Development of mathematical models for one-, two- and three-dimensional analysis of structures using numerical methods, including the finite element method. Development of techniques and procedures in mechanical design, focusing on theoretical, numerical, and experimental analysis of stresses, fatigue, creep, fracture mechanics, mechanical behavior of materials, destructive and non-destructive tests, structural analysis, and failure history. Structural integrity monitoring.
Associated Laboratories
Research line: Dynamic systems and control
Modeling the dynamic behavior of mechanical and mechatronic systems including rigid or deformable elements. Hard and rigid-elastic body systems, including the effects of friction, hysteresis and impacts. Analysis of stochastic processes. Control of mechatronic systems, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, including mobile and robotic manipulators. Development of actuation systems for sensing and mechanical quantities.
Associated Laboratories
Associated Courses
- MEC2101 – Classical Mechanics
- MEC2120 – Finite Elements in Mechanical Engineering
- MEC2124 – Continuum Thermomechanics I
- MEC2222 – Vibration analysis
- MEC2231 – Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue
- MEC2233 – Advanced Mechanical Behavior of Materials
- MEC2234 – Plate and Shell Theory
- MEC2240 – Theory of Elasticity
- MEC2245 – Experimental Stress Analysis
- MEC2358 – Mechanical Systems Control
- MEC2359 – Vehicle Dynamics
- MEC2360 – Automation and Robotics Elements
- MEC2362 – Solid Modeling
- MEC2363 – Dynamic Systems
- MEC2364 – Dynamics
- MEC2365 – Nonlinear Finite Elements
- MEC2367 – Structural Integrity
- MEC2368 – Introduction to Acoustics
- MEC2369 – Propagation of Elastic Waves in Solids
- MEC2374 – Mechanical Pipeline Design
- MEC2401 – Introduction to Robotics
- MEC2402 – Control of Robotic Systems
- MEC2961 – Fiber Optic Sensors
Research and development projects in this area can be accessed on the professors’ web pages.
32. ZIDANI, H., PAGNACCO, E., SAMPAIO, R., ELLALA, R., SOUZA DE CURSI, J. E., Multi-objective optimization by a new hybridized method: applications to random mechanical systems, Engineering Optimization (Print), v. 45 (8), 2013.
33. BELLIZZI, S.; SAMPAIO, R . Analysis of stationary random vibrating systems using smooth decomposition. Shock and Vibration, v. 20, p. 493-502, 2013.
34. PIOVAN, M. T.; RAMIREZ, J. ; SAMPAIO, R. . Dynamics of thin-walled composite beams: Analysis of parametric uncertainties. Composite Structures, v. 105, p. 14-28, 2013.
35. RITTO, T. G.; SAMPAIO, R.. Measuring the efficiency of vertical drill-strings: a vibration perspective. Mechanics Research Communications, v. 52, p. 32-39, 2013.
36. LOPEZ, R. H.; RITTO, T.G.; SAMPAIO, R.; CURSI, E. Optimization of a stochastic dynamical system. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Impresso), 2013. (ACEITO)
37. LOPEZ, R. H.; RITTO, T. G.; SAMPAIO, R.; CURSI, E.. A new algorithm for the robust optimization of rotor bearing systems. Engineering Optimization (Print), 2013. (ACEITO)
38. BUEZAS, F. S. ; ROSALES, M. B. ; SAMPAIO, R.. Propagation of uncertainties and multimodality on the impact problem of two elastic bodies. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2013.(ACEITO)
39. CATALDO, E. ; SOIZE, C ; SAMPAIO, R.. Uncertainty quantification of voice signal production mechanical model and experimental updating. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2013. (ACEITO)
40. AGUIAR,L.L.; ALMEIDA, C. A.; PAULINO, G.H. A Three-Dimensional Multilayered Nonlinear Pipe Beam Element. Computers and Structures, 2013. (ACEITO).
41. BEGHINI L., PEREIRA, A., ESPINHA, R., MENEZES, I.F.M., CELES, W., PAULINO, G.H., An Object-Oriented Framework for Finite Element Analysis based on a Compact Topological Data Structure, Advances in Engineering Software, 2013. (SUBMETIDO).
42. SOUSA, R. A. ; CASTRO, J. T. P. ; LOPES, A. A. O. ; MARTHA, L. F. . On improved crack tip plastic zone estimates based on T-stress and on complete stress fields. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, v. 36(1), p. 25-38, doi:10.1111/j.1460-2695.2012.01684.x, 2013.
43. CASTRO, J.T.P. ; MEGGIOLARO, M. A. . Is notch sensitivity a stress analysis problem?. Frattura e Integrita Strutturale, v. 25, p. 79-86, 2013. 44. CASTRO, J.T.P.; LEITE, J.C.C. Does notch sensibility exist in environmentally assisted cracking (EAC)?”, Journal of Materials Research and Technology v.2, p.288-295, doi:10.1016/j.jmrt. 2013.02.010, 2013 (invited review paper).
45. MEGGIOLARO, M.A.; CASTRO, J. T. P.. Prediction of non-proportionality factors and equivalent ranges of multiaxial histories using the Moment Of Inertia method. International Journal of Fatigue, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
46. MEGGIOLARO, M.A. ; CASTRO, J.T.P. The Moment of Inertia Method to Calculate Equivalent Ranges in Non-Proportional Multiaxial Histories. Journal of Materials Research, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
47. GÓES, R.C.O.; CASTRO, J.T.P.; MARTHA, L.F. “3D effects around notch and crack tips”, International Journal of Fatigue (ACEITO) 2013.
48. CASTRO, J.T.P.; LANDIM, R.V.; LEITE, J.C.C.; MEGGIOLARO, M.A. “Prediction of Notch Sensitivity Effects in Fatigue and EAC”, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 2013 (SUBMETIDO).
49. I SHIH-LIU; SAMPAIO, R.S., “Remarks on material frame-indifference controversy”, Acta Mechanica, 2013. DOI 10.1007/s00707-013-0973-4.
50. SACRAMENTO, V.F.D.; SAMPAIO, R.; RITTO, T.G. “Fatigue Damage Induced by Ocean Waves”, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2013. DOI 10.1007/s40430-013-0077-z.
51. CATALDO, E.; BELLIZZI, S.; SAMPAIO, R. “Free vibrations of an uncertain energy pumping system”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2013.08.022.