Jaime Tupiassú Pinho de Castro
Email: jtcastro@puc-rio.br
Categoria: Quadro Permanente e Colaboradores
Sala: 119L
Telefone: 3527-1642
Nome em Publicações: Castro,JTP
Currículo Lattes: http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4788244E2
Categoria: Quadro Permanente e Colaboradores
Sala: 119L
Telefone: 3527-1642
Nome em Publicações: Castro,JTP
Currículo Lattes: http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4788244E2
Engenheiro Mecânico, PUC-Rio, 1969-1973
M.Sc. em Engenharia Mecânica, PUC-Rio, 1974-1977
• Área de Concentração: Mecânica dos Sólidos, Vibrações
•Tese: "Estudo Experimental de Vigas em Balanço sob Impactos Axiais", defendida em março de 1977.
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), Cambridge, MA, USA, 1978-1982
• Área de Concentração: Mecânica dos Sólidos, Comportamento Mecânico dos Materiais
• Tese: "Load History Effects on Plane Strain Fatigue Crack Growth", defendida em dezembro de 1982
Pós-Doutorado, Mech.Eng.Department, M.I.T., USA, 1982-83
• Área: Comportamento Mecânico dos Materiais
M.Sc. em Engenharia Mecânica, PUC-Rio, 1974-1977
• Área de Concentração: Mecânica dos Sólidos, Vibrações
•Tese: "Estudo Experimental de Vigas em Balanço sob Impactos Axiais", defendida em março de 1977.
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), Cambridge, MA, USA, 1978-1982
• Área de Concentração: Mecânica dos Sólidos, Comportamento Mecânico dos Materiais
• Tese: "Load History Effects on Plane Strain Fatigue Crack Growth", defendida em dezembro de 1982
Pós-Doutorado, Mech.Eng.Department, M.I.T., USA, 1982-83
• Área: Comportamento Mecânico dos Materiais
Área de Concentração
Linhas de Pesquisa
Área de Interesse
Fadiga e Fratura, Avaliação de Integridade Estrutural, Comportamento Mecânico dos Materiais, Mecânica dos Sólidos, Extensometria e Mecânica Experimental, Projetos Mecânicos
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Polly'Tech Lille, Lille, France
Laboratório de Corrosão, INT, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Dept. Eng. Mecânica CEFET-RJ
Polly'Tech Lille, Lille, France
Laboratório de Corrosão, INT, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Dept. Eng. Mecânica CEFET-RJ
Últimas Publicações
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fatigue Design Techniques volume 1: High-Cycle Fatigue. ISBN 1530795427, 460 pages, CreateSpace (Scotts Valley, CA, 95066, USA) 2016.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fatigue Design Techniques v.2: Low-Cycle and Multiaxial Fatigue. ISBN 1530797047, 598 pages, CreateSpace 2016.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fatigue Design Techniques v.3: Crack Propagation, Temperature and Statistical Effects. ISBN 1530797365, 666 pages, CreateSpace 2016.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fadiga - Técnicas e Práticas de Dimensionamento Estrutural sob Cargas Reais de Serviço v.1: Iniciação de Trincas. ISBN 1449514693, 494 páginas, CreateSpace 2009.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fadiga - Técnicas e Práticas de Dimensionamento Estrutural sob Cargas Reais de Serviço v.2: Propagação de Trincas, Efeitos Térmicos e Estocásticos. ISBN 1449514707, 578 páginas, CreateSpace 2009.
Landim,RV; Castro,JTP; Altoé,GR; Meggiolaro,MA; Velasco,JAC. Notch sensitivity and short cracks tolerance in a super 13Cr stainless steel under sulfide stress corrosion cracking conditions. Corrosion Reviews 41(1):57-71, 2023.
Liu,M; Miranda,ACO; Antunes,MA; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Plastic stress concentration effects in fatigue strength. International Journal of Fatigue 168:107394, 2023.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Probabilistic stress and strain-life fatigue crack initiation mod-els with mean stress effects and life-dependent scatter considering runouts. International Journal of Fatigue 167:107315, 2023.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. An improved strain-life model based on the Walker equation to describe tensile and compressive mean stress effects. International Journal of Fatigue 161: 106905, 2022.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. A deviatoric tensile-based critical plane model to predict peak/ mean normal stress effects in multiaxial fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue 155:106615, 2022
Vignoli,LL; Castro,JTP. A parametric study of stress concentration issues in unidirectional laminates. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 28(15):1554-1569, 2021.
Ribeiro,JGT; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Modeling concrete and polymer creep using fractional calculus. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 12:1184-1193, 2021.
Ribeiro,JGT; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. An algorithm to minimize errors in displacement measurements via double integration of noisy acceleration signals. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 43(8):385, 2021.
Martins,GCP; Bandeira,CFC; Lima,GW; Castro,JTP. Fatigue Limit Evaluations of Al 6351-T6 by Thermographic and εN Methods. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 43:11, 2021.
González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Gonzáles,GLG; Meggiolaro,MA; Freire,JLF. Challenging the “ΔKeff is the driving force for fatigue crack growth” hypothesis. International Journal of Fa-tigue 136:105577, 2020.
Gonzáles,GLG; González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Freire,JLF. Measuring elastoplastic strain loops in the near crack-tip region using a Stereo Microscope DIC system. International Journal of Fatigue 133:105427, 2020.
Marques,LFN; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha,LF. Elastoplastic 3D analysis of plastic zone size dependencies on load to yield strength and on crack size to width ratios under mixed-mode KI-KII. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 107:102490, 2020.
Bandeira,CFC; Castro,JTP; Pradelle,F; Kenedi,PP. Sensitivity analysis of load frequency and block cycles on the fatigue limit measurement by thermographic method. Procedia Structural Integrity 28:1969-1974, 2020.
Ribeiro,JGT; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Parameters adjustment for optimizing signal integration using the FFT-DDI method. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42(2):104, 2020.
Vignoli,LL; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Stress concentration issues in unidirectional laminates. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 41:462, 2019.
González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Gonzáles,GLG; Meggiolaro,MA; Freire,JLF. Verification of the ΔKeff hypothesis along the fatigue crack path in thin and thick Al specimens. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 49:26-35, 2019.
Gonzáles,GLG; González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Freire,JLF. Using DIC techniques to measure strain ranges inside the cyclic plastic zone ahead of a fatigue crack tip. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 49:74-81, 2019.
Ferreira,SE; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO. Crack closure effects on fatigue damage ahead of crack tips. Int J Fatigue 125:187-198, 2019.
Marques,LFN; Cota,EE; Castro,JTP; Martha,LF; Meggiolaro,MA. On the estimation of the elastoplastic work needed to initiate crack tearing. Theor Appl Fract Mech 101:80-91, 2019.
Miranda,ACO; Marques,R; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Stress intensity factor equations for the evolution of surface and corner cracks to trough cracks. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 48:611-629, 2019.
Miranda,ACO; Antunes,MA; Alarcón,MVG; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Use of the stress gradient factor to estimate fatigue stress concentration factors Kf. Eng Fract Mech 206:250-266, 2019.
Ferreira,SE; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fatigue crack growth predictions based on damage accumulation ahead of the crack tip calculated by strip-yield procedures. Int J Fatigue, 115:89-106, 2018.
Bandeira,CFC; Kenedi,PP; Castro,JTP. On the thermographic method to measure fatigue limits. Latin American J Solids Struct 15(10):e60, 2018.
Corbani,S; Castro,JTP; Miranda,ACO; Martha,LF; Carter,BJ; Ingraffea,AR. Crack shape evolution under bending-induced partial closure. Eng Fract Mech 188:493-508, 2018.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Non-linear incremental fatigue damage calculation for multiaxial non-proportional histories. Int J Fatigue 100:502-511, 2017.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha,LF; Marques,LFN. On the estimation of multiaxial elastoplastic notch stresses and strains under in-phase proportional loadings. Int J Fatigue 100:549-562, 2017.
Ferreira,SE; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Using the strip-yield mechanics to model fatigue crack growth by damage accumulation ahead of the crack tip and by crack opening stresses behind it. Int J Fatigue 103:557-575, 2017.
Gonzales,GLG; González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Freire,JLF. A J-integral approach using digital image correlation for evaluating stress intensity factors in fatigue cracks with closure effects. Theor Appl Fract Mech 90:14-21, 2017.
Freitas,M; Reis,L; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Stress scale factor and critical plane models under multiaxial proportional loading histories. Eng Fract Mech 174:104-116, 2017.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. A two-step multiaxial racetrack filter algorithm for non proportional load histories. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 41:1-7, 2017.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Ferreira,SE. On the applicability of Miner’s rule for multiaxial fatigue life calculations under non-proportional load histories. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 41:98-105, 2017.
Ferreira,SE; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. A model to quantify fatigue crack growth by cyclic damage accumulation calculated by strip-yield procedures. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 41:129-136, 2017.
González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Gonzáles,GLG; Meggiolaro,MA; Freire,JLF. On DIC measurements of deltKeff to verify if it is the FCG driving force. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 41:227-235 2017.
Machado,VM; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. On short cracks that depart from elastoplastic notch tips. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 41:236-244, 2017.
Meggiolaro,MA; Wu,H; Castro,JTP. Non-proportional hardening models for predicting mean and peak stress evolution in multiaxial fatigue using Tanaka’s incremental plasticity concepts. Int J Fatigue 82:146-157, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. A general class of non-linear kinematic models to predict mean stress relaxation and multiaxial ratcheting in fatigue problems - Part I: Ilyushin spaces. I J Fatigue 82:158-166, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. A general class of non-linear kinematic models to predict mean stress relaxation and multiaxial ratcheting in fatigue problems - Part II: Generalized surface translation rule. Int J Fatigue 82:167-178, 2016.
Wu,H; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Validation of the multiaxial racetrack amplitude filter. Int J Fatigue 87:167-179, 2016.
Wu,H; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Computational implementation of a non-linear kinematic hardening formulation for tension-torsion multiaxial fatigue calculations. Int J Fatigue 91:304-312, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. On the use of tensor paths to estimate the non-proportionality factor of multiaxial stress or strain histories under free-surface conditions. Acta Mech 227:3087-3100, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Generalization of the moment of inertia method to estimate equivalent stress amplitudes for simplifying the analysis of arbitrary non-proportional multiaxial stress or strain histories. Acta Mech 227:3261-3273, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Góes,RCO. Elastoplastic nominal stress effects in the estimation of the notch-tip behavior in tension. Theor Appl Fract Mech 84:86-92, 2016.
Castro,JTP; Simões,DA; Menezes,IFM; Meggiolaro,MA; Martha,LF. A note on notch shape optimization to minimize stress concentration effects. Theor Appl Fract Mech 84:72-85, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Incorporation of mean/maximum stress effects in the multiaxial racetrack filter. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 38:67-75, 2016.
Wu,H; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Application of the Moment Of Inertia Method to the critical-plane approach. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 38:99-105, 2016.
Freitas,M; Reis,L; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Comparison between SSF and critical-plane models to predict fatigue lives under multiaxial proportional load histories. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 38:121-127, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha,LF; Marques,LFN. A unified rule to estimate multiaxial elastoplastic notch stresses and strains under in-phase proportional loadings. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 38:128-134, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. A multiaxial incremental fatigue damage formulation using nested damage surfaces. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 37:138-145, 2016.
Castro,JTP; Landim,RV; Meggiolaro,MA. Defect tolerance under environmentally-assisted cracking conditions. Corrosion Reviews 33:417-432, 2015.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. The moment of inertia method to calculate equivalent ranges in non-proportional tension-torsion histories. J Mater Research Technology 4(3):229-234, 2015.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. On the applicability of multi-surface, two-surface and non-linear kinematic hardening models in multiaxial fatigue. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 33:357-367, 2015.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Shortcuts in multiple dimensions: the multiaxial racetrack filter. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 33:368-375, 2015.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA; González,JAO. Can deltaKeff be assumed as the driving force for fatigue crack growth? Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 33:97-104, 2015.
Góes,RCO; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. 3D thickness effects around notch and crack tip stress/strain fields. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 33:89-96, 2015.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Computationally-efficient non-linear kinematic models to predict multiaxial stress-strain behavior under variable amplitude loading. Procedia Eng 101:285-292, 2015.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Invariant-based and critical-plane rainflow approaches for fatigue life prediction under multiaxial variable amplitude loading. Procedia Eng 101:69-76, 2015.
Castro,JTP; Landim,RV; Leite,JCC; Meggiolaro,MA. Prediction of notch sensitivity effects in fatigue and EAC. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 38:161-179, 2015.
Rodrigues,LD; Freire,JLF; Vieira,RD; Castro,JTP. Strain analysis of thin pipe pressure vessels using digital image correlation. J Mech Eng Automation 4:63-72, 2014.
Corbani,S; Martha,LF; Castro,JTP; Carter,B; Ingraffea,A. Crack front shapes and stress intensity factors in plates under a pure bending loading that induces partial closure of the crack faces. Procedia Mater Sci 3:1279-1284, 2014.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. On the tolerance to short cracks under fatigue and SCC conditions. Procedia Eng 74:242-245, 2014.
Góes,RCO; Castro,JTP; Martha,LF. 3D effects around notch and crack tips. Int J Fatigue 62:159-170, 2014.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Prediction of non-proportionality factors of multiaxial histories using the Moment Of Inertia method. Int J Fatigue 61:151-159, 2014.
Medina,JAH; Castro,JTP. Medição de deslocamentos em testes de tenacidade usando metodologia de processamento de imagens. Revista Abende 59:48-53, 2013 (artigo convidado).
Castro,JTP; Leite,JCC. Does notch sensibility exist in environmentally assisted cracking (EAC)? J Mater Research Tech 2:288-295, 2013 (invited review paper).
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Is notch sensitivity a stress analysis problem? Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 25:79-86, 2013.
Souza,RA; Castro,JTP; Lopes,AAO; Martha,LF. On improved crack tip plastic zone estimates based on T-stress and on complete stress fields. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 36(1):25-38, 2013.
• Also published in the Virtual Issue Constraint Parameters and its Effects in Fracture Mechanics compiled by the FFEMS editors.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. An improved multiaxial rainflow algorithm for non-proportional stress or strain histories - part I: enclosing surface methods. Int J Fatigue 42:217-226, 2012.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. An improved multiaxial rainflow algorithm for non-proportional stress or strain histories - part II: the modified Wang-Brown method. Int J Fatigue 42:194-206, 2012.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO; Wu,H; Imad,A; Nouredine,B. Prediction of fatigue crack initiation lives at elongated notch roots using short crack concepts. Int J Fatigue 42:172-182, 2012.
Miranda,ACO; Meggiolaro,MA; Martha,LF; Castro, JTP. Stress intensity factor predictions: comparison and round-off error. Comput Mater Sci 53:354-358, 2012.
Castro,JTP; Vieira,RD; Sousa,RA; Meggiolaro,MA; Freire,JLF. Dead load evaluation in reinforced concrete columns using released strain measurements. Exp Tech 35(3):63-70, 2011.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Automation of the fatigue design under variable amplitude loading using the ViDa software. Int J Struct Integrity 1:94-103, 2010.
Wu,H; Imad,A; Nouredine,B; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. On the prediction of the residual fatigue life of cracked structures repaired by the stop-hole method. Int J Fatigue 32:670-677, 2010.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO. Fatigue crack growth predictions based on damage accumulation calculations ahead of the crack tip. Comput Mater Sci 46(1): 115-123, 2009.
Souza,RD; Benjamin,AC; Vieira,RD; Freire,JLF; Castro,JTP. Rupture tests of pipeline segments containing long real corrosion defects. Exp Tech 31:46-51, 2007.
Freire,JLF; Vieira,RD; Castro,JTP; Benjamin,AC. Rupture tests of pipeline containing complex-shaped metal loss defects. Exp Tech 31:57-62, 2007.
Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO; Castro,JTP. Short crack threshold estimates to predict notch sensitivity factors in fatigue. Int J Fatigue 29:2022–2031, 2007.
Diniz,JLC; Vieira,RD; Castro,JTP; Benjamin,AC; Freire,JLF. Stress and strain analysis of pipelines with localized metal loss. Exp Mech 46:765-775, 2006.
Freire,JLF; Vieira,RD; Castro,JTP; Benjamin,AC. Burst test of pipeline with extensive longitudinal metal loss. Exp Tech 30:60-65, 2006.
Meniconi,LCM; Vieira,RD; Freire,JLF; Diniz,JLC; Castro,JTP. Análise do desempenho de sistemas de reparo de dutos por materiais compostos. Revista Abende 1(7):35-39, 2005 (trabalho convidado).
Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO; Castro,JTP; Martha, LF. Stress intensity factor equations for branched crack growth. Eng Fract Mech 72:2647-2671, 2005.
• 4o lugar entre os Top 25 trabalhos publicados em 2005 na EFM
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO. Singular and non-singular approaches for predicting fatigue crack growth behavior. Int J Fatigue 27(10-12):1366-1388, 2005.
Miranda,ACO; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha, LF. Crack retardation equations for the propagation of branched fatigue cracks. Int J Fatigue 27(10-12):1398-1407, 2005.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Statistical evaluation of strain-life fatigue crack initiation predictions. Int J Fatigue 26(5):463-476, 2004.
Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO; Castro,JTP; Martha, LF. Evaluation of crack growth retardation in branched fatigue cracks. Tecnologia em Metalurgia e Materiais (Revista ABM) 1(1):50-54, 2004 (trabalho convidado).
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Estatísticas de taxas de propagação de trincas de fadiga em mate-riais estruturais. Máquinas e Metais 463:176-184, 2004 (trabalho convidado).
Miranda,ACO; Meggiolaro,MA; Martha,LF; Castro, JTP; Bittencourt,TN. Prediction of fatigue life and crack path in generic 2D structural components. Eng Fract Mech 70:1259-1279, 2003.
Durán,JAR; Castro,JTP; Payão Filho,JC. Fatigue crack propagation prediction by cyclic plasticity damage accumulation models. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 26(2):137-150, 2003.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. On the dominant role of crack closure on fatigue crack growth modeling. Int J Fatigue 25(9-11):843-854, 2003.
Miranda,ACO; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha, LF. Fatigue life prediction of complex 2D components under mixed-mode variable loading. Int J Fatigue 25(9-11): 1157-1167, 2003.
Miranda,ACO; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha, LF; Bittencourt,TN. Fatigue crack propagation under complex loading in arbitrary 2D geometries. ASTM STP 1411 4:120-145, 2002.
Cremona,M; Gazola,LM; Carmo,LCS; Castro,JTP; Achete,CA. In-situ hard coatings strain measurements using a commercial strain gage device. Thin Solid Films 377:436-440, 2000.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fatigue Design Techniques volume 1: High-Cycle Fatigue. ISBN 1530795427, 460 pages, CreateSpace (Scotts Valley, CA, 95066, USA) 2016.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fatigue Design Techniques v.2: Low-Cycle and Multiaxial Fatigue. ISBN 1530797047, 598 pages, CreateSpace 2016.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fatigue Design Techniques v.3: Crack Propagation, Temperature and Statistical Effects. ISBN 1530797365, 666 pages, CreateSpace 2016.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fadiga - Técnicas e Práticas de Dimensionamento Estrutural sob Cargas Reais de Serviço v.1: Iniciação de Trincas. ISBN 1449514693, 494 páginas, CreateSpace 2009.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fadiga - Técnicas e Práticas de Dimensionamento Estrutural sob Cargas Reais de Serviço v.2: Propagação de Trincas, Efeitos Térmicos e Estocásticos. ISBN 1449514707, 578 páginas, CreateSpace 2009.
Landim,RV; Castro,JTP; Altoé,GR; Meggiolaro,MA; Velasco,JAC. Notch sensitivity and short cracks tolerance in a super 13Cr stainless steel under sulfide stress corrosion cracking conditions. Corrosion Reviews 41(1):57-71, 2023.
Liu,M; Miranda,ACO; Antunes,MA; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Plastic stress concentration effects in fatigue strength. International Journal of Fatigue 168:107394, 2023.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Probabilistic stress and strain-life fatigue crack initiation mod-els with mean stress effects and life-dependent scatter considering runouts. International Journal of Fatigue 167:107315, 2023.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. An improved strain-life model based on the Walker equation to describe tensile and compressive mean stress effects. International Journal of Fatigue 161: 106905, 2022.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. A deviatoric tensile-based critical plane model to predict peak/ mean normal stress effects in multiaxial fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue 155:106615, 2022
Vignoli,LL; Castro,JTP. A parametric study of stress concentration issues in unidirectional laminates. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 28(15):1554-1569, 2021.
Ribeiro,JGT; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Modeling concrete and polymer creep using fractional calculus. Journal of Materials Research and Technology 12:1184-1193, 2021.
Ribeiro,JGT; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. An algorithm to minimize errors in displacement measurements via double integration of noisy acceleration signals. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 43(8):385, 2021.
Martins,GCP; Bandeira,CFC; Lima,GW; Castro,JTP. Fatigue Limit Evaluations of Al 6351-T6 by Thermographic and εN Methods. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 43:11, 2021.
González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Gonzáles,GLG; Meggiolaro,MA; Freire,JLF. Challenging the “ΔKeff is the driving force for fatigue crack growth” hypothesis. International Journal of Fa-tigue 136:105577, 2020.
Gonzáles,GLG; González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Freire,JLF. Measuring elastoplastic strain loops in the near crack-tip region using a Stereo Microscope DIC system. International Journal of Fatigue 133:105427, 2020.
Marques,LFN; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha,LF. Elastoplastic 3D analysis of plastic zone size dependencies on load to yield strength and on crack size to width ratios under mixed-mode KI-KII. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 107:102490, 2020.
Bandeira,CFC; Castro,JTP; Pradelle,F; Kenedi,PP. Sensitivity analysis of load frequency and block cycles on the fatigue limit measurement by thermographic method. Procedia Structural Integrity 28:1969-1974, 2020.
Ribeiro,JGT; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Parameters adjustment for optimizing signal integration using the FFT-DDI method. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42(2):104, 2020.
Vignoli,LL; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Stress concentration issues in unidirectional laminates. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 41:462, 2019.
González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Gonzáles,GLG; Meggiolaro,MA; Freire,JLF. Verification of the ΔKeff hypothesis along the fatigue crack path in thin and thick Al specimens. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 49:26-35, 2019.
Gonzáles,GLG; González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Freire,JLF. Using DIC techniques to measure strain ranges inside the cyclic plastic zone ahead of a fatigue crack tip. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 49:74-81, 2019.
Ferreira,SE; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO. Crack closure effects on fatigue damage ahead of crack tips. Int J Fatigue 125:187-198, 2019.
Marques,LFN; Cota,EE; Castro,JTP; Martha,LF; Meggiolaro,MA. On the estimation of the elastoplastic work needed to initiate crack tearing. Theor Appl Fract Mech 101:80-91, 2019.
Miranda,ACO; Marques,R; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Stress intensity factor equations for the evolution of surface and corner cracks to trough cracks. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 48:611-629, 2019.
Miranda,ACO; Antunes,MA; Alarcón,MVG; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Use of the stress gradient factor to estimate fatigue stress concentration factors Kf. Eng Fract Mech 206:250-266, 2019.
Ferreira,SE; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Fatigue crack growth predictions based on damage accumulation ahead of the crack tip calculated by strip-yield procedures. Int J Fatigue, 115:89-106, 2018.
Bandeira,CFC; Kenedi,PP; Castro,JTP. On the thermographic method to measure fatigue limits. Latin American J Solids Struct 15(10):e60, 2018.
Corbani,S; Castro,JTP; Miranda,ACO; Martha,LF; Carter,BJ; Ingraffea,AR. Crack shape evolution under bending-induced partial closure. Eng Fract Mech 188:493-508, 2018.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Non-linear incremental fatigue damage calculation for multiaxial non-proportional histories. Int J Fatigue 100:502-511, 2017.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha,LF; Marques,LFN. On the estimation of multiaxial elastoplastic notch stresses and strains under in-phase proportional loadings. Int J Fatigue 100:549-562, 2017.
Ferreira,SE; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Using the strip-yield mechanics to model fatigue crack growth by damage accumulation ahead of the crack tip and by crack opening stresses behind it. Int J Fatigue 103:557-575, 2017.
Gonzales,GLG; González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Freire,JLF. A J-integral approach using digital image correlation for evaluating stress intensity factors in fatigue cracks with closure effects. Theor Appl Fract Mech 90:14-21, 2017.
Freitas,M; Reis,L; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Stress scale factor and critical plane models under multiaxial proportional loading histories. Eng Fract Mech 174:104-116, 2017.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. A two-step multiaxial racetrack filter algorithm for non proportional load histories. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 41:1-7, 2017.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Ferreira,SE. On the applicability of Miner’s rule for multiaxial fatigue life calculations under non-proportional load histories. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 41:98-105, 2017.
Ferreira,SE; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. A model to quantify fatigue crack growth by cyclic damage accumulation calculated by strip-yield procedures. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 41:129-136, 2017.
González,JAO; Castro,JTP; Gonzáles,GLG; Meggiolaro,MA; Freire,JLF. On DIC measurements of deltKeff to verify if it is the FCG driving force. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 41:227-235 2017.
Machado,VM; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. On short cracks that depart from elastoplastic notch tips. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 41:236-244, 2017.
Meggiolaro,MA; Wu,H; Castro,JTP. Non-proportional hardening models for predicting mean and peak stress evolution in multiaxial fatigue using Tanaka’s incremental plasticity concepts. Int J Fatigue 82:146-157, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. A general class of non-linear kinematic models to predict mean stress relaxation and multiaxial ratcheting in fatigue problems - Part I: Ilyushin spaces. I J Fatigue 82:158-166, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. A general class of non-linear kinematic models to predict mean stress relaxation and multiaxial ratcheting in fatigue problems - Part II: Generalized surface translation rule. Int J Fatigue 82:167-178, 2016.
Wu,H; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Validation of the multiaxial racetrack amplitude filter. Int J Fatigue 87:167-179, 2016.
Wu,H; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Computational implementation of a non-linear kinematic hardening formulation for tension-torsion multiaxial fatigue calculations. Int J Fatigue 91:304-312, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. On the use of tensor paths to estimate the non-proportionality factor of multiaxial stress or strain histories under free-surface conditions. Acta Mech 227:3087-3100, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Generalization of the moment of inertia method to estimate equivalent stress amplitudes for simplifying the analysis of arbitrary non-proportional multiaxial stress or strain histories. Acta Mech 227:3261-3273, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Góes,RCO. Elastoplastic nominal stress effects in the estimation of the notch-tip behavior in tension. Theor Appl Fract Mech 84:86-92, 2016.
Castro,JTP; Simões,DA; Menezes,IFM; Meggiolaro,MA; Martha,LF. A note on notch shape optimization to minimize stress concentration effects. Theor Appl Fract Mech 84:72-85, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Incorporation of mean/maximum stress effects in the multiaxial racetrack filter. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 38:67-75, 2016.
Wu,H; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Application of the Moment Of Inertia Method to the critical-plane approach. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 38:99-105, 2016.
Freitas,M; Reis,L; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Comparison between SSF and critical-plane models to predict fatigue lives under multiaxial proportional load histories. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 38:121-127, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha,LF; Marques,LFN. A unified rule to estimate multiaxial elastoplastic notch stresses and strains under in-phase proportional loadings. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 38:128-134, 2016.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. A multiaxial incremental fatigue damage formulation using nested damage surfaces. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 37:138-145, 2016.
Castro,JTP; Landim,RV; Meggiolaro,MA. Defect tolerance under environmentally-assisted cracking conditions. Corrosion Reviews 33:417-432, 2015.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. The moment of inertia method to calculate equivalent ranges in non-proportional tension-torsion histories. J Mater Research Technology 4(3):229-234, 2015.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. On the applicability of multi-surface, two-surface and non-linear kinematic hardening models in multiaxial fatigue. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 33:357-367, 2015.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Shortcuts in multiple dimensions: the multiaxial racetrack filter. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 33:368-375, 2015.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA; González,JAO. Can deltaKeff be assumed as the driving force for fatigue crack growth? Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 33:97-104, 2015.
Góes,RCO; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. 3D thickness effects around notch and crack tip stress/strain fields. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 33:89-96, 2015.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Computationally-efficient non-linear kinematic models to predict multiaxial stress-strain behavior under variable amplitude loading. Procedia Eng 101:285-292, 2015.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Wu,H. Invariant-based and critical-plane rainflow approaches for fatigue life prediction under multiaxial variable amplitude loading. Procedia Eng 101:69-76, 2015.
Castro,JTP; Landim,RV; Leite,JCC; Meggiolaro,MA. Prediction of notch sensitivity effects in fatigue and EAC. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 38:161-179, 2015.
Rodrigues,LD; Freire,JLF; Vieira,RD; Castro,JTP. Strain analysis of thin pipe pressure vessels using digital image correlation. J Mech Eng Automation 4:63-72, 2014.
Corbani,S; Martha,LF; Castro,JTP; Carter,B; Ingraffea,A. Crack front shapes and stress intensity factors in plates under a pure bending loading that induces partial closure of the crack faces. Procedia Mater Sci 3:1279-1284, 2014.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. On the tolerance to short cracks under fatigue and SCC conditions. Procedia Eng 74:242-245, 2014.
Góes,RCO; Castro,JTP; Martha,LF. 3D effects around notch and crack tips. Int J Fatigue 62:159-170, 2014.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Prediction of non-proportionality factors of multiaxial histories using the Moment Of Inertia method. Int J Fatigue 61:151-159, 2014.
Medina,JAH; Castro,JTP. Medição de deslocamentos em testes de tenacidade usando metodologia de processamento de imagens. Revista Abende 59:48-53, 2013 (artigo convidado).
Castro,JTP; Leite,JCC. Does notch sensibility exist in environmentally assisted cracking (EAC)? J Mater Research Tech 2:288-295, 2013 (invited review paper).
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Is notch sensitivity a stress analysis problem? Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 25:79-86, 2013.
Souza,RA; Castro,JTP; Lopes,AAO; Martha,LF. On improved crack tip plastic zone estimates based on T-stress and on complete stress fields. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 36(1):25-38, 2013.
• Also published in the Virtual Issue Constraint Parameters and its Effects in Fracture Mechanics compiled by the FFEMS editors.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. An improved multiaxial rainflow algorithm for non-proportional stress or strain histories - part I: enclosing surface methods. Int J Fatigue 42:217-226, 2012.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. An improved multiaxial rainflow algorithm for non-proportional stress or strain histories - part II: the modified Wang-Brown method. Int J Fatigue 42:194-206, 2012.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO; Wu,H; Imad,A; Nouredine,B. Prediction of fatigue crack initiation lives at elongated notch roots using short crack concepts. Int J Fatigue 42:172-182, 2012.
Miranda,ACO; Meggiolaro,MA; Martha,LF; Castro, JTP. Stress intensity factor predictions: comparison and round-off error. Comput Mater Sci 53:354-358, 2012.
Castro,JTP; Vieira,RD; Sousa,RA; Meggiolaro,MA; Freire,JLF. Dead load evaluation in reinforced concrete columns using released strain measurements. Exp Tech 35(3):63-70, 2011.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Automation of the fatigue design under variable amplitude loading using the ViDa software. Int J Struct Integrity 1:94-103, 2010.
Wu,H; Imad,A; Nouredine,B; Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. On the prediction of the residual fatigue life of cracked structures repaired by the stop-hole method. Int J Fatigue 32:670-677, 2010.
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO. Fatigue crack growth predictions based on damage accumulation calculations ahead of the crack tip. Comput Mater Sci 46(1): 115-123, 2009.
Souza,RD; Benjamin,AC; Vieira,RD; Freire,JLF; Castro,JTP. Rupture tests of pipeline segments containing long real corrosion defects. Exp Tech 31:46-51, 2007.
Freire,JLF; Vieira,RD; Castro,JTP; Benjamin,AC. Rupture tests of pipeline containing complex-shaped metal loss defects. Exp Tech 31:57-62, 2007.
Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO; Castro,JTP. Short crack threshold estimates to predict notch sensitivity factors in fatigue. Int J Fatigue 29:2022–2031, 2007.
Diniz,JLC; Vieira,RD; Castro,JTP; Benjamin,AC; Freire,JLF. Stress and strain analysis of pipelines with localized metal loss. Exp Mech 46:765-775, 2006.
Freire,JLF; Vieira,RD; Castro,JTP; Benjamin,AC. Burst test of pipeline with extensive longitudinal metal loss. Exp Tech 30:60-65, 2006.
Meniconi,LCM; Vieira,RD; Freire,JLF; Diniz,JLC; Castro,JTP. Análise do desempenho de sistemas de reparo de dutos por materiais compostos. Revista Abende 1(7):35-39, 2005 (trabalho convidado).
Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO; Castro,JTP; Martha, LF. Stress intensity factor equations for branched crack growth. Eng Fract Mech 72:2647-2671, 2005.
• 4o lugar entre os Top 25 trabalhos publicados em 2005 na EFM
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO. Singular and non-singular approaches for predicting fatigue crack growth behavior. Int J Fatigue 27(10-12):1366-1388, 2005.
Miranda,ACO; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha, LF. Crack retardation equations for the propagation of branched fatigue cracks. Int J Fatigue 27(10-12):1398-1407, 2005.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. Statistical evaluation of strain-life fatigue crack initiation predictions. Int J Fatigue 26(5):463-476, 2004.
Meggiolaro,MA; Miranda,ACO; Castro,JTP; Martha, LF. Evaluation of crack growth retardation in branched fatigue cracks. Tecnologia em Metalurgia e Materiais (Revista ABM) 1(1):50-54, 2004 (trabalho convidado).
Castro,JTP; Meggiolaro,MA. Estatísticas de taxas de propagação de trincas de fadiga em mate-riais estruturais. Máquinas e Metais 463:176-184, 2004 (trabalho convidado).
Miranda,ACO; Meggiolaro,MA; Martha,LF; Castro, JTP; Bittencourt,TN. Prediction of fatigue life and crack path in generic 2D structural components. Eng Fract Mech 70:1259-1279, 2003.
Durán,JAR; Castro,JTP; Payão Filho,JC. Fatigue crack propagation prediction by cyclic plasticity damage accumulation models. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct 26(2):137-150, 2003.
Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP. On the dominant role of crack closure on fatigue crack growth modeling. Int J Fatigue 25(9-11):843-854, 2003.
Miranda,ACO; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha, LF. Fatigue life prediction of complex 2D components under mixed-mode variable loading. Int J Fatigue 25(9-11): 1157-1167, 2003.
Miranda,ACO; Meggiolaro,MA; Castro,JTP; Martha, LF; Bittencourt,TN. Fatigue crack propagation under complex loading in arbitrary 2D geometries. ASTM STP 1411 4:120-145, 2002.
Cremona,M; Gazola,LM; Carmo,LCS; Castro,JTP; Achete,CA. In-situ hard coatings strain measurements using a commercial strain gage device. Thin Solid Films 377:436-440, 2000.