Arthur Martins Barbosa Braga
Categoria: Quadro Permanente e Colaboradores
Sala: 101L
Telefone: 3527-1181
Nome em Publicações: Arthur M. B. Braga
Currículo Lattes:
Categoria: Quadro Permanente e Colaboradores
Sala: 101L
Telefone: 3527-1181
Nome em Publicações: Arthur M. B. Braga
Currículo Lattes:
Possui graduação em Engenharia Mecânica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (1982), mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (1985) e doutorado em Engenharia Mecânica pela Stanford University (1990).
Área de Concentração
Linhas de Pesquisa
Área de Interesse
Tem experiência nas áreas de Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia de Petróleo, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: sensores a fibra óptica, materiais e estruturas inteligentes, engenharia de dutos, completação inteligente e aplicações industriais de lasers de alta potência. É fundador de cinco empresas de base tecnológica derivadas da PUC-Rio.
2020 - Atual - Dissociador de hidrato a LASER de alta potência (Financiador; Petrogal Brasil)
2019 - 2022 - Ferramenta de Perfilagem Acústica pela Coluna de Produção para Avaliação da Qualidade do Cimento em Poços com Múltiplos Revestimentos (Financiador; Repsol Sinopec Brasil)
2019 - 2022 - Ferramenta de Perfilagem Acústica pela Coluna de Produção para Avaliação da Qualidade do Cimento em Poços com Múltiplos Revestimentos (Financiador; Repsol Sinopec Brasil)
Últimas Publicações
1. Luis Paulo Brasil de Souza, Juan Andrés Santisteban Hidalgo, Tiago de Magalhães Correia, Isabel Giron Camerini, Guilherme Rezende Bessa Ferreira, Antônio de Souza Rodrigues, Alan Conci Kubrusly, and Arthur Martins Barbosa Braga, "Acoustic wave propagation in oil wells: A comparison between semi-analytical and finite element modeling approaches," Wave Motion, Volume 134, 2025, 103487, ISSN 0165-2125,
2. Camerini IG, de Souza LPB, Gouvea PMP, Braga AMB. Mechanical Strain, Temperature, and Misalignment Effects on Data Communication between Piezoceramic Ultrasonic Transducers. Sensors. 2024; 24(17):5561.
3. Prada Parra D, Ferreira GRB, Díaz JG, Gheorghe de Castro Ribeiro M, Braga AMB. Supervised Machine Learning Models for Mechanical Properties Prediction in Additively Manufactured Composites. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(16):7009.
4. Correia, T.M., de Souza, L.P.B., Ferreira, G.R.B., Camerini, I.G., Hidalgo, J. A.S., Rodrigues, A.S., Braga, A.M.B., Ayala, H.V.H., Kubrusly, A.C., and Soares, L.N.A.C., “HOG-CNN based evaluation of cement integrity using 2D dispersion curves from an experimental through tubing logging setup,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024. doi:
5. Díaz-Rodríguez, J.G., Pertúz-Comas, A.D., Bohórquez-Becerra, O.R., Braga, A.M.B., and Prada-Parra, D., “Plastic Zone Radius Criteria for Crack Propagation Angle Evaluated with Experimentally Obtained Displacement Fields,” Buildings, v. 14, p. 495, 2024. doi:
6. Fernandes, F.B., Gildin, E., Braga, A.M.B., and Soares, A.C., “Asymptotic-Poroelastic Model for Reservoir Compaction Damage Management in Fractured Oil Wells with Stress-Dependent Permeability,” Transport in Porous Media, v. 151, p. 1261–1293, 2024. doi:
7. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., Gildin, E., Soares, A.C., “Asymptotic-Convolution Model for Compaction Damage Evaluation in Depletion-Dependent Oil Reservoirs During Alternating Drawdown/Buildup Cycles,” Transport in Porous Media, v. 152, 2024. doi:
8. Fernandes, F.B., and Braga, A.M.B., “Pores collapse hysteresis damage evaluation in depletion-dependent oil reservoirs using an asymptotic-integro-differential perturbation method,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, Volume 232, Part A, 2024, 212353. doi:
9. Sawaguchi, R.N.A.M., Noel, F.G., Oliveira, F.C.G., Braga, A.M.B., Fernandes, M.A.S., Santos, D.S., and Kirnbauer, F. “Development of an Electrically Actuated Inflow Control Valve for the Brazilian Pre-Salt Wells: A Reliability Approach, Challenges and Outcomes,” Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 2024, doi:
10. Correia, T.M., Camerini, I.G., Hidalgo, J.A.S., Ferreira, G.R.B., de Souza, L.P.B., Rodrigues, A.S., Penatti, J.R.R., Braga, A.M.B., and Almeida, R.V., “AI-Based Cement Bond Quality Assessment: A First Step for Optimizing P&A Design,” Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 2024. doi:
11. Fernandes, F. B., Braga, A. M. B., Duarte, M. C., and E. Gildin. "Reservoir Compaction Damage Evaluation in Hydraulically Fractured Oil Wells Incorporating Geomechanics." Paper presented at the 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, USA, June 2024. doi:
12. Duarte, M. C., Fernandes, F. B., Gildin, E., and A. M. B. Braga. "Application of a Modified Warpinski Method for In-Situ Horizontal Stress Prediction Coupled with Thermal Effects." Paper presented at the 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, USA, June 2024. doi:
13. Fernandes, F. B., Gildin, E., Braga, A. M. B., and M. C. Duarte. "Log-Log Analysis for Compaction Damage Evaluation Caused by Pores Collapse in Depletion-Dependent Oil Reservoirs." Paper presented at the 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, USA, June 2024. doi:
1. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., De Souza, A.L.S., and Soares, A.C., “Mechanical formation damage control in permeability Biot’s effective stress-sensitive oil reservoirs with source/sink term,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 220, p. 111180, 2023. doi:
2. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., De Souza, A.L.S., and Soares, A.C., “Analytical model to effective permeability loss monitoring in hydraulically fractured oil wells in pressure-sensitive reservoirs,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 221, p. 111248, 2023. doi:
3. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., De Souza, A.L.S., and Soares, A.C., “Mechanical formation damage management and sealed boundaries identification in pressure-sensitive oil reservoirs with source effects,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 222, p. 211332, 2023. doi:
4. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., De Souza, A.L.S., and Soares, A.C., “Mechanical formation damage management in oil wells with finite extent hydraulic fractures and source effects using an asymptotic-perturbation method,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 224, p. 211586, 2023. doi:
5. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., De Souza, A.L.S., and Soares, A.C., “Analytical Solution of the Nonlinear Hydraulic Diffusivity Equation with Depletion-Dependent Permeability in Oil Wells Near Sealing Faults,” Transport in Porous Media, v. 147, p. 12, 2023. doi:
6. Pereira, R. B., Braga, A.M.B., and Kubrusly, A.C., “Ultrasonic Energy and Data Transfer through a Metal/Liquid Multi-Layer Channel Enhanced by Automatic Gain and Carrier Control,” Sensors, v. 23, p. 4697, 2023. doi:
7. Fernandes, F.B., and Braga, A.M.B., “Poroelastic-Flow Model for Permeability Loss Management in Biot’s Stress-Sensitive Oil Reservoirs with Finite Extent Hydraulic Fractures During Well-Reservoir Drawdown,” SPE Production & Operations, v. 39, p. 1-24, 2023. doi:
8. de Castro Ribeiro, M.G., Ferreira, G.R.B., Parente, L.E.R., Batista, J.H.G., Kubrusly, A.C., Ayala, H.V.H, and Braga, A.M.B., “Machine learning-based evaluation of eccentricity and acoustic impedance in oil well using VDL data,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 232, p. 212288, 2023. doi:
9. de Souza, L.P.B., Parra, Prada-Parra, D., Raiol, J.A.F.; Braga, A.M.B., and Rodrigues, L.D., “Control of a mechanism for the application of variable axial loads in a multiaxial fatigue testing machine,” Materia-Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, p. e20230180, 2023. doi:
10. Pereira, J.M.B.; Gouvea, P.M.P., Braga, A.M.B., Carvalho, I.C.S., and Bruno, A.C., “Fabry-Perot Cavity Optimization for Absolute Strain Sensing Using Finite Element Analysis,” Sensors, v. 23, p. 8785, 2023. doi:
11. Fernandes, F.B., and Braga, Arthur M.B., “Pores collapse hysteresis damage evaluation in depletion-dependent oil reservoirs using an asymptotic-perturbation method,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 232, p. 212353, 2023. doi:
12. de Souza, L.P.B., Ferreira, G.R.B., Camerini, I.G., Correia, T.M., de Castro Ribeiro, M.G., Hidalgo, J.A.S, de São João, B.L.D, Llerena, R.W.A., Kubrusly, A.C., Ayala, H.V.H., Braga, A.M.B., and Batista, J.H.G., “Machine learning-based cement integrity evaluation with a through-tubing logging experimental setup,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 228, p. 211882, 2023. doi:
13. Prada-Parra, D., de Sousa, B.G., de Faria, G.V., Gouvea, P.M.P., Moura, L.F. N., Temporão, G.P., Gonçalves, R.T., Sola, A.B., Medeiros, K.A.R., Panta, P.E.G., Ribeiro, M.L.P., Ribeiro, N.B., and Braga, A.M.B., “Simulations and Experimental Results for a High-Power Laser Tool to Dissociate Hydrate on Oil and Gas Production Equipment in Deep Water,” In: Offshore Technology Conference, 2023, Houston. Day 4 Thu, May 04, 2023, 2023. doi:
14. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., Gandra-Percy, J., and Claudio, A.C., “Unsteady-State Mechanical Formation Damage Modeling in Pressure-Sensitive Oil Reservoirs Near No-Flow Boundaries Using a Coupled-Integro-Differential-Perturbation Method,” In: Offshore Technology Conference, 2023, Houston. Day 2 Tue, May 02, 2023, 2023.
15. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A. M. B., Souza, A. L. S., and Soares, A. C., “Pressure Transient Analysis for Wellbore Mechanical Formation Damage Control Near No-Flow Boundaries Using an Asymptotic-Perturbation Method,” In: 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2023, Atlanta. 2023. doi:
16. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A. M. B., de Souza, A. L. S., and Soares, A. C., “Geomechanical-Integro-Differential Solution for Biot's Effective Stress-Sensitive Permeability Monitoring During the Well-Reservoir Drawdown,” In: 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2023, Atlanta. 2023. doi:
17. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., de Souza, A.L.S., Soares, A.C., and Rezende, F.H.G., “Coupled Geomechanical-Flow Modeling for Pressure Transient Analysis and Permeability Loss Management in Biot's Stress Sensitive Fractured Oil Wells,” In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Day 2 Wed, October 25, 2023. doi:
18. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., Soares, A.C., and Rezende, F.H.G., “Perturbative-Integro-Differential Solution for the Nonlinear Hydraulic Diffusivity Equation for Compaction Damage Management in Poroelastic Stress-Sensitive Oil Reservoirs,” In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Day 2 Wed, October 25, 2023. doi:
19. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., Soares, A.C., and Rezende, F.H.G., “Perturbative-Integro-Differential Solution for Permeability Hysteresis Modeling with Transient Compaction Effects Caused by Pores Collapse and Reservoir Depletion,” In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Day 2 Wed, October 25, 2023. doi:
20. Coelho, G.N., Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., Soares, A.C., and Rezende, F.H.G., “A New Delta-Transient Method for Real-Time Permeability and Skin Prediction in Multi-Layered Oil Reservoirs Near Sealed Zones,” In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Day 2 Wed, October 25, 2023. doi:
21. Marins, D.B., Lavor, B.V.A., Sesini, P.A., Ayala, H.V.H., and Braga, A.M.B., “Evaluation of the nominal thickness of pipelines using neural networks through the dispersion curves drawn with the SAFE method,” In: Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2023, Salvador. Anais do XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2023. doi:
1. Luis Paulo Brasil de Souza, Juan Andrés Santisteban Hidalgo, Tiago de Magalhães Correia, Isabel Giron Camerini, Guilherme Rezende Bessa Ferreira, Antônio de Souza Rodrigues, Alan Conci Kubrusly, and Arthur Martins Barbosa Braga, "Acoustic wave propagation in oil wells: A comparison between semi-analytical and finite element modeling approaches," Wave Motion, Volume 134, 2025, 103487, ISSN 0165-2125,
2. Camerini IG, de Souza LPB, Gouvea PMP, Braga AMB. Mechanical Strain, Temperature, and Misalignment Effects on Data Communication between Piezoceramic Ultrasonic Transducers. Sensors. 2024; 24(17):5561.
3. Prada Parra D, Ferreira GRB, Díaz JG, Gheorghe de Castro Ribeiro M, Braga AMB. Supervised Machine Learning Models for Mechanical Properties Prediction in Additively Manufactured Composites. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(16):7009.
4. Correia, T.M., de Souza, L.P.B., Ferreira, G.R.B., Camerini, I.G., Hidalgo, J. A.S., Rodrigues, A.S., Braga, A.M.B., Ayala, H.V.H., Kubrusly, A.C., and Soares, L.N.A.C., “HOG-CNN based evaluation of cement integrity using 2D dispersion curves from an experimental through tubing logging setup,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024. doi:
5. Díaz-Rodríguez, J.G., Pertúz-Comas, A.D., Bohórquez-Becerra, O.R., Braga, A.M.B., and Prada-Parra, D., “Plastic Zone Radius Criteria for Crack Propagation Angle Evaluated with Experimentally Obtained Displacement Fields,” Buildings, v. 14, p. 495, 2024. doi:
6. Fernandes, F.B., Gildin, E., Braga, A.M.B., and Soares, A.C., “Asymptotic-Poroelastic Model for Reservoir Compaction Damage Management in Fractured Oil Wells with Stress-Dependent Permeability,” Transport in Porous Media, v. 151, p. 1261–1293, 2024. doi:
7. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., Gildin, E., Soares, A.C., “Asymptotic-Convolution Model for Compaction Damage Evaluation in Depletion-Dependent Oil Reservoirs During Alternating Drawdown/Buildup Cycles,” Transport in Porous Media, v. 152, 2024. doi:
8. Fernandes, F.B., and Braga, A.M.B., “Pores collapse hysteresis damage evaluation in depletion-dependent oil reservoirs using an asymptotic-integro-differential perturbation method,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, Volume 232, Part A, 2024, 212353. doi:
9. Sawaguchi, R.N.A.M., Noel, F.G., Oliveira, F.C.G., Braga, A.M.B., Fernandes, M.A.S., Santos, D.S., and Kirnbauer, F. “Development of an Electrically Actuated Inflow Control Valve for the Brazilian Pre-Salt Wells: A Reliability Approach, Challenges and Outcomes,” Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 2024, doi:
10. Correia, T.M., Camerini, I.G., Hidalgo, J.A.S., Ferreira, G.R.B., de Souza, L.P.B., Rodrigues, A.S., Penatti, J.R.R., Braga, A.M.B., and Almeida, R.V., “AI-Based Cement Bond Quality Assessment: A First Step for Optimizing P&A Design,” Paper presented at the Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, May 2024. doi:
11. Fernandes, F. B., Braga, A. M. B., Duarte, M. C., and E. Gildin. "Reservoir Compaction Damage Evaluation in Hydraulically Fractured Oil Wells Incorporating Geomechanics." Paper presented at the 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, USA, June 2024. doi:
12. Duarte, M. C., Fernandes, F. B., Gildin, E., and A. M. B. Braga. "Application of a Modified Warpinski Method for In-Situ Horizontal Stress Prediction Coupled with Thermal Effects." Paper presented at the 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, USA, June 2024. doi:
13. Fernandes, F. B., Gildin, E., Braga, A. M. B., and M. C. Duarte. "Log-Log Analysis for Compaction Damage Evaluation Caused by Pores Collapse in Depletion-Dependent Oil Reservoirs." Paper presented at the 58th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Golden, Colorado, USA, June 2024. doi:
1. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., De Souza, A.L.S., and Soares, A.C., “Mechanical formation damage control in permeability Biot’s effective stress-sensitive oil reservoirs with source/sink term,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 220, p. 111180, 2023. doi:
2. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., De Souza, A.L.S., and Soares, A.C., “Analytical model to effective permeability loss monitoring in hydraulically fractured oil wells in pressure-sensitive reservoirs,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 221, p. 111248, 2023. doi:
3. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., De Souza, A.L.S., and Soares, A.C., “Mechanical formation damage management and sealed boundaries identification in pressure-sensitive oil reservoirs with source effects,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 222, p. 211332, 2023. doi:
4. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., De Souza, A.L.S., and Soares, A.C., “Mechanical formation damage management in oil wells with finite extent hydraulic fractures and source effects using an asymptotic-perturbation method,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 224, p. 211586, 2023. doi:
5. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., De Souza, A.L.S., and Soares, A.C., “Analytical Solution of the Nonlinear Hydraulic Diffusivity Equation with Depletion-Dependent Permeability in Oil Wells Near Sealing Faults,” Transport in Porous Media, v. 147, p. 12, 2023. doi:
6. Pereira, R. B., Braga, A.M.B., and Kubrusly, A.C., “Ultrasonic Energy and Data Transfer through a Metal/Liquid Multi-Layer Channel Enhanced by Automatic Gain and Carrier Control,” Sensors, v. 23, p. 4697, 2023. doi:
7. Fernandes, F.B., and Braga, A.M.B., “Poroelastic-Flow Model for Permeability Loss Management in Biot’s Stress-Sensitive Oil Reservoirs with Finite Extent Hydraulic Fractures During Well-Reservoir Drawdown,” SPE Production & Operations, v. 39, p. 1-24, 2023. doi:
8. de Castro Ribeiro, M.G., Ferreira, G.R.B., Parente, L.E.R., Batista, J.H.G., Kubrusly, A.C., Ayala, H.V.H, and Braga, A.M.B., “Machine learning-based evaluation of eccentricity and acoustic impedance in oil well using VDL data,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 232, p. 212288, 2023. doi:
9. de Souza, L.P.B., Parra, Prada-Parra, D., Raiol, J.A.F.; Braga, A.M.B., and Rodrigues, L.D., “Control of a mechanism for the application of variable axial loads in a multiaxial fatigue testing machine,” Materia-Rio de Janeiro, v. 28, p. e20230180, 2023. doi:
10. Pereira, J.M.B.; Gouvea, P.M.P., Braga, A.M.B., Carvalho, I.C.S., and Bruno, A.C., “Fabry-Perot Cavity Optimization for Absolute Strain Sensing Using Finite Element Analysis,” Sensors, v. 23, p. 8785, 2023. doi:
11. Fernandes, F.B., and Braga, Arthur M.B., “Pores collapse hysteresis damage evaluation in depletion-dependent oil reservoirs using an asymptotic-perturbation method,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 232, p. 212353, 2023. doi:
12. de Souza, L.P.B., Ferreira, G.R.B., Camerini, I.G., Correia, T.M., de Castro Ribeiro, M.G., Hidalgo, J.A.S, de São João, B.L.D, Llerena, R.W.A., Kubrusly, A.C., Ayala, H.V.H., Braga, A.M.B., and Batista, J.H.G., “Machine learning-based cement integrity evaluation with a through-tubing logging experimental setup,” Geoenergy Science and Engineering, v. 228, p. 211882, 2023. doi:
13. Prada-Parra, D., de Sousa, B.G., de Faria, G.V., Gouvea, P.M.P., Moura, L.F. N., Temporão, G.P., Gonçalves, R.T., Sola, A.B., Medeiros, K.A.R., Panta, P.E.G., Ribeiro, M.L.P., Ribeiro, N.B., and Braga, A.M.B., “Simulations and Experimental Results for a High-Power Laser Tool to Dissociate Hydrate on Oil and Gas Production Equipment in Deep Water,” In: Offshore Technology Conference, 2023, Houston. Day 4 Thu, May 04, 2023, 2023. doi:
14. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., Gandra-Percy, J., and Claudio, A.C., “Unsteady-State Mechanical Formation Damage Modeling in Pressure-Sensitive Oil Reservoirs Near No-Flow Boundaries Using a Coupled-Integro-Differential-Perturbation Method,” In: Offshore Technology Conference, 2023, Houston. Day 2 Tue, May 02, 2023, 2023.
15. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A. M. B., Souza, A. L. S., and Soares, A. C., “Pressure Transient Analysis for Wellbore Mechanical Formation Damage Control Near No-Flow Boundaries Using an Asymptotic-Perturbation Method,” In: 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2023, Atlanta. 2023. doi:
16. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A. M. B., de Souza, A. L. S., and Soares, A. C., “Geomechanical-Integro-Differential Solution for Biot's Effective Stress-Sensitive Permeability Monitoring During the Well-Reservoir Drawdown,” In: 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 2023, Atlanta. 2023. doi:
17. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., de Souza, A.L.S., Soares, A.C., and Rezende, F.H.G., “Coupled Geomechanical-Flow Modeling for Pressure Transient Analysis and Permeability Loss Management in Biot's Stress Sensitive Fractured Oil Wells,” In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Day 2 Wed, October 25, 2023. doi:
18. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., Soares, A.C., and Rezende, F.H.G., “Perturbative-Integro-Differential Solution for the Nonlinear Hydraulic Diffusivity Equation for Compaction Damage Management in Poroelastic Stress-Sensitive Oil Reservoirs,” In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Day 2 Wed, October 25, 2023. doi:
19. Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., Soares, A.C., and Rezende, F.H.G., “Perturbative-Integro-Differential Solution for Permeability Hysteresis Modeling with Transient Compaction Effects Caused by Pores Collapse and Reservoir Depletion,” In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Day 2 Wed, October 25, 2023. doi:
20. Coelho, G.N., Fernandes, F.B., Braga, A.M.B., Soares, A.C., and Rezende, F.H.G., “A New Delta-Transient Method for Real-Time Permeability and Skin Prediction in Multi-Layered Oil Reservoirs Near Sealed Zones,” In: Offshore Technology Conference Brasil, 2023, Rio de Janeiro. Day 2 Wed, October 25, 2023. doi:
21. Marins, D.B., Lavor, B.V.A., Sesini, P.A., Ayala, H.V.H., and Braga, A.M.B., “Evaluation of the nominal thickness of pipelines using neural networks through the dispersion curves drawn with the SAFE method,” In: Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2023, Salvador. Anais do XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, 2023. doi: