Applied Mechanics

Research Line: Solid Mechanics

Development of mathematical models for one-, two-, and three-dimensional analysis of structures using numerical methods, including the finite element method. Development of techniques and procedures in mechanical design, focusing on theoretical, numerical, and experimental analysis of stresses, fatigue, creep, fracture mechanics, mechanical behavior of materials, destructive and non-destructive tests, structural analysis, and failure history. Structural integrity monitoring.


Associated Laboratories
Research Line: Dynamic Systems and Control

Modeling the dynamic behavior of mechanical and mechatronic systems including rigid or deformable elements. Hard and rigid-elastic body systems, including the effects of friction, hysteresis, and impacts. Analysis of stochastic processes. Control of mechatronic systems, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, including mobile and robotic manipulators. Development of actuation systems and sensing for mechanical quantities.


Associated Laboratories
Associated Courses
MEC2101 – Classical Mechanics
MEC2120 – Finite Element in Mechanical Engineering
MEC2124 – Continuum Thermomechanics I
MEC2222 – Vibration Analysis
MEC2231 – Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue
MEC2233 – Advanced Mechanical Behavior of Materials
MEC2234 – Plate and Shell Theory
MEC2240 – Theory of Elasticity
MEC2245 – Experimental Stress Analysis
MEC2358 – Mechanical Systems Control
MEC2359 – Vehicle Dynamics
MEC2360 – Automation and Robotics Elements
MEC2362 – Solid Modeling
MEC2363 – Dynamic Systems
MEC2364 – Dynamics
MEC2365 – Nonlinear Finite Elements
MEC2367 – Structural Integrity
MEC2368 – Introduction to Acoustics
MEC2369 – Propagation of Elastic Waves in Solids
MEC2374 – Mechanical Pipeline Design
MEC2401 – Introduction to Robotics
MEC2402 – Control of Robotics Systems
MEC2961 – Fiber Optic Sensors
Research and development projects in this area can be accessed on the professors’ web pages.