Development of mathematical models for one-, two- and three-dimensional analysis of structures using numerical methods, including the finite element method. Development of techniques and procedures in mechanical design, focusing on theoretical, numerical, and experimental analysis of stresses, fatigue, creep, fracture mechanics, mechanical behavior of materials, destructive and non-destructive tests, structural analysis, and failure history. Structural integrity monitoring.
Associated Laboratories
Research line: Dynamic systems and control
Modeling the dynamic behavior of mechanical and mechatronic systems including rigid or deformable elements. Hard and rigid-elastic body systems, including the effects of friction, hysteresis and impacts. Analysis of stochastic processes. Control of mechatronic systems, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, including mobile and robotic manipulators. Development of actuation systems for sensing and mechanical quantities.
Associated Laboratories
Associated Courses
- MEC2101 – Classical Mechanics
- MEC2120 - Finite Elements in Mechanical Engineering
- MEC2124 – Continuum Thermomechanics I
- MEC2222 – Vibration analysis
- MEC2231 – Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue
- MEC2233 - Advanced Mechanical Behavior of Materials
- MEC2234 - Plate and Shell Theory
- MEC2240 - Theory of Elasticity
- MEC2245 - Experimental Stress Analysis
- MEC2358 - Mechanical Systems Control
- MEC2359 - Vehicle Dynamics
- MEC2360 - Automation and Robotics Elements
- MEC2362 - Solid Modeling
- MEC2363 - Dynamic Systems
- MEC2364 - Dynamics
- MEC2365 - Nonlinear Finite Elements
- MEC2367 - Structural Integrity
- MEC2368 - Introduction to Acoustics
- MEC2369 - Propagation of Elastic Waves in Solids
- MEC2374 - Mechanical Pipeline Design
- MEC2401 - Introduction to Robotics
- MEC2402 - Control of Robotic Systems
- MEC2961 - Fiber Optic Sensors
Research and development projects in this area can be accessed on the professors' web pages.
32. ZIDANI, H., PAGNACCO, E., SAMPAIO, R., ELLALA, R., SOUZA DE CURSI, J. E., Multi-objective optimization by a new hybridized method: applications to random mechanical systems, Engineering Optimization (Print), v. 45 (8), 2013.
33. BELLIZZI, S.; SAMPAIO, R . Analysis of stationary random vibrating systems using smooth decomposition. Shock and Vibration, v. 20, p. 493-502, 2013.
34. PIOVAN, M. T.; RAMIREZ, J. ; SAMPAIO, R. . Dynamics of thin-walled composite beams: Analysis of parametric uncertainties. Composite Structures, v. 105, p. 14-28, 2013.
35. RITTO, T. G.; SAMPAIO, R.. Measuring the efficiency of vertical drill-strings: a vibration perspective. Mechanics Research Communications, v. 52, p. 32-39, 2013.
36. LOPEZ, R. H.; RITTO, T.G.; SAMPAIO, R.; CURSI, E. Optimization of a stochastic dynamical system. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), 2013. (ACEITO)
37. LOPEZ, R. H.; RITTO, T. G.; SAMPAIO, R.; CURSI, E.. A new algorithm for the robust optimization of rotor bearing systems. Engineering Optimization (Print), 2013. (ACEITO)
38. BUEZAS, F. S. ; ROSALES, M. B. ; SAMPAIO, R.. Propagation of uncertainties and multimodality on the impact problem of two elastic bodies. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2013.(ACEITO)
39. CATALDO, E. ; SOIZE, C ; SAMPAIO, R.. Uncertainty quantification of voice signal production mechanical model and experimental updating. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2013. (ACEITO)
40. AGUIAR,L.L.; ALMEIDA, C. A.; PAULINO, G.H. A Three-Dimensional Multilayered Nonlinear Pipe Beam Element. Computers and Structures, 2013. (ACEITO).
41. BEGHINI L., PEREIRA, A., ESPINHA, R., MENEZES, I.F.M., CELES, W., PAULINO, G.H., An Object-Oriented Framework for Finite Element Analysis based on a Compact Topological Data Structure, Advances in Engineering Software, 2013. (SUBMETIDO).
42. SOUSA, R. A. ; CASTRO, J. T. P. ; LOPES, A. A. O. ; MARTHA, L. F. . On improved crack tip plastic zone estimates based on T-stress and on complete stress fields. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, v. 36(1), p. 25-38, doi:10.1111/j.1460-2695.2012.01684.x, 2013.
43. CASTRO, J.T.P. ; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. . Is notch sensitivity a stress analysis problem?. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 25, p. 79-86, 2013. 44. CASTRO, J.T.P.; LEITE, J.C.C. Does notch sensibility exist in environmentally assisted cracking (EAC)?”, Journal of Materials Research and Technology v.2, p.288-295, doi:10.1016/j.jmrt. 2013.02.010, 2013 (invited review paper).
45. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, J. T. P.. Prediction of non-proportionality factors and equivalent ranges of multiaxial histories using the Moment Of Inertia method. International Journal of Fatigue, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
46. MEGGIOLARO, M.A. ; CASTRO, J.T.P. The Moment of Inertia Method to Calculate Equivalent Ranges in Non-Proportional Multiaxial Histories. Journal of Materials Research, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
47. GÓES, R.C.O.; CASTRO, J.T.P.; MARTHA, L.F. “3D effects around notch and crack tips”, International Journal of Fatigue (ACEITO) 2013.
48. CASTRO, J.T.P.; LANDIM, R.V.; LEITE, J.C.C.; MEGGIOLARO, M.A. “Prediction of Notch Sensitivity Effects in Fatigue and EAC”, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
49. I SHIH-LIU; SAMPAIO, R.S., “Remarks on material frame-indifference controversy”, Acta Mechanica, 2013. DOI 10.1007/s00707-013-0973-4.
50. SACRAMENTO, V.F.D.; SAMPAIO, R.; RITTO, T.G. “Fatigue Damage Induced by Ocean Waves", Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2013. DOI 10.1007/s40430-013-0077-z.
51. CATALDO, E.; BELLIZZI, S.; SAMPAIO, R. "Free vibrations of an uncertain energy pumping system", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2013.08.022.
With an applied focus and aiming to anticipate the future industry needs, this multidisciplinary research line addresses relevant issues in the pipeline transportation segment of the oil and natural gas production and distribution chain. The main topics include structural integrity, risk analysis, risk-based inspection, structural analysis of subsea pipelines, sensing and instrumentation, instrumented pigs, thermo-hydraulic flow simulation, and flow assurance.
This research line focused on issues relevant to the Exploration and Production (E&P) segment of the oil and natural gas chain. Research work includes reservoir engineering, drilling, well engineering , and production engineering. Research topics in this line include fiber optic sensing for permanent downhole monitoring, intelligent completion, smart fields, rheology of unconventional fluids in the E&P segment, multiphase flow, fluid flow in drilling processes, flow in porous media, emulsion flow, and reservoir modeling.
Laboratório de Robótica e de Controle e Automação
Laboratório de Caracterização de Fluidos
Laboratório de Caracterização Reológica
Laboratório de Combustão e Turbulência
Laboratório de Computação de Fenômenos de Transporte
Laboratório de Engenharia de Fluidos
Laboratório de Engenharia Veicular da PUC-Rio
Laboratório de Mecânica de Fluidos não Newtonianos
Laboratório de Micro Hidrodinâmica e Meios Porosos
Laboratório de Dinâmica e Vibrações
Laboratório de Fadiga e Mecânica da Fratura
Laboratório de Fotomecânica
Laboratório de Sensores a Fibra Ótica
MEC2120 - Elementos Finitos na Engenharia Mecânica
MEC2231 – Mecânica da Fratura e Fadiga
MEC2240 - Teoria da Elasticidade
MEC2303 - Termodinâmica
MEC2310 - Métodos Experimentais em Termociências
MEC2320 - Fenômenos de Transporte
MEC2335 - Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional
MEC2341 - Computação Avançada em Fenômenos de Transporte
MEC2343 - Energia Solar
MEC2344 - Mecânica dos Fluidos I
MEC2345 - Mecânica dos Fluidos II
MEC2346 - Escoamento Multifásico
MEC2350 - Elementos Finitos em Fluidos
MEC2352 - Mecânica dos Fluidos Não Newtonianos
MEC2354 - Termoacumulação
MEC2362 - Modelagem de Sólidos
MEC2363 - Sistemas Dinâmicos
MEC2364 - Dinâmica
MEC2365 - Elementos Finitos Não-Lineares
MEC2367 - Integridade Estrutural
MEC2372 - Introdução à Economia do Petróleo
MEC2373 - Escoamento em Dutos
MEC2374 - Projeto Mecânico de Dutos
MEC2376 - Fluidos Não Newtonianos na Indústria do Petróleo
MEC2377 - Escoamento em Meios Porosos
MEC2378 - Análise Termodinâmica de Processos
MEC2379 - Análise de Sistemas de Cogeração
MEC2380 - Completação de Poços de Petróleo
MEC2381 - Perfuração de Poços de Petróleo
MEC2382 - Engenharia de Gás Natural
MEC2383 - Engenharia de Poços
MEC2384 - Engenharia de Reservatórios
MEC2385 - Engenharia de Produção
MEC2386 - Sistemas de Energia
MEC2387 - Sistemas de Produção Offshore
MEC2388 - Fundamentos da Combustão
MEC2389 - Engenharia de Reservatórios Avançada
MEC2390 - Engenharia de Poços Avançada
MEC2391 - Engenharia de Produção Avançada
MEC2961 - Sensores a Fibra Óptica
Research and development projects in this area can be accessed on the professors' web pages.
2. NOGUEIRA, G. L. ; CARVALHO, M. S. ; ALVARADO, V. . Dynamic Network Model of Mobility Control in Emulsion Flow through Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, v. 98, p. 427-441, 2013.
3. NIECKELE, A.O. ; CARNEIRO, J.N.E.; Chucuya, R.C.; AZEVEDO, J. H. P. . Initiation and Statistical Evolution of Horizontal Slug Flow with a Two-Fluid Model. Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol 135(12), paper 121302, 2013. DOI: 10.1115/1.4025223.
4. MACHADO, G. B. ; BARROS, J. E. M. ; BRAGA, S. L. ; BRAGA, C. V. M.; da SILVA, A. H. M. F. T.; de AZEVEDO, E. C. Z.. Influence of Gasoline Components on Engine Efficiency and Emissions. Energy & Fuels (ACS Publications). (Print), 2013. (ACEITO).
5. DÍAZ, M.A.D., CARVALHO, V.C.H.A., AND GOMES M.S.P., “Life cycle analysis of the Brazilian sugarcane ethanol”, Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
6. SIMÕES, E.F., CARNEIRO, J.N.E.; NIECKELE, A.O. Numerical prediction of non-boiling heat transfer in horizontal stratified and slug flow by the Two-Fluid Model. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, (SUBMETIDO).
This research line encompasses experimental and computational simulation activities aimed at studying fundamental and applied problems involving fluid flow. Numerical simulations cover a a wide range of flows using finite volume and finite element techniques, including applications from low Reynolds number flows with free surfaces to turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers and multiphase flows. The development of turbulence models and efficient and robust computational methods is also one of the main focuses of this research line.. Another area of research is the study of the rheological behavior of materials, considering their theoretical, numerical, and experimental aspects and analyzing unconventional materials, such as viscoplastic and viscoelastic fluids. Additionally, experimental and numerical research is conducted in atmospheric pollution, involving the dispersion of particulate (aerosol) and gaseous pollutants. Advanced techniques for fluid flow measurement, such as hot-wire velocimetry, laser-Doppler, and optical techniques using digital image processing of flows, are also developed and applied.
Lab. de Desenvolvimento de Veículo "Fora de Estrada"
Laboratório de Caracterização de Fluidos
Laboratório de Caracterização Reológica
Laboratório de Combustão e Turbulência
Laboratório de Computação de Fenômenos de Transporte
Laboratório de Engenharia de Fluidos
Laboratório de Engenharia Veicular da PUC-Rio
Laboratório de Mecânica de Fluidos não Newtonianos
Laboratório de Micro Hidrodinâmica e Meios Porosos
Laboratório de Refrigeração Condicionamento de Ar Criogenia
MEC2303 - Termodinâmica
MEC2310 - Métodos Experimentais em Termociências
MEC2320 - Fenômenos de Transporte
MEC2322 - Transferência de Calor e Massa
MEC2335 - Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional
MEC2338 - Mecânica de Fluidos Não Newtonianos Avançada
MEC2339 - Simulação Avançada de SIstemas de Refrigeração
MEC2341 - Computação Avançada em Fenômenos de Transporte
MEC2343 - Energia Solar
MEC2344 - Mecânica dos Fluidos I
MEC2345 - Mecânica dos Fluidos II
MEC2346 - Escoamento Multifásico
MEC2347 - Transferência de Calor I
MEC2348 - Transferência de Calor II
MEC2349 - Controle da Poluição Atmosférica
MEC2350 - Elementos Finitos em Fluidos
MEC2351 - Fundamentos da Poluição Atmosférica
MEC2352 - Mecânica dos Fluidos Não Newtonianos
MEC2353 - Simulação de Sistemas de Refrigeração
MEC2354 - Termoacumulação
MEC2355 - Turbulência
MEC2356 - Transferência de Calor com Mudança de Fase
MEC2357 - Motores de Combustão Interna
MEC2373 - Escoamento em Dutos
MEC2376 - Fluidos Não Newtonianos na Indústria do Petróleo
MEC2377 - Escoamento em Meios Porosos
MEC2378 - Análise Termodinâmica de Processos
MEC2382 - Engenharia de Gás Natural
MEC2388 - Fundamentos da Combustão
Research and development projects in this area can be accessed on the professors web pages.
2. MENA, J. B.; UBICES DE MORAES, A. A.; BENITO, ROQUE, Y.; RIBATSKI, G.; PARISE, J. A. R.. Extrapolation of Al2O3-water nanofluid viscosity for temperatures and volume concentrations beyond the range of validity of existing correlations. Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 51, p. 1092-1097, 2013.
3. FONSECA, C.; FREY, S.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; SOUZA MENDES, P. R.. Flow of an elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic fluid past a confined cylinder. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), v. 193, p. 80-88, 2013. doi: 1016/j.jnnfm.2012.08.007. 4. NACCACHE, M.F.; CORREA, J. P. ; SOARES, I. F. ; ABDU, A. . Rheological characterization of polymers fiber composite. Polymer Composites, v. 35, p. 1-10, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/pc.22537.
5. DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; RAJAGOPAL, K. R.; THOMPSON, R. L.. A thermodynamic framework to model thixotropic materials. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, v. 55 p. 48-54, 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2013.04.006 .
6. DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; THOMPSON, R. L.. A unified approach to model elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic yield-stress materials and apparent yield-stress fluids. Rheologica Acta, v. 52(7), p. 673-694, 2013. doi: 10.1007/s00397-013-0699-1. 7. ABRANTES, J. K.; STANISLAS, M.; COUDERT, S.; AZEVEDO, L. F. A.. Digital microscopic holography for micrometer particles in air. Applied Optics, v. 52, p. A397-A409, 2013. DOI:/10.1364/AO.52.00A397.
8. EGUSQUIZA GONI, J.C. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. . Turbulent non-premixed ethanol-air flame experimental study using laser diagnostics. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), v. 1, p. 1806-3691, 2013.
9. MAZA, D. ; KUMAR, S. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . Spreading and merging of liquid streams flowing down an inclined plane: Modeling and experiments. Chemical Engineering Science, v. 95, p. 221-231, 2013.
10. SASAKI, M. ; SUSZYNSKI, W. J. ; CARVALHO, M. S. ; FRANCIS, L. F. . Process limits in two-layer reverse roll transfer. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research , v. 10, p. 485-492, 2013.
11. PEREIRA, R. H. ; BANDARRA FILHO, E. P. B.; BRAGA, S. L.; PARISE, J. A. R.. Nucleate Boiling in Large Arrays of Impinging Water Sprays. Heat Transfer Engineering, v. 34, p. 479-491, 2013.
12. ROCA, J.F. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . Flow of a drop through a constricted micro capillary. Computers & Fluids, 2013. DOI 10.1016/j.compfluid.2012.11.020
13. TIECHER, R. F. P. ; PARISE, J. A. R. A comparative parametric study on single-phase Al2O3-water nanofluid exchanging heat with a phase-changing fluid. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013. (ACEITO)
14. HERMANY, L.; SANTOS, D.D.; FREY, S.; NACCACHE, M.F. ; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R. . Flow of yield-stress liquids through an axisymmetric abrupt expansion-contraction. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (Print), 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnnfm.2013.07.002.
15. SANTOS, D. D.; FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; SOUZA MENDES, P. R.. Multi-field stabilized finite element approximations for Oldroyd-B fluid flows. Engenharia Térmica, v. 12 (1), p. 61-66, 2013.
16. REZENDE, A.L., SAMPAIO, L.E.B., NIECKELE, A.O.; The challenging case of the turbulent flow around a thin plate wind deflector, and its numerical prediction by RANS models. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
17. TALISCHI, C., PEREIRA, A., PAULINO, G.H., MENEZES, I.F.M., CARVALHO, M.S., Polygonal Finite Elements for Incompressible Fluid Flow, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/fld.3843
18. PEREIRA, A., TALISCHI, C., PAULINO, G.H., MENEZES, I.F.M., CARVALHO, M.S., Implementation of Fluid Flow Topology Optimization in PolyTop, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
19. PARISE, J. A. R., TIECHER, R. F. P. , A Simulation Model for the Application of Nanofluids as Condenser Coolants in Vapor Compression Heat Pumps, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
20. TIECHER, R. F. P. ; MENA, J. B. ; ESTEVES, A. S.; PARISE, J. A. R., Thermodynamic study of the simultaneous production of electrical and refrigeration power from regasification of liquefied natural gas, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
21. SOTOMAYOR, P.O., PARISE, J. A. R., Modelling of a cascade vapour compression cycle employing brazed plate heat exchangers, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
22. CUNHA JR., A.B. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. Assessment of a Transient Homogeneous Reactor through In Situ Adaptive Tabulation. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s40430-013-0080-4. 23. CAETANO, N.R. ; FIGUEIRA DA SILVA, L.F. A Comparative Experimental Study of Turbulent Non Premixed Flames Stabilized by a Bluff-Body Burner, Combustion Science and Technology, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
24. LAGE, M., CRISSAFF, L, LOPES, H, CARVALHO, M.S., Finite Element/Fictitious Domain Programming for Flows with Particles Made Simple, Advances in Engineering Software (SUBMETIDO).
25. VANDRE, E.; CARVALHO, M.S.; KUMAR, S. “On the mechanism of wetting failure during fluid displacement along a moving substrate”. Physics of Fluids . DOI:
26. MENDES, A., ISNARD, A.A., AND GOMES, M.S.P., “Calibration of particle spectrometers: developing a methodological proposition”, Metrologia, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
27. MARTINS, R. R. ; FURTADO, G. M. ; SANTOS, D.D.; FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; SOUZA MENDES, P. R. . Elastic and viscous elastic effects on flow pattern of elasto-viscoplastic fluids in a cavity. Mechanics Research Communications, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2013.07.012.
28. SANTOS, D. D. ; FREY, S. L.; NACCACHE, M. F. ; DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.. Flow of elasto-viscoplastic liquids through a planar expansion-contraction. Rheologica Acta (Print), 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s00397-013-0736-0.
29. DE SOUZA MENDES, P. R.; THOMPSON, R. L.; ALICKE, A. A.; LEITE, R. T.. The linear large-amplitude viscoelastic regime and its significance in the rheological characterization of soft matter with LAOS. Journal of Rheology, 2013. (SUBMETIDO). 30. CAMPANA, D.; CARVALHO, M. S. Liquid transfer from cavities to rotating rolls. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2013 (SUBMETIDO).