
Master’s Program Requirements

To complete the Master’s degree, a minimum of 24 credits must be taken in courses from the Postgraduate Program, distributed as follows:

  • minimum of 15 credits in  the concentration area, consisting of 06 credits  from the courses in your concentration area (except in the Area of Petroleum and Energy, described below) and 09 credits in elective courses from the CTC;

  • 03 credits in Mathematics,  which can be selected from: MEC 2110 – Mathematical Methods in Mechanical Engineering I, 3  credits, MEC 2111 – Mathematical Methods in Mechanical Engineering II, 3 credits;  Coursers from the Department of Mathematics or other  courses with mathematical content  approved by the  graduate committee as   part of the Mathematics area;

  • maximum of 06 credits in Guided Study:  Enrollment in these courses requires authorization from the Graduate Committee;
  • maximum of 02 credits in Teaching Internship in Undergraduate  courses (MEC 3201, Teaching Internship I and MEC 3211 – Teaching Internship II);
  • the remaining credits should be taken in related areas.

 Any student who has received a  scholarship (with remuneration)  during any month of their course  must take the  course MEC 3201 –   Teaching Internship I, which is worth 01 credit.

All students must enroll in the Master’s Seminar course, which is worth zero credits.

All students must inform the Postgraduate Coordinator of  their advisor’s name and the  chosen master’s thesis topic by the end of their fisrt semester. This decision should be made in agreement with the advisor.   At this time, students will also pre-register for the course MEC 3003 – Proposal for a Master’s Thesis, which is worth zero credit. The evaluation  for this  course will consist of  an oral presentation of the proposal to the master’s thesis evaluation committee,  composed of two professors from different  fields, appointed by the coordinator.

Students must demonstrate proficiency in at least one foreign language (English – LET 3101, German – LET 3100, or French – LET 3102), at a sufficient level for reading, through a proficiency exam.


Enroll the course Scientific Production  (MEC3030). To pass the course, the student must  submit a complete article, written by them  in English. This article, related to their dissertation topic,  should be submmitted to or accepted by a high-ranked journal or international conference. The article must also be attached to the dissertation.  The student and their advisor must appear as authors of the articles. The thesis defense can only be scheduled if this course is “completed”. For thesis work resulting in patentable assets, journal articles may be substituted with a descriptive invention report submitted to the university administration, according to the Rector’s Order No. 30/99.

 Students must present, defend, and  pass a Master’s Thesis (MEC 3000) within 24 months, according to PUC-Rio regulations.

NOTE:  For scholarship hoders, the  continuation of scholarships depends on academic performance.  

Groups of  Required Courses corresponding to each area.
Area of  Concentration: Applied Mechanics
Students must select two courses (06 credits) from different subgroups among the four subgroups below:
MEC 2101 – Classical Mechanics or MEC 2364 – Dynamics

MEC 2240 – Theory of Elasticity or MEC 2120 – Finite Elements in Mechanical Engineering

MEC 2358 – Control of Mechanical Systems or MEC 2401 – Introduction to Robotics

MEC 2367 – Structural Integrity or MEC 2233 – Advanced Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Area of  Concentration: Thermosciences

Students must select two courses (06 credits) from different subgroups among the four subgroups below:

MEC 2303 – Thermodynamics

MEC 2320 – Transport Phenomena

MEC 2344 – Fluid Mechanics I or MEC 2345 – Fluid Mechanics II

MEC 2325 – Heat Transmission (Conduction) or MEC 2347 – Heat Transfer I or MEC 2348 – Heat Transfer II 

Area of Concentration: Oil and Energy
Students   must select two  courses (06 credits) from  either Thermosciences or Applied Mechanics   groups ( both courses must be from the same  area).
Accredited  Professors in the Graduate Program