print), DOI:
8. ¨On the Predictability of Chemical Kinetics Mechanisms for the Description of the Combustion of Simple Fuels¨, Orbegoso, E.M.M.; Figueira da Silva, L. F.; Novgorodcev JR.,A.R., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
9. ¨Thixotropic elasto-viscoplastic model for structured liquids¨, Souza Mendes, P.R., Soft Matter (Print), DOI:
10. ¨Geometric Nonlinear Analyses of Functionally Graded Beams Using a Tailored Lagrangian Formulation¨, Almeida, C.A.; Albino, J.C.R.; Menezes, I.F.M.; Paulino, G.H, Mechanics Research Communications, DOI:
11. ¨Mathematical modeling and experimental investigation of an embedded vibro-impact system¨, AGUIAR, R.R.; Weber, H.I., Nonlinear Dynamics, DOI:
12. ¨Statistical Characterization of the Two Phase Slug Flow in a Horizontal Pipe¨, Carneiro, J.N.E.; Fonseca Jr, R.; Ortega, A.J.; Chucuya, R.C.; Nieckele, A.O.; Azevedo, L.F.A., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
13. ¨Operability Limits of Slide Coating¨, Tjiptowidjojo, K.; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering Science, DOI:
14. ¨Flow Visualization and Operating Limits of Tensioned-Wed-Over Slot die Coating Process¨, Jaewook, N.; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering and Processing, DOI:
15. ¨Stretching Liquid Brindges With Bubbles: The Effect of air Bubbles on Liquid Transfer¨, Dodds, S.; Carvalho, M.S.; Kumar, S., Langmuir, DOI:
16. ¨Stretching and Slipping of Liquid Bridges: The Effect of Inertia¨, Dodds, S.; Carvalho, M.S.; Kumar, S., Physics of Fluids (1994), DOI:
17. ¨A study of the thermodynamic performance and CO2 emissions of a vapour compression bio-trigeneration system¨, Parise, J.A.R.; Vargas,J.V.C.; Betancourt Mena, J.; Silva,R.P.M.; Martinez, L.C.C., Applied Thermal Engineering, DOI:
18. ¨A new measure of efficiency for model reduction: Application to a vibroimpact system¨, RITTO, T.G.; Buezas, F.S.; Sampaio, R., Journal of Sound and Vibration, DOI:
19. ¨Robust optimization of a flexible rotor-bearing system using the campbell diagram¨, RITTO, T.G.; Holdorf, R.; Cursi, J.E.S.; Sampaio, R., Engineering optimization (Online), DOI:
20. ¨Three different guises for the dynamics of a rotating beam¨, Buezas, F.S.; Sampaio, R.; Rosales, M.B.; Filipich, C.P., Journal of Sound and Vibration, DOI:
21. ¨Artificial Cooling of the Atmosphere - a discussion on the environmental effects¨, Gomes, M.S.P.; Araújo, M.S.M., Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, DOI:
22. ¨Strain Analysis of Pipeline Test Specimens Containing Longitudinal and Circumferential Corrosion Defects¨, Freire, J.L.F.; Benjamin, A.C.; Vieira, R.D.; Diniz, J.L.C., Applied Mechanics and Materials, DOI:
23. ¨Experimental Investigation of a Diesel Engine Operating on Natural Gas / Diesel Dual-Fuel Mode.¨, Egúsquiza, J.C.C.; Braga, S.L.; Braga, C.V.M., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
24. ¨Prediction of Fatigue Crack Initiation Lives at Elongated Notch Roots Using Short Crack Concepts¨, Castro, J.T.P.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Miranda, A.C.O.; Wu,H.; Imad, A.; Nourredine, B., International Journal of Fatigue, DOI:
25. ¨Computational fluid dynamics analysis for a combustion chamber in an industrial gas turbine¨, Anzai, T.; Fontes, C.E.; Ropelato, K.; Huapaya, L.E.A.; Figueira da Silva, L. F., Boletim Técnico da Petrobras (Impresso),
26. ¨Spectral features of specular reflection from nanoparticle films¨, Fokine, M.; Jang, H.; Gouvêa, P.M.P.; Braga, A.M.B.; Carvalho, I.I.C.S., Physica Status Solidi. C, Current Topics in Solid State Physics (Print), DOI:
27. ¨Internal specular reflection from nanoparticle layers on the end face of optical fibers¨, Gouvêa, P.M.P.; Jang, H.; Carvalho, I.I.C.S.; Cremona, M.; Braga, A.M.B.; Fokine, M., Journal of Applied Physics, DOI:
28. ¨Experimental Investigation of the Natural Gas / Diesel Dual-Fuel Combustion Using a Rapid Compression Machine.¨, Goñi, J.C.E.; Braga, S.L.; Braga, C.V.M.; Villela, A.C.S.; Moura, N.R.; Egúsquiza, J.C.C., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
29. ¨Magnetic Field Measurements Based on Terfenol Coated Photonic Crystal Fibers¨, Quintero, S.M.M.; Martelli, C.; Braga, A.M.B.; Valente, L.C.G.; Kato, C.C., Sensors (Basel), DOI:
30. ¨Stress Intensity Factor Predictions: Comparison and Round-off Error¨, Miranda, A.C.O.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Martha, L.F.C.R.; Castro, J.T.P., Computational Materials Science, DOI:
31. ¨Liquid film characterization in horizontal, annular, two-phase, gás-liquid flow using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence¨, Farias, P.S.C.; Martins, F.J.W.A.; Sampaio, L.E.B.; Azevedo, L.F.A., Experiments in Fluids, DOI:
32. ¨Stability of Viscoelastic Liquid Curtain¨, Carvalho, M.S.; Becerra, M.Y.Z., Chemical Engineering and Processing, DOI:
33. ¨Asymptotic Model of the 3D Flow in a Progressiva Cavity Pump¨, Andrade, S.F.A.; Valério, J.V.; Carvalho, M.S., SPE Journal, DOI:
34. ¨Optimization of Slot Process: Minimizing the Amplitude of Film Thickness Oscillation¨, Perez, E.; Carvalho, M.S., Journal of Engineering Mathematics, DOI:
35. ¨Flows With Suspended and Floating Particles¨, Lage, M.; Lopes, H.; Carvalho, M.S., Journal of Computational Physics (Print), DOI:
36. ¨Experimental and network model of flow of oil-water emulsion in porous media¨, Carvalho, M.S.; Basente, V.A.; Velasquez, M.I.R., Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (Print), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.046305
37. ¨Numerical Approximations for flow of viscoplastic fluids in a lid-driven cavity¨, Santos, D.D.; Frey, S. L.; Naccache, M.F.; Souza Mendes, P.R., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
38. ¨Flow of elasto-viscoplastic liquids through an axisymmetric expansion-contraction¨, Nassar, B.; Souza Mendes, P.R.; Naccache, M.F., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
39. ¨Dynamic aspects governing cement plug placement in deepwater wells¨, Aranha, P.; Miranda, C.R.; Magalhães, J.V.M.; Campos, G.; Martins, A.L.; Ramalho, A. B.; Naccache, M.F., SPE Drilling & Completion, DOI:
40. ¨Rapid Compression Machine Tests for Brazilian Otto Cycle Fuels¨, Villela, A.C.S.; Egúsquiza, J.C.C.; Machado, G.B.; Braga, S.L., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
41. ¨Gravity-driven azymuthal flow of a layer of thixotropic fluid on the inner surface of a horizontal tube¨, Souza Mendes, P.R.; Oliveira, F.H.M.; Varges,P.R., Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), DOI:
42. ¨Basic Mechanics of Materials¨, Freire, J.L.F., Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems.
1. ¨Investigating na advective approach to subgrid modeling in large-eddy simulations¨, Sampaio, L.E.B., Gerritsen, M., Nieckele, A.O, Computers & Fluids, 2010, DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2009.07.007
2. ¨Buoyancy driven slump flows of non-newtonian fluids inside pipes¨, Malekmohammadi, S., Naccache, M.F., Frigaard, I., Journal of petroleum science & engineering, 2010, DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2010.03.024
3. ¨Time domain simulation of a target tracking system with backiash compensation¨, Gruzman, M.; Weber, H.I.; Menegaldo, L.L., Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Print), DOI: 973482
4. ¨Comparing two Strategies to Model Uncertainties in Structural Dynamics¨, Sampaio, R; Cataldo, E., Shock and Vibration, DOI:
5. ¨Thixotropic elasto-viscoplastic model for structured fluids¨, Souza Mendes, P.R., Soft Matter (Print), DOI:
6. ¨Combustion Performance of an Aluminum Melting Furnace Operating With Liquid Fuel¨, Nieckele, A.O.; Naccache, M.F.; Gomes, M.S.P., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
7. ¨Order of accuracy study of unstructured grid finite volume upwind schemes¨, Azevedo, J.L.F.; Figueira da Silva, L. F.; Romani, E.C., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
8. ¨A Rough Terrain Traction Control Technique for All-Wheel-Drive Mobile Robots¨, Silva, A.F.B.; Santos, A.V.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Speranza Neto, M., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
9. ¨Stochastic Analysis of a Cracked rod Modeled via the Spectral Element Method¨, Fabro, A.T.; Ritto, T.G.; Sampaio, R.; Arruda, J.R.F., Mech Research Communications, DOI:
10. ¨Stochastic Dynamics of a Drill-String with Uncertain Weight-on-Hook¨, Ritto, T.G.; Soize, C.; Sampaio, R., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
11. ¨Combustion Performance of an Aluminum Melting Furnace Operating With Natural Gas and Liquid Fuel¨, Nieckele, A.O.; Naccache, M.F.; Gomes, M.S.P., App. Thermal Eng., DOI:
12. ¨Medição de Tensões Residuais em Tubos Submetidos a Esforços Combinados¨, Delgadillo, G.W.R.; Vieira, R.D.; Freire, J.L.F., Revista Abende.
13. ¨Probabilistic Model Identification of the Bit-Rock-Interaction-Model Uncertainties in Nonlinear Dynamics of a Drill-String¨, Ritto, T.G.; Soize, C.; Sampaio, R., Mechanics Research Communications, DOI:
14. ¨Thermoeconomic Assessment of a Multi-Engine, Mult-Heat-Pump CCHP (combined cooling, heating and power generation) System A Case Study¨, Roque, D.P.; BENITO, Y.R.; Parise, J.A.R., Energy (Oxford), DOI:
15. ¨Artificial cooling of the atmosphere – a discussion on the environmental effects¨, Gomes, M.S.P.; Araújo, M.S.M., Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, DOI:
16. ¨Robust optimization of the rate of penetration of a drill-string using a stochastic nonlinear dynamical model¨, Ritto, T.G.; Soize, C.; Sampaio, R., Computational Mechanics, DOI:
17. ¨Hydrostatic Pressure Sensing with Hing Birefringence Photonic Crystal Fibers¨, Favero, F.C.; Quintero, S.M.M.; Martelli, C.; Braga, A.M.B.; Silva,Vinicius V.; Carvalho, I.C.S.; Llerena, R.W.A., Sensors (Basel), DOI:
18. ¨Swelling and Morphological Propoerties of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) hydrogels in solution with high salt¨, Quintero, S.M.M.; Flores, R.V.P.; Triques, A.L.C.; Cremona, M.; Braga, A.M.B., Polymer (Guildford), DOI:
19. ¨Desing of a Highly-Birefringent Microstructured Photonic Crystal Fiber for Pressure Monitoring¨, Jewart, Charles M.; Quintero, S.M.M.; Braga, A.M.B.; Chen, Kevin P., Optics Express, DOI:
20. ¨Uncertainties in Drill-String Dynamics: the Role of a Random Weight-on-Hook¨,Sampaio, R.; Ritto, T.G.; Soize, C., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
21. ¨Controle Não-Linear de Força de Músculos Artificiais Poliméricos por Efeito Capacitivo¨, Assis, P.F.C.B.; Meggiolaro, M. A., Controle & Automação (Impresso).
22. ¨Flow in Tensioned-Wed-Over-Slot Die Coating: Effect of Die Lip Design¨, Nam, Jaewook; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering Science, DOI:
23. ¨Two-Layer Tensioned-Wed-Over-Slit Die Coating: Effect of Die Lip Geometry¨, Nam, Jaewook; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering Science, DOI:
24. ¨Two-Layer Tensioned-Wed-Over-Slot Die Coating: Effect of Operating Conditions on Coating Window¨, Nam, Jaewook; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering Science, DOI:
25. ¨Leveling of thin Films of Suspensions¨, Tsai, Benson; Carvalho, M.S; Kumar, S., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Print), DOI:
26. “On the prediction of the residual fatigue life of cracked structures repaired by the stop-hole method¨, Wu, Hao; Imad,A.; Nourredine,B.; Castro, J.T.P.; Meggiolaro, M. A., International Journal of Fatigue, DOI:
27. “A magnetostrictive Composite-Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor.”, Quintero, S.M.M.; Braga, A.M.B.; Weber, H.I.; Bruno, A.C.; Oliveira, A.J., Sensors (Basel), DOI:
28. ¨Automation of the Fatigue Design under Variable Amplitude Loading Using the ViDa Software¨, Meggiolaro, M. A.; Castro, J.T.P., International Journal of Structural Integrity
29. ¨ Identification of non-Newtonian Rheological parameter through an inverse formulation¨, Nascimento, S.C.C.; Naccache, M.F.; Rochinha, F. A, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
30. ¨Linear Stability Analysis of Two-layer Rectilinear Flow in Slot Coating¨, Nam, Jaewook; Carvalho, M.S., AIChE Journal, DOI:
31. ¨Galerkin least-squares approximations for upper-convected Maxwell fluid flows¨, Fonseca, C.; Frey, S. L.; Zinani, F.; Naccache, M.F., Mechanics Research Communications, DOI:
32. ¨The Optimal Match of Strems for Maximum Heat Transfer From a Gas Fired Absorption Refrigeration Unit¨, Pereira, M.V.S.; Vargas,J.V.C.; Amico, S.; Parise, J.A.R.; Matos, R.S.; Ordonez, J.C., ASHRAE Transactions.
33. ¨Investigations on Surrogate Fuels High-Octane Oxygenated Gasolines¨, Machado, G.B.; Barros, J.E.M.; Braga, S.L.; Braga, C.V.M.; Oliveira,E.J.; Silva,A.H.M.F.T.; Carvalho,L.O., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
34. ¨Thermodynamic Analysis for Tri-Generation Systems Taking into Account Refrigeration, Heating and Electricity Load Demands¨, Silva,R.P.M.; Hacon, D.; Tessarollo, A.; Parise, J.A.R., Energy and Buildings, DOI:
35. ¨Modelo Semi-Empírico para Avaliação do Desempenho de Motores Diesel Consumindo Gás Natural¨, Pereira, R.H.; Braga, C.V.M.; Braga, S.L., Boletim Técnico da Petrobras (Impresso).
36. ¨Emissions and Thermodynamic Performance Silumation of na Industrial Gás Turbine¨, Orbegoso, E.M.M.; Romeiro, C.D.; Ferreira, S.B.; Silva, L.F.F., Journal of Propulsion and Power (Print), DOI:
37. ¨Análise de Métodos para Avaliar Dutos com Dano Mossa e Sulco¨, Lima, M.A.O.; Barra, S.R.; Freire, J.L.F., Soldagem e Inspeção (Impresso), DOI:
38. ¨Additional Test Results of Pipeline with Corrosion - Irregular-Shaped defects¨, Freire, J.L.F.; Benjamin, A.C.; Benjamin, A.C.; Benjamin, A.C., Experimental Techniques (Westport, Conn.), DOI:
39. ¨Dead Load Evaluation in Reinfored Concrete Columns Using Released Strain Measurements¨, Castro, J.T.P.; Vieira, R.D.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Freire, J.L.F.; Sousa, R.A., Experimental Techniques (Westport, Conn.), DOI:
40. ¨A constitutive model for non-Newtonian materials based on the persistence-of-straining tensor¨, THOMPSON, R.L.; Souza Mendes, P.R., Meccanica (Milano. Print), DOI:
41. ¨Study of the Dynamics of a Rotating Flexible Beam and a Flexible Pendulum¨, Buezas, F.S.; Rosales, M.; Sampaio, R.; Filipich, C.P., Mecánica Computacional
42. ¨Optimization of Slot Coating Process: Minimizing the Amplitude of Film Thickness Oscillation¨, Perez, E.B.; Carvalho, M.S., Journal of Engineering Mathematics
43. ¨Asymptotic Model of the 3D Flow in a Progressive Cavity Pump¨, Andrade, S.F.A.; Carvalho, M.S.; Valerio, J.V., SPE Journal (Society of Petroleum Engineers (U.S.). 1996), DOI:
44. ¨Flow Visualization and Operating Limits of Tensioned-Wed-Over Slot die Coating Process¨, Nam, Jaewook; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering and Processing, DOI:
2. ¨Buoyancy driven slump flows of non-newtonian fluids inside pipes¨, Malekmohammadi, S., Naccache, M.F., Frigaard, I., Journal of petroleum science & engineering, 2010, DOI: 10.1016/j.petrol.2010.03.024
3. ¨Time domain simulation of a target tracking system with backiash compensation¨, Gruzman, M.; Weber, H.I.; Menegaldo, L.L., Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Print), DOI: 973482
4. ¨Comparing two Strategies to Model Uncertainties in Structural Dynamics¨, Sampaio, R; Cataldo, E., Shock and Vibration, DOI:
5. ¨Thixotropic elasto-viscoplastic model for structured fluids¨, Souza Mendes, P.R., Soft Matter (Print), DOI:
6. ¨Combustion Performance of an Aluminum Melting Furnace Operating With Liquid Fuel¨, Nieckele, A.O.; Naccache, M.F.; Gomes, M.S.P., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
7. ¨Order of accuracy study of unstructured grid finite volume upwind schemes¨, Azevedo, J.L.F.; Figueira da Silva, L. F.; Romani, E.C., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
8. ¨A Rough Terrain Traction Control Technique for All-Wheel-Drive Mobile Robots¨, Silva, A.F.B.; Santos, A.V.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Speranza Neto, M., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
9. ¨Stochastic Analysis of a Cracked rod Modeled via the Spectral Element Method¨, Fabro, A.T.; Ritto, T.G.; Sampaio, R.; Arruda, J.R.F., Mech Research Communications, DOI:
10. ¨Stochastic Dynamics of a Drill-String with Uncertain Weight-on-Hook¨, Ritto, T.G.; Soize, C.; Sampaio, R., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
11. ¨Combustion Performance of an Aluminum Melting Furnace Operating With Natural Gas and Liquid Fuel¨, Nieckele, A.O.; Naccache, M.F.; Gomes, M.S.P., App. Thermal Eng., DOI:
12. ¨Medição de Tensões Residuais em Tubos Submetidos a Esforços Combinados¨, Delgadillo, G.W.R.; Vieira, R.D.; Freire, J.L.F., Revista Abende.
13. ¨Probabilistic Model Identification of the Bit-Rock-Interaction-Model Uncertainties in Nonlinear Dynamics of a Drill-String¨, Ritto, T.G.; Soize, C.; Sampaio, R., Mechanics Research Communications, DOI:
14. ¨Thermoeconomic Assessment of a Multi-Engine, Mult-Heat-Pump CCHP (combined cooling, heating and power generation) System A Case Study¨, Roque, D.P.; BENITO, Y.R.; Parise, J.A.R., Energy (Oxford), DOI:
15. ¨Artificial cooling of the atmosphere – a discussion on the environmental effects¨, Gomes, M.S.P.; Araújo, M.S.M., Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, DOI:
16. ¨Robust optimization of the rate of penetration of a drill-string using a stochastic nonlinear dynamical model¨, Ritto, T.G.; Soize, C.; Sampaio, R., Computational Mechanics, DOI:
17. ¨Hydrostatic Pressure Sensing with Hing Birefringence Photonic Crystal Fibers¨, Favero, F.C.; Quintero, S.M.M.; Martelli, C.; Braga, A.M.B.; Silva,Vinicius V.; Carvalho, I.C.S.; Llerena, R.W.A., Sensors (Basel), DOI:
18. ¨Swelling and Morphological Propoerties of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) hydrogels in solution with high salt¨, Quintero, S.M.M.; Flores, R.V.P.; Triques, A.L.C.; Cremona, M.; Braga, A.M.B., Polymer (Guildford), DOI:
19. ¨Desing of a Highly-Birefringent Microstructured Photonic Crystal Fiber for Pressure Monitoring¨, Jewart, Charles M.; Quintero, S.M.M.; Braga, A.M.B.; Chen, Kevin P., Optics Express, DOI:
20. ¨Uncertainties in Drill-String Dynamics: the Role of a Random Weight-on-Hook¨,Sampaio, R.; Ritto, T.G.; Soize, C., Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
21. ¨Controle Não-Linear de Força de Músculos Artificiais Poliméricos por Efeito Capacitivo¨, Assis, P.F.C.B.; Meggiolaro, M. A., Controle & Automação (Impresso).
22. ¨Flow in Tensioned-Wed-Over-Slot Die Coating: Effect of Die Lip Design¨, Nam, Jaewook; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering Science, DOI:
23. ¨Two-Layer Tensioned-Wed-Over-Slit Die Coating: Effect of Die Lip Geometry¨, Nam, Jaewook; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering Science, DOI:
24. ¨Two-Layer Tensioned-Wed-Over-Slot Die Coating: Effect of Operating Conditions on Coating Window¨, Nam, Jaewook; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering Science, DOI:
25. ¨Leveling of thin Films of Suspensions¨, Tsai, Benson; Carvalho, M.S; Kumar, S., Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Print), DOI:
26. “On the prediction of the residual fatigue life of cracked structures repaired by the stop-hole method¨, Wu, Hao; Imad,A.; Nourredine,B.; Castro, J.T.P.; Meggiolaro, M. A., International Journal of Fatigue, DOI:
27. “A magnetostrictive Composite-Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor.”, Quintero, S.M.M.; Braga, A.M.B.; Weber, H.I.; Bruno, A.C.; Oliveira, A.J., Sensors (Basel), DOI:
28. ¨Automation of the Fatigue Design under Variable Amplitude Loading Using the ViDa Software¨, Meggiolaro, M. A.; Castro, J.T.P., International Journal of Structural Integrity
29. ¨ Identification of non-Newtonian Rheological parameter through an inverse formulation¨, Nascimento, S.C.C.; Naccache, M.F.; Rochinha, F. A, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), DOI:
30. ¨Linear Stability Analysis of Two-layer Rectilinear Flow in Slot Coating¨, Nam, Jaewook; Carvalho, M.S., AIChE Journal, DOI:
31. ¨Galerkin least-squares approximations for upper-convected Maxwell fluid flows¨, Fonseca, C.; Frey, S. L.; Zinani, F.; Naccache, M.F., Mechanics Research Communications, DOI:
32. ¨The Optimal Match of Strems for Maximum Heat Transfer From a Gas Fired Absorption Refrigeration Unit¨, Pereira, M.V.S.; Vargas,J.V.C.; Amico, S.; Parise, J.A.R.; Matos, R.S.; Ordonez, J.C., ASHRAE Transactions.
33. ¨Investigations on Surrogate Fuels High-Octane Oxygenated Gasolines¨, Machado, G.B.; Barros, J.E.M.; Braga, S.L.; Braga, C.V.M.; Oliveira,E.J.; Silva,A.H.M.F.T.; Carvalho,L.O., SAE Technical Paper Series, DOI:
34. ¨Thermodynamic Analysis for Tri-Generation Systems Taking into Account Refrigeration, Heating and Electricity Load Demands¨, Silva,R.P.M.; Hacon, D.; Tessarollo, A.; Parise, J.A.R., Energy and Buildings, DOI:
35. ¨Modelo Semi-Empírico para Avaliação do Desempenho de Motores Diesel Consumindo Gás Natural¨, Pereira, R.H.; Braga, C.V.M.; Braga, S.L., Boletim Técnico da Petrobras (Impresso).
36. ¨Emissions and Thermodynamic Performance Silumation of na Industrial Gás Turbine¨, Orbegoso, E.M.M.; Romeiro, C.D.; Ferreira, S.B.; Silva, L.F.F., Journal of Propulsion and Power (Print), DOI:
37. ¨Análise de Métodos para Avaliar Dutos com Dano Mossa e Sulco¨, Lima, M.A.O.; Barra, S.R.; Freire, J.L.F., Soldagem e Inspeção (Impresso), DOI:
38. ¨Additional Test Results of Pipeline with Corrosion - Irregular-Shaped defects¨, Freire, J.L.F.; Benjamin, A.C.; Benjamin, A.C.; Benjamin, A.C., Experimental Techniques (Westport, Conn.), DOI:
39. ¨Dead Load Evaluation in Reinfored Concrete Columns Using Released Strain Measurements¨, Castro, J.T.P.; Vieira, R.D.; Meggiolaro, M. A.; Freire, J.L.F.; Sousa, R.A., Experimental Techniques (Westport, Conn.), DOI:
40. ¨A constitutive model for non-Newtonian materials based on the persistence-of-straining tensor¨, THOMPSON, R.L.; Souza Mendes, P.R., Meccanica (Milano. Print), DOI:
41. ¨Study of the Dynamics of a Rotating Flexible Beam and a Flexible Pendulum¨, Buezas, F.S.; Rosales, M.; Sampaio, R.; Filipich, C.P., Mecánica Computacional
42. ¨Optimization of Slot Coating Process: Minimizing the Amplitude of Film Thickness Oscillation¨, Perez, E.B.; Carvalho, M.S., Journal of Engineering Mathematics
43. ¨Asymptotic Model of the 3D Flow in a Progressive Cavity Pump¨, Andrade, S.F.A.; Carvalho, M.S.; Valerio, J.V., SPE Journal (Society of Petroleum Engineers (U.S.). 1996), DOI:
44. ¨Flow Visualization and Operating Limits of Tensioned-Wed-Over Slot die Coating Process¨, Nam, Jaewook; Carvalho, M.S., Chemical Engineering and Processing, DOI: