Scientific Initiation and Technological Initiation and Innovation at DEM
The objective of Scientific Initiation and Technological Initiation and Innovation is to provide undergraduate students with their first contact with the research and development environment. The student will have the opportunity to interact with professors, researchers, and technicians working in the field, actively participating in teamwork.Context
Students interested in participating in a Scientific or Technological Initiation project should seek advisors who develop work in their areas of interest. Examples of recent work can be found by consulting the pages of scientific initiation seminars []. It is possible to apply for grants from funding agencies (CNPq and Faperj), which are requested by the academic advisor. Applications for CNPq scholarships (PIBIC/PIBITI) occur once a year or on a pre-established calendar in the case of Faperj. To find out more about the scholarships, see the PUC-Rio website Undergraduate students can also participate in a project without receiving a scholarship. Initiation may be valid as a complementary activity in all cases mentioned, as stated in the regulations. criteria
With regard to the award of institutional quota scholarships (PIBIC or PIBITI), students must meet the following minimum requirements: (a) have an accumulated CR greater than or equal to 7.0; (b) have a CR in the period preceding the grant greater than 6.0; (c) obtain 100% approval in the period preceding the concession; (d) do not plan to start an international exchange during the scholarship period; (e) not expected to graduate during the scholarship period, except in the case of renewal. The scholarships will preferably be awarded to professors accredited to work in the DEM graduate course